Lies That Your Doctor Told You About The Thyroid (Debunked)

Lies That Your Doctor Told You About The Thyroid (Debunked)

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One of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a thyroid patient is to trust the advice that your doctor gives you. 

I know you are probably getting ready to write a comment below (which you should!) about why this is terrible advice and why your doctor knows best. 

But hold on to that thought for just a minute. 

I’m not saying that your doctor is clueless but I am saying that there are nuances to thyroid management that are largely ignored by thyroid doctors. 

This leads to thyroid patients who continue to suffer from thyroid related symptoms despite listening to their doctor and taking their advice. 

If you’ve been in the thyroid game for more than 5 years you know exactly what I am talking about. 

If you are someone who was recently diagnosed with thyroid disease then this might sound crazy and off the wall. 

Just allow me some time to set the record straight. 

Today I am going to discuss lies that your doctor has probably told you about the thyroid which are completely false. 

Again, it’s not that your doctor is trying to intentionally lead you astray or to be malicious but it is the case that doctors tend to act like they know more than they do, especially when it comes to thyroid management. 

I’ve had the opportunity to listen to thousands of thyroid patients over the years so I have heard and listened to the “advice” that doctors have given. 

Some advice is okay while other advice is completely false and should be ignored. 

Why should you care about whether or not your doctor is right?

Well, you should care a lot because it impacts how you feel. 

If you take the wrong advice or listen to a doctor that doesn’t know what they are talking about then you may spend the next 5 years suffering needlessly from symptoms such as weight gain or fatigue that could otherwise have been eliminated. 

What is more concerning is just how prevalent this bad advice is. 

I’m not talking about a couple of bad eggs here. I’m talking about MOST doctors, especially endocrinologists and family practice doctors. 

If you want to hear the most common lies and why they are completely false then keep reading…


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


Commons Lies Perpetuated by “Expert” Doctors

Before we jump in please know that this isn’t an exhaustive list of lies that I’ve heard perpetuated by doctors. 

This just happens to be a list of some of the more common lies that I’ve heard. 

Chances are high that you’ve heard others that aren’t included on this list and if you have then I want to hear them!

Please take a second when you are done reading through this list to share lies that you’ve been told. 

And if you aren’t sure if something your doctor has said is true or not, feel free to leave that comment below as well. 

I will take those questions and make another blog post because we are going to need multiple parts and blog posts for this topic. 

Without further ado, let’s jump in: 

#1. Biotin is harmful to your thyroid and should be avoided. 

The first lie that I want to talk about has to do with biotin and thyroid function. 

This has been popping up a lot lately probably because there have been some recent studies (1) on the topic. 

This lie goes something like this:

“Biotin is harmful to your thyroid and should, therefore, be avoided. If you are taking a supplement with biotin then you need to stop immediately because it can cause problems.”

There’s only one problem with this statement…

It’s completely false. 

But it is rooted in some partial truth which is why I think it’s somewhat believable. 

So let’s talk about biotin and your thyroid. 

Is it true that biotin is harmful to your thyroid? Not at all. 

Is it true that biotin can cause issues with thyroid lab tests? Yes, that is true (2) but it’s not nearly as impactful as you might think. 

Biotin interferes with the thyroid lab testing assay but has absolutely zero to do in impacting thyroid function. 

So while it may make your thyroid lab tests inaccurate, the changes that it causes on your lab tests are not real changes in thyroid function but a fabrication due to lab interference. 

There’s a big difference. 

And guess what? There’s a simple solution. 

Just stop taking biotin 2 days before you get your thyroid labs tested!

That will solve the problem 100%. 

Unfortunately, some doctors use this lie as a way to try and recommend that thyroid patients avoid supplements with biotin because they seriously dislike supplements. 

If you understand this lie then you will know that biotin is not only helpful for hair regrowth (and other issues) but that it also doesn’t impact thyroid function. 

#2. The dose of natural desiccated thyroid fluctuates and is not consistent. 

This is another lie used by doctors as a way to recommend against the use of thyroid medications in the Natural Desiccated Thyroid family. 

Natural Desiccated Thyroid medications come from animals and include medications such as Armour Thyroid, Nature-Throid, WP Thyroid, NP Thyroid, and more. 

These medications contain a combination of both T4 and T3 thyroid hormones and are often sought after by thyroid patients who have done some research on their own. 

And doctors absolutely hate these medications for what appear to be illogical reasons. 

I know because when I was in training I was told to never prescribe them. 

And when I asked why not I was told “because they come from pigs”. 

That was the only reason given to me. 

It’s illogical to assume that something that comes from animals is somehow inferior to medications that are man made but here we are. 

Don’t bother trying to understand their logic because it won’t get you far. 

Instead, let’s talk about debunking why this statement is NOT true. 

The lie here is that Natural Desiccated Thyroid medications (NDT for short) are inconsistent in their dosing. 

Your doctor will say that the amount of thyroid hormone found in each lot of NDT varies between lots and will cause fluctuations in thyroid hormone and make management of your thyroid too difficult. 

They will also sometimes claim that this will cause problems for you and that the medication isn’t safe.

There’s one big problem:

This isn’t true. 

Having said that, this lie does have some validity which we will talk about now. 

It is true that the therapeutic dose of forms of Natural Desiccated Thyroid can differ MORE than therapeutic doses of levothyroxine and Synthroid but that difference is only 5%. 

It works like this:

All prescription medications have what is called a therapeutic index (3). 

This therapeutic index is a range that the medication can fall within and still be considered “therapeutic”.

You may think that if your medication says that it contains 100mcg then it contains 100mcg, right?

Well, you’d be wrong. 

When you are manufacturing millions and millions of tablets and capsules using machines and ingredients from all around the world, there are bound to be variations in dosing from lot to lot. 

The FDA accounts for this and allows minor variations in dosing of various lots of medications to still consider them “therapeutic” and viable. 

shop thyroid support supplements that can help you get back to feeling 100% again

The range for levothyroxine and Synthroid is 5% on the high end and 5% on the low end. 

So if your dose of levothyroxine can fall within 95% and 105% of the stated dose and still be considered “therapeutic”. 

Using our example of 100mcg, some doses of 100mcg of levothyroxine may actually contain 96mcg and others may contain 104mcg. 

You have no idea what your dose actually is as a thyroid patient but you can feel comfortable knowing that it falls within that range. 

How does this compare to natural desiccated thyroid medications? 

Well, the range that these medications can fall within to still be considered “therapeutic” is slightly larger. 

That range is 10% on the high end and 10% on the low end. 

In other words, your dose of NDT can be 91% of the stated dose or 109% of the stated dose and still be considered “therapeutic”. 

So while it is true that there is variation between synthetic thyroid medications and natural desiccated thyroid medications, the variation is not small and usually doesn’t make a huge difference. 

Furthermore, even if the variation DID cause a problem it could be solved by simply compounding the T4 and T3 thyroid medication or adding a synthetic version of T3 such as liothyronine

#3. Taking your thyroid out is an easy solution for fixing thyroid problems. 

If there is one lie that should stand out to you it should be this one. 

This one should come with a huge flashing warning sign and some sirens. 

Because this is a blog post, that’s impossible, but at least I can write about it!

Why is this so important?

Because removing your thyroid will have profound consequences that will last for the remainder of your life

And thyroid removal is often sold as something that is a quick and simple solution for an otherwise overwhelming and terrible problem. 

Before we go on, you should know that sometimes thyroid removal is unavoidable. 

For instance, in the case of thyroid cancer or other life-threatening conditions, removing your thyroid may be necessary and life-saving. 

I’m not talking about people who fit into this category. 

Instead, I’m talking about people who are struggling with relatively minor or moderate issues that don’t necessarily require thyroid removal but in which it may be recommended. 

Situations such as thyroid nodules or hyperthyroidism fit into this category. 

And if you are someone in this situation then my recommendation is to do whatever you can to avoid getting your thyroid taken out!

Your doctor will tell you that removing your thyroid is easy because you can just take thyroid medication for the rest of your life. 

What they don’t tell you is that this medication will never do as good a job as your own thyroid gland and that many thyroidectomy patients suffer from symptoms such as weight gain (4), fatigue (5), hair loss, and other symptoms afterward. 

Removing your thyroid gland does make managing thyroid function easier from the doctor’s perspective but it’s definitely not easier from the patient’s perspective. 

If you are someone who has had their thyroid removed and experienced these issues please leave a comment below!

This will help those people who are on the fence about getting their thyroid removed. 

#4. Supplements do not help your thyroid and can even hurt you. 

This is another lie that I hear all of the time. 

I mentioned previously that doctors hate certain things and supplements are one of those!

Because I produce and manufacture thyroid supplements and have for the last 5 years, I have heard from thyroid patients what their doctors say when they mention they are using my supplements. 

It’s not uncommon for us to receive emails from people telling me that their doctor told them that they couldn’t use thyroid supplements because, in the opinion of their doctor, they aren’t safe or may cause issues. 

While I’m sure the doctors are well-meaning, and probably believe that, it’s simply not true. 

In fact, it’s often the case that the use of thyroid supplements helps so much that thyroid patients are able to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone that they are taking. 

This by itself should be considered a huge win for thyroid patients but doctors often use this as a reason to avoid them!

The logic is that taking a supplement that causes you to change your dose of thyroid medication is somehow a problem. 

But it really shouldn’t be viewed in this way. 

Why is it a problem that your thyroid is working better than it did before using the supplement?

If the supplement helps your own thyroid do its job and allows you to naturally produce more thyroid hormone then that is a GOOD thing and should be considered a success

But, like much of what we’ve discussed here, there is some partial truth to this lie. 

It has been the case in the past that some unscrupulous manufactures of thyroid supplements use active thyroid hormone in their supplements. 

This is quite rare but it does happen from time to time and this IS an issue. 

Fortunately, reputable manufacturers of thyroid supplements do not have this issue so it can almost entirely be avoided as long as you purchase from quality brands. 

When in question, avoid supplements that are produced or manufactured overseas where the rules from the FDA don’t apply. 

If you are someone who uses my supplements then you don’t need to worry about this at all because each lot undergoes third party testing to verify ingredient quality and content. 

If you don’t want to use my supplements then just make sure you find someone who does the same. 

#5. Free T3 and Free T4 lab tests are not important and don’t need to be tested. 

This lie has to do with thyroid lab tests. 

The lie goes something like this:

“TSH is the best and only test necessary for assessing thyroid function and other tests such as free T3 and free T4 aren’t necessary”. 

But like everything else on this list, this is also a lie. 

While it is true that the TSH does have some value in evaluating thyroid function, it’s far from the single best test out there, and often times thyroid patients need additional tests to see the full picture. 

To solidify this, let’s look at a couple of other examples:

Consider the case of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. 

These are all other hormones produced by the body, they are all very important and are very similar to thyroid hormones in how the body regulates them (through the brain/pituitary connection). 

When your doctor wants to evaluate these hormones he/she will directly order the corresponding hormone level in your blood to see its level. 

For instance:

If your doctor wants to check your estrogen level you better believe that he/she is going to order a free estradiol level (the most powerful estrogen). 

If your doctor wants to check your testosterone level you better believe that he/she is going to order a free and total testosterone level. 

If your doctor wants to check your progesterone or cortisol level you better believe that they are going to order a progesterone or serum cortisol level. 

Why then is it the case that your doctor does NOT order free thyroid hormone levels?

Thyroid hormone is the only hormone system in the body that doctors completely neglect free thyroid hormone levels and the only reason given is that “it’s not necessary”. 

I’m sorry, but “it’s not necessary” is not a scientific or logical argument. 

It is a logical argument to suggest that free t3 and free t4 levels should be ordered BECAUSE they represent the actual value of thyroid hormone in the serum. 

These lab tests represent the amount of free thyroid hormone floating around in your bloodstream which is both free and active and available for use by the body. 

Why you would ignore such critical information is illogical and potentially harmful to thyroid patients. 

If your doctor is unable to give you a reason why you shouldn’t order free t3/free t4 levels then it’s probably time to seek out a second opinion because that doctor is not practicing critical thinking. 

#6. Once you start taking thyroid medication you must take it for life. 

The use of thyroid medication is another topic clouded in confusion by thyroid patients. 

Many doctors will tell thyroid patients that once they start taking thyroid medication they will be required to use it for the rest of their life. 

This obviously scares a lot of thyroid patients and has been the source of much anxiety for certain people. 

But is it true?

Not exactly. 

It is true in certain instances but not in all cases. 

For instance, if you have had your thyroid removed or ablated or you are in end-stage Hashimoto’s then, yes, it is true. 

But if you have a potentially reversible cause of low thyroid function then there is a chance that you can get off of your thyroid medication at some point in the future.

Thyroid hormone use does not have to be a lifelong thing in every single case but the evaluation of potentially reversible causes of hypothyroidism is not something that most doctors look into. 

Your doctor is more interested in putting you on a thyroid medication and monitoring it every 3-6 months than they are trying to reverse your condition. 

But what’s interesting is that some thyroid patients may be able to either reduce their dose of thyroid medication or get off of their medication entirely if they can treat the underlying cause. 

Wrapping it up

I hope you’ve found this list of thyroid lies both helpful and enlightening!

I wish it was the case that information on the thyroid was more widespread and more accessible but that just isn’t the case right now. 

You would expect doctors to be up to date on thyroid function and management but that isn’t always the case. In fact, that’s rarely the case. 

From the perspective of your doctor, there’s nothing left to learn about thyroid function because everything can be simplified to TSH testing and levothyroxine management

As a thyroid patient, you know better. 

Do your best to learn more about thyroid function so you can take your health into your own hands. 

Also, please take a minute to write about your experience below! If you’ve had an interaction with a doctor that didn’t sit right with you, tell me about it below. 

I know that there are so many things said to thyroid patients that aren’t true but I need to know what they are in order to debunk them. 

With that in mind, share your thoughts and experiences below! 

Scientific References






has your doctor told you any of these thyroid lies?

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

105 thoughts on “Lies That Your Doctor Told You About The Thyroid (Debunked)”

  1. Into my 47th year living without a thyroid gland (long story–surgically removed). At first I do not remember being neglected re hypothyroidism (functioned normally). There were tests for T3 and T4 (seventies). Then the TSH test came into play and it seemed that point on a change came about. It became a constant battle to get enough thyroid med. To get the TSH to go up my medicine always had to be reduced. This resulted in my living nearly always in a state of dopiness and fatigue to sat nothing of all the other symptoms. Now of course the docs say it’s old age

    • Hi Yvonne,

      Unfortunately, this is common for many thyroid patients and one of the reasons that you can never use the TSH in isolation.

  2. I am having the same issue as the poster above.

    Hashimoto’s + thyroid cancer, NAFLD– I was on the same dose of cytomel and synthroid for 8 years and was stable, no symptoms. I’m an adult endurance athlete.

    New doctor said my TSH was too low and that I was cytotoxic based on my lab values (?– is that correct word?). I had no symptoms of anything.

    He d/c cytomel- at month 5 I can’t train, muscle weakness, I’m freezing, constipation, brain fog, heavy periods, etc.

    My TSH had gone even lower (from .01 to 005) and he is tapering the synthroid lower by 1/3. My t3 and t4 were in high normal range. Now the are medium.

    He says my new symptoms are because of the cytotoxicity (?). This makes no sense. They started after the cytomel got reduced and that is the only chance in a stable environment.

    • Hi Carrie,

      Nope, that doesn’t make sense at all. Cytotoxic implies something is killing your cells which wouldn’t occur with the use of cytomel unless you were in a thyroid storm. Your doctor may be trying to imply that your cytomel dose is damaging your liver but even that’s a stretch because you have a diagnosis of NAFLD. It’s far more likely that he/she just is giving you bad information/advice which is fairly common among conventional doctors.

      I would recommend checking out this article for more info on how to find a better doctor:

  3. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking Levothyroxin for almost 30 years. For the first 20 it was the same dose all the time and rechecked my TSH every six months. The last few years thus has not been working so my dosage changes frequently about every six weeks. The only tests I have had are the TSH and free t4, never do they check my free t3. The last few months I have been on the lowest dosage ever but have all the symptoms still, my Dr insists that my thyroid medication is fine since my lab work says it is.

  4. Lies that my initial thyroid doctor told me:

    1) That my reaction to taking his 150 mcg’s of levoxyl was all in my head. (even thou I was sweating profusely, my hands were shaking and my vision became blurry).

    2) That 50 mcg’s of levoxyl(the dose that I felt good at) was too small to make any difference.

    3) That thyroid medicine does not make you lose weight(while taking the 150 mcg’s of levoxyl I was always tremendously hungry and losing weight).

    • Hi Mike,

      Thank you for sharing those! You probably already know but you are correct in that Levoxyl can cause hyperthyroidism and lead to weight loss and the other issues you experienced.

      • I have been neglected by my Doc reg my labs. I have had high TSH and a low t3 or 4 this has gone on for years without them adjusting . Or better yet getting labs for my pituitary and parathyroids .
        I have had doduoesbget bigger but never FNA not even after my breast cancer treatments.
        I am in such pain in my bones I’m now thin because I wa and irbamnhypoglenia I have high glucose .
        Lab Corp has recommended urinalysis 24 and I am getti g no where but my body is suffering checks my T3 T4 my TSH my TSH consistently for 5 years is so high extremely high and a T3 sometimes sometimes down to four same thing sometimes up sometimes down I’m not it’s ridiculous and I’m pretty damn sure I got the breast cancer because of it yeah yeah I want a very concerned and I want to get my lab work and I’m hoping that lab couple do it without a prescription or anything cuz I’m not going back to these doctors anymore and not because of what you’re saying but you got to watch the supplement you do take because remember kale any crucificious vegetables when you have thyroid disease can swing at the opposite way you can go extremely high have a heart attack eyes pop out and that’s not fun boy I had it all tense and everything and believe me I was the side of my eye I mean just total neglect nobody putting together with me anyway as for T3 yeah she checks it all I’ve been getting that check since the forever well I actually had to tell them but they did it anyway what about selenium?

  5. I, too, had my thyroid removed based on biopsies that said I had a 70% chance of cancer. After removal, there was no cancer. GET A SECOND OPINION! I wish I had!

    Now I am struggling with the fatigue and weight gain, and they test only the TSH. I’m hoping to go to a functional medicine doctor once our new insurance kicks in so I can find out my optimal levels.

    Thank you, Dr. Child’s, for your help ful articles!

    • Hi Julie,

      Thank you for sharing your story! I’m sorry you had it removed but grateful that you shared your experience.

  6. Fortunately, my conventional doc is great and will test anything I ask for, but she has no idea what most of it means! So I got to my endocrinologist and he just laughs when I bring things like this to read to him. Even a clinical study that was done on the AIP Diet! This is so sad! I don’t understand why they won’t seek more knowledge about it all, especially in this day and age when functional medicine has proven it to be so.
    I do know that My Free T’s are low and are not converting. My FT3 is 2.4 ( 2.0-4.4) and my FT4 is 1.16 (0.82-1.77) We have tried 50 mcg of Tirosint and 10 mcg of Cytomel and It made me feel terrible. Very hyper with heart palps. So, she wants me to try 25 mcg of Tirosint and 5 mg Cytomel.
    Now I’m now seeing a Functional Doc and she says 13 mcg of Tirosint only. Which do you think?

    • Hi Jann,

      Unfortunately, I can’t really provide medical advice regarding changing thyroid medication over the internet. It probably won’t matter which route you take as long as you use trial and error and pay attention to your body, though!

  7. Hello,
    I had my thyroid removed when suspicious cells were removed from some thyroid nodules. At the same time I was having bouts of severe vertigo for which they hadn’t yet found another cause and said my thyroid might have been the cause. It turns out my thyroid was not the cause of my vertigo, the vertebrae in neck were and the suspicious cells ended up not being cancer, thank goodness. Since my thyroidectomy in 2014, I have gained 40lbs which has resulted in the highest blood pressure of my life as well as recurrent joint pain. Just this week I started on Armour thyroid with a new endocrinologist and my fingers are crossed that I will start to feel like my old self again. My advice to anyone considering having their thyroid removed would be to exhaust all other options for your health care. Unless you know that you need it removed due to a dire diagnosis, take your time and get other opinions. There’s no going back after it’s removed and it is a guessing game of dealing with the aftermath. Good luck to all of our thyroid friends out there!:)

  8. Been diagnosed in 2008 as hypothyroid. Struggling to make euthyrox work for me.
    My dr prescribed too much euthyrox and I’m now hyperthyroid. It’s terrible feel like I’m coming off drugs. Tremors, dizziness and high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats ect. The scan confirmed my thyroid is shrunken -chronic thyroiditis. Have to go for Blood tests in November and if my symptoms doesn’t stabilize I’ll have to kill my thyroid with radioactive iodine. Won’t do that. Hypothyroid is terrible at best, but hyperthyroid has been hell! Thank you for the info, I will stick to my guns!

  9. Hi, my name is Autumn Javery. I am going on 16 yrs with hashimotos. I just had an ultrasound of my (non-existent) thyroid. Literally it’s not even measuring centimeter. I have a wonderful doctor who checks all the correct labs, I am on supplements as well as Synthroid and cytomel. My question is (and he has not been able to figure it out) the last 5 yrs I have gained 30 pounds and just can not seem to get it off no matter how much I diet or workout. I eat organic and have cut out as many toxins as I can. I am 42 with 3 children and just want to be healthy for them. Any thoughts would be amazingly appreciated! Thanks

  10. An untruth I’ve come across in dealing with doctors on my thyroid hormone replacement(total thyroidectomy in 2014), reading lab results, and dosing correctly to get optimal, is, that iron and cortisol levels can affect thyroid levels/ getting optimal on thyroid hormone. I’m currently looking into Cushing’s Syndrome/Disease, because my cortisol has been high for about 2 years and I’ve never been able to get optimal on thyroid hormone replacement. My levels are always fluctuating, and changing and raising doses has always failed. Doctors told me that while iron may affect thyroid levels, cortisol doesn’t, unless it might be low cortisol. I finally advocated for myself and got someone to listen to me and take me seriously about Cushing’s.

    • Hi Emily,

      You are definitely correct in that BOTH iron and cortisol can impact thyroid function. I hope you get to the bottom of your elevated cortisol!

  11. Hi Dr. Childs.

    I am out of every one of the optimal ranges you share but my doc won’t prescribe any meds even though I have every single symptom of hypothyroidism. Would supplements work as well as an Rx? Thank you!

    • Hi Katy,

      Supplements generally do NOT take the place of thyroid medications. It’s possible that they can in some situations, but that is the exception and not the rule. Typically supplements, in conjunction with other therapies, can help someone lower their dose of thyroid medication (or potentially get off of it), but that’s a process that requires time and physician support.

  12. Hi Dr Childs. I am 62yrs young & have Graves disease. I’ve been advised that I have 3 options. Stay on Carbimazole, Iodine Radioactive treatment or surgically remove goitre & thyroid. I’ve also recently undergone VSG to put my diabetes into remission. What is the best way forward for me please?

  13. Does this article apply to those of us that no longer have a thyroid? Specifically about taking biotin or other supplements like iodine and copper…are these still ok if no thyroid? Sorry article is too long and I could not read the full article, you have to make it shorter for those of us who suffer with tiredness and fatigue….Since I had thyroid removed I do not have any energy even though TSH is fully suppressed. I have tried everything but nothing helps with fatigue

    • Hi Starry,

      This information still applies to those without a thyroid. In regards to the length, I would strongly recommend that you read the entire article! If you don’t advocate for yourself and learn this information now, it’s unlikely that you will find significant relief. You simply can’t count on your doctor to do it for you, at least not right now.

  14. Hi Dr. Childs
    I’m Hashimoto’s patient for the last 8 years. Those antibodies against thyroglobulin and Tpo will stick on the thyroid gland forever or they will be removed as soon as they decrease? My doctor have said that my thyroid gland would never be functional again.

    • Hi Mildred,

      Typically, once you remove the thyroid gland the antibodies will drop but that doesn’t “solve” the problem. The problem is in the immune system and must be addressed.

  15. I would like to have my doctor check my thyroid levels at least twice a year. She only will do TSH, once a year. I am planning to find a better dr and will probably leave the hmo so I can find one.

  16. Great info. My primary stated borderline hypothyroid 9.36 range. I just started taking b complex in morning, c, d3, and omega 3 daily and magnesium at night . Took low dose levothyroxine 10yrs ago…made me flu like. I got off of it. Trying to avoid medication if possible. I have more energy I’ve noticed. Clearing my throat like there is something in there. What can I do to avoid meds? I hope I’m on the right track. Plus I’ve started exercising. Plus when I sing a song on the radio I can’t sing high notes because of my maybe my thyroid. Took catscan 6 months ago. Dr. Mentioned small nodules but nothing serious. Any suggestions before meds? I don’t even take the flu shot. My heart dr says I have zero cholesterol. Other wise I’m in good health.
    Thank you
    Sheri Flanagin

    • Hi Sheri,

      A TSH of 9 is definitely abnormal! Newer ranges put anything above a 2.5 as an issue. It sounds like you are probably seeing an old school doctor.

  17. Hi Dr. Child’s, in 2015 I was diagnosed with Graves. Went thru 3 Endocrinologists since I felt they didn’t listen when I was having terrible side effects from Methimazole. One Dr threw up her hands and said take the meds every other day and walked out the door. My levels became worse and the last Endo I went to said RAI is absolutely the only option for me. I was so “Hyper” that it wasn’t safe. Instead of helping me with the correct dose of Methimazole. Being so tired, I did the RAI in 2017 and have since been suffering from all kinds of issues. I read your articles along with others and now go to my GP for my Hypothyroidism. I asked for Tirosint (125mcg) and Liothyronine (10mcg) and while my TSH is .02, my Free T4 and T3 are in the normal range. I’m thankful she’s not cutting my meds back b/c I’m still tired, cannot lose weight, constipated all the time unless I take zinc and selenium. NO hyper symptoms at all! It does not seem like I’ll ever lose weight or feel good again. I have pain outside my thyroid (what’s left of it), got a scan and they saw nothing wrong. The pain is on the outside and around my menstrual cycle…I’m 52 and in peri menopause. If you have any suggestions id appreciate it. I will forever regret doing RAI!

    • Hi Erika,

      The best thing you can do after RAI is to optimize your dose of thyroid medication. I would put all of your energy into figuring that out.

  18. Hi Dr Childs,
    My doctor is kind and supportive but admits she doesn’t know what I know. I’m on compound T4/T3 and have tried different strengths as well as the NDT. I’m on a lot of supplements and doing my best to heal my gut. Also something my doctor doesn’t get. So it’s up to me to solve my problem.
    My levels only came up with the first prescription which came from a different compound pharmacist, who doesn’t do it anymore. So this is a general question for you: Can compounds vary in strengths, between different pharmacies?

    Thanks for all the good you do for us.
    Kind Regards
    Charlotte – Australia

  19. Dear Dr. Childs,
    Thank you for your candor. Sonogram of thyroid says ( according to interpreter??) my thyroid has shrunken but other pictures have shown only a little, hmmm. I never felt any different on armour and only took it decades ago as I was in a depression and doc said thryroid low but I could have done so many natural things like more iodine from seaweed etc to strengthen it. Anyway, I beleive in healing and rebuilding tissue so…. as an herbalist I use herbs that rebuild tissue,work on having a happy, forgiving attitude and eat an excellent, organic , plant based diet so…. I wish to decrease and get off the armour by increasing kelp daily as urine test shows my iodine to be low but in range?
    Do you feel I will be able to get off this pig hormone not designed for humans with the kelp and calming down/lowering cortisol etc. over time? Many thanks for your time and expertise. Barbara

    • Hi B,

      It may be possible but if you have an atrophied thyroid gland then that chance is definitely reduced. It doesn’t hurt to try, though! As long as you are doing it with physician support.

  20. My doc only checked my free t3 and free t4,,my free t3 was just a little low and I was put on Cytomel t3 only 25mcg. My t3 went through the roof when on the meds and my t4 went way way low, i felt like crap and am now off meds and dealing with my low free t3 and my t4 is going back up to previous number…..what to do next…..? I have low body weight, hair loss, but feel great during the day, but when the sun goes down I start feeling very uncomfortable, can’t sleep stomach upset, etc.
    I think there is a dietary deficiency that is the cause of my low T 3.

  21. Thank you! This article is a must read. I hope I’m allowed to say this, but most people (women) I know who take Levothyroxine gain weight—always around the middle, so much so that they look pregnant. I can often pick them out by looking at them. It may be because of the Reverse T3 that you have written about. If it doesn’t happen immediately, it happens over time. I would warn women not to expect to lose weight, and to change medications as soon as this start happens to you.

    • I am now 64 and have had hypothyroid symptoms since my teenage years. I wasn’t diagnosed with Hashimoto’s until about 26 years ago. I started going through menopause at 34. It was reading an article that caught my eye at the time about this common unknown problem that many women suffered that I suddenly realised that I should get my thyroid checked. My Doctor put me on what was probably whole thyroid and within a couple of weeks I started to feel better then I ever had. Unfortunately a number of years later here in New Zealand it was decided that all thyroid patients should only be given Levothyroxine. I progressively went down hill. Ignorance about my thyroid meant I just put up with symptoms and never asked my Doctor any questions. Everything changed 3 years ago and I started reading up on my thyroid and was horrified that of the 300 symptoms you can suffer from. Since my teenage years I had suffered over 230 of them and was still suffering from at least 60. It was when I stared to question my Doctor that I got stone walled and she put me on beta blockers and anti depressants and upped my Levo to 200mg. Last Dec I finally decided enough is enough and after some research on the web found a Functional Dr. She literally saved my life. I had become an obese exhausted zombie and had been forced to retire a year early due to brain fog. My new Doctor put me back on Natural Whole Thyroid and a massive dose of vitamin D she put me on medication for type 2 diabetes which my GP had ignored. And weaned me off the beta blockers it’s been 7 months now. After starting Intermittent Fasting and a keto flex anti inflammatory died I have lost 23 kg. All the brain fog , muscle aches and exhaustion I no longer need diabetic meds as glucose levels are now normal. I haven’t felt this good in so long. I no longer take for granted whatever drug I am being put on and check and ask questions.

    • Hi Miriam,

      Many women do gain weight while taking levothyroxine but it doesn’t occur in everyone. Stress and cortisol issues also play a role in abdominal fat which tend to co-exist with thyroid problems which may explain a little bit of what you are seeing.

    • I am on levythroxine . Had thyroid removed almost 2 years ago came back as Hurthle cell follicular cancer. I gained 60 pounds since. I used to be hypERthyroidism now I’m HYPO….. still ZERO energy…. Sweat all the time n just struggling with any exertion . It’s driving me nuts

  22. I am 68 and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy in 2011. I struggle with weight gain and fatigue. My previous endochronologist completely dismissed me when I asked about getting tested for RT3 and would only prescribe Synthroid. My new endo has me on T4/T3 combo but I don’t feel any better. I’m very discouraged.

  23. I really learn a lot from listening to you. I just get information overload and can’t seem to put it all together. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 3 years ago. I was on Levothyroxine for 2 years and have been on Armour Thyroid for a little over a year. I’m still always tired because I can’t settle at night, I can’t lose weight because I have tremendous cravings that I feed. I take warfarin because of a PE and DVT in 2012. I’d like to try supplements. But I’m not sure what could interfere with my warfarin. Any suggestions in that arena? Thank you for what you do Dr Child’s!

  24. My Family doctor told me my hair was falling out due to stress. I had to find a different doctor and found out my thyroid numbers were too high and my family doctor kept insisting the only test we need to do was my TSH. I could not talk him into doing my T3 or T4.

  25. I have hypothyroidism, but not Hashimoto’s. I was on levothyroxine for years, since 2010. I do not know why I became hypo back then. However, the levo was effective until 6 month ago. I started feeling more tired, had muscle soreness, and gained weight that would not make sense in consideration of my dietary and exercise habits. I am very health-conscious and have been for years. It is some mild swelling in the ankles that caused me to call my primary care doctor. She did the basic labs, which do not have the T3 levels. She referred me to an endo. However, the endo was skeptical about prescribing liothyronine even though the labs ordered by that endo revealed low T3. NOTE: From my independent research, I sought to get more comprehensive labs from a Labcorp. These revealed not only low T3, free, etc. but also high reverse T3. Since the endo from my regular clinic did not want to prescribe the lio, I asked for a second opinion. I am seeing a different endo who did prescribe the smallest dose of lio at 5 mcg and a reduced dose of levo of 25 mcg. It used to be 1/2 of a 75 mcg tablet. I took this adjusted medication. In the next set of labs about 6 weeks later, my T3 levels were still low. Since the TSH was a bit higher, the endo increased the levo to 1 1/2 tablet of the 25 mcg. I do not know if my reverse T3 is still high, as the regular clinic does not check this. This endo is still skeptical but not as much as the first endo. However, he is hesitant about increasing the lio. I am 55 year old woman. I am still dealing with fatigue, some muscle soreness, especially in the mornings, and with weight gain. I gained 10 pounds over this 6 month period when this conversion issue began. I follow dietary guidelines and go for walks, as I always have, even more slowly due to fatigue. Basically, the lie is that increasing the lio (T3 med) is harmful to the heart because it can cause palpitations. However, I read from your sources as well as other holistic sources that the harm is letting the hypo situation go untreated or undertreated. What do you recommend? Should I push for an increase in my liothyroinine?

  26. I had my thyroid removed 3 years ago due to suspicious nodules. The biopsies came back as indeterminate. The first endo told me there was a 20% chance of cancer and the 2nd endo told me 50% but both suggested I have it removed. I even had the genomic test but it was inconclusive. Unfortunately, I was overwhelmed with other issues at the time and I caved and went along with the 2 recommendations I received. It was the worst mistake of my life. I’m on my 6th endo and he seems to be the best so far but we’ve only had one appointment so time will tell. Functional doctors are too expensive and IMO seem to be only interested in what they can sell you or how many tests they can run and charge you for. They might operate from a different perspective but the bottom line is the same – how much $$ can I get from this patient that is desperate to find solutions to their thyroid issues. I could spend thousands of $$ and still not have a soluton. I am on Synthroid and Liothyronine but my levels are inconsistent and go way up and way down for no apparent reason so medication changes are necessary each time it is too high or too low. I struggle with malaise and have started taking Ashwaganda. I struggle with night sweats (which started as soon as I had my thyroid removed and was back in my hospital room), I also wake up every night for 2-4 hours so I am tired because of the insomnia. I can’t take sleep aids as even a very tiny dose makes me feel hung over for two days. So, Dr. Childs, it’s too late for me to reconsider having my thyroid removed. What suggestions do you have for people like me to get their life back or are you saying this is just the way it’s going to be and there are no other options?

    • Hi Karen,

      I’m not 100% sure that I follow the question. It sounds like your thyroid was already removed unless I am not reading what you wrote correctly? If that is the case then it would be too late to reconsider having it removed. If it is removed, though, there’s always a way to feel better! It will require optimizing your thyroid medication dose, taking supplements, improving your lifestyle/diet, etc.

      I have plenty of resources to help people in your situation on my blog, youtube channel, and on my podcast.

      • Yes, that’s exactly what I said – I had it removed 3 yrs ago and “It’s too late to reconsider having my thyroid removed.” Do the resources you mention specifically state they are for people without a thyroid? I find that the information for people with a thyroid don’t really apply to people without a thyroid and it’s been difficult to find information specifically for people without a thyroid. Thanks!

        • Hi Karen,

          Yes, I have specific information for those without a thyroid. But, just so you are aware, most of the information that applies to those with hypothyroidism DOES apply to those without a thyroid.

  27. RAI in 1987 because of hyperthyroid diagnosed by iodine uptake because all blood work was “normal” but the doctor knew my symptoms said I was hyper. FYI, I was given no other choice for treatment but surgical removal of my thyroid because my heart symptoms were life threatening. I was undiagnosed with Celiac at that time. Took another 15 years to get that diagnosed. Had all the symptoms except weight loss, so “could not have Celiac”. Had been up and down with weight my entire life. Fast forward. I go along good on thyroid replacement for 3 or 4 years and then I don’t. No changes. It just stops working. For years. 5, 6, 10 … I did great on Naturethroid, but its gone now. My really great hormone PA says I am not converting. Blood tests good except TSH suppressed. All symptoms are of being hypo. Never, never get your thyroid removed unless there is absolutely no other treatment. My life has been hell and at 70 I feel cheated. Most doctors have hurt me way more than helped me. I spend a fortune on supplements. I am so tired and I just feel like giving up on really feeling “normal”.

  28. I am 53, got my thyroid out because of Graves Disease after taking carbimazol for the 3rd time. No other therapy has ever been proposed. Take the shit out and then you ll be fine, the endo said.
    I had the most desperate year of my life then. Acth, cortisol were lowest. All my vitamins and ferritin was gone. My gut did not work. He did not see. I can see it now
    In my Labs!!! I could not leave the house. From 11 in the morning i felt tired like a stone. Slept 2 hours each night, had heart palps, dizziness, brain fog, …. and had 2 little children. You get more t4 when your tsh is above 2.0, said the endo. It was a torture. My ft3 was partially below the range and i went to emergency Hospital with pulse 40. Nobody knew a help !!! Finally i read a lot, really a lot, got a better gp and a nuclear doctor who prescribed t3 and they let me try. It s 10 years now and i am better, but still searching to lose the 40 pounds it brought me and i have seldom days without any symptoms. Get your body in Balance, get out of stress, take vitamins etc! And get your thyroid saved if possible. I have to Do all that anyway now if i do not want to have a second ai disease!!! I wish i had known All that earlier.

  29. Dr. Childs I am so grateful for this blog and for much of what you write. Wish I’d found you earlier. My son was born with Congenital Hypothyroidism and the amount of lies and myths we were told continues to anger and astound me. He’s a teen now and I still cannot find an endo capable or willing to prescribe natural dessicated meds. We are using them and he has been doing much better overall now under a functional med doct–however, balancing his levels has been so difficult–more so since Naturethroid went off market and we switched to a compound t3/t4, trying to get him into his perfect range is so hard. He struggles with a seemingly unusual symptom of having facial tics, twitches or throat humming, throat clearing when he is too high or too low. Multiple peds misdiagnosed this as an unrelated anxiety symptom–and I am 500% sure now that it’s related to his meds being off, because when he’s in his sweet spot with thyroid he has zero tics/twitches. I’ve heard from some other parents of CH kids they’ve seen this too. Do you have any insight on if this is more related to high t3 or t4 or what do to about it? We’ve been going up and down on his meds like a roller coaster trying to tweak it and it seems his good range is so tiny. I’d be most grateful for your input!

  30. Do you have a protocol or information on how to balance thyroid function for those of us who are dealing with enlarged an thyroid gland? Doctor says remove, but I am hesitant to make a life-changing decision that can never be reversed.

  31. Hello Dr Child’s…..I enjoy reading your articles and listening to your podcasts so much. I posted last night, but somehow it didn’t get through. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 3 1/2 years ago. I was on Levothyroxine for 2 years and then changed to Armour Thyroid about a year and a.half ago. I take warfarin because of a PE and DVT back in 2012. I’m not sure which is causing the intense cravings that I feed or the inability to settle at night which increases my fatigue. I also experience bouts of hair loss (alot at times). Which supplements of yours can I safely take with the warfarin that could help these symptoms? I appreciate you so much


  32. Was diagnosed with Hashimotos 8 months ago. After a full thryoid panel, the doctor is only testing TSH and continues to lower my armour thyroid meds. Every 3 months my TSH, is almost the same with very little change. .05/.05/.10/.08. I feel pretty good, am controlling things through diet and supplements.

    My plan is to ask for a full thyroid panel in 2 months. Any other guidance? Doc is functional medicine MD.

    Lee Ann

    • Hi Lee,

      That sounds like a good place to start! You can start right away with diet, supplements, detox, etc. if you’d like as well.

  33. Yes this article says what’s happening to me w my doc/ PA-C. I’ve been suspicious of going hypothyroid over last 10 yrs which began during peri menopause. Doc only tested TSH w regular lipid panel & it was a 5! Wanted to directly put me on a low dose of Levo and said it would also help my constipation. I didn’t like being on it so I stopped it. Decided then to do my own research on the root cause. Fast forward: Found out a lot of & everything you say in your blogs are TRUTH! Cleaned up my diet, started taking the right vit/minerals for a healthy thyroid, & found your supplements!!!, took them to Doc, he gave me the OK to keep taking them if these wer & are working for me because my TSH is 0.2 even tho he won’t check anything other then 4 of the 7 labs: tsh, t4, free t4 & antibodies. They wer all in range except ft4 was just under the range. Anyway, he moved away, left my area & am now with the new PA-C. She will NOT check anything but TSH. I then mentioned all of this to my other “well woman PA-C” and she told me that “T3 isnt checked because it’s too expensive/ Insurance won’t pay!!!! …. but she went ahead and checked my TSH!! Seriously! Of course it was Ok bc Biotin is included in your supplements. I knew the result would come back “in range” and it did. The low dose NDT that I take along w your hypo/bundle supplements is only 25 mg once a day when I go to bed. It is a bovine thy glandular from New Zealand. It is manufactured for & distributed by them from Cheyenne, WY. Almost all of my hypo symptoms are gone but I’ve also fixed my gut, too, which I believe I may have had a food-sensitivity all my life & not known that. So. I’m still trying to find a new doctor that will do all the labs. Thank You to the moon & back for all that you are educating us about.

    • Hi Deborah,

      What’s amazing is that you were able to do so much WITHOUT your doctor! Good for you! And thanks for sharing.

      Also, testing for free T3 is very cheap and covered by insurance (at least in the states).

  34. I was first given NDT 11 yrs ago for hypothyroidism and it helped me. We had to move around for job advancements and change Primary Drs. TX and WY docs kept me on NDT, but an AZ primary didn’t want to address my thyroid and sent me to an Endo, which became a rollercoaster ride of craziness. The Dr. immediately told me I had come to the best Dr. around, that he would reverse the tremors I’ve had in mainly my right hand since grade school and that I must switch to real medicine and take synthroid…aka levo. Fast forward…5 yrs…I’m back in TX and ask my new PA to go back to taking NDT and she had no issue with that at all. I had this sense that all my new issues in AZ happened because of changing meds. In that 5 yr. span in AZ I chased symptoms and lab numbers, quit the egotistical Dr. And begged the primary to help me and continued to take levo and added cytomel for midday energy issues. My body hurt all over and my joints felt inflamed constantly, my hands were hurting, knuckles swelling and all my rings wouldn’t fit anymore. All labs returned negative for inflammation. I suffered multiple joint and knee injuries as well. Heat intolerance was really bad, sweating was profuse, I dehydrated quickly and often even with increased H2O intake. I had weight gain, depression was great, gut issues increased and of course the tremors were not resolved. Something I never complained about or was concerned over.
    3 weeks in with taking NDT and the symptoms I just listed are fading away. I’m sensing my old self coming back to life again. I really think there is a connection to how my body was responding to meds. Wish I could have seen the correlation sooner and not had such a poor health experience while trying to enjoy AZ living.

    • Hi Cyndi,

      It sounds like that endo thought your tremors were related to your thyroid medication dose. If they didn’t improve switching your dose then they were probably just benign essential tremors which are harmless.

  35. Hi Dr. Childs,
    First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to post information most of us thyroid patents thirst for!!
    I must always ask my drs nurse multiply times for the tests I want. Just recently I had to call twice and told her again what I wanted (they were not setting up visits in office only by phone.) I got a huge attitude from her because I kept insisting on certain tests. It was then I knew it was time to walk away from this dr. I did find another dr that would help me, however she does not take insurance but she did listen to me and ordered all the tests I wanted even the RT3. I only had to ask once.
    This has been a long journey for me as I have tired the medication you mentioned AT, Levothyroxine and a couple others, just never seemed to get them right. I am now on 60mg (2 capsules) NDT from a cow. I purchased them at ancestral supplements and my numbers are coming back pretty good.

    TSH 3.74
    T4 Total 6.8
    T4 FREE 1.0
    T3 FREE 3.1
    Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies = 1
    Testosterone, TOTAL MS = 32

    I still felt like something was off (digestion off, bloat, energy level low, dryness, dizzy sometimes, high anxiety) so I had other hormone blood and saliva test ran. My cortisol (saliva test) test came back I was stressed but adrenals working .. high cortisol though.

    I added a 3rd NDT .. right before bed. That makes me on 90mg for a day’s cycle.
    My “new” dr says these are all good. I have never had a TSH of over 3 so that is why I added the NDT before bed. I still feel like I am going this all alone. Trials and error are the best method I know. This has been going on for 5 years.

    I also had all my other hormones done and they are low. I am post-menopausal or so they say. (I do not feel post.) I am having a natural HRT cream compounded.
    So, I will try that route again .. what a rollercoaster.

    FSH 113.8
    Estradiol <15
    Progesterone <0.5
    These all say I am within range.

    I will do blood work again in Feb 2022.
    THOUGHTS?? Sorry for the length

  36. I had my thyroid surgically removed about 13 yrs ago due to cancer. I gained 48 pounds and was constantly fatigued, and losing my hair, suffering from dry skin and my nails constantly splitting and breaking and all my doctors say is that I probable eat more than I realize, blame it on menopause and that I need to exercise more. I finally have lost 20 pounds and have been able to maintain but cannot lose any more weight. I was also diagnosed with a fatty liver and non alcholic chirrosis of the liver. Through use of enzyme supplements I have been able to reverse this. My gastro doc can’t belive my results. I now see a functional medicine practitioner. Hopefully by taking your products along with my Synthroid I will be on the road to eliminating a lot of the above sympoms that I have been displaying.

    • Hi Dolores,

      That’s great! Glad you are seeing improvement with that approach 🙂 Most regular doctors are astonished when they see what kind of results you can get with functional medicine.

  37. In March of 1990 they found an egg sized lump on my thyroid. They removed only one side of my thyroid. I was never put on any meds and my internist does blood work twice a year but it’s usually just a TSH. Ten years later I started having all kinds of symptoms: severe fatigue, painful joints, muscle pain, migraines, weight gain, anxiety, depression, etc. They diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome at the age of 50 and I went on disability because the fatigue was so bad. I am now 67. Nothing is any better. In fact things are worse. I am losing hair by the handfuls, I can’t sleep so I’m tired all the time, my joints hurt so bad there are times I can’t walk very good, my eyesight has gone from nearsided to where I can’t tell what it is only that everything is blurry, still have a weight issue, my anxiety and depression are worse to the point of adding another antidepressant, I now have a blood pressure problem that I never had before, I’m have ing problems with vertigo, I’m constantly constipated, I have severe bags under my eyes (and it’s not hereditary), I have ringing in my ears, I can’t stand the heat, etc. I am taking vitamins and minerals (including biotin for the hairloss) but nothing is helping. My doc just took 10 tubes of blood and supposedly they all came back normal. I have asked for a referral to a thyroid specialist but my doc refuses. I am at my wits end! Any advice?

  38. I been struggling for years and so far not had much help. Do you have any doctor recommendations or resources in my area in North Carolina? Please email me if possible.

  39. I get confused by different doctors wanting to blood test your thyroid at different times. One wants you to take your medicine in the morning and test two hours later, one wants you to take your medicine and test 6-8 hours later and most want you to take it as usual the day before but not the morning of (24 hours after). How can there be so many discrepancies in testing methods? The reasons all sound legit (want to see when it peaks or when it’s cleared).

  40. Hi I was diagnosed with thyroid issues 6 moths ago and prescribed 150 mcg levothyroxine. After taking for approx 6 weeks I ended up in hospital with heart palpitations and my heart went into 3 different rhythms where I needed to have a cardio inversion procedure to reset my hearts rhythm. While I was in A&E the doctors told me that my thyroid level was low but high?, I didn’t understand this comment but I’m not a doctor. Anyway I was discharged after many more test that didn’t show any problems with my heart I continued taking my dose of levothyroxine but was constantly having palpitations to the extent that I thought I was a heart attack or some serious problem with my heart. I figured out that the palpitations were worse 2-3 hours after taking the meds. I couldn’t cope and stopped with the tabs for 3 days the palpitations stopped spoke to doctor told to keep taking tabs, palpitations came back so stopped with meds again. I have since had my bloods done and my tsh levels are normal but I have only had my tablets for 11 days out of 36. I feel as though I’ve been over overperscribed by 3 times too much levothyroxine. But the doctor is insisting that I keep taking my tabs. I want to naturally help my thyroid without prescription drugs, and won’t be listening to my doctor. As I feel the tablets have caused my heart problems

    • Hi Nick,

      I would probably recommend seeking out a second opinion if you don’t think your doctor is willing to work with you or listen to you.

  41. Hey Dr C,
    I had a genetic test via Dr Michelle Sands that stated I have a marker that says hypothyroid & do well on med.

  42. Dear Dr Childs,

    I found your web site about a year ago. Although I have not participated much in your offers I have most certainly benefited from your information and your news emails. Without this I would be in much worse shape than I find myself in today.

    In 2019 Dec I was diagnosed with Melanoma. The cancer was removed along with 38 lymph nodes under my right arm. The biopsy revealed that only the swollen node was comprimised (Thus 1/38 which left me in stage 2B). Metastasis was unlikely but an adjuvant treatment of immunotherapy was recommended to further reduce my risk of melanoma reemerging and keytruda was the drug of choice.

    There is a long and detailed description of how this (these) drug(s) work but basically they super charge the body’s immune system most notably the T cells. This comes with risks on which I was briefed. Namely a whole host of possible auto immune events some of which would be irreversible if they occurred.

    About 6 months in it was noticed on my pre infusion labs that my T4 was borderline high and my TSH was wallowing at 0.04. I was told that this was the Keytruda attacking my thyroid. Once all the T4 stores were used up over the next 2 to 6 weeks I would become Hypo. This did indeed happen and my TSH went up to 28 although T4 was seemingly about 0.7 which was still in range although a little low. I suspect in hind site this was actually a T3 deficiency causing the TSH rise. At this time I paused infusions which never ever resumed.

    My oncologist wanted to prescribe 150 mcg of levothyroxine which I immediately negotiated down to 75mcg. After 3 weeks TSH came down but still high, T4 was up to 1.1. After another 3 weeks everything was in range. My oncologist cut me lose and I was free to ask my PCP to help me manage my hypothyroidism.

    I am lucky in that my PCP listens to me. My oncologist was content to tell me I would unlikely regain my thyroid function but I wondered how he could say that. I put my argument to my PCP and said that as long as I am taking Levo I am not ever asking my thyroid to do its job. The pituitary sees adequate thyroxine levels and thus never asks the thyroid to function. I suggested to my PCP that I cut my intake in half (37.5 mcg) and he agreed saying we’ll look at these tests when they come back and if good, start the half dose, and test again in 6 weeks. Everything looked great so I cut my meds in half.

    Come test time 6 weeks later he was ready to put in the lab orders. I asked if he could include T3 Free and Reverse T3 which he did. This meant I could view my T3 rev T3 ratio and compare to the ratio I had worked out when first starting my 75mcg regimen some months back.

    Once again everything looked pretty good. T4 FREE at 1.1, TSH at 2.5, so he was happy to remove the meds altogether. My Free T3 and revers T3 were also pretty good (about 3.2 and 12 respectively) although my PCP doesn’t care about this. (But I do! And this was the first time I had a ratio above 0.20). It was a big step for me to not have to take my meds but I was excited, My Doc said we’ll do the same tests in 6 (actually 7) weeks.

    The most recent test I had were the 20th Oct 2021. Free T4 at 1.1 ans TSH at 3.9. I know the TSH is high but it’s not out of this world high. Free T3 at 3.0 and RevT3 at 11.9 (still above 0.20).

    The whole point of this is don’t let anyone tell you your thyroid will never function again without putting it to the test. Yes I took supplements, and yes I took some risks, but this website and it’s information are what gave me the courage to take my thyroid management into my own hands. To Dr Childs I am very very grateful. Also too, very grateful to my PCP who was ready to stand with me in my lonely corner.

    I hope this helps someone out there in “thyroid Land”


  43. Hi Dr Childs!
    So grateful for all your information! I just stumbled upon it recently sadly! I wish Id seen it earlier!
    I had one side removed .. then the other due to Follicular carcinoma. 28 vascular invasions on 1 side which I found out after switching endocrinologists .. my first endo did not believe in any supplements including Vit D .. we were clearly not on the same page as I believe in natural whenever possible.
    He wouldn’t test for T3 or T4 told me numbers were fine ( prior to finding out I had CA) and that my symptoms were psychological and suggested I see my family dr for antidepressant and left the room .
    I now have a new endo that I see again in a few weeks for CT scan .
    Im on 100mcg Synthroid and 10 mcg Liothyronine ( since May this year) which was working great! I was back to being very active again … biking yoga hiking etc until about the middle of September where I started to feel low energy aching joints lactic acid buildup dizzy and brain fog.
    Ive asked my pharmacist /Dr to possibly alter dosage or go to natural thyroid medication ( which is my goal) and nobody seems to want to change anything yet .
    I would love any input
    Thank you so much

  44. Hi. I’m 69 years old. My mother had her thyroid removed when she was in early thirties. I have had almost every issue she has ever had. I’ve had 6 children, hysterectomy in my middle forties. I’ve alway had lots of energy. My daughters always complained that I didn’t realize how much energy I had. I could work 14 hour days and still feel good. In the last 2 years my health has gone downhill. I’m about 40 pounds overweight. I cannot loose weight. I’m exhausted all the time. I’m constipated a lot. Stomach hurts, brain fog, trouble sleeping,cold a lot, I asked my doctor about doing some tests. He says to stay off google. I started seeing a lady nurse practitioner. She has. Some other type of degree as well. My daughter n law lost 50 pounds in about 5-6 months. I started her weight loss program last April. She did a complete nm look panel. My TSH was extremely high. I the high 300’s. She put me on armour thyroid meds. And she used Ozempic for weight loss. I did a keto diet. Not much carbs. Ate really healthy. I only lost 16 pounds in 9 months. I got Covid in December. Was sick all the way through February. I’m so tired I cannot function. Short of breath, just exhausted. I recently went back to her. Told her. I wanted every test she could do done. I had a sonogram on my thyroid 2 weeks ago. Supposedly I have a benign tumor on my right side. My TSH was high again. My selenium and d levels were really high. She put me on levothyroxine 25 mcg. I’m also anemic. But iron makes sick. Stomach hurts and constipation I’m at my wits end. I would like to know exactly what kind of doctor I need to go see. . I also own a loose leaf tea company. I make medicinal teas and tinctures. So I’m very health conscious. I sincerely believe that if I didn’t do alot of herbs and I drink alot of green tea. That I would have died with covid.

  45. I’m a 48 yr old menopausal woman and my thyroid was removed when I was 24. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and Graves disease and I had a ugly large goiter so the options presented to me were, to take radioactive iodine, or have a thyroidectomy. I didn’t want radioactive anything so I opted for removal. I regret it now, knowing what I’ve learned in recent years about how changing my diet would have probably solved everything, including the IBS I suffer from.
    I currently take 88 mcg of levoxyl and 5 mcg of lyothyronine sodium Monday through Friday, and Since December, my doctor said to stop taking them on Saturday and Sunday.
    My numbers have come up, but I don’t feel good. I sleep horrible, have a lot of hot flashes, my appetite is increased, I’m tired a lot of the time. Granted , I think I’m making some poor food choices and eating too much at times. However, I can’t help but feel the fatigue and aches and pains in my body have something to do with being off with my levels. I’m otherwise quite active and healthy, I exercise regularly with strength training several times a week and walk 1.5-3 miles most days. I sit in our infrared sauna 4-5x a week. I have asked about NDT and been told its too unregulated . I think treating someone without a thyroid is vastly different than trying to regulate someone who still has one and I can’t find a doctor who seems to know what they’re doing in treating me for this. What would your recommendation be?

  46. I had my thyroid removed due too cancer. I had Graves disease and TED. Had my eyes operated on for the double vision. I have permanent damage from the TED. Very long story short, iam on levothyroxine, 125 mcg. I feel like crap! Sorry, but its true. Doctors tell me my joint pain is not from my thyroid. My weight is horrible! I feel bloated to the point my skin is tight. Any advice??

  47. Hi Dr.Childs
    I had my Thyroid removed, all but a quarter size piece, 30yrs ago. I had Graves Hyperthyroidism. Dr put me on synthyroid. 8 yrs ago I started having more problems with swallowing and swelling. Went back to see the ENT that done my surgery and he checked all my levels and said they were fine. 6 months later went to my family doctor because my neck was still hurting and was continuing to swell more. She retested my thyroid level and took me completely off my synthyroid. Levels were way off. She order an ultra sound and found that my thyroid had grown back and it was producing thyroid hormones. Then she ordered an uptake and it was completely normal. Problem is my TSH is 0.14 and my t3 and t4 are perfect. My ent said I have Hashimoto with Thyroiditis and hyperthyroid with graves and a gorder with nodules. They want to do the RAI but I have refused the procedure because I do not have cancer. So I’m not really sure what I have. Sound like my doctor doesn’t know either. My question is would you have any idea what I actually have and what can I take to help with all this pressure in my neck and is the RAI a procedure you recommend?
    Thank you

    • Hi Real Endo,

      I do love free speech and the ability to speak my mind. But that’s also afforded to you. If you feel I’ve given misleading advice/information, feel free to share it here and we can discuss it. As it stands, though, I think you’ll have a hard time suggesting that eating more whole foods, replacing low levels of vitamins/nutrients, getting more exercise, and sleeping more, which is the backbone of all of my recommendations, are somehow harmful to thyroid patients. But if you disagree, I’d be interested to know why.


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