Join 200,000+ Thyroid Patients
Over 200,000 thyroid patients receive emails from me each week. I tell myself it's because they like me, but I really think they just like getting up-to-date information on thyroid function, weight loss, and hormone balance that they can't get anywhere else.
If that sounds good and you like me too want that free information, then download any of my free resources below!
Free Resources & Downloads:
Hypothyroid Symptoms Checklist:
Use this printable list to determine how likely you are to have thyroid disease. The goal here is to help you understand which symptoms are related to your thyroid and which aren't.
The Complete List of Thyroid Lab Tests:
This list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose thyroid hypothyroidism correctly!
Clinical Studies to Take to your Doctor:
Complete list of 50+ studies that prove that the therapies I list on my website are safe and effective. It's made so that you can take them directly to your doctor to support your case.
Tips & Tricks to Find a Thyroid Doctor:
Finding a thyroid doctor can be difficult, which is why I created this resource. You'll find several tips to help you find a doctor who will treat you appropriately here.
Foods to Avoid if you have Thyroid Problems:
I've found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should absolutely be avoiding if you have thyroid disease of any type.
How to Calculate "Optimal" Free T4, Free T3, & Reverse T3 Ratio:
Calculating these ratios is important because it can help you determine if your efforts are on the right track and whether or not your medications are working.
The Perfect Thyroid Diet Meal Plan:
This meal plan provides you with the exact recipes that you need to eat every single day to optimize your thyroid with the use of food.
List of Thyroid Medications by Name:
This list will help you understand the basics of thyroid medication and help you understand if you are getting the right treatment for your body.