Category: Hypothyroidism | Shop Thyroid, Hypothyroid, & Hashimoto's Supplements – Dr. Westin Childs
T4 to T3 Conversion Supplements – Should You Use Them

T4 to T3 Conversion Supplements – Should You Use Them?

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If we are talking raw power, some of the best thyroid supplements for your money would be those that help your body convert T4 into T3. Why? Because T3 is the most powerful thyroid hormone and it’s the hormone that most thyroid patients don’t have enough of. But you can increase how much your body …

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Signs of Low Collagen In Hypothyroid Patients

Signs of Low Collagen In Hypothyroid Patients

Thyroid patients think I’m being facetious when I say if you aren’t careful, your thyroid will steal your beauty. I’m not.  And the thyroid’s effect on collagen is a perfect example of why that is.  Thyroid hormones are known stimulators of collagen (1) which means, if you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, your collagen will …

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How To Lose Weight Rapidly If You Have Hypothyroidism

How To Lose Weight Rapidly If You Have Hypothyroidism

There are two things that about 80% of thyroid patients want:  To lose weight and to lose it quickly.  I totally understand the visceral need that many people have to get back to a normal weight but I would strongly caution against the rapid part.  Rapid weight loss is almost always unhealthy, almost always leads to more thyroid problems (not less), …

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Should You Take A Statin If You Have Hypothyroidism

Should You Take A Statin If You Have Hypothyroidism?

If you have hypothyroidism and you’re thinking about taking a statin, hold on for just a minute.  Is it true that most hypothyroid patients have high cholesterol? Yes.  Does that mean they need to take cholesterol-lowering medications? Not necessarily.  The truth is there are plenty of proven natural treatments that can help you lower your …

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High Protein Meal Plan (100g) For Hypothyroid Patients

High Protein Meal Plan (100g) For Hypothyroid Patients

Protein remains the macronutrient that thyroid patients ignore the most.  And this is a huge problem! Not only because it just so happens to be incredibly satiating (1) (meaning it keeps you full for hours and hours), it also happens to be responsible for maintaining muscle mass which promotes better thyroid function.  Trust me when I say you won’t ever …

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Busting NDT Thyroid Medication Myths What Doctors Get Wrong

Busting NDT Thyroid Medication Myths: What Doctors Get Wrong

NDT is an acronym for a class of some of the most popular thyroid medications that exist.  You’ve heard of these medications, even if you don’t know them by this name.  This class includes medications like Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, and the newest, Adthyza.  By the way, Nature-throid and WP Thyroid are also on this list, but they remain unavailable so we will just ignore them …

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