This post will teach you how and when to use WP thyroid to help you lose weight and feel better. It will walk you through a case study of a patient who used WP thyroid to lose 55+ pounds over 6 months.
*Note: at this time, WP Thyroid is still not available. If that changes, I will send out an email to my mailing list to let them know. Right now the best NDT options available include Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, and Adthyza.
Is your thyroid making it impossible for you to lose weight?
If you have hypothyroidism and you are not getting adequate thyroid hormone (either because of absorption or because of conversion) it will be very difficult for you to obtain a normal metabolism and therefore lose weight.
So where does WP thyroid fit in?
It turns out that each thyroid hormone replacement medication has advantages and disadvantages and some are better than others.
WP thyroid happens to be one of the better formulations of NDT (natural desiccated thyroid hormone) for several reasons.
Switching to this medication may result in a reduction in your hypothyroid symptoms and help you lose weight in the process.
In this article I’m going to talk about all of this and more:
Why and how to choose the right type of thyroid medication for your body…
What other medications you may need for weight loss…
And how to put it all together…
Sit tight and let’s dive in:
What is WP Thyroid?
Let’s jump into some WP thyroid basics for a minute before we get technical:
WP thyroid is a form of thyroid hormone that falls into the class of medications known as Natural Desiccated Thyroid or NDT for short.
Other medications in this class include Armour thyroid and Nature Throid, but there are certainly others as well.
These medications (as a whole) are unique among thyroid medications in that they are created from collecting and crushing (or desiccating) the thyroid gland of animals (pigs in this case).
The reason these medications work is that the thyroid gland of pigs contains the same bio-identical hormones that we as humans use.
So basically we found a way to extract thyroid hormones from animals and we provide those to people who suffer from hypothyroidism.
This process should be differentiated from the synthetic creation of thyroid hormones such as Synthroid and levothyroxine which are manufactured from other sources.
The net result of desiccating thyroid glandular tissue from animals is that you get a more complete array of thyroid hormones including the biologically active thyroid hormones T3 and T4, along with the less biologically active thyroid hormones T1 and T2.
This should also be compared to Levothyroxine/Synthroid which only contains the T4 thyroid hormone.
One of the reasons that NDT (and therefore WP thyroid) may be superior to other forms of thyroid hormone is because it contains all of the ingredients we previously mentioned.
So we know that WP thyroid is different from standard synthetic thyroid hormones, but how does it differ from other NDT medications, and does this make a difference?
Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:
I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.
The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:
The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!
WP Thyroid vs Nature-Throid vs Armour Thyroid
Are all thyroid medications created equal?
While all of the various combinations of natural desiccated thyroid contain the same amount of thyroid hormone, they differ in the fillers and binders that they contain.
One of the questions I get all the time is this:
Which is the best thyroid medication?
And there really isn’t a simple or easy answer.
Instead of focusing on which thyroid medication is “best” you should instead be asking yourself: which thyroid medication is “best” for MY body?
So when would someone consider using WP thyroid over Nature-Throid or Armour thyroid?
Since they contain the same amount of thyroid hormone, the answer really comes down to what is inside each of them.
You can find a list of ingredients below:
WP thyroid has the fewest amount of inactive ingredients which theoretically means people should react better with this medication versus other forms.
It isn’t quite that simple in reality, but you can use some of this information to help figure out which medication is best for you.
In general, patients who tend to do better on WP thyroid are those who have one or more of the following:
- Intestinal issues like SIBO/SIFO, IBS, chronic constipation or acid reflux
- Low levels of SHBG despite increasing dosage of thyroid hormone
- Poor reaction to other forms of Natural desiccated thyroid hormone
- Hair loss with Nature-Throid or Armour thyroid
In order to get the most benefit from thyroid hormone, you really need to make sure you are both absorbing the medication and that the medication is getting into the target tissues.
Since the GI tract is involved with the digestion and absorption of thyroid hormone it’s important to make sure that is functioning optimally.
The more binders/fillers/cellulose etc. in the inactive ingredients of the thyroid hormone the more difficult it is to absorb.
The actual conversion of thyroid hormone takes place in the body, so various factors like inflammation, hormone imbalances, etc. seem to alter tissue concentrations more than absorption.
In patients with chronic GI issues or difficulty with other forms of NDT, it is worth a trial of WP thyroid to see if issues resolve.
If you fall into one of these categories above (especially if you’ve just been switched from T4 or levothyroxine) then it’s definitely worth asking your physician about WP thyroid before switching back.
The absorption issue is why I believe many patients do so well on Tirosint vs Levothyroxine and Synthroid.
Fewer ingredients = better absorption (generally).
But to answer the question if one of these forms of thyroid hormone is superior to the other – the answer is probably not…
It just depends on you.
For more information on Armour thyroid and weight loss please see this post.
Does WP Thyroid cause Weight Loss?
The answer to this question is actually more complex than you might think.
I’m showing you a case study of Sharilyn who was able to lose weight while being on WP thyroid, but I wouldn’t give WP thyroid all the credit for her weight loss in this case.
The cause of weight gain in hypothyroid patients is usually due to multiple hormone imbalances of which thyroid dysfunction is only 1 (and may not even be the primary driver of weight gain).
Many patients get “thyroid tunnel vision” and wrongly believe that every symptom they are experiencing (including weight gain) is the result of thyroid dysfunction.
While the thyroid may be the cause of your fatigue, hair loss, cold extremities, etc. it is most likely not the main reason you can’t lose weight.
I will show you exactly what helped Sharilyn lose weight down below, so if you can’t wait for that you can jump down now…
Now back to WP Thyroid:
I just got done telling you that your thyroid medication is probably not the main driver of weight gain in your body, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t playing a role.
Some patients suffer from metabolic conditions that result in low circulating levels of T3 in the body.
We know from studies (1) that serum T3 levels (both free and total T3) can be used to predict the amount of weight that a patient will lose during a weight loss plan.
At first glance, it doesn’t seem that the T3 levels themselves result in more weight loss, but rather the changes to serum levels probably allow the weight loss to “stick” over time.
And this is really important so let me break this down:
#1. The type of thyroid medication doesn’t play a big role in weight loss directly but it allows you to keep off the weight if your medication allows your T3 to stay in an “optimal” range.
#2. WP thyroid may help people keep off the weight they have lost if it helps increase serum and free T3 levels.
#3. Switching to WP thyroid will probably help with weight loss only if you are not tolerating the medication that you are currently taking or if that medication is not being absorbed properly.
#4. Weight loss usually occurs in thyroid patients who switch medications AND undergo weight loss therapies such as exercise, change in diet, stress reduction, and who take certain supplements.
My experience suggests (and is in line with current studies) that magically changing the type of thyroid medication you are taking rarely results in weight loss by itself.
But it can be a powerful tool, especially when coupled with other therapies such as those undergone by the case study listed below.
I bring this up because I don’t want you to wrongly believe that simply switching to WP thyroid from Nature-throid or Armour Thyroid will suddenly cause you a significant amount of weight loss all by itself.
Dosage and How to Make Sure You Are Getting Enough
As I mentioned previously it is important that you have optimal serum levels of both free T3 and total T3 for weight loss.
This is where the dosage of WP thyroid that you are taking comes into play.
It’s important that you are taking enough WP thyroid in order to increase these values in the serum so that your weight loss plan will be successful.
So what is the optimal dose of WP thyroid?
While there isn’t an “optimal” dose that everyone should be on, you can still use some guidelines to help you determine how much you should be taking.
Your goal when using WP thyroid should be to limit the degree of TSH suppression that occurs when taking thyroid hormone while ensuring that your total T3 and free T3 stay in the top 30% of the standard reference range.
For most individuals, this will be somewhere between 1 grain (65mg) and 3 grains (195mg) of WP thyroid.
1 grain of WP thyroid contains 38mcg of T4 and 9mcg of T3 and 3 grains of WP thyroid contain 114mcg of T4 and 27mcg of T3.
As you can see there is a big difference between the low-end dose and the high-end dose.
The way to determine your dose is by constantly assessing serum thyroid lab markers every time you adjust your dosing and balancing your dose with your symptoms.
Is more WP thyroid better for weight loss?
The reason you want to limit your dose is that you may start to experience negative side effects with increasing (if the dosing is unnecessary) doses of WP thyroid.
Mild TSH suppression defined as a TSH less than 1.0 may not be a big deal for most individuals, but dramatic TSH suppression may cause long-term issues such as an enlarged heart (2), osteoporosis (usually only an issue for postmenopausal women) and even atrial fibrillation (usually due to changes to cardiac tissue from long term use).
You can avoid these potential negative side effects by following the guidelines listed above.
If you find that your serum thyroid lab markers are in the “ideal” range and yet you are not losing weight then your next step should be to evaluate other hormones that may be interfering with weight loss such as leptin and insulin.
You can also find more information about my approach to weight loss in my weight loss guide here.
Is WP Thyroid Safe? Side Effects to Watch out for
Like all medications, WP thyroid has both positive and negative side effects that you want to watch out for.
Some of the side effects of this medication are linked to its effects on thyroid function in the body while others may be secondary to components of the medication.
Common side effects (including why they occur) when taking WP thyroid include:
- Heart palpitations/irregular heartbeat – Usually related to excessive dosing.
- Hair loss – May be caused by the medication itself (fillers/dyes) or related to either high/low dosage.
- Fluid retention – Usually an indicator of excessive medication.
- Chest pain – Usually secondary to medication dose, if you experience this side effect seek medical attention as soon as possible.
- Throat swelling – May be related to an immunogenic response to animal thyroid glandular tissue.
- Increased anxiety or irritability – Usually dose-dependent (too high).
- Nausea or stomach pain – May be related to the fillers/dyes in the medication or to your dose.
- Insomnia – Usually an indicator of excessive dosing.
- Diarrhea – Usually an indicator of excessive dosing.
- Heat intolerance – Usually an indicator of excessive dosing.
- Skin rash – May be secondary to an allergic reaction.
- Increased antithyroid antibody titers – May be secondary to an immunogenic response from animal glandular tissue.
In general WP thyroid is very well tolerated among patients, especially when compared to other thyroid medications.
If you are experiencing negative side effects such as those listed above make sure you seek out help from your provider to determine if it’s related to your dose or the medication itself.
Identifying the cause of your symptoms will help you determine how to proceed.
How to Lose Weight if you are Hypothyroid
To do this you need to focus on the underlying causes of weight gain, and to make this easy I think it’s best to use examples:
Below you will find a list of abnormal labs that we can dissect to help us better understand what causes weight gain and weight loss resistance.
These labs were all present in this case study:
You can see from the summary of abnormal results she is dealing with multiple issues…
- High levels of inflammation as evidenced by the elevated platelet count, CRP, and high ferritin
- Insulin resistance as evidenced by the Hgb A1c at 5.9 (pre-diabetic range)
- High fasting insulin resistance and thyroid resistance
- Thyroid resistance as evidenced by the high reverse T3
So let’s put this story together:
She has high levels of inflammation with a CRP of 2.3, a platelet count of 444, and a ferritin level of 179 (yes ferritin is also an acute phase reactant and can be used as a marker of inflammation).
You might recall that inflammation reduces T4 to T3 conversion (3) which causes high levels of reverse T3.
You can see that her reverse T3 is 16.7 which is higher than the “optimal range” of < 15 that we are looking for.
So you can see right away that inflammation is obviously making her thyroid function worse, but there’s more.
She is also dealing with insulin resistance (based on her high fasting insulin level of 9.5 and her Hgb A1c of 5.9 which puts her in the pre-diabetic range).
Insulin resistance is yet another factor that can contribute to high levels of reverse T3 and make thyroid function worse.
In addition, insulin resistance makes weight loss very difficult by taking energy from the blood and placing it in fat cells.
In this case, the combination of both thyroid resistance and insulin resistance are causing her weight loss resistance.
The next question is, what do we do about it?
How to Put it All Together – From Diagnosis to Treatment
This is the important part:
Diagnosis is really just the beginning, what matters is how you approach treatment.
You can ask for all the tests you need to help find the root cause of your problem, but just knowing does nothing for you.
In order to get results, you need to properly TREAT the problem.
As I mentioned above we know that we are dealing with both insulin resistance and thyroid resistance.
So how did we take her from a fasting insulin of 9 to a fasting insulin of 4.2 and around 50 pounds of weight loss along the way?
Complete treatment plan including WP Thyroid:
- Hormones: Hydrocortisone (5mg) + WP Thyroid titration up to 1.5 grains (previously on Armour thyroid 1.5 grains)
- Supplements: Alpha lipoic acid, fish oil, zinc, vitamin B12, selenium, milk thistle
- Exercise: Low-intensity exercise daily
- Diet: Whole food diet + Intermittent Fasting
- Stress: Mindfulness and meditation
In this case, the biggest barrier to weight loss and feeling better was the insulin resistance and thyroid resistance that she was facing.
The thyroid resistance was treated with Armour thyroid initially and then transitioned to WP Thyroid due to absorption issues.
Remember that thyroid hormone should always be titrated based on a combination of lab results, symptoms, and body temp/resting heart rate.
In this case, the majority of the effort was focused on treating and balancing insulin levels.
Most people think that treating insulin resistance is as easy as just cutting out carbs.
This approach generally isn’t sufficient for the majority of patients:
You can see from the image above that just cutting out carbs isn’t enough to lower the blood glucose enough to sensitize the cells to insulin.
It really requires the combination of intermittent fasting in addition to cutting out carbohydrates.
The therapies, in combination with T3 from the WP Thyroid, really help to reverse those levels and lead to lasting weight loss.
Your Next Steps…
So what do you do if you are on T4 medication and unable to lose weight or feel better?
The first thing you need to do is find a provider or physician to help guide you along the way (you can use this resource to help).
I don’t recommend taking this information to your current Doctor and trying to get them to treat you in this way.
First of all your case is unique to you, and you may need a different combination of dosing/medication/hormones/diet, etc.
But also you really need that help to guide you through the ups and downs of treatment.
It just isn’t as simple as starting hormones or medications and watching the weight shed off.
It takes a combination of trial and error to get to the root cause of the problem.
So remember:
Thyroid medication, including WP Thyroid, can certainly help you lose weight and feel better but it isn’t the primary solution to your problem.
Instead of focusing on diet and thyroid medication, I want you to look at other hormone imbalances in your body and address those.
WP Thyroid FAQ
What is the best way to take WP thyroid?
For best results, WP thyroid should be taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
It’s best to avoid eating for as long as possible after you take your thyroid medication so that you can help increase absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (4).
Some individuals may also benefit from taking their thyroid medication in the evening due to the changes in bowel kinetics that occur at that time.
You can read more about how and when to take your thyroid medication here.
To increase absorption you will also want to avoid taking your thyroid medication with supplements that contain calcium and iron as these nutrients may block thyroid hormone absorption.
This is also true of food, which is why it is recommended to take your medication on an empty stomach.
Some individuals find benefits in splitting their dose throughout the day as well.
You can do this by taking your total dose – let’s say 2 grains for this example, and you can take 1 grain in the morning and 1 grain in the afternoon.
This schedule helps maintain stable serum levels of T3 and T4 throughout the day.
Will switching from Nature Throid to WP thyroid help me lose weight?
The answer is maybe and it really depends on your individual situation.
If you are having trouble absorbing your current thyroid medication or if you are reacting to inactive ingredients in your current medication then switching may help.
Remember that all thyroid medications are unique and slightly different even if they are in the same class or family of thyroid medications.
As an example:
Levothyroxine and Synthroid are both T4 thyroid medications but studies have shown that they are not bio-equivalent when ingested and certain patients may be sensitive to this.
If you are not tolerating your current thyroid medication, it is always worth switching to a different type of thyroid medication (even in the same family) to see if you tolerate that medication better.
How do I switch to WP thyroid from Levothyroxine or Synthroid?
Unfortunately switching between thyroid medications that are not within the same class can be difficult.
Much of the problem with switching medications has to do with the difference in the thyroid hormones that these medications contain.
WP thyroid contains both T3 and T4 while Levothyroxine and Synthroid contain only T4.
When you consider that T3 is at least 3-4x more potent (5) (or more powerful) than T4 it makes sense why there really isn’t an easy conversion.
It’s also important to realize that because T3 is the active thyroid hormone it is not as well tolerated as T4 thyroid medication.
This makes conversion difficult.
As a general rule, you can multiply the T3 content of thyroid medication by 3 which turns it into T4 “equivalents” which can be useful for converting thyroid medication doses.
I’ve discussed how to do this in another article here which you can read more about.
When switching to thyroid medications that contain T3 it’s also very important that you titrate your dose up very slowly to prevent unwanted side effects.
T3 is more powerful than T4 but it stays in the bloodstream for a much shorter time than T4 (on the order of hours compared to weeks with T4).
What are the ingredients in WP thyroid?
WP thyroid contains the following ingredients:
- Inulin
- Medium Chain Triglycerides
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Thyroxine (T4)
- T2
- T1
This list includes both the inactive ingredients as well as the active ingredients (see more on active ingredients below).
It’s important to note that some people react negatively to inactive ingredients even though these ingredients are considered “inert”.
They don’t necessarily have biological activity on their own, but certain sensitive individuals may react to these ingredients with various symptoms such as rashes, GI upset, headaches, and more (6).
For this reason, it is always preferable to get a medication that contains fewer inactive ingredients.
What are the active ingredients in WP thyroid?
The active ingredients in WP thyroid include:
- Triiodothyronine (T3) -> 9 mcg in each grain
- Thyroxine (T4) -> 38 mcg in each grain
- T1 & T2
The “active ingredients” in medications are the ingredients that have biological activity.
In the case of WP thyroid (and other thyroid hormones), this refers to the active thyroid hormones.
WP thyroid, because it is a formulation of NDT, contains both of the major biologically active thyroid hormones T3 and T4 as well as the less biologically active thyroid hormones T1 and T2.
It is likely that T1 and T2 have some biological activity but the exact amount is not known at this time.
Is desiccated thyroid better than synthetic thyroid hormone?
There is a hotly debated topic.
Desiccated thyroid refers to formulations of medications such as Armour thyroid, WP thyroid, and Nature-Throid.
These medications are felt to be considered more “natural” than synthetic medications which are created in a laboratory from synthetic materials.
It’s important to realize that the “natural” thyroid hormone in NDT is produced from animal thyroid glands and therefore may not be suited to every person.
NDT may be superior to T4-only thyroid medication for some individuals because it contains both T3 and T4 as well as the less biologically active T1 and T2 thyroid hormones (7).
On the other hand, some patients are very sensitive to the T3 in NDT and may therefore not tolerate these types of medications.
There is no clear answer, but in my experience which is confirmed in clinical studies (8), more patients prefer NDT and WP thyroid over synthetic alternatives (but this doesn’t mean those medications are not effective).
Is it safe to use WP thyroid and other brands of desiccated thyroid hormone?
WP thyroid, along with other NDT formulations, is designed to be used to treat those who suffer from hypothyroidism.
That being said there are some risks inherent in using certain medications and the risks vs benefits should always be weighed when evaluating medication.
The potential downside to using WP thyroid is that it contains T3, the active thyroid hormone, which certain people may react to.
In addition, it is important to realize that WP thyroid is formulated from the thyroid gland of animals (pigs).
Ingesting glandular tissue from another animal may result in immunogenic reactions that may manifest as a worsening of symptoms.
There have also been reports from patients (I have also seen this clinically) that patients with Hashimoto’s may react with an increase in antibody levels when taking NDT and that includes WP thyroid.
It is possible that these reactions may be caused by the body and a weakened immune system which then targets the animal tissue as “foreign” and attempts to destroy it.
The exact mechanism by which this occurs is not well understood but it should always be considered before you take NDT!
How does WP thyroid compare to Tirosint?
Tirosint is a T4-only medication and it is similar (but different) to WP thyroid in that it is the “cleanest” of all T4-only thyroid medications.
Tirosint contains 3 inactive ingredients and 1 active ingredient (Thyroxine) which can be compared to other T4 medications which have many more inactive fillers and dyes.
So these medications differ in that one contains only T4 (Tirosint) while the other contains both T4 and T3 (WP thyroid) meaning they do not belong in the same class of thyroid medications.
They are similar in that they both contain relatively few inactive ingredients and can be considered the cleanest of all thyroid medications within the class.
Final Thoughts
Are you currently on Nature-throid or Armour thyroid and still feeling poorly?
Have you been able to lose weight while switching medication and balancing your hormones?
If so it may be the result of reacting poorly to your current class of thyroid medication.
WP thyroid is an NDT formulation that may be purer and, therefore, better absorbed when compared to other brands of NDT.
If this scenario exists within your body then switching to WP thyroid may actually result in weight loss where other medications have failed.
This may also be relevant if you are taking T4-only medications such as Synthroid or Levothyroxine.
Now I want to hear from you:
Have you tried taking WP Thyroid before?
If so, what has been your experience?
Are you currently taking Nature Throid or Armour Thyroid? Are they working for you?
Leave your comments below!
Scientific References
Can you explain the reasoning for adding hydrocortisone to her treatment plan?
Hey Emily,
She had hypocortisolism.
I have been on this thyroid journey for 20 plus years and 50 plus pounds over weight. I eat clean, no white, no processed, no junk and all organic. I swim,walk and yoga. Just in the past month switched to WP and added T3. Hoping to see results. Feel good, but not a pound lost. I have very high RT3 and high cortisol at night. I have been told those two are the culprits for having all the belly fat. I would love if you could shed some light on my situation.
Thank you
Hey Carla,
I believe I mentioned it in the article but the reason most hypothyroid patients don’t lose weight is because they have tunnel vision on their thyroid as the cause of all of their weight gain. Once someone gets on T3 or NDT you can consider their thyroid mostly optimized, if you don’t lose weight when switching then it’s unlikely going up on the medication will result it any sort of significant weight loss for you. That means the problem is elsewhere and you have to do some digging. No amount of reducing carbs or changing thyroid medication will help significantly.
Dr. Childs,
Great info! I am SOO bummed that I didn’t get to see you for my follow-up visit. Did you get my email? I sent it Tuesday night. Would be great to hear from you! Thank you!
I never really felt poorly, I had hair loss and breakage to the extreme. Stress..well chronic stress for over 2 years started Wp in July due to low end ft3 too low a dose, and my hair thinned badly all over. Now 5 months later and on 1 1/2 grains iron almost optimal and still stressing my hair is no better. I’m almost sorry I ever agreed to Wp or any thyroid med for that matter. I didn’t over all thin like this prior to it.. now I’m scared and depressed
Hey Tina,
Unfortunately it sounds like hypothyroidism was probably not the cause of your hair loss.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a few years ago. I gained 40 lbs during the time I first noticed a change until I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s…at which time, an endocrinologist prescribed me an antidepressant for my depression over the weight gain, causing me to gain another 20 lbs. I’ve since lost that 20 lbs but the other 40 lbs just won’t budge. I’m currently taking Synthroid 75 mcg and I also take 2 mg of LDN (low dose naltrexone), which has helped immensely with the symptoms associated with Hashimoto’s. I’ve tried everything…it doesn’t appear I’m gluten intolerant, I don’t have leaky gut so I’m pretty sure I have T3 resistance. I’m seeing a new doctor tomorrow, hoping he will prescribe the WP Thyroid and that I see not just an improvement in my symptoms, but weight loss as well. I’m only 5’3″ and used to weighing 115-120 lbs. Weighing in at 155-160 lbs is not only uncomfortable, but it isn’t me.
Hey Marianne,
It’s unlikely that simply changing the medication will result in the changes you see in this case study. It usually takes a combination of treatments + therapies to get these kind of results, but changing medication is usually a step in the right direction. Keep us updated!
Hi Marianne,
I have almost the identical problem. Only difference is that I am only 5′ tall and about 30 pounds over my ideal. I have been on Tirosint for about 3 months. Please let me know if you have found any help in resolving your problem.
Thank you!
Hello Docotr,
i tried to click on the link for 60 days thyroid reset plan but it says page not found. i am interested in buying it too.
Also does milk thistle reduce insulin resistance?
Hey Trupti,
That program is no longer available, but you can look at this one if you are interested:
thank you doctor. yes i can view the link now.
you have another program which is the 60 day functional hormone reset guide.
are both the same ?
Do you know are they still making wp thyroid the last pharmacist I just spoke to said they were not. So now Iam on nature throid. Have previously been on westhroid wp for 6 months. Got it thru my naturopath office but would like to get it thru reg pharmacy as there physician who perscribes doesnot take insurance..
I still get WP Thyroid, but I had to call around to a few pharmacies to find it. I get it at the Medicine Shoppe. I don’t know if you have one near you but it is a compounding pharmacy. I hope that helps!
Hi Janette,
They are still producing WP thyroid, your pharmacy may be out of the medication though.
I feel best on WP Thyroid but last summer they had “equipment production issues” and there was no availability to WP Thyroid for months, then recently they had a production cost issue and once again it was not able to be found. Last month I started to call around to other pharmacies and although my Rite Aid has not had it in a year, a local CVS had it. I did not fare as well on Armour (the back-up while waiting for WP Thyroid) but if WP Thyroid has another round of not being accessible I may switch meds.
Hi Catherine,
You may also want to explore NP thyroid as a potential option.
Dr. Westin
I completed many rounds with Omni drops HCG type of diet and lost a lot of weight. 65 pounds in 2015… YES 2017 and I’ve gained it all back. Now test are rolling in concerning my thyroid. My TSH is elevated. But T3 & T4 were normal and my T3 free and T4 free were normal. Further testing THYROID PEROXIDASE AB – was at a 20 and
Thyro Ab 8 IU/ML <=1 IU/ML and my
Thyroglobulin quant was 2.1 and suggest I be scanned for thyroid cancer… I was wandering if I could come out to see you because I need to lose weight and can't seem to do it without the drops but don't want to do more damage.
Hi Christie,
This pattern is common after HCG dieting (or any caloric restricted diet) which produces metabolic damage. You can learn more about this process here:
I am not accepting new patients right now but you should find that information helpful for your situation.
You might also want to read this post as well:
I have been taking Armour Thyroid .5 gr (30mg) for 2 days now. I take it on an empty stomach in the morning, but it is causing me to be nauseous. Can I take this with food, or should I continue to take on empty stomach.
Hi Martha,
It is better to take your thyroid medication on an empty stomach because it will increase absorption. Some individuals may have to take their medication with food but this is not optimal. I would make sure to consult with your current doctor so they can take this into account when interpreting your lab tests.
I really enjoyed thus article! Are you taking new patients? What state are you located in?
Thank you!
Hi Sheila,
Dr. Childs is not currently accepting new patients.
Hi- Do you advise against taking dessicated thyroid for the sole purpose of boosting low T3 to an optimal level? Combined with diet and exercise to lose weight? Are there any cons to taking it for a brief period of time? Saqy 6 months?
Hi Holly,
It depends – if your low T3 is a pathological problem then it would be appropriate to use it in that setting, but using T3 for weight loss alone is not a good idea.
Not sure what you mean by pathological. My T3 tested at 2.7
I am pre diabetic and my lepton level was 33.
I’m curious about the statement below from the article. Why is it that people with intestinal issues might do better with WP Thyroid? I’m curious if from your patients you have seen a pattern of increased symptoms when on synthetic hormones.
“In general, patients who tend to do better on WP thyroid are those who have one or more of the following:
-Intestinal issues like SIBO/SIFO, IBS, chronic constipation or acid reflux”
I have tried the standard Synthroid and now a compounded T4/T3 (still synthetic). With both, I experience extreme bloating, 3 inches beyond my normal abdomen measurement. The bloating occurs 2 weeks after I start the medication. It’s almost as if when my metabolism starts to pick up these symptoms appear. I just did a SIBO test but don’t have the results yet.
Thanks in advance for any info you can share.
Is NP Thyroid the same as WP thyroid? I thought I was taking WP which is what I suggested to my physician since it has less fillers then most. I read where NP Thyroid that I am currently taking has magnesium sterate which I am trying to avoid all together.
Hi Lillian,
WP thyroid is not the same as NP thyroid.
I am having trouble gaining weight. If I take WP Thyroid, will I lose MORE weight?
Hi Gail,
It’s possible but no guarantee either way.
In the case study above, you prescribed 5mg of hydrocortisone. What was that used to treat?
Hi Serena,
It was used to treat extreme fatigue (adrenal fatigue).
After WP became available again I switched from NP 1 1/2 grains to WP 1 1/2 grains. I felt a lot better initially then became hyper. Heart racing . I lowered it to one then to 1 1/4 and I’m not feeling better yet. 10 days.
My ankles and fingers are swollen 🙁
Do I raise it back to 1 1/2 soon ?
Am a little nervous about a racing heart
Thanks, Joyce
Hi Joyce,
Unfortunately, I can’t give you medical advice but you should definitely re-order your lab tests before you make any changes to your dose.
Getting so tired of taking wp Thyroid at 5:30 and waiting to drink or eat till 8:30. Trying to wait the 3 hours after taking meds. Any other suggestions of how and when to take?
Hi Dr. Westin, Today I received this newsletter dated:
March 24, 2021
October 14, 2016 by Dr. Westin Childs
I am going to assume the March 24, 2021 date is a reviewed or updated version. I do have some ideas regarding your newsletters.
1. Nature-throid and WP were both recalled by the FDA, so I believe the information you are providing regarding WP is useless.
2. In a previous response to an email I sent you, you stated that Armour was grandfathered in. This is what the FDA is now stating:
“The law allows some unapproved prescription drugs to be lawfully marketed if they meet the criteria of generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) or grandfathered. However, the agency is not aware of any human prescription drug that is lawfully marketed as grandfathered.” That was a surprise to me!
3. Unless I have missed this topic, I have not seen an entire newsletter dedicated to those of us who have had a TT. I would definitely like your thoughts on this topic. Ten years ago I had a TT for papillary cancer and a dose of RAI 108 miC. First I was using Synthroid and Levo, I believe it was one or the other. Then I started with Nature-throid 97.5 mg 1.5 grains. When Nature-throid and WP were recalled and pulled from all shelves, I was stuck with Armour. I was told the equivalency from Nature-throid to Armour was 90mg. I experimented a bit because I was hoping my TSH didn’t need to be as suppressed as it has been, that worked fine for a little over 2 weeks, then I went to the 90 mg and I have NOT felt well since.
4. ThyCa “Inspire” Inspire’s goal is “Leading social network for health that connects patients and caregivers in a safe permission-based manner”, It is a blog with information for all types of diseases.They are partnered with over 100 advocacy partners.
I have been blogging with a person who is not as familiar with NDT’s but I am educating him and he is getting help from his group.
Here are a few things he has stated: ME:Based on my TSH in 12/2019 of 0.025, it is now, as of 03/2021 0.029 my Free T3 is 4.38 and Free T4 is 0.92. When I had to switch meds I asked if we should do some testing then, her response was, “no”. I thought since I changed meds it might be a good idea to get a baseline, so-to-speak, with the new meds.”
Blogger: “From what I’ve read, Armour is more expensive but has the reputation of being more potent.
Your Free-T3 is 4.38 pg/ml. That’s extralimital. It’s going to possibly cause trouble down the road . Your Free-T4 is 0.92 ng/dl which is barely Ok. It’s too low for many people. Aim for 1.0 ng/dl or 1.1.
Looks like the T4 part of Armour is sub potent.
And your TSH has been trending around 0.02. It’s the above range Free-T3 and almost below-range Free-T4 that is troubling. TSH is usually low for people taking NDTs.
The meds are weighted wrong for some people. NDTs can be too high in T3 for certain people.
So the problem we’re trying to solve is either find some NP or NatureThyroid,
Or with Armour, things will continue to be too potent.” end from Blogger
I also wanted to let you know that the FDA has changed the category of NDT products from Thyroid medication to Biologics. They sent Acella, NP producer a warning letter and RLC Labs makers of Nature-T and WP telling them their products are illegal. However, it is strange that Acella and NP are still available but RLC Labs Nature-T and WP are NOT. I cannot find information on Armour from the FDA. Also, Allergan maker of Armour was purchased by Abbvie, but Abbvie is using Allergan as a branch of products from Abbvie. I do have links to all of this information if you would like to have them, just let me know.
Most of all, I would like your opinoin regarding Armour. By the way, I spoke with Allergan who explained to me that they use the 60 mg dose as a baseline and then your doctor is supposed to figure out from test results what does one should be using. I have an email as well from Allergan if you are interested.
Thank you,
Hi Rhonda,
Yes, this information was published 4-5 years ago so it’s quite as relevant right now given the recent recall 🙂 I have covered the recall and what it means for thyroid patients in more recent posts.