7 Step Guide to Reverse Thyroid Hair Loss & Regrow Your Hair

7 Step Guide to Reverse Thyroid Hair Loss + Hair Regrowth Supplements

Are you taking thyroid medication but still losing your hair?

Is your hair brittle, dry, or breaking?

All of these symptoms may result either directly from low thyroid or as a result of low thyroid function in your body.

What most patients don’t realize is that hair loss is multifactorial (meaning many things contribute to it) ​and that means that stopping hair loss requires a comprehensive approach. 

Micronutrient deficiencies, high testosterone, high cortisol, low iron, and much more all contribute to hair loss in thyroid patients.

Find out what is causing your hair loss and how to fix it below: ​

Hair Loss and your Thyroid

Without a doubt, there is a very strong link between thyroid function and hair growth. 

In fact, it has been shown (and many of you may be experiencing these symptoms right now) that low thyroid function is associated with all of the following changes: 

  • Dry and brittle hair
  • Hair loss
  • Reduced hair growth
  • Hair breakage
  • Excessive hair loss while showering

It turns out that your thyroid plays a critical role in both the development and maintenance of the hair follicle (1).

chart outlining the relationship between thyroid dysfunction and various skin conditions.

That means that low thyroid function can make your hair fall out and can slow down or completely stop hair regrowth. 

But it doesn’t stop there…

To make matters worse low thyroid function promotes nutrient deficiencies that are required for proper hair growth. 

We are going to talk more about how this happens and how to replace these nutrients, but by virtue of how thyroid hormone reduces stomach acid, it can also reduce the absorption of nutrients like iron and B12 (2) which are required for proper hair growth. 

To complicate things even further thyroid hormone medications like levothyroxine can cause hair loss as a negative side effect to taking the medication. 

So effectively you may be losing hair because your thyroid function is too low but taking thyroid medication also might be increasing your hair loss.

​And don’t forget that hypothyroidism itself also depletes the micronutrients required for proper hair growth. 

When you put all of these factors together it’s easy to see why finding the root cause of your hair loss can be difficult and why it takes a comprehensive approach.

  • Bottom line: Hair loss in hypothyroid patients may occur from hypothyroidism itself, as a negative side effect of thyroid medication, or from the nutrient deficiencies caused by low thyroid hormone. Each of these must be treated to ensure proper hair growth. 


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


How to Regrow your Hair with Hypothyroidism:

While thyroid function is very important for regrowing your hair back it’s not the only (and in some cases not the most important) factor involved. 

Often times hair loss in hypothyroid patients ​is a result of multiple factors. 

This means that just assessing for one problem, taking one supplement, or making one change will not be as effective as trying multiple things at once.

This has to do with how thyroid hormone interacts with other hormones and nutrients in the body.

If you have hair loss and you aren’t sure if you have hypothyroidism then make sure to check out this post here for a complete list of symptoms related to your thyroid.

​If you know you have hypothyroidism already and are experiencing hair loss then read on…

#1. Check your Thyroid Dosing & Medication

​The first thing you should be evaluating is your thyroid function. 

I’m assuming you already have a diagnosis of hypothyroidism by the time you read this.

That means you are most likely taking some form of thyroid medication.

​And this is where things get a little bit tricky:

​It turns out you need enough thyroid hormone (including T3) in your body and system to have proper hair growth. 

T3 and both T4 prolong the duration of the hair growth cycle by blocking an inhibitory growth factor TGF-B2 (3).

the results of a study which show the relationship between thyroid hormone (t4) and its impact on the hair growth phase.

On the flip side – too much thyroid hormone can increase hair loss as well.

What this means for you is that you need to find the sweet spot where your body has enough thyroid hormone in the body (in the form of T3 thyroid hormone), but not enough to increase hair loss.

​It is well known that hypothyroidism (meaning low thyroid function) causes hair loss, hair breakage, etc.

But it is also well known that one of the main symptoms of hyperthyroidism is hair loss as well.

​So how do you know if you have “enough”? 

Unfortunately, there is no magical number that your T4 or T3 levels should be in order for your hair to grow properly, but we can follow some guidelines.


​You need enough T3 in your body to promote hair growth. 

For most patients that means taking T3 in some form. 

You can get this T3 by taking natural desiccated thyroid or by adding liothyronine or Cytomel to your current dose of T3.

the conclusion of a research study which shows that human hair follicles are under the direct influence of thyroid hormones.

Most patients are being treated with T4-only thyroid medications like levothyroxine or Synthroid. 

These medications rely on your body to convert T4 into T3, but this doesn’t always happen. 

For this reason, many patients may actually need to add T3 to their current regimen to slow down their hair loss. 

In some cases, levothyroxine and Synthroid may be enough but the dose simply isn’t high enough. 

In these cases, you need to make sure that your dose is adequate and high enough.

You can find more info on how to dose levothyroxine here. ​


Don’t focus on your thyroid lab values, instead focus on your symptoms and how you are feeling. ​

Many patients (and providers) have a tendency to focus on TSH as an indicator that they have “enough” thyroid hormone in their body.

But so many patients walk around with a “normal” TSH but their hair is falling out and they are still fatigued.

In many cases, the TSH (as an isolated value) is not very predictive of tissue levels of thyroid hormone.

Studies have shown (4) that patients treated with thyroid medication to “euthyroid” TSH levels (meaning normal TSH levels) still show lower levels of T4 and T3 than controls who are not on thyroid medication. 


Suffering from thyroid hair loss? Here are 4 underlying causes that you should be aware of. Treating these will help you regrow your hair. #thyroidhairloss #thyroidsymptoms #hashimotoshairloss #alopecia #alopeciaareata

♬ original sound – Dr. Westin Childs

Unfortunately, the free T3 and free T4 values mean more to your body than your TSH and it is these values that influence your hair growth. 

Because of this, it’s not the best idea to base your dosing on TSH alone.

Instead focus on other factors like your symptoms, body temperature, and resting heart rate.

If your thyroid lab tests are “normal” but you are still having many of these symptoms (including hair loss), then your dose may not be sufficient. ​


This one gets a little tricky, but we need to talk about it…​

​Your medication may actually be making your hair loss worse. 

​What I mean by that is this:

One of the negative side effects of thyroid medication is hair loss.

This side effect is separate from hair loss related to high or low thyroid levels, it’s just a side effect of the medication itself.

Obviously, this can complicate the picture…

You may be thinking your hair loss is due to a low dose, when in reality it may be caused by your medication!

Below I will go over how each type of medication can cause hair loss and what to do about it: ​

Levothyroxine can cause hair loss

highlighted text which shows that levothyroxine and other thyroid medications can cause or contribute to hair loss.

​T4-only thyroid medications can cause hair loss as a negative side effect of taking the medication. 

This can be as a side effect of overdose (5) (taking too much) but is also likely related to the fillers/dyes in the medication itself.

As you know levothyroxine is a T4-only thyroid medication (Synthroid, Levothyroxine, etc.). 

T4 is important for hair growth, but T3 is as well.

Many providers try to increase T3 levels by giving patients T4-only thyroid medication, but this assumes that the patient has no issues with T4 to T3 conversion.

In cases where patients have problems converting T4 to T3, it’s possible to take too much T4 thyroid hormone which can lead to hair loss due to this build-up.

join 80000 thyroid patients that use dr. westin childs thyroid support supplements.

On the flip side, the inactive fillers and dyes in levothyroxine and other T4-only formulations likely contribute to hair loss as well. ​

If you are experiencing hair loss while taking Levothyroxine you have to figure out if it’s directly related to the medication itself or due to a low or high dose.

One relatively easy way to determine this is by switching your T4 medication.

Even switching from generic Levothyroxine to Tirosint may dramatically improve your hair loss.

Tirosint has the fewest inactive ingredients out of all T4-only thyroid medications which means that it is more highly absorbed (meaning you will get “more” of the thyroid medication).

In addition, Tirosint has 3 inactive ingredients.

By switching to Tirosint you can account for absorption issues and for adverse reactions to inactive fillers.

​If this option doesn’t work then you may need to switch to NDT formulations (or T3 formulations). 

Cytomel Can Cause Hair Loss

Compared to Levothyroxine, Cytomel/liothyronine is a T3-only thyroid medication. 

T3 as a thyroid hormone is much more powerful than T4-only thyroid medication because T3 is directly active in your cells, whereas T4 has to be activated.

Some patients believe that adding T3 (or switching to T3) will dramatically reduce their symptoms of hypothyroidism, including their hair loss. 

One side effect of Cytomel and Liothyronine is a dramatic but temporary increase in hair loss (6) in some patients while starting this medication. 

Upon switching or adding T3 to their regimen this can cause some concern for many patients. 

Fortunately this, side effect tends to be self-limited. 

Meaning, it will go away within 2-4 months. 

When switching to or adding T3 to your current thyroid regimen make sure you give it time because temporary hair loss is a known side effect of T3. 

text showing that one of the potential side effects of cytomel is hair loss.

Obviously, this can cause some confusion for patients who may wrongly believe that their hair loss is a result of taking too much thyroid hormone or confuse them further. 

If you fall into this category do not be alarmed, instead, give it some time – up to 2 to 4 months and the hair loss will likely subside.

In my experience, this side effect tends to occur about 20-30% of the time when, and it is a real cause of concern for many patients who are already self-conscious about their hair.

The mechanism of this hair loss is not understood, but in my opinion, it likely has to do with an increased demand for hair growth and insufficiency in local nutrients and other growth factors that aren’t ready for the increased demand. 

NDT Can Cause Hair Loss

Natural desiccated thyroid like Nature-throid, Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, and WP thyroid can cause hair loss as well. 

The mechanism behind hair loss in these medications is less understood than in other medications but is likely due to a reaction to the ingredients and the amount of T3 in these medications.

Most of the time the hair loss in these patients is usually temporary (but not always).

If you experience increased hair loss while switching to NDT formulations then you should consider this:

1) Make sure that you optimize your micronutrient status

In some cases, hair loss isn’t necessarily due to the medication itself, but instead due to the increased demand that the thyroid hormone places on the hair follicles.

By addressing micronutrient status (discussed more below) and by providing your body with the building blocks for hair growth, this hair loss will likely stop in 1-2 months.

2) Try switching to a different type of NDT​

Occasionally patients simply need to switch to a different type of NDT medication.

For instance:

If you are noticing hair loss while taking Armour Thyroid, then consider switching to the same dose of WP thyroid or Nature-throid.

Remember that much like T4-only thyroid medications, each NDT medication contains different fillers.

This means that you may react poorly to one medication and better to another.

This switch is relatively easy to do and may stop hair loss.

In my experience, I have some patients who simply don’t tolerate certain types of NDT but by trying various combinations we can eventually get to the right type/dose of medication to halt hair loss. 

3) Lastly, consider switching to T4 + T3 compounded medications

If the other options fail then you should consider switching to compounded formulations of T4 + T3 in similar doses to that of your NDT.

This will help you determine if your hair loss is due to your medication or if it’s due to some other factor (low dosage, etc.). ​

Hyperthyroidism Can Cause Hair Loss

​Lastly, remember that taking too much thyroid medication can also cause hair loss. 

This can confuse patients further because it is possible to take too much thyroid hormone and cause negative side effects that may mimic hypothyroidism.

For instance:

Taking too much thyroid hormone can lead to fatigue, anxiety, and worsening hair loss – all of which are symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Due to various factors, and our current treatment paradigm, it’s easy for patients to believe that they are under-dosed when in reality they may be taking too much thyroid hormone.

Just keep this in the back of your mind while assessing your hair loss. ​

#2. Check your Iron & Ferritin Status

One of the most critical nutrients (and often most overlooked) for hair growth is your iron status. 

Iron is so important for hair growth that you can’t blame hair loss on your thyroid until you’ve increased your ferritin and other iron levels to a suitable level.

For reference, a ferritin level of at least 30 ng/mL (7) is required for proper hair growth.

​Studies have shown that in women with systemic inflammation (evidenced by high levels of ESR/CRP) and other underlying hormone imbalances, ferritin levels lower than 30 ng/mL are strongly associated with hair loss. 

And remember this:

Ferritin is a marker of the iron stores in your body, but your ferritin can be low while your iron levels are relatively “normal”.

What’s worse is that the low end of the reference range for ferritin is less than 10 ng/mL as evidenced in the example below:​

lab tests in a patient with thyroid disease showing low serum iron, low % saturation, and a low ferritin level.

You can see that the ferritin reference range is from 10 to 154 ng/mL meaning that you can range anywhere from 10 to 29 and still be considered “normal”. 

Meanwhile, you may be experiencing diffuse hair loss or other symptoms of low ferritin.

Because of this, it’s important that you understand where your ferritin level needs to be if you are suffering from hair loss. 

Another very important connection, as it relates to patients with hypothyroidism, is the connection between thyroid hormone and iron deficiency.

Low thyroid hormone causes iron deficiency due to decreased absorption in the GI tract.

This means that hypothyroid patients are in a situation that promotes iron deficiency.

This causes a double whammy:

Hair loss from hypothyroidism and now hair loss from low iron caused by low thyroid function.

For these reasons, iron is almost more important than your thyroid hormone when evaluating hair loss. 

The symptoms of low iron also mimic the symptoms of hypothyroidism because ferritin is required for proper thyroid conversion and function. ​

Because iron is very much a “Goldilocks” type of nutrient, meaning you don’t want too much and you don’t want too little, you need to make sure you evaluate your serum levels before you supplement. 

When supplementing with iron make sure that you are also being treated with thyroid hormone to ensure proper absorption.

Also make sure that you take any iron supplements AWAY from your thyroid medication, as iron may delay or inhibit its absorption.

For most patients that means taking iron at least 4 hours away from your thyroid hormone. ​

How to Use Iron

  • Liquid iron: Start with 10 ml each day, do not exceed 20 ml per day (if you take more than 1 dose per day make sure to split it apart from one another and take at least 4 hours away from your thyroid medication)
  • Iron capsules: Start with 1 capsule of iron and increase up to 3 per day as tolerated and based on your serum iron/ferritin levels (take at least 4 hours away from your thyroid medication)

Liquid iron is best if you have intestinal issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation, or if you have previously failed capsule forms of iron.

Iron capsules are best if you can’t tolerate liquid iron supplements (some patients have various symptoms when using liquid iron such as tooth pain or an intolerance to the taste/texture).


Do not use iron unless you have checked your iron lab tests and confirmed that you actually need it.

#3. Check your Micronutrient status & Try these Hair Regrowth Supplements that actually work

Believe it or not, the role that micronutrients play in hair loss is not well understood and not well studied.

We know for sure that many micronutrients (8) are required in the production of hair growth, and therefore deficiencies in these nutrients likely lead to hair loss.

The research in these areas is somewhat limited so I have included below the list of the most powerful nutritional supplements, and ones that I have personally used and know work below. 

We’ve already discussed the role that iron plays in hair growth but there are other micronutrients involved as well:

  • Zinc (9) <— Zinc is required for hair growth and thyroid hormone is required for zinc absorption, zinc also improves T4 to T3 conversion
  • Selenium (10) <— Selenium helps boost T4 to T3 conversion and may reduce inflammation in Hashimoto’s patients, it’s also involved in hair synthesis
  • Biotin + Silica + Choline (11) <— Supplementing with Biotin in double-blind controlled trials shows an increase in the number of hair follicles, hair volume, and hair thickness
  • L-Lysine (12) <— Supplementing with L-lysine in addition to iron can improve hair growth
  • Vitamin B12 Shots (13) <— Vitamin B12 (along with normal hemoglobin) is required for optimal hair growth, hypothyroid patients are also at increased risk for developing B12 deficiency

Obviously, there are other factors involved in hair growth, but these micronutrients are commonly deficient, and replacing them often leads to significant improvement in hair growth. 

Like iron, low thyroid sets up a state where many of these nutrients may not be absorbed.

a diagram showing the various stages of the human hair growth cycle from catagen to anagen.

Couple that with the nutrient-depleted standard American diet, and you have a perfect setup for micronutrient deficiencies that lead to hair loss.

When you consider supplementing with these medications make sure that you also evaluate other major factors like your thyroid medication and your iron status.

Utilizing multiple therapies at once will likely lead you to the BEST results possible. ​

One of my favorite supplements to use is the combination of silica and biotin, which I find particularly helpful in thyroid patients. 

Silicon is the third most abundant trace element in the human body and is necessary for collagen production.

It’s been suggested (and my experience confirms this), that silicon supplements help reduce hair loss and improve hair texture.

For this reason, I often suggest this combination to patients with hypothyroidism and hair loss.  

How to use silicon for thyroid hair loss:

  • Take 1-2 capsules of silicon each day. Silicon forms complexes which make absorption difficult so look for formulations that increase absorption such as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid or MMST.
  • Depending on your hair growth cycle and when you start supplementing, you should expect to see an improvement in your hair growth and hair loss within around 4-8 weeks.

Next up we have L-lysine.

Studies have shown that patients who don’t respond to iron alone show hair growth when L-lysine is added to their regimen (14).

For this reason, L-lysine makes the list because it is required for proper hair growth. 

How to use L-lysine for thyroid hair loss:

  • Use 1,500mg per day (3 capsules) for best results in combination with iron, but away from thyroid hormone

Another nutrient required for hair growth is selenium which also has an impact on thyroid function.

Selenium helps boost T4 to T3 conversion (15), thereby increasing the amount of circulating T3 in your body.

At the same time, it has also been shown to help balance immunity and reduce TPO antibodies in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

For these reasons, patients with Hashimoto’s suffering from thyroid hair loss should consider selenium supplementation.

How to use selenium for thyroid hair loss:

  • Aim to get an average of 75 to 150mcg of selenium each day. Avoid using doses higher than 400-600mcg of selenium each day as this may make hair loss worse. You can use a supplement like this one to get you the right dose and the right form of selenium.
  • For best results, use selenium in combination with other nutrients such as zinc, iron (if necessary), and silicon.

We can’t have a conversation about selenium without mentioning zinc.

Like selenium, zinc helps promote T4 to T3 conversion, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, and can boost immune function. 

What’s more interesting is that thyroid hormone is required for proper zinc absorption.

This means that hypothyroid states can deplete zinc levels and supplementation with zinc isn’t optimal unless you are also supplementing with thyroid hormone.

Zinc also plays an important role in hair growth and replacing zinc has been shown to increase hair volume (16).

For these reasons, using zinc is a great idea if you have thyroid hair loss.

Here’s how:

  • Aim to get 8 to 15mg of zinc into your body each time you take a zinc supplement. The following forms are best: zinc chelate, zinc monomethionine, zinc gluconate, zinc acetate, and zinc citrate. If you are taking a form of zinc not listed here then it’s not the best form for your thyroid or for your hair. You can get the right formulation of zinc at the right dose in a supplement like this one.

The last nutrient you will want to consider is vitamin B12.

It’s currently estimated that as many as 40% of hypothyroid patients are B12 deficient or at least have suboptimal B12 levels.

Like the other nutrients listed above, thyroid hormone is required for optimal B12 absorption which is probably why so many low thyroid patients are deficient.

This connection may explain why so many hypothyroid patients experience low energy and low B12 levels despite taking oral formulations of B12.

Because hypothyroid states can limit B12 absorption (even sublingual forms) I recommend highly absorbable and activated forms of B12 and other B complex vitamins.  

You may even want to consider using B12 shots to bypass the intestinal tract if this option is available to you.

In terms of B12 levels, you will want to aim for a serum B12 level of at least 700 ng/L.

How to supplement with vitamin B12 & other B complex vitamins for thyroid hair loss:

  • Take 1-2 Capsules per day of methylcobalamin and activated B vitamins daily on an empty stomach. Avoid B12 formulations that are not preactivated or premethylated such as cyanocobalamin. You can use B12 by itself or in combination with other B vitamins.
  • If they are available to you, you may want to consider methylcobalamin B12 shots.

#4. Manage your Testosterone & Androgen Levels

Your thyroid isn’t the only hormone in your body that contributes to hair loss. 

The levels of testosterone (and androgens) in your body also play an important role in managing hair loss (especially male-patterned baldness in women).

​High levels of androgens (like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) sit on and activate the androgen receptors on your hair follicles. 

The activation of these receptors results in male-patterned baldness, the same pattern of baldness that happens in men!

a woman and a man both suffering from male patterned baldness are shown looking at their hair in a mirror.

​The mechanism by which testosterone and other androgens cause hair loss is different from the way that the thyroid causes hair loss, but both can absolutely be present at the same time. 

So if you have hair loss and a known diagnosis of PCOS or simply high testosterone levels in your labs, then this hormone imbalance may certainly be playing a role in your hair loss as well.

There are at least 6 causes of high testosterone and I’ve written about them extensively in this post, but I will include them here for you as well:

By far the most common cause of high testosterone and androgen levels that lead to hair loss in women is a result of high insulin levels. 

This connection is well established in the literature (18) and is part of the PCOS spectrum. 

Women who maintain high insulin levels also typically have high testosterone, low progesterone, high estrogen, and low thyroid function.

As I’ve mentioned previously these hormone imbalances tend to accompany one another, so having just one is very unlikely.

For this reason, it’s very important that you have your free and total testosterone levels checked in addition to your DHEA and cortisol levels checked. 

This will give you an idea of your androgen status and can help determine if your hair loss is related to high androgen levels.

What’s interesting is that low thyroid function results in high insulin (19) levels, so having hypothyroidism really sets the stage for high testosterone in many women.

This means that part of your treatment should be on getting on the right type and dose of thyroid hormone. ​

The treatment for high testosterone varies based on what caused it in the first place and you can find the treatment for each cause in the post I listed above.

For this post, I will focus primarily on supplements that are designed to help your body metabolize testosterone and get rid of it from your body.

One such supplement we have already discussed:


Zinc is an inhibitor of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase, and it is this enzyme that turns your testosterone into DHT. 

So by reducing the activity of this enzyme, you can effectively reduce the amount of DHT circulating through your body, and DHT is approximately 5x more potent than testosterone itself. 

a diagram outlining the breakdown of androstenedione to testosterone with a meter showing the relative activity of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.

This means that DHT should be your primary target when helping promote hair growth. 

Another very potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase is saw palmetto (20).

The combination of Saw palmetto + Zinc at high enough dosages can dramatically improve hair growth and reduce the symptoms of high testosterone in both women and men.

​You already know how to supplement with zinc (it’s the same as above), so let’s focus on saw palmetto. 

Studies have shown that 4 weeks of supplementing with saw palmetto (21) can improve hair growth, but note that most patients will need to continue to use saw palmetto beyond 4 weeks for best results. 

Supplements that help block DHT and lower testosterone levels to help with hair growth: 

  • Saw palmetto – Take 2 capsules per day for at least 4 weeks for best results
  • Zinc – Take 2 capsules per day (will also help promote hair growth and improve thyroid function)
  • Bottom line: For best results make sure that you focus on the underlying CAUSE of high testosterone/androgens in your body in addition to supplementing. Please see this post for more information on how to do that. 

#5. Maintain proper estrogen/progesterone balance

Estrogen and progesterone also play a role in hair growth and hair loss. 

Dysregulation (or an imbalance) in the estrogen/progesterone ratio can contribute to hair loss.

text which describes the impact that estrogen has on hair in women.

It has been shown that changes in estrogen levels (22) contribute to hair loss in many women. 

Intuitively we know that this is true because we see it happen with women who go through menopause and with women who are pregnant.

Menopause may result in changes to hair volume and texture (23) as well as the post-partum state.

​What’s important here is to focus on the connection between thyroid hormone and estrogen/progesterone levels. 

Low thyroid hormone results in low progesterone levels which may alter and change the relative concentration of estrogen: progesterone.

This change is enough to cause issues with hair growth by itself.

In many cases, simply getting on the right type and dose of thyroid medication it’s enough to dramatically improve this ratio and reduce estrogen dominance.

Much like testosterone, insulin also plays a role in the estrogen/progesterone balance and so some women may need to treat insulin resistance to balance their estrogen levels. ​

#6. Manage your stress & Cortisol levels

​We can’t talk about hair loss without at least mentioning cortisol and stress levels. 

You know by now that managing your stress is very important for managing your thyroid function, but perhaps you didn’t know that cortisol extends beyond your thyroid and into your hair.

Studies have shown that high cortisol levels alter the function and cyclic regulation of hair follicles (24).

That means that high cortisol levels could be contributing to your hair loss.

You know that cortisol is your stress hormone, which means that when you are stressed out your body will secrete more cortisol.

Constant stress results in changes at the receptor level (25) and may actually alter serum cortisol levels (stress can both lower or raise cortisol levels).

​Your thyroid fits into this equation because thyroid hormone is involved directly with cortisol. 

A high TSH has been associated with high cortisol levels (26) (and you know a high TSH is a marker of low thyroid function).

​This means that hypothyroidism makes your body less resilient to stressful situations and may explain why so many hypothyroid patients also have issues with cortisol dysregulation. 

To help your body regulate stress you can consider using adrenal adaptogens which can actually help lower cortisol levels, and lower adrenal androgens and have even been shown to improve hair growth in studies (27).

The best adaptogen to use for this problem is ashwagandha:

How to use ashwagandha to support adrenal health:

  • There are several types of ashwagandha available and the dosing varies based on whether or not you are taking it in conjunction with other adaptogens or adrenal glandulars. The two best types for thyroid hair loss include KSM-66 and Sensoril (root and leaf extract). I’ve found success with both formulations.

#7. ​Consider Over-The-Counter Medications

Lastly, there is an over-the-counter medication that you can consider using to stop thyroid-related hair loss. 

Minoxidil is a topical over-the-counter medication that promotes hair growth and stops hair loss by altering potassium channels and increasing local blood flow and oxygenation (28).

This effect likely results in increased nutrient delivery to hair follicles which then promotes hair growth. 

It also prolongs the growth phase of the hair follicle which helps reduce hair loss over a long period of time.

While taking minoxidil will not be a long-term solution, it does have value in certain patients because it can effectively (and dramatically) stop hair loss in its tracks.

Studies have shown that topical minoxidil in both men and women (29) has been shown to improve hair growth if used long-term.

Whenever possible I always recommend going after the root cause and treating that problem, but I also recognize the importance of immediate (or quick) resolution of symptoms. 

Many of the therapies we’ve listed above take weeks to months to set in, and while these therapies are building up it may be a good idea to halt the current hair loss.

You may also consider using minoxidil if your hair loss is causing significant social stress or a change in your self-confidence.

I don’t necessarily recommend the long-term use of minoxidil but I do think it has value in certain situations.

Just proceed with caution with the understanding that once you stop taking it, your hair will revert back to whatever state it was when you first started using it.

In terms of dosing, there is some debate as to whether 2% or 5% is better for women, but studies have shown that both are effective. 

So in that regard, it probably doesn’t matter which one you use but I would tend to err on the side of less (not more).

Who should use minoxidil?

  • People who are self-conscious about their hair loss and who need immediate results.
  • People with high levels of testosterone (both men and women) who haven’t been able to lower it through lifestyle changes.
  • People who have tried other oral thyroid hair growth supplements without benefit.

How to use minoxidil:

  • Apply the topical solution to your scalp (or areas where your hair is thin, remember that this works topically so you must put it where you have problems).
  • Make sure to wash your hands afterward so you don’t stain your clothes (and be careful because the liquid can run down your head).
  • Allow enough time for it to dry (usually between 2-4 hours) before shampooing your hair or applying hair spray, gel, or other hair care products. 
  • Apply at least once per day but preferably twice per day.

Generic versions of minoxidil can be purchased online and in grocery stores.

  • Bottom line: Minoxidil can help stop hair loss immediately while you wait for other therapies to start working. This medication isn’t necessarily a long-term solution but it can help halt hair loss quickly while new hair grows back. 

Dealing with Hair Loss Related to Hashimoto’s & Thyroiditis Hair Loss

What if you have hair loss related to Hashimoto’s or thyroiditis?

Does this change how you deal with or treat your issue?

The answer is… not really, and here’s why. 

It turns out that most patients in the United States who have hypothyroidism suffer from this condition as a result of Hashimoto’s. 

In fact, it is estimated that up to 90% of patients with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as the underlying cause. 

So, patients with thyroiditis have all of the usual problems that most hypothyroid patients have, plus they have a few extra from the autoimmune and genetic aspects of Hashimoto’s which can complicate the hair loss picture. 

What does that mean for you?

It means if you have Hashimoto’s you still need to look at all of the “usual suspects” including:

Those who have Hashimoto’s will know that they are often very sensitive to inactive ingredients which include dyes and fillers in all products ranging from supplements to shampoos and conditioners. 

In addition to all of the recommendations above, you will want to make sure that you also ditch low-quality hair products which you may be reacting to. 

These products can damage what little hair you have left and some of the chemicals may be absorbed transdermally (through the skin). 

And, lastly, you may need to look into genetic causes of hair loss which may be caused due to your genes (you may not have control over these). 

I’ve seen patients who undergo all of the therapies and recommendations listed in this article with little to no success. 

In many cases, probably around 95-98%, you should find SOME improvement (the amount may vary based on the individual), which means it’s rare to not experience any relief. 

But, there are genetic causes of hair loss that seem to be more prevalent in those who suffer from autoimmune disease. 

You’ll know if you fit into this category because your mom, sister, or grandmother may suffer from the exact same symptoms as you. 

Currently, we do not have great treatment options available for those who have genetic-related hair loss (aside from those listed in this article). 

FAQ + Other Thyroid & Hair Loss Questions

If your questions weren’t answered in the information above I’ve also included several frequently asked questions below: 

Can Thyroid Problems Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, both low thyroid and high thyroid levels can contribute to hair loss.

Hair loss is a documented and well-known side effect of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Can Synthroid Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, one of the side effects of Synthroid is hair loss.

This may be due to the medication itself (including inactive fillers and dyes) or due to your dose itself.

Both high and low dosages of levothyroxine can contribute to hair loss. ​

Will Taking Levothyroxine Make my Hair Grow?

If your hair loss is due to hypothyroidism then taking Levothyroxine will improve your hair.

Many times the state of hypothyroidism results in a cascade of hormone imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that all lead to hair loss.

This means that you must address all of these problems for the best results. ​

Does Cytomel Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, Cytomel and Liothyronine can both cause temporary hair loss that is usually self-limiting within 2-4 months.

In most cases, the hair loss side effect of taking Cytomel will simply fade with time. 

Does Armour Thyroid (or other forms of natural desiccated thyroid) Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, NDT including Armour Thyroid, Nature-throid, and WP Thyroid can all cause hair loss. 

Does Hyperthyroidism Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, too much thyroid hormone in your body can also contribute to hair loss.

This can come from taking too much thyroid hormone as well. ​

Will Hypothyroidism Cause my Eyebrows to Fall Out?

Yes, one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism is hair loss in the lateral 1/3 of the eyebrow area.

Taking thyroid hormone (in high enough dosages) should cause this hair to regrow relatively quickly. ​

Will Taking Thyroid Medication Help my Hair Grow?

Yes, but most patients do better while taking some form of T3 thyroid hormone.

Some patients will experience hair growth on Levothyroxine, but many patients continue to have hair loss while taking this medication. ​

Is it a good idea to Microblade my eyebrows if I Have Thyroid Problems?

​As you may have noticed it’s normal for patients to lose the lateral 1/3 of their eyebrows as a result of hypothyroidism. 

In fact, this symptom is classic for thyroid patients.

While you can grow back this hair (at a slow rate) with many of the therapies listed above it’s also becoming more and more common to use a procedure known as microblading.

Microblading is the process of applying semi-permanent pigment to your eyebrows to bring them back to their normal shape.

I do think this is a process worth considering if you have thyroid issues and can be used to boost self-confidence (if that is an issue for you) while you undergo the recommendations above.

The microblading process is only temporary but may be beneficial in some cases.

​You can learn more about the process and see before and after pictures here

before and after pictures of a women who underwent microblading for her eyebrows.

How Long Does it Take Hair to Grow Back?

Growing your hair back takes time, on the order of 4-6 months.

While making changes it’s often better to assess how much hair loss you have, instead of how fast your hair is growing back.

You will notice less hair loss while making changes long before you notice your hair growing back.

So while evaluating changes you make, focus on how much hair you are losing instead of if it is growing back. ​

Now it’s your turn:

Are you experiencing hair loss with hypothyroidism?

Has changing your medication slowed down your hair loss?

Why or why not?

Leave your comment below!

#1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746235/

#2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18655403

#3. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-lookup/doi/10.1210/jc.2008-0283

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#25. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11972140

#26. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3520819/

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#30. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746235/

#31. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26278532

how to stop thyroid hair loss and regrow your hair

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

95 thoughts on “7 Step Guide to Reverse Thyroid Hair Loss + Hair Regrowth Supplements”

  1. About Iron. Recently my understanding has changed to include the idea that iron overload is actually more common than anemia and that iron preparations would make the mineral dysregulation worse. What say you?

    • Hey Mindy,

      In my patient population iron deficiency is much more common than iron overload, but it doesn’t matter because both are relatively easy to diagnosis with the right tests.

    • Hey Jj,

      Your ferritin at that level may be a sign of underlying inflammation, you will need to seek out the cause and treat that to lower it.

  2. Hi, I really profit a lot from your posts and other smart people who share their knowledge, however it is sometimes difficult. I was taking high doses of zinc (30-60mg alternating) for some time and then had my labs done. There was a very level of copper, did not know that zinc and copper are antagonists. Do not know what to do now. Should I stop supplementing zinc or go on lower doses. Should I supplement copper, I heard this could be dangerous?

    • Hey Joanna,

      You would probably benefit from some guidance from a practitioner or a health coach, doing this on your own can be difficult.

  3. Hi Dr. Childs,

    What are your thoughts on using DIM for weight loss and hormone balance while on cytomel for hypothyroid/hoshimotos? Also, thoughts on iodine supplementation with hoshimotos?

  4. Hi Dr. Childs,

    I’m hypotyroid i also have insuline and leptine resistance, i almost never ate fruits and vegetables in my life, so i guess i have vitamines and minerals deficiency, my doctor told me to eat fruits to reduce inflamation. But i saw in your post on how to reverse leptine resistance that we should remove fruit otherwise we can’t loose weight.So what’s your thoughts about it ? should do i keto diet ?

    • Hey Rodrigo,

      On this blog I can’t really give specifics but as you can imagine each case is highly individualized and requires guidance from someone who understands how to balance these factors. In some cases you may need to temporarily increase certain foods, then remove them for a period of time, etc. All of this depends on your blood tests, inflammatory markers, hormones, etc.

  5. I read the ingredient list for Biosil, the supplement you linked to, and it did not include biotin. Should biotin be taken additionally? And at what dose?

  6. Hello doctor , im hypothyroid patient.and i m suffering from lots of hair fall so my hair become very thin .bt now i m pregnant and my hair fall is control bt my hairs are very thin right now pls suggest me some multivitamins for thicker which is available in india also.i wanna reverse my hair back .pls help me.and my thyroid level is 1.54 right now bt i want regrow my hair as soon as poosible

  7. Hi Dr. Childs. I am currently taking 60 grains of Armour (my doctor say take it twice a day, but the instructions from the pharmacy say take it all at once?). I started taking my temperature daily for about 10 days. It ranged from 95.1 to 97.6. My doctor added 25mcg of Levothyroxine to my dosage, but I don’t like the side effects. Is it possible to increase my Armour dosage instead? My free T4 was 1.12, my TSH was 0.036 and my free T3 was 4.6. Your thoughts?

    • Hey Ellen,

      You will have to talk to the doctor who prescribed the medication if you have conflicting information regarding your dose.

  8. Been on Desiccated 30mg for 9 months. Was on Synthroid 30mg for three months. On 25 mg of Premarin for four moths. Lost much hair . Hair is very fine and thin. Not as coarse anymore. Saw dermatologist. Said hair growth should start in six months to a year. Been on Desiccated for 9 months now.

  9. Sir pls prescribe me good supplement for regrowth of my hair bcoz now my hair loss is completely stop due to pregnancy .so after pregnancy i don’t want to lose furter hair .pls sir suggest me good supplement for regrowth that i should start after pregnancy.and which is available in india also

  10. I have a Great Dr here in Maryland. Ran all the tests you like…. He says I need the Nature Thyroid, I am scared of the potential for hair loss. TOOOO much already can not afford more loss. He wants to start me on 1/2 a grain, should I ask if I can do a quarter and beef up the ferritin (19) and the B12. I can ask for the full iron panel.
    I think I heard you say do them all together, not troubleshoot the deficiencies with supplementation, and then try the NT right? My main concern is my head! He referred to me as sub clinical Hypo, he has me reading Stop the Thyroid Madness book.
    THANKS Nice site

    • Hi Diane,

      Most people tolerate thyroid hormone very well and in many cases the reason for poor hair growth is insufficient thyroid hormone.

  11. Greeting from Atlanta! Was diagnosed with Hashimotos 9 months ago and hair loss/shedding was my first and still worst symptom. Taking 1 gram nature thyroid and Thyroid levels are improving, antibodies still high. Have been working w/ a intergrative dr to find my root cause, and learned today I have Candida albicansb in my gut and possible SIBO through Genova GI Effects stool test. Also low DHEA and high cortisol levels in salivia found. Have been focusing on leaky gut since being diagnosed with VSL#3, ortho digestzyme, plant enzymes, strick AIP Diet, and lots of other supplenents. Had Genova nutraeval done and had magnesium difficincy which has been corrected. Taking Viviscal hair vitiman, omega 3 fatty acids drink grass fed organic bone broth daily, and hair is still coming out 10-15 strands with one swipe of my hand or brush. It’s so saddening and debilitating. Would greatly appreciate your thoughts on what I could do that I’m not currently, and, if you would consider consulting with me over the phone at an agreed rate to help put the right plan together to stop my hair loss. I’m 40 years old, was in the best of health prior to Hashimotos, and simply want my life back. If this is something you will consider, I would be most appreciative and really want to solve this puzzle and know it can be done with the right guide. Hope to hear from you. Warm Regards. My email is meredith.parrish@gmail.com

  12. You, as does every other site, mentions hair loss and hyperthyroidism but tends to focus mainly on hyopthyroidism or only if you are being over medicated. I am hyper and have been for months now. I take 10 mg (5 mg morning & eve) of Methylmazole every day. My hair sheds like crazy and never slows down. Do all of these apply to that as well or is it different if you are hyper and not hypo.

    • Hi Jodi,

      You are losing hair because the medication is making you hypothyroid because this is how we treat patients with hyperthyroidism. We turn down their thyroid function with medication and make them hypothyroid, as a result they usually have all hypothyroid symptoms. You can read more about that process here: https://www.restartmed.com/hyperthyroidism-weight-gain/

      Some of these recommendations will work for you, but others will not.

  13. HI Dr. Childs, I lost alot of hair last hair before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was placed on Synthyroid (brand) of 50 mcg in Jan 2017, the loss started to slow down in April 2017 but has picked up again in the last month. My ponytail is super thin and I’ve told my doctor who says I should see a dermatologist because its not related to my TSH or HRT as I also have POI. My TSH is at 1.7 and my estrogen and progesterone levels have been stable. I am trying to find a doctor who can help me, I don’t feel like I have much hair to lose. Can you please recommend someone in the DC metro region that understands this issue and options that you’ve laid out in your blog? Thanks

      • Hi Dr. Childs, I found a functional med doc but here is another question as it relates to hypo hair loss, I switched to naturethroid 1 grain from synthyroid 50 mcg after 9 months of terrible hair loss. My TSH was 1.4 and T3 was 2.6 while on Synthyroid (avg) and after 2.5 weeks of Naturethroid it is now TSH of .86 and T3 3.3. I don’t see hair growth and the doc doesn’t know how to up the T3 without upping dosage because that will lower the TSH pushing me into the hyper category. Is there another option to push my T3 into the upper quartile without lowering the TSH? I look forward to your opinion.

      • Hey Dr. Child’s, I’m an African-American an I have hypothyroidism. My hair has fallen out an the texture has change dramatically, it’s hard an have this nappy feel to it. I haven’t permed it in years because it won’t take (straighten it) I’m taken 88 mg of levothyroxine an with each visit the Dr tells me that the thyroid level or blood test came back good. What can I use to help the nappy shedding an regrow my hair. I also was wondering does having thyroids makes the bottom of my feet hurt. I am up an on them for at least 16 hrs a day. Thank you for any advice you can give.

  14. Hi Dr. Childs,i just saw your optimal range levels and now i realised i might have a problem.My last blood tests look like this: THS-0.6766, fT4-0.83 and TPO antibodies-0.32.Im not taking any thyroid medication yet,cause every doctor I’ve seen considered my blood tests as “normal”.I just read tons of your articles and I’d like to ask you if you could take a look over my blood test values and tell me if i have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s,cause i am losing tons of hair,and im really depressed about it.Thank you very much

  15. Hi! I take a compounded T4 + a compounded T3 at 5 am. I eat breakfast at 8 am. I take a second dose of T3 at 12 noon and at 1pm I eat lunch. If I want to take my B vitamins etc. 4 hours away from my Thyroid medicines (am dose and noon dose), the timing doesn’t work. Currently, I just take my B vitamins, etc. on an empty stomach at 8 am before I eat. I don’t know how else to take the B vitamins….what do you suggest? Thank you for all your informative help! Carol Ann

  16. My thyroid has been under good control I believe for 25 years on Armour Thyroid. I have taken antibiotics and prednisone for asthma and bronchitis and am now on advair and albuterol. My hair is falling out like crazy. I Am at a loss as to what can be done to stop it.

    • Hi Judy,

      The first thing you should do is check your iron and basic nutrients followed by hormones such as thyroid and testosterone. That will give you a great starting point.

  17. Hi Dr Childs, I have been suffering from hair loss for the past 10 years. Hair loss is not hereditary in my family so I have been doing quite a bit of research to identify potential reasons / causes. I had a tracheotomy when I was 10 years old, in 1980. Do you think this could have caused hyperthyroidism or a another type of thyroid disfunction that could be causing my hair loss?What type of physician and/or specialist I need to see to get my thyroid tested? Lastly, would you recommend any specific diet or supplements I should take? Thanks so much! Jeff

  18. Hello doctor,I am hypothyroid for many years but diagonsed that only recently and taking medications since last year.I am having severe hair breakage, hair loss and thinning.I am pregnant now and can I take biotin,silica,choline during this time? Doctors advise me not to take biotin as it might interfere or have any side effects.But I understand without biotin and other hair growth minerals , I will be having a hard time to save my current hairs and regrow.Please guide me the right supplements that I can start with.I am taking Slowfe, prenatals,Vitd3.For Vitb12 I have been taking fish weekly thrice.I also found am low in zinc.I will try adding that.

  19. Hi. My daughter has Hashimoto’s and her TSH has been between 2.5-3.0. Her hair hasn’t grown in 3 yrs and breaks. Her Ferritin level is 22. We tried liquid iron but it caused stomach issues and severe constipation. The doctor put her on .5 mg of genetic Cytomel but still not feeling better and hair is still breaking and not growing. Doctors keep saying all her blood tests are normal, her B12 is around 500-600. She tried Armour thyroid and it did not work well for her. I’m really getting frustrated and don’t know how to help her. Please give me some advice. Thanks, Lisa

  20. So if I don’t take a hormone replacement I lose hair, and if I do take it I still lose hair…This is beyond depressing.

  21. Hello Dr child’s,
    So I’ve been having hairloss issues for the past year, ever since I started taking thyroid replacement medication for hypothyroid. I’m on a T4*T3 combination, and have been taking iron, biotin, vitamin D supplements ever since. My ferritin level is in the 70-80 range and my vitamin D is now sufficient, but my Hair doesn’t seem to be getting better. It is falling out a lot but also growing new hairs – just not fast enough so my scalp is starting to show through.
    What do you recommend i do at this point?
    Appreciate your reply!

  22. Hi Dr, I have a question that no one seems able to answer. I have Hashimoto’s and thalassemia, I have been taking NDT for about a month and a half and feel tons better but my hair is falling out a lot. I have had all the blood work and the only thing that shows off is the iron and thalassemia related labs. I cannot get these to improve no matter what I do. My functional Dr thinks the hair loss may be related to this combination but doesn’t really know how to help. So my choices are, stop the NDT and feel horrible again and maybe my hair will come back. Or, keep taking it and hope it stops. Do you have any suggestions that could help with this? Thank you!

  23. I purchased brand name of minoxidil and it states that people with Hypothyroidism should not us it. Your article advises using it. My question is, why do you suggest it? I’d like to give it a try am curious if it will hurt or help the hair loss thank you!

    • Hi Nina,

      I don’t necessarily suggest it, I just mention it as a potential option for hypothyroid patients. In most cases, I would recommend against it.

  24. Is itchy scalp and sometimes burning a symptom of hypothyroid? What are somethings I could do to help combat it? I just started T3 but I’ve had this off and on for a couple years

  25. I was diagnosed with hasimotos 11 years ago, after my first child. Now I have 5. In this past year my weight began to increase despite exercise and a general healthy diet. About 2 months ago, My Endo decided to increase my synthyroid from 75 mcg to 88. (Also take been taking cytomel). Since then I’ve noticed an increase in hair loss to the point I’m getting worried. In addition to these medications, I was put on loloestrin Fe birth control because I began early menopause almost 2 years ago. Many things going on.

  26. My eyebrows are all of a sudden falling out. I noticed a bit of hair shedding from my scalp, but not significant, like my eyebrows. My Doctor checked my thyroid and said it was great. She did however say my ferritin was a 3. Would this cause eyebrows to fall out so suddenly as they are. I had some major scaling going on under my brow. She prescribed Fluocinolone oil for that. The scaling has reduced, however my eyebrows are still falling out. Please advise. I am so worried.

  27. I have noticed my hair stopped falling out when taking nature throid after I switched from levo. It’s taken time and we seem to keep increasing the dose to based on labs, but I am wondering when I can expect to see re growth? Do I have to be stable for 4-6 months first before seeing any growth, or will I see growth prior to that?

  28. Hello,
    Can you explain why B complex and B12 should be taken on an empty stomach? I always thought they should be taken with food.

    Also, will changing from Armour to another Natural Thyroid, cause more hair loss, because my body will need to adjust to a different product?

    • Hi Shari,

      B12 supplements can be taken with food or without. And B12 shots don’t really matter if you take them around the same time as you have food.

      In terms of switching thyroid medications, that shouldn’t have an impact on your hair fall unless you are being under/over dosed during the switch.

  29. Hi Dr. Westin Childs

    I have a few questions:

    1) Are there long term side effects from using saw palmetto as it reduces DHT?

    2) What is a ‘safe’ daily dosage for Saw Palmetto in your opinion?

    3) Would trying T3 be a better idea for hair growth instead of supplementing with Saw Palmetto? I not only have hair thinning but a severely dry scalp.

  30. Hi, Dr. I just started Cytomel. It’s 5mcg to be cut in half. I’m super sensitive to meds. I found half to be a little too much to start so quartered it and that seems to be better. Once I get used to that I may try the half again.. have you ever heard of such sensitivity in ppl with meds that have Hashimotos? I’m also on 25mcg Synthroid.

  31. Hi Dr. Westin,

    I have been taking NatureThroid for about 6 years with no problem (currently at 1 grain) and a lunchtime dose of Liothyronine for about the last year. The pharmacy switched me to WP Thyroid in Jan 2019 when they were out of Naturethroid and then switched me back when they received it in June 2019. Since June my hair has been shedding significantly and I am very fatigued and have achy joints. Could this be due to a reformulation of NatureThroid? My doctor just tested me and my TSH is .566, my t4 free is 1.00 but by t3 free is 6.0 which is high. She lowered the Naturethroid to 3/4 grain and retest in a month. Any thoughts on what is the culprit?

  32. Dr. Westin, have you heard of Dr. Patel in Cedar Hill Texas. I need desperately to see a Dr. for thyroid condition, and hopefully you know of a Dr. in the Cedar Hill/Mansfield/Midlothian/Waxahachie Texas area, who can help me. I would appreciate any info. you can provide.

  33. Hi Dr. Childs, I have mild hair loss, but does minoxidil or anything else help dandruff & itching scalp? I have tried every shampoo I can find but nothing stops the constant itching for the last few years. I take 25mcg of Levothyroide.

  34. Hi I’m been diagnosed hypothyroid since I was twelve (now 62) but now my hair has been falling out, dry and brittle all the time . I have very fine thin hair and hoping to regrow it if possible. what can you recommend to help as I am desperate and loosing too fast so I know I will be bald before very much longer. My hair barely covers my scalp now. Thank you

  35. Hello Westin,

    How do you fix insulin resistance at the same time as taking thyroid medication?


  36. I don’t get what the Viviscal study has to do with “combination of Silica + Choline + biotin.” I read the ingredients and only see biotin, not silica or choline. Unless their “marine protein complex AminoMar” contains silica and choline… ?

    Thanks, doc!

  37. I had malnutrition as a child therefore I have ALWAYS had majorly thin hair. Around 20 years ago I developed Hypothyroidism and I am currently on medication. It has been an up and down battle for years getting my medication right. I have suffered with weight and extremely thin hair. I am very self conscious of my hair. I can’t go swimming and get my hair wet or ride on the back of my husbands motorcycle with my hair down blowing in the wind. I have short thin hair and the only thing that keeps it in place is HAIR SPRAY! 🙁 I want the hair I had in High school. More then that, my daughter developed a thyroid problem as well and had to have hers removed. She is 28 overweight and has thin hair and I know she is self conscious about it like I am. She has low self esteem and I think that is why she has a tough time meeting a nice guy. 🙁 I just want us to both have the beautiful hair we once had.

  38. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 40 years ago. I started with Armour then Synthroid, and then my Dr said I was cured and no more thyroid meds. I then went to my local health food store where I found over the counter Raw Thyroid which I used successfully for many years, until it was removed from health food stores in WA. after about 10 months without any thyroid meds I became very lethargic and saw a new Dr who knew immediately that I had a thyroid problem.
    I requested NDT and choose Erfa Thyroid from Canada, it was great! No hair thinning or loss at all.
    The US gov no longer allows this pharmacy to sell to the US so I am back on Armour and my hair has been shedding terribly. 1 year ago I could barely get one hand around my ponytail, now it is approx 1/4 the size.

    I’d like to again take 88mg of Levothyroxine and a small dose of Armour for my T3. As I did not like Cytomel.

    Is this something you would recommend to one of your patients?

  39. Hi Dr. Childs,

    I recently have had generalized thinning of my hair quickly within the last 3 months. Originally, I was on 30mg of Armour and was still hypo. Most recently, I was on 45mg of Armour Thyroid and had a lot of Hyperthyroid symptoms. My heart was palpitating all the time, and I believe my hair loss has occurred because of this. My Thyroid labs were: TSH-0.36 T4-0.83 T3-2.5.

    My doctor believes I am very T3 sensitive so just put me on 75mcg of Levo instead since I seem to be converting T4 to T3 well. So far my heart has palpated less, so hopefully their will be less hyper symptoms. Do you believe my hair loss was a results of the thyroid medication? Do you believe I should be on T4 only? Also should I consult a dermatologist to pursue hair regrowth treatments such as rogaine? I just want to avoid any further hair loss and I’m so concerned my hair will continue to thin even on Levo.

    • Hi Hannah,

      Unfortunately, it’s too hard to say with the information provided. You don’t really need to see a dermatologist for rogaine as it is available over the counter but you are welcome to do so if you’d like.

    • Hi Barbara,

      A compounding pharmacy can make any combination of medication as long as you have a prescription for it.

  40. Just wanted to add my experience here. After a period of severe stress (surgery) I started having male pattern hair loss. I started progesterone cream and it stopped the loss and it grew back 90%. The male pattern ‘corners’ by the temples never grew back. Which supplements act on those directly? My zinc level is just below midline and so is iron and ferritin.

    This brings me to another question:

    I’m still taking progesterone being post menopause now and I’m wondering if it props up my thyroid and I should actually be on thyroid medication instead? Progesterone had ‘normalized’ all my thyroid levels.

    My progesterone blood levels are at about 2 when they should be close to zero now. (Menstruating women go up to 200-300). I’m wondering if I Should just stay on progesterone for now? I have no more hair loss.

  41. Also wanted to add that as soon as I try to reduce the progesterone now I immediately gain weight. Knowing that my progesterone’should’ be a bit lower I’m wondering if I should be on thyroid meds instead of progesterone.

    When I present this question to my doc she tests the thyroid levels which look great. And she doesn’t see a problem with the progesterone being a little higher. I just feel that the progesterone is not quite right anymore. I actually feel like I’m suppressing the little bit of estrogen I have now. Like I am progesterone dominant now? Maybe just add some estrogen then since I’m post menopause and could use some anyway?

  42. Hi Dr. Childs,
    I have been experiencing severe hair loss since I had Covid, late September early October 2021. I experienced a devastating loss of my husband of 47 years April 2021. Grief is overwhelming, the illness was overwhelming as I also had pneumonia and Cytokine Storm.
    Since then I had my TSH checked and it is now 0.00006 (a good normal for me is around 1.0)
    I have been taking 25mg of zinc daily, vitamin D 8,000 IU (my level was only 45) prior to Covid and since Covid I’ve added (Selenium 200mcg and Biotin 10,000 mcg. The biotin was added after I started losing my hair. I know many people who have lost and are losing their hair following their having had Covid also.
    I am devastated by this hair loss. I’m very close to becoming bald.
    Thank you for any suggestions you are will to help me with.


  43. An amazing article. Whilst I would love to supplement, you mention us with Hashimoto’s are extremely sensitive to supplements & fragrances & dyes to name a few! My question is why is that? I’ve been searching for this answer for years. Nobody can explain why! Thanks

  44. Thank you for this article. What would you advise for someone who has extremely low Ferritin, and at the same time has mildly high total/saturated iron??

    • Hi Dawn,

      It would depend on your symptoms and your overall health including thyroid status and gut health. You would also need to see serum iron. Ferritin is just a marker of iron storage but if you are asymptomatic then you may be able to increase it through your diet by eating iron-rich foods.

  45. Hi Dr. Child’s,

    Do you know of a good endocrinologist or thyroid doctor in either the Orlando or West Palm Beach area. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto approx 12yrs ago and have been on 88mcg of Levothyroxine this entire time. My endocrinologist says my TSH, Free T4, and Free T3 are all normal but I have gained 30 pounds over the last 8yrs and continue to have significant hair fall. I have been supplementing with Iron, Vit D, Vit B12, Selenium, and Ashwaganda but have not had any benefit. Appreciate your help.

  46. Hi Dr. Childs,

    After reading all of your incredibly detailed and informative information for the three issues I’ve suffered from since age 49 (I’m now 70) – Hypothyroid, Estrogen Dominance, Insulin Resistance. I will be purchasing a few of your supplements to see if I can slowly stop taking the 40 plus seperate natural sups I’ve been taking, from doing my own research over the last 10 years. It would be a miracle if I could feel normal and balanced again, lose weight, without the $$$$ expense I have now, as well as the time needed just safely ingesting all of them.

    The only issue I DON’T suffer from is Hair Loss, I do have eye brow loss on the outside corners of each brow, but not too much.

    One Important supplement I take that for me, has kept my head hair loss from happening, and I didn’t find you mention is – MSM.

    I started taking it back in my early 50’s for pain recovery from the many sports I have done. As well as helping Fibromyalgia that I suffer from when it’s damp, or raining, due to growing up in Oregon (and why I moved to So Cal in 98).

    So one of the positive side effects of MSM has been increased hair growth. I take 1,000 mg – 2,000 mg each morning, or more again in late afternoon, if weather is damp or wet. It helps my ache’s and pains and provides myself and other friends I’ve told about it – abundant thick hair growth on our heads.
    I have to take less, or none at all, in the summer due to my hair growth being so thick it makes me too hot. I also have to keep it shorter in summer than I do in the cooler months.

    I know you do much more immense research on all supplements than I ever could, so I’d be very interested to know what your thoughts are on this MSM supplement, if you have found any similar findings, or even any negatives for it’s use.

  47. If I understand correctly, Levothyroxine is NOT the cause of hair loss unless you are not taking the right dose for you, correct? So it’s not an actual side effect of taking this drug but rather incorrect use. This is important to differentiate because I looked up all my results and they are perfectly in range according to the references you provided on this particular topic. I have about 40% hair density loss just at the front and my usual insane thick main on sides/back. I stopped wearing pony tails for a year, taking vitamins/supplements according to my genetic needs and did both saliva, dutch urine and blood hormone testing across the board. I don’t know if low estrogen can cause frontal hair loss but that would be my issue? Normal high progesterone and low testosterone in urine/blood but oddly high testosterone in saliva only. Dutch suggested no DHT issues but when low it’s splitting hairs on actual metabolism. I also have low cortisol production however very high free cortisol (not metabolizing it out well)… all these factors led me to look at thyroid but based on the references, I’m good on paper for full thyroid panel. Could it be Estrogen forms alone that would cause frontal hair thinning (going on 5yrs expressing)? Any idea why one would be low on testosterone everywhere except saliva testing, showing the extreme opposite of high?

  48. Hi, I have been told my thyroid is failing for like 6 years now. My levels are not concerning low per doctor so not on any medication. My hair is falling out and the front thinning terribly. I was put on Spironolactone 50 mg 2 daily to treat but doesn’t seem to help.
    Who would you suggest seeing for both thyroid and hair loss. It’s getting worse.
    Thank you

  49. The moment I started taking Cytomel as my only thyroid hormone I started shedding and it hasn’t stopped for 8 years. I’m afraid I’m going to go bald. My hair was fine when I was on NDT but I was not converting well so I was put on T3 alone and that’s when the shedding began. I’m convinced it’s the medication itself that’s doing this.


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