Tag: hypothyroidism | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
will taking thyroid medication cause a heart attack

Will Taking Thyroid Medication Cause A Heart Attack?

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I can’t think of a more scary headline for a thyroid patient than to hear that the very thyroid medication they are taking may be associated with a heart attack.  This is especially important when you consider that heart attacks tend to impact older generations and that up to 25% of people over the age of …

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how to treat hashimoto's thyroiditis without thyroid medication

Treating Hashimoto’s Without Medication: Here’s How

Treating Hashimoto’s without Thyroid Medication Every single day patients with Hashimoto’s reach out to me asking about natural therapies.  These questions all have one thing in common: They want to know if there is some alternative to thyroid medication or if it’s possible to completely avoid using it.  My answer is always something like this: …

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the best thyroid medication for weight loss

The Best Thyroid Medication for Weight Loss

It’s no secret that thyroid patients often struggle with their weight.  If you are reading this, and you have low thyroid function or hypothyroidism, then you probably know what I am talking about.  Your thyroid is one of the primary regulators of your metabolism.  This is why people who have low thyroid function end up …

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Lactose: Why Nature-throid & WP Thyroid Aren’t Working

Over the years we’ve seen more and more formulations of NDT fall out of favor with patients.  Thyroid medications such as Nature Throid and Armour thyroid used to be widely considered as some of the best thyroid medications on the market but now more and more people are having trouble with them.  And by trouble, …

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how doctors fail thyroid patients

12,000 Patients Agree: Doctors Fail Thyroid Patients

If you were asked to rate your satisfaction with your thyroid treatment on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, where would you fall? Depending on how you answer, you may or may not be surprised at where roughly 12,000 thyroid patients put themselves on that …

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thyroid time wasters

Thyroid Time Wasters (Things you should NOT be doing)

Are these things wasting your time?  Did you know that many thyroid patients end up wasting their time on things that don’t matter and won’t help them feel better? The goal of every thyroid patient is to obviously try to get back to feeling 100%.  And you know, if you have thyroid disease, that this …

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9 Supplements That Hurt Your Thyroid: Are You Taking Any?

If you know me then you know that I’m a huge fan of using thyroid supplements. They can not only help you get off thyroid medication, they can also help that medication work more effectively if you must take it. But this assumes one very important thing: You are using the right supplements for your …

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why you don't want an endocrinologist for your thyroid

You Don’t Want an Endocrinologist To Treat Your Thyroid (5 Reasons)

I’m not saying endocrinologists are all bad. There are some that are great. But I am going to suggest that you will probably get better care by seeing another type of doctor if you have a thyroid problem. I know this may sound controversial, but my experience suggests that most thyroid patients who see one …

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cold intolerance and hypothyroidism explained

Cold Intolerance and Hypothyroidism: Why You Are So Cold

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One of the most common symptoms of low thyroid function is cold intolerance.  And there are literally millions of patients who suffer from cold intolerance.  It may not be the most ‘sexy’ symptom to complain about if you have low thyroid function, I would save that for something like ha​​ir loss or w​​eight gain which …

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Thyroglobulin Antibody Guide Normal Ranges Explained

Thyroglobulin Antibody Guide: Normal Ranges Explained

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What is a Thyroglobulin Antibody? (In plain English) Let’s make this super easy: Thyroglobulin is an important protein found directly in your thyroid gland.  This protein plays an important role in helping your body CREATE thyroid hormone, STORE thyroid hormone, and RELEASE (1) thyroid hormone.  Thyroglobulin antibodies are antibodies that your own immune system creates which …

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