Tag: Thyroid beginner series | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
taking your thyroid medication sublingually - is it safe?

Taking your Thyroid Medication Sublingually: Does it Work?

Thyroid medication is both a blessing and a curse to thyroid patients:  A blessing, in that it can truly be a life-altering medication or therapy for many thyroid patients.  But a curse, in the sense that this blessing only occurs if you take your medication correctly, at the right dose, at the right time of …

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Are thyroid supplements safe or dangerous?

Are Thyroid Supplements Safe or Dangerous? 5 Common Myths Debunked

Debunking Myths About Thyroid Supplements Full disclosure: I formulate and sell supplements specifically for thyroid patients. You should know that even though I sell supplements, doesn’t mean that what I am sharing here is false. In fact, I probably have a lot more experience with thyroid supplements compared to most people. But, it’s also fair to …

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low TSH vs suppressed TSH on thyroid meds

Low TSH vs Suppressed TSH on Thyroid Medication: Is It Dangerous?

As a thyroid patient, there is no doubt in my mind that you are already familiar with the thyroid lab test known as the TSH.  It would be weird if you didn’t.  Doctors primarily use the TSH test as a way to measure how well your thyroid gland is working.  But there’s one big problem …

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product and supplement updates

Product & Supplement Updates: Reformulations, Updated Product Bundles & More

What’s New with My Supplements Want to get the latest news with my supplements including which products I have in the pipeline and which products I am making changes to? If you are interested in You are in the right place because that’s exactly what we are going to talk about!  I tend to keep …

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weight gain after thyroid removal? Here's why

Why is Weight Loss so Difficult After Thyroid Removal?

Have you noticed weight gain after your thyroid was removed? If so, you are not alone.  In fact, studies show (1) that, on average, women gain 20 pounds after thyroid removal. This begs the question: Why does this happen and is there anything you can do about it? The answer is absolutely. But in order …

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how to treat hashimoto's thyroiditis without thyroid medication

Treating Hashimoto’s Without Medication: Here’s How

Treating Hashimoto’s without Thyroid Medication Every single day patients with Hashimoto’s reach out to me asking about natural therapies.  These questions all have one thing in common: They want to know if there is some alternative to thyroid medication or if it’s possible to completely avoid using it.  My answer is always something like this: …

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how doctors fail thyroid patients

12,000 Patients Agree: Doctors Fail Thyroid Patients

If you were asked to rate your satisfaction with your thyroid treatment on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, where would you fall? Depending on how you answer, you may or may not be surprised at where roughly 12,000 thyroid patients put themselves on that …

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thyroid function and coronavirus infection risk

Thyroid and Coronavirus Infection Risk: What you Need to Know

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Are Thyroid Patients at Higher Risk of Infection?  There’s no doubt that by now you’ve been inundated with information regarding the coronavirus or COVID-19.  Today we aren’t going to focus on the things you’ve heard 1000x by now but instead, we are going to talk about the virus and its effects on thyroid patients specifically.  …

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should you use levothyroxine injections?

Levothyroxine Injections: Are They Better Than Tablets?

The Case for Levothyroxine Injections There’s no doubt that if you are a thyroid patient you’ve heard of levothyroxine.  Levothyroxine is the most standard and frequently prescribed medication to treat hypothyroidism​​ of all types (and your doctor’s favorite medication to use even though it isn’t the best).  Today we are going to be discussing levothyroxine …

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