Tag: Medications | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
taking your thyroid medication sublingually - is it safe?

Taking your Thyroid Medication Sublingually: Does it Work?

Thyroid medication is both a blessing and a curse to thyroid patients:  A blessing, in that it can truly be a life-altering medication or therapy for many thyroid patients.  But a curse, in the sense that this blessing only occurs if you take your medication correctly, at the right dose, at the right time of …

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NP thyroid recall for superpotency

NP Thyroid Recall for Superpotency: What you need to know

NP Thyroid Recall by Acella Thyroid news report: On May 22nd, 2020 Acella Pharmaceuticals issued a voluntary nationwide recall of certain lots of NP thyroid due to super potency.  Don’t worry, I’m going to explain in plain English what this all means and how it applies to you.  If you aren’t already aware, NP thyroid …

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the best thyroid medication for weight loss

The Best Thyroid Medication for Weight Loss

It’s no secret that thyroid patients often struggle with their weight.  If you are reading this, and you have low thyroid function or hypothyroidism, then you probably know what I am talking about.  Your thyroid is one of the primary regulators of your metabolism.  This is why people who have low thyroid function end up …

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Lactose: Why Nature-throid & WP Thyroid Aren’t Working

Over the years we’ve seen more and more formulations of NDT fall out of favor with patients.  Thyroid medications such as Nature Throid and Armour thyroid used to be widely considered as some of the best thyroid medications on the market but now more and more people are having trouble with them.  And by trouble, …

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should you use levothyroxine injections?

Levothyroxine Injections: Are They Better Than Tablets?

The Case for Levothyroxine Injections There’s no doubt that if you are a thyroid patient you’ve heard of levothyroxine.  Levothyroxine is the most standard and frequently prescribed medication to treat hypothyroidism​​ of all types (and your doctor’s favorite medication to use even though it isn’t the best).  Today we are going to be discussing levothyroxine …

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sustained release T3: should you use this thyroid medication_

Sustained Release T3 (SR T3): When to Compound Your T3

You probably already know that T3 is the single most important thyroid hormone in your body.  If you’ve spent any time researching, then you probably ALSO know that you can take T3 as a medication and that most thyroid medications contain only T4.  But what you may not be aware of is that there are …

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what to use instead of prescription thyroid medications

What to use Instead of Prescription Thyroid Medication: 5 Natural Options

Is it possible to use something other than the standard thyroid meds that you’ve been given by your doctor? The answer is maybe.  But I don’t want you to think that it’s always possible to get off of your thyroid medication because that just isn’t the case.  If you are someone with REALLY advanced Hashimoto’s …

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np thyroid facts

NP Thyroid Facts: What you should know before using it

Is NP Thyroid Any Good?  If you don’t know much about NP thyroid then you are in the right place.  We are going to be talking about FACTS that you should know prior to using this medication.  If you don’t know what NP thyroid is then let me fill you in. NP thyroid is a …

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Synthroid isn't working

Synthroid: 5 Reasons it isn’t working for you

Synthroid Can Work (But not always) Look.  Many people are quick to jump on the bandwagon and make statements like Synthroid or levothyroxine simply don’t work.  But is that actually true? Not entirely. In fact, Synthroid CAN work for a lot of people.  But it is true that there are other options that may be …

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using t3 thyroid hormone during pregnancy

Using T3 Thyroid Hormone During Pregnancy: Is it Safe?

The standard of care is to place all pregnant women on T4-only medications such as levothyroxine or Synthroid.  But what happens to women who are taking thyroid medications which contain T3 when they become pregnant? What about women who are already doing well on medications that contain T3 and want to become pregnant? We are …

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