Tag: Hashimoto's thyroiditis | Shop Thyroid, Hypothyroid, & Hashimoto's Supplements for Women
how to use testosterone to treat hashimoto's thyroiditis

Testosterone: My Secret Remedy for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

A Secret Therapy that you can use to treat Hashimoto’s Naturally As someone with Hashimoto’s, I probably don’t need to tell you that there aren’t many official medications or therapies available to treat your condition.  That’s why this topic is so exciting.  Testosterone is a sort of secret therapy that can be used to treat …

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signs and symptoms of inflammation in Hashimoto's

6 Signs of Thyroid Gland Inflammation

You should really think about Hashimoto’s as a disease of inflammation.  Because once you start to think of it in these terms, a new way to treating your condition will emerge: One that focuses on your immune system instead of your thyroid. If you can identify thyroid gland inflammation early, and do your best to …

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10 foods every patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis should avoid

The 10 Worst Foods to Eat If You Have Hashimoto’s

One of the best things, and worst things about Hashimoto’s, is that your diet has a powerful impact on how you are feeling.  Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword. Good in the sense that you do have some control over how you are feeling. But bad in the sense that you are accountable for everything …

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how to treat hashimoto's thyroiditis without thyroid medication

Treating Hashimoto’s Without Medication: Here’s How

Treating Hashimoto’s without Thyroid Medication Every single day patients with Hashimoto’s reach out to me asking about natural therapies.  These questions all have one thing in common: They want to know if there is some alternative to thyroid medication or if it’s possible to completely avoid using it.  My answer is always something like this: …

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NP thyroid recall for superpotency

NP Thyroid Recall for Superpotency: What you need to know

NP Thyroid Recall by Acella Thyroid news report: On May 22nd, 2020 Acella Pharmaceuticals issued a voluntary nationwide recall of certain lots of NP thyroid due to super potency.  Don’t worry, I’m going to explain in plain English what this all means and how it applies to you.  If you aren’t already aware, NP thyroid …

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thyroid function and coronavirus infection risk

Thyroid and Coronavirus Infection Risk: What you Need to Know

Are Thyroid Patients at Higher Risk of Infection?  There’s no doubt that by now you’ve been inundated with information regarding the coronavirus or COVID-19.  Today we aren’t going to focus on the things you’ve heard 1000x by now but instead, we are going to talk about the virus and its effects on thyroid patients specifically.  …

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how doctors fail thyroid patients

12,000 Patients Agree: Doctors Fail Thyroid Patients

If you were asked to rate your satisfaction with your thyroid treatment on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, where would you fall? Depending on how you answer, you may or may not be surprised at where roughly 12,000 thyroid patients put themselves on that …

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thyroid time wasters

Thyroid Time Wasters (Things you should NOT be doing)

Are these things wasting your time?  Did you know that many thyroid patients end up wasting their time on things that don’t matter and won’t help them feel better? The goal of every thyroid patient is to obviously try to get back to feeling 100%.  And you know, if you have thyroid disease, that this …

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hashimoto's blood tests

Hashimoto’s Blood Tests (Which Test You NEED & What they mean)

Testing for Hashimoto’s (Because your doctor won’t!) Hashimoto’s is the #1 cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.  This means that there is a huge chance that you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis if you have low thyroid function to any degree.  And, believe it or not, the fact that Hashimoto’s is so common does not mean …

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sustained release T3: should you use this thyroid medication_

Sustained Release T3 (SR T3): When to Compound Your T3

You probably already know that T3 is the single most important thyroid hormone in your body.  If you’ve spent any time researching, then you probably ALSO know that you can take T3 as a medication and that most thyroid medications contain only T4.  But what you may not be aware of is that there are …

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