Category: Thyroid | Page 30 | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
NP thyroid vs armour thyroid

NP Thyroid vs Armour Thyroid: What’s the Difference?

NP Thyroid is a thyroid medication that is similar to but slightly different than Armour thyroid.  Will switching from Armour to NP make a difference in your body? Will it help with weight loss? Will it prevent hair loss? The answer is maybe and it has to do with the difference between these medications.  The …

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List of thyroid medication names

Thyroid Medication Names: List of T4, T3, & T4 + T3 Medications

This post contains a complete list of thyroid medication names based on the thyroid hormone content of the medication.  The list includes medications with T4 only thyroid hormone, T3 only thyroid hormone, and T4 + T3 thyroid hormone combinations. If you want to learn more about thyroid hormones, which hormones certain medications have, and how …

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can you live without a thyroid

Can You Live Without a Thyroid? What to Expect After Surgery or RAI

Your thyroid gland produces some of the most important hormones in your entire body.  But what happens if you have your thyroid removed? Or destroyed? Are you able to survive? The answer is yes and it has to do with the fact that thyroid medication contains the same hormones that your body produces naturally.  The …

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thyroid supplements for weight loss: do they actually work?

Thyroid Supplements for Weight Loss: Do They Actually Work?

Is it possible to take supplements to help you lose weight if you have thyroid disease? Do they actually work? Or will they not work because of your condition? I’ve treated thousands of patients with thyroid disease and I can tell you that while some supplements may help with weight loss they are probably not …

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can hypothyroidism be cured (1)

Can Hypothyroidism Be Cured Permanently? 3 Treatments Which Help

Almost everyone with hypothyroidism will wonder at some point in time whether or not their condition is curable.  What do I mean by curable? I mean that the condition can be treated to the point that it completely disappears and you are back to normal.  Can this actually happen? The short answer is maybe.  The …

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thyroid friendly protein powder: Which one should you use?

Thyroid Friendly Protein Powder: Which One Should you Use?

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Is it safe to use protein powder if you have thyroid disease? Is animal protein better than plant protein? Which one is ideal if you have thyroid disease? How much protein should you consume each day? And will it help you with weight loss? All of these questions are more will be answered in this …

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synthroid overdose: signs you are taking too much thyroid medication

Synthroid Overdose: Signs & Symptoms You’re Taking too Much

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Are you concerned that your dose of Synthroid is too high? That may be the case, especially if you are experiencing symptoms such as hair loss, heart palpitations, and heat intolerance.  The good news is that Synthroid overdose can be easily treated by simply reducing your dose.  This article will outline the major side effects …

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Is using iodine safe for your thyroid

Is Using Iodine Safe for your Thyroid?

Have you heard that iodine can help improve your thyroid function? While it is true that your body requires iodine, it’s also probable that using high doses of iodine can potentially be dangerous.  In this article, we are doing to discuss the dangers of using high doses of iodine, who should avoid using iodine, how …

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is synthroid gluten free?

Is Synthroid Gluten-Free?

Are you actively trying to avoid gluten-containing foods? Do you also have hypothyroidism? If so, then this article is perfect for you.  I’m going to jump the gun and tell you that Synthroid is indeed gluten-free, but it may contain other ingredients that can cause issues.  We are going to discuss the gluten content of …

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Thyrotoxicosis versus Hyperthyroidism What’s the Difference

Thyrotoxicosis vs Hyperthyroidism: What’s the Difference?

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It may surprise you to know that around 1% of the population suffers from this condition (1).  And it’s especially important if you consider that a small percentage of patients with this disease may go on to develop thyroid storm.  But what exactly is thyrotoxicosis? Is it a problem if you have it? Is it …

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