Dr. Westin Childs Blog Posts & Articles | Page 54
7 PCOS Supplements To Help Balance Estrogen & Progesterone

7 PCOS Supplements To Help Balance Estrogen & Progesterone

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Why is PCOS so hard to treat?  One of the main reasons is that we tend to treat only the symptoms of PCOS and not the CAUSE. This philosophy extends to supplements as well: In order to treat your PCOS using supplements, you will need to target those supplements to your body and YOUR hormone …

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5 benefits of using t3 medication

5 Benefits of using T3 Medication

Many patients on levothyroxine or Synthroid stand to benefit by simply adding a small amount of T3 medication to their regimen.  T3 is metabolized in the body in a different way than T4 which makes it special. It’s also the strongest and most powerful of all the thyroid medications but it must be used correctly. …

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What your Low TSH means while taking thyroid medication

What Your Low TSH Means With Thyroid Medication & Without

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Would it surprise you to know that you can have a low TSH but still be hypothyroid?  This situation is not uncommon and may be occurring in your body right now.  On the flip side, a low TSH can also be an indicator of hyperthyroidism.  Your TSH can be a helpful tool in evaluating thyroid …

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B12 Injection sites + How to use B12 Shots Safely

B12 Injection sites + How to use B12 Shots Safely

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B12 shots can help improve energy levels, and sleeping patterns, help with weight loss, and even improve hair growth.  In order to get these benefits you need to be using the right type of B12 and using it correctly, which means in the right injection sites and the correct depth. Use this guide to help …

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9 step guide to stop thyroid fatigue

9 Step Guide to Stop Thyroid Fatigue in its Tracks

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Fatigue is one of the most common (and frequently reported) symptoms of hypothyroidism.  Fatigue is the result of various changes in your body including nutrient imbalances, poor mitochondrial function, and even tissue-level hypothyroidism.  What’s more interesting is that in order to treat and reverse thyroid fatigue you actually need more than just thyroid medication. Why? …

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7 Powerful benefits of B12 shots

7 Powerful Benefits of B12 Shots you Probably Didn’t Know

Whether you realize it or not, B12 is a critical vitamin involved in very important processes in your body like energy production and metabolism.  It’s currently estimated that as many as 20% of people in the US have B12 deficiency or suboptimal B12 (1) levels in their bodies.  This means that as many as 1 out …

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top 10 low thyroid symptoms explained

Top 10 Low Thyroid Symptoms Explained & Your next steps

Hypothyroidism is very common among people in the US which means that many people are taking thyroid hormones.  Despite taking thyroid hormones, many patients still show the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.  Why is it that some patients who take thyroid hormone replacement medication for low thyroid still have symptoms?  In this post I will …

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The Best thyroid test

Is there a Best Thyroid Test? A Simple Guide to Thyroid Testing

Getting a complete thyroid hormone blood test is critical to understanding and evaluating your thyroid function.  Complete thyroid testing includes so much more than the traditional TSH (which can be inaccurate in certain medical conditions).  Without the right thyroid tests, you won’t understand if your body is converting thyroid hormone appropriately or if your cells …

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