Tag: insulin resistance | Shop Thyroid, Hypothyroid, & Hashimoto's Supplements for Women
advanced victoza dosing guide for weight loss & insulin resistance

Advanced Victoza Dosing Guide (& More) for Weight Loss & Insulin/Leptin Resistance

This guide is part 1 in a series I am writing about how to properly and effectively use weight loss medications (including dosing, duration of therapy, and titration). This post is primarily designed for those who have an understanding of Victoza (the medication) and understand generally how it is used for weight loss in this …

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Insulin Resistance Diet Guide for Weight Loss

Insulin Resistance Diet Guide for Weight Loss

Is insulin resistance, diabetes, or pre-diabetes making it difficult or impossible for you to lose weight? If you fall into this category you probably understand that for the most part insulin resistance is a DIETARY disease. Meaning you most likely have this condition because of the food you’ve eaten (or are currently eating). Understanding this …

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the connection between hypothyroidism and insulin resistance

How Hypothyroidism Causes Insulin Resistance & How to Prevent It

Do you feel like it’s impossible to lose weight with hypothyroidism? It actually isn’t impossible and I will explain how later, but first I need to share a story with you.  I had a patient who came to see me in the office recently.  She was 43, on levothyroxine (for years), about 60 pounds overweight, …

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Reboot Your Diet by Eating Low Carbohydrate and High Fat

[Your guide to implementing the right diet to change your biochemistry and bust belly fat] This post is a follow-up post to the blog post “How to lose weight: the interplay of hormones and obesity”, if you need to read that post you can here… Diet is THE most critical component of a healthy lifestyle. …

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