Dr. Westin Childs Blog Posts & Articles | Page 63
10 day thyroid reset, free and updated guide

10 Day Thyroid Reset: How To Super Charge Your Thyroid

Ready to do something about your thyroid problem but unsure of where to start? Enter the 10-day thyroid reset: A complete done-for-you 10-day plan created by me (a thyroid expert) designed to help bring your thyroid back to optimal function to provide you with more energy, faster weight loss, and better thyroid health. Is this …

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Reboot Your Diet by Eating Low Carbohydrate and High Fat

[Your guide to implementing the right diet to change your biochemistry and bust belly fat] This post is a follow-up post to the blog post “How to lose weight: the interplay of hormones and obesity”, if you need to read that post you can here… Diet is THE most critical component of a healthy lifestyle. …

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Understand how to lose weight [the interplay of hormones and obesity]

When treating any medical condition it is absolutely essential to understand the basic physiology or reasons why it occurs. That means you have to be asking the right questions in order to get the right answers. When it comes to obesity conventional medicine hasn’t been asking any questions in over 40 years. If you are …

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