Author: Dr. Westin Childs | Page 9 | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
Do GLP-1 Agonists Cause thyroid cancer

Do GLP-1 Agonists Cause Thyroid Cancer (Wegovy, Saxenda, Victoza, Etc.)

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Do the most popular weight loss medications of our time like Wegovy and Saxenda cause thyroid cancer? There’s a very high probability that they do and this is particularly concerning for most of the people that will be reading my blog, because, spoiler alert, it’s pretty much all about thyroid-related problems.  Even though that’s the …

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10 Hashimoto’s Facts That Every Patient Should Know

10 Hashimoto’s Facts That Every Patient Should Know

There are few topics out there riddled with as much bad information, misinformation, and just plain wrong information as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  This applies to all thyroid conditions but especially to the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the developed world (1), Hashimoto’s.  But, guess what?  That’s not going to matter because we are going to set the record …

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how hypothyroidism can change your face

8 Ways Hypothyroidism Can Change Your Face

Most thyroid patients are well aware that changes in thyroid function can lead to problems like weight gain and depression but did you know that hypothyroidism can also impact your physical appearance and change the shape and structure of your face? It’s true!  Your thyroid impacts and regulates just about every tissue in your body so it should come as no …

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will taking thyroid medication cause a heart attack

Will Taking Thyroid Medication Cause A Heart Attack?

I can’t think of a more scary headline for a thyroid patient than to hear that the very thyroid medication they are taking may be associated with a heart attack.  This is especially important when you consider that heart attacks tend to impact older generations and that up to 25% of people over the age of …

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how to build your own natural desiccated thyroid blend

How to Build Your Own Natural Desiccated Thyroid Blend

There were a ton of thyroid patients that were hit in the proverbial face when Nature-throid and WP Thyroid were taken off the market.  These thyroid medications went from being some of the most sought-after thyroid medications to being completely unavailable in a very short period of time.  Not only did this cause a lot of …

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Adthyza Thyroid Medication Review_ Should You Use it

Adthyza Thyroid Medication Review: Should You Use it?

There’s a newish thyroid medication on the block that’s trying to make a name for itself.  Meet Adthyza.  It’s a porcine-derived prescription thyroid medication that, based on how it’s marketed, is supposed to be a cleaner alternative to the other thyroid medications on the market.  But does it live up to the claims? Is it worth trying if …

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Why Bodybuilders Take T3 Thyroid Hormone

Why Bodybuilders Take T3 Thyroid Hormone

Believe it or not, there’s a fair amount of information we can learn from bodybuilders, especially when it comes to hormone management.  I’m not suggesting or even recommending that you follow their advice, but there’s no question that this community serves as a reservoir of knowledge because they are essentially using themselves as human guinea pigs (1).  …

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