Tag: Cortisol | Shop Thyroid, Hypothyroid, & Hashimoto's Supplements for Women
adrenal fatigue symptoms

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms: Is it your Thyroid or Adrenals?

Adrenal fatigue is probably one of the most underappreciated and misdiagnosed conditions out there (next to the thyroid, of course!).  The reason for this is simple: Most doctors don’t even believe that adrenal fatigue exists (1) as a medical condition or diagnosis.  So if you want to actually be diagnosed and treated for this condition then …

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adrenal fatigue testing: is it even necessary?

The Best Adrenal Fatigue Test: Urine vs Saliva vs Blood

While it is possible to test for cortisol, is it even helpful?  The answer is both yes and no which is why this topic deserves a deep dive into adrenal fatigue and cortisol testing.  In this article you’ll learn:  Adrenal Fatigue: Let’s Talk About the Basics Apparently, it’s not possible nowadays to have a discussion …

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Do Cortisol Blockers Actually Work for Weight Loss

Do Cortisol Blockers Actually Work for Weight Loss?

You can tell by the title of the article that cortisol blockers may actually not be as effective as you would hope… We all know that excess cortisol can lead to weight gain so the idea of “blocking” cortisol may sound enticing as a potential weight loss treatment.  But does it actually work? Well, not …

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the stress, cortisol, and weight gain connection

The Stress, Cortisol and Weight Gain Connection (& How to Stop it)

Can too much stress increase cortisol and lead to weight gain? The answer is a definite yes.  Stress influences multiple systems in the body and may lead to the dysregulation of one of the most important hormones in your body – cortisol.  Learn more about the influence stress has on cortisol and other hormones in …

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the best adrenal fatigue supplements and how to use them

The Best Adrenal Fatigue Supplements + How to use them

Fatigue, exhaustion, and low energy… These symptoms are incredibly common nowadays and they all may be pointing to a specific hormone imbalance commonly referred to as adrenal fatigue.  But instead of focusing on the word adrenal fatigue, it’s better to focus on the hormone cortisol and how you can directly impact this very important stress …

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the best cortisol test: which is most accurate?

Cortisol Testing: How to Diagnose and Treat Adrenal Issues

Weight gain, crushing fatigue, the inability to sleep… These are only some of the symptoms associated with adrenal problems and yet this condition is ignored by so many physicians and Doctors.  In addition, there is much confusion regarding which is the best way to actually evaluate your cortisol levels and which is the best cortisol …

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