6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Thyroid Patients Face

6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Thyroid Patients Face

Nutrients can and do impact your thyroid!

As a thyroid patient, you should be aware that certain nutrient deficiencies can and do impact your thyroid. 

What does this mean for you?

It means that these nutrient deficiencies are a way that YOU can both naturally treat AND improve your thyroid. 

And this is great news for any thyroid patient simply because most therapies available to you require a doctor’s prescription pad. 

But this isn’t true for supplements because they are available over the counter!

Which supplements you should use (and which actually benefit your thyroid) is another story entirely. 

And that’s exactly what we are going to talk about today. 

These nutrient deficiencies are important because nearly EVERY thyroid patient struggle with one or more of those listed below (we will get to the list in a second). 

​And these nutrients negatively affect both your thyroid gland itself and OTHER areas of your body (other organs and tissues).

Ultimately, this leads to hypothyroid symptoms such as weight gain, depression, cold intolerance, fatigue, hair loss, and so on.

Why do these occur?

Because these nutrient deficiencies impact certain areas of thyroid function including:

  • Thyroid hormone conversion (T4 to T3 conversion)
  • Thyroid hormone production (direct production of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland)
  • Peripheral utilization of thyroid hormone (even if thyroid hormone is available for use it doesn’t mean your body CAN use it)
  • And more…

Let’s talk about these nutrient deficiencies in detail so you can better understand what to look for. 

Which ones are common?

The reason is simple:

The standard American lifestyle (which is being adopted by other countries as well) lends itself to MULTIPLE nutrient deficiencies (1). 

When you combine this with the fact that low thyroid function does the VERY same thing, you have a setup for nutrient deficiencies that nearly all thyroid patients face. 

And when I talk about nutrient deficiencies I am not talking about full-blown nutrient deficiencies. 

Most doctors (and some people) get this wrong. 

They believe that nutrient deficiencies MUST be full-blown otherwise they simply don’t exist. 

And this is a huge error. 

You shouldn’t consider nutrient deficiencies as either present or not, instead, you should consider nutrient deficiencies on a spectrum. 

On one side you have full-blown deficiencies (this is what most doctors are looking for) and on the other side, you have minor to sub-clinical deficiencies (this is what YOU should be looking for). 

These subclinical nutrient deficiencies are more sinister because they are often missed by doctors but they still cause quality-of-life symptoms and issues. 

For this list, we are going to be focusing on these minor to moderate deficiencies. 


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


#1. Vitamin B12. 

B12 is probably one of the most common (and most important) deficiencies that thyroid patients face. 

It’s also probably one of the most important. 


Because the symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency can mimic those of hypothyroidism. 

Low B12 leads to symptoms like hair loss, depression, low energy, and even weight gain. 

Do these symptoms sound familiar?

They should because they are basically identical to those symptoms found in hypothyroidism. 

This makes differentiated Vitamin b12 deficiency difficult from hypothyroid symptoms. 

​And B12 deficiency is VERY common among thyroid patients

The reason has to do with the fact that B12 is somewhat of a wimpy nutrient in the sense that so many things can disrupt it from getting into your body. 

Not only that but it’s also hard for the body to utilize if it’s not in the right form or if you have an MTHFR defect in your body. 

In fact, one of the main causes of B12 deficiency is low stomach acid. 

And low stomach acid is caused directly by low thyroid function. 

So low thyroid function can lead to B12 deficiency due to malabsorption which in turn can cause symptoms that mimic hypothyroidism. 

​To make matters worse, once you replace thyroid hormone (assuming you take the right dose of thyroid medication) it doesn’t fix your low B12 problem. 

To do that you MUST take Vitamin B12. 

If you are a thyroid patient (and this means anyone with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or those without a thyroid) then you should consider supplementing with vitamin b12. 

I would recommend using pre-methylated B vitamins (to ensure that it is safe with ANY MTHFR genetic ​​mutations (2)) so that your body can utilize them as soon as possible.

You can get B12 in the proper form, and with other essential B vitamins, in my recommended product here

You may also find that you need to use B12 shots over oral B12 supplements so just keep that in the back of your head. 

#2. Vitamin D. 

Next on the list is Vitamin D. 

Vitamin D is incredibly important for both thyroid function and other functions in the body

There is a direct relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and certain thyroid disorders. 

For instance:

Vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of developing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (and other autoimmune diseases) while simultaneously increasing your risk of thyroid cancer (3).

​The good news about Vitamin D deficiency is that you can easily test for it and easily supplement for low levels. 

The bad news is that pretty much everyone I’ve ever tested (excluding those already taking Vitamin D) has Vitamin D deficiency. 

This is because we don’t get out in the sunlight enough to activate Vitamin D levels in our bodies. 

In order for this to happen, you need at least 40% of your skin exposed to sunlight and there can’t be any clouds in the sky and you can’t be wearing any sunblock. 

The conditions are such that this rarely happens for most of us so something like 2 billion people around the world (4) are Vitamin D deficient. Taking Vitamin D can help to both improve your immune system and thyroid function. 

It can also be used as a treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (thyroid autoimmune disease). 

You’ll want to titrate your dose to whatever your body needs but most people will need somewhere around 2,000 IU to 5,000 IU. 

Rarely, some people need doses as high as 10,000 IU per day as well. 

If you decide to supplement with Vitamin D make sure you use a liquid Vitamin D in a fat-soluble substance to enhance absorption when you take it. 

Placing Vitamin D in a micellized matrix also helps with absorption. 

I recommend using a supplement such as this one which meets all of the criteria listed above

#3. Zinc + Selenium. 

I’ve included both zinc and selenium together for this section (even though they are each very important on their own) because they do help do one very important thing. And that thing helps your thyroid convert T4 to T3.  

This conversion process is the thing that helps your thyroid actually work and both zinc and selenium are involved in this process.

Low levels of either Zinc or Selenium can limit this conversion process and lead to problems such as low T3 levels

If you don’t already know, T3 is the single most important thyroid hormone in your body.

This effect is so profound that Zinc deficiency by itself can decrease thyroid function to a noticeable level. 

Some studies show that replacing Zinc levels improves thyroid lab tests in those who are deficient.  

This isn’t their only benefit, though, as they also play important roles in other systems in the body. 

​Zinc, for instance, plays an important role in regulating your immune system. 

join 80000 thyroid patients who use dr. westin childs thyroid support supplements.

​Taking zinc can be used as a therapy for treating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis by balancing immune function. 

Selenium, on the other hand, is required for the production of the master antioxidant known as glutathione. 

If you are selenium deficient then you may find that you are much more likely to develop localized inflammation directly in your thyroid gland. 

This inflammation can lead to damage to the thyroid gland from thyroid autoimmunity and is one of the reasons that Selenium can be used to help lower thyroid antibodies

We also know that MANY thyroid patients are both zinc and selenium deficient (meaning they don’t have enough of these nutrients). 

This means that supplementing with both Zinc and Selenium provides a unique opportunity to help your thyroid at several levels. 

Using the right dose is very important, however, because using too much can actually be harmful. 

I recommend doses of Zinc in the 10-15mg per day range and doses of Selenium in the 75-150 mcg per day range. 

You will also want to take them together for the best results. 

You can take them together (along with other important thyroid nutrients) in a supplement such as this one

#4. Iodine. 

There is so much confusion out there about iodine that we simply can’t skip over it. No matter how you look at it, iodine is an ESSENTIAL nutrient for your thyroid. If you don’t have enough iodine then you won’t be able to produce thyroid hormone. Period. Iodine forms the backbone of thyroid hormone and it’s what your thyroid gland uses to put thyroid hormone together. Low levels of iodine will lead to low levels of thyroid hormone. But here’s the problem:

Many people (thyroid patients in particular) believe that iodine is somehow harmful to their thyroid gland. 

They believe that taking iodine will cause issues. 

And while there have been some medical studies that show a correlation between iodine intake and thyroid damage, these studies have never proven that one is the cause of the other. 

Furthermore, we know that iodine is essential (5)!

If you look at the back of salt that doesn’t have iodine there is a warning about the lack of iodine for this very reason. 

And humans lack the capacity to create iodine on their own which means the only way we can get iodine is through our diet. 

If you are a human being you should be getting iodine from SOME source. 

This is especially true if you have a thyroid problem and that includes those with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis!

If you have Hashimoto’s you can safely take iodine by combining it with Selenium (which protects against thyroid inflammation). 

How much you use of iodine is another story entirely and this may be why certain people do poorly on it. 

I’ve written about the various doses available for iodine which you can read about here. 

You can also find my recommended low-dose iodine supplement here and my recommended moderate to high-dose iodine supplement here

#5. Magnesium. 

Magnesium plays a role in some 300+ processes in the body.

We are interested in magnesium both because of its importance in regulating these processes and also because thyroid hormone levels negatively impact magnesium metabolism. 

So patients with thyroid problems tend to have magnesium deficiency issues at a much higher rate compared to those without thyroid levels. 

And this discrepancy stems from how the thyroid influences magnesium metabolism. 

Magnesium deficiency tends to cause low-grade symptoms which can be difficult to identify in certain people. 

There are ways to test for magnesium deficiency in your blood but they are quite inaccurate. 

Because of this, it’s often better to simply supplement with magnesium (especially if you never have) if you have any thyroid problems.  

Taking a low dose between 100mg to 200mg per day can replete low magnesium levels and help improve your symptoms. 

I recommend using a supplement that contains magnesium glycinate as it is easily absorbed and gets into your body quickly. 

#6. Iron. 

Last but certainly not least is iron.

Healthy iron levels are required for your thyroid to work correctly.

​Many thyroid patients run into trouble with low iron because low thyroid causes low iron

This occurs because of the relationship between iron absorption in the GI tract and thyroid impact on acid-producing stomach cells. 

Low thyroid hormone results in decreased iron absorption and therefore low iron. 

Low iron causes low thyroid function which further decreases iron absorption and the cycle continues (much like B12 deficiency). ​What makes this a more sinister problem is how doctors look at and evaluate low iron. 

Most doctors really only care about iron deficiency which causes anemia (low red blood cells). 

But you can have low iron WITHOUT anemia and this is the condition that negatively impacts your thyroid. 

You can catch this condition early (before it causes significant problems) by evaluating your iron studies as well as ferritin. 

If you find that your ferritin level is sub-optimal then you will want to take iron to increase it. 

But do NOT take iron unless you have a documented deficiency with lab tests. 

So make sure you check out this article which explains how to determine if your iron level is optimal before supplementing. Get your iron levels checked if you have thyroid problems!

Final Thoughts

If you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s then you should be very aware of the impact that these nutrient deficiencies have on both your body and your thyroid. 

Using supplements is important because it is something that you have control over. 

Unlike thyroid medication, you can purchase these supplements over the counter and they can be used to augment whatever existing therapies you are currently using. 

And now I want to hear from you:

Do you have any of these nutrient deficiencies?

If so, have you supplemented to try and fix them?

Did supplementing work for you? Did it improve your symptoms or help you feel better?

If so, leave your comment and experience below! 

#1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK209844/

#2. https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/10953/mthfr-gene-variant

#3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779458/

#4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6075634/

#5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3063534/

nutrient deficiencies in hypothyroid patients pinterest image.

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

208 thoughts on “6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Thyroid Patients Face”

  1. I used to be iodine deficient, but now whenever I take iodine (75-150 mcg a day), I get this throbbing feeling in my thyroid a couple hours later. Does this mean something?

    • There Is No Doubt The Thyroid Adrenal Reset 1 Helps Exhaustion, My Chiro Lady Got Me To Stop Taking High Doses Of Yohimbe & Ephedrine/Guaifenesin & This Products’ Adrenal 25mg +Cofactors really helps getting off stimulants……. Thanks Dr Childs

      • Hi Dr. Westin,

        I take all the nutrients you listed plus your T3 Booster an Adrenal Reset.

        I don’t know if it’s making a difference since I am told I’m depleted of Ft3 and testosterone. This has been going on for a year now an no one has told me why this has happened. Ive seen 4 Endo’s an integrative and it was a joke. They all said what you said they’d say, you’re fine”. said it was due to anti depressant,…… syndrome and pain pills. Don’t insult my intelligence.
        I started out with a few symptoms and landed up with 50 by the 8th month. before this I was doing great!! So pathetic! . Since my gyno was smart enough to test t4/T3, trust me no other endo would have tested for it. they are TSH doctors only. No thinking outside the box. You can have them!
        Therefore I would like to know if you give 2nd opinions as I need my like back so
        I can work again. I might as well be 95 an call it a day.

        I have since been tested positive for Epstein bar, adrenal disorder but no Cushing’s an my blood is not moving thru out my brain as it should, my entire body as well probably. I’m telling you it has allot to do with not diagnosing the FT3 non conversion issue.
        PS: i had a pellet ofestrodial a testosterone inserted 5 weeks ago. I’m waiting for the energy.

        They’re totally missing it and completely LAZY. And these are considered top Endo’s in L.A.
        Since I’m beat up, I have not been able to work or functioning on a daily basis let alone be able to cook an eat as I should. It’s a nite mare.
        In turn I’ve been reading about Thyroid. Today you need To be your own advocate.
        Thank goodness I understand medical writing.

        I just started injectable B 12 an B complex to see if it does anything. May be have to do everyday.

        Thank you.
        Cynthia Lee

  2. You described most of my deficiencies!! I thought most were because of my homocygous MTHFR but now I wonder does the thyroid affect the MTHFR or the other way around. I always have to be tested because everything goes high and low. I found this article very interesting!

    • Hi Karen,

      I hope it was helpful! I think that it’s best interpreted as hypothyroidism results in these deficiencies versus hypothyroidism causing MTHFR defects or MTHFR defects causing the deficiencies.

  3. I’m really struggling right now. I was diagnosed hypo in 1991 and have been on Levothyroxine since. I have been fighting for doctors to take me seriously about still being symptomatic and finally my TSH showed it. I moved to Texas and the new doctors treat me like I’m a hypochondriac. I have RNY Gastric Bypass October 8,2014. My doctor here refused to do my labs for over 2 years and I finally went to a weight loss clinic and that doctor ran labs and my TSH was 24 on .175 mg Levothyroxine. My doctor said that wasn’t that bad that he had seen worse so I fired him and found a functional medicine doctor and demanded to be put on NDT so the original doctor put me on it reluctantly but only 90mg. My new doctor is only seeing me every 3 months and from August to December my TSH went up to 68.4 Free T4 is .29 and Free T3 2.22. My new doctor increased the Armour thyroid to 180 mg but I’m still gaining weight, have continued being in bed most of the time and my leptin is 124… I have been eating Paleo Thyroid Diet and taking huge amounts of supplements that the new doctor sells. We can’t afford to continue buying all these supplements and the NDT because my insurance doesn’t cover it. I’m beyond frustrated, gaining weight like crazy so now they have added post weight loss surgery morbidly obese and prediabetic which is still better than before weight loss surgery because I was on metformin. I haven’t gone through everything that I have gone through to be ignored and allowed to gain my weight back. I am currently 250 lbs and 5’10 and used to weigh 335 lbs I had gotten down to 206 lbs. I can’t keep doing this and desperately need help and don’t know where to turn because I don’t trust these Texas doctors. Don’t even get me started about the horrible chronic pain I’m in and have been since 2010 and the fact these doctors won’t prescribe pain meds for when it gets really bad even though I was on them in Washington state and never abused them and even did biofeedback therapy to get off the long acting morphine and only have oxycodone for when it got really bad. So I no longer show dogs because of the severe muscle cramps, I was a successful dog groomer and and can’t even brush one of my little Pomeranians out without cramps in my hands and have been disabled from work by social security and I stay in bed all day because even sitting in my recliner hurts.

    I feel like I’m dying and no one takes me seriously or cares.

    • I’m not a Dr but have had seriously low B12 low D low thyroid and higher iron. Lack of B12 can kill you. Book called ‘could it be b12’ recommended. See if you can find a Dr to do Spectra Cell nutrient deficiency test. You maybe having digestion absorption malnutrition issues of various sorts and may benefit from digestive enzymes. Look up EPI as well. I think lack of nutrients is more rampant that anyone usually considers cause how depleted everything is and even if eating good digesting and absorbing can be issue. Having gastric surgery one reason listed in book as predisposing to b12 deficiency as metformin is and poi blockers. Good luck to you.

  4. Do I need to have my Dr order blood work in order to test all these levels? I already am on B12 shots due to a deficiency and my body won’t absorb oral B12. I just don’t want to take too much of something. I am tired a lot but I get up at 3:45am every morning to work out so I think it’s that but having more energy would be nice!

    • Hi Marie,

      Most lab tests that evaluate nutrient deficiencies are NOT accurate and therefore not that helpful. B12, for instance, is horribly inaccurate which is why methylmalonic acid exists. If you are basing your supplements on your lab tests you are not going to do well.

        • Hi Julia,

          Yes, there is. I’ve been reluctant to write about it but I will come out with a blog post about the pros and cons soon.

          • Dr Childs, we need to know what testing is recommended and where to find that testing. I’m talking about accurate nutrient tests if our own doctors don’t know.

      • Hey Doctor!
        1) How about if blood work showing extremely high B12 and B 6 extremely Low ?
        And I’m not taking B12 .
        2) Thyroidglobuline is high too.
        Rest of the vitamins and minerals are normal / inside of blood cell labwork based on.

  5. Dr. Childs — Thank you so much for your research and writing, then sharing with whoever reads the articles on your website. These have been very beneficial to me. I’ve shared your website name with several.

  6. Thank you for all you do Dr. Westin. Because of your work I was able to convince my doctor to take my test results seriously!
    Fingers crossed for the giveaway!

  7. I know I am deficient in B12, D and iron (currently supplementing which has made a great improvement but I know I could feel better). My magnesium was ok but I haven’t had the others tested yet. I suspect my body doesn’t convert T4 to T3 well. Thank you for always putting out great info for those of us who can’t afford a knowledgeable doctor.

    • I found out I have high calcium and have an apt to talk about my parathyroid. I never even heard of it. Do you deal with parathyroid?

  8. Hi, I just started taking your thyroid daily essentials and your Iodine. Is that enough to help with the deficiencies or should I supplement with extra vitamin B, D, zinc and selenium?

    • Hi Jennie,

      Thyroid daily essentials has all of the basic nutrients your thyroid needs so you wouldn’t need those but it doesn’t cover your adrenal function. Some people also find supplementing with very high doses of the B vitamins to be helpful.

    • Just found your web site. I too have low thyroid function. My temperature is never above 96.7 I take 1 tablet Levothyroxin 50mcg a day. Am extremely tired. I am 67 years old. Thank you. Janet Evans

      • Hi Janet: What really counts is to get your T3 levels to about the 80th percentile of the range. This will probably be the feel good zone, versus being below this number will be the feel like crap range. You are wise to use your basal body temperature as a guide because I have found it to never lie.

        Mark P.

  9. I can not get any doctor to help me as my 1 test shows borderline but for years I can not keep weight off, just add it. I can not stop losing hair, grow chin hair, brittle nails, no energy, can’t sleep, hurt all over, total brain fog etc. I appreciate all your info and will be trying your product.

  10. Thank you so much for this article and all the suggestions for supplementation. I am currently taking Cytomel but it leaves a salty taste. What other forms of T3 could I take (or ask my dr to prescribe?) I am currrently taking nascent iodine and several of the supplements you recommend.

  11. Hi! thankyou so much for the article. How would I go about getting B12 shots? I don’t think I absorb it well because I have most of the symptoms, almost all of the issues with absoption, but when i have had labs in the past, it always shows high (usually shows high for magnesium or potassium or both as well). i would love to be able to get injections- atleast if its less expensive then the hormone injections I have to take that aren’t covered by insurance. I do use a compounding pharmacy if that helps. Thankyou!

    • Hi Jen,

      You’ll need to get a prescription from a doctor to get the B12 shots. You can also sometimes find them at weight loss clinics (avoid the other stuff they offer, though!).

  12. I am so thankful I found this resource!! I was under the care of an integrative doctor for my thyroid for over a year and felt better than I had in years! Unfortunately since my insurance did not pay I was forced to stop treatment after having to adopt my newborn granddaughter due to the high cost. I was so excited when researching this and saw so many correlations to my old treatment plan. I have recently been laid off due to COVID19 but cannot wait to purchase these supplements once I return to work!!

  13. As. Long time follower and fan, I would love to be picked As a winner in the supplement drawing/ giveaway. Thank you for all the information you provide .

  14. Great article! Currently trying to work on raising iron and ferritin. My iron has been getting to an optimal range, but my ferritin doesn’t seem to want to go up.

    • skip iron tablets and get iron IV from a hematologist. Results are pretty much immediate and It will also help you avoid any GI issues from iron tablets

      • Hi Dan,

        While an iron infusion is certainly superior to any oral iron it does come with some small risks, which is why doctors will typically reserve it for those who have tried and failed oral versions.

  15. Thank you for sharing this information. I have hypothyroidism and am taking Armour Thyroid plus all of the supplements you mentioned in your article. I just started taking Iodine back in December but stopped. I am thinking maybe I need to restart it again. Should supplements be taken at least an hour or two after taking the Iodine?

  16. Great information! I was having an iron issue three years ago, and I Googled it. That’s when found Dr. Childs. His knowledge and expertise saved me from going to multiple doctors visits. Funny how a quality iron pill and a probiotic can help my thyroid medicine work. Many thanks for your passion for
    thyroid problems!

  17. Always good information about nutritional supplements to try. My regular doctor doesn’t seem to suggest any. Always my go to place to look for information .

  18. I have suffered for many years with Hashimoto Thyroiditis and all the research, supplements, doctor (ND) visits I just cannot get anything to work. My health is getting worse year by year and it seems to be a battle I cannot win. I do keep trying and I know your supplements work and have been helping but I feel we are missing something. I have a wonderful ND doctor and she is committed to get it under control but no luck. Thanks for your articles and products as I know I am not alone, I keep plugging along.

    Thank you Dr. Childs!


  19. Dr. Westin, Absolutely -a big part of my thyroid issues were with these deficiencies. I went thru a couple very stressful and traumatic periods in my life. I had so many symptoms of Hashimotos but because my thyroid levels were in “normal” range my doctor would not put me on meds. I did have elevated antibodies . I felt horrible. So I took it upon myself to do some research and started taking the supplements you commented on in your article above, changed my diet quite a bit. eliminating foods I had sensitivities too, like dairy and stopped eating sugar. Probably within 6 months most of my symptoms were gone and I lost over 12 lbs-which I wasn’t trying to do! My doctor was amazed at how all my numbers improved- my A1C that was a bit high went back to normal, my antibodies were reduced to around 10, no more stomach issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, my thyroid #’s also improved – all without any thyroid meds. my hair loss has lessened but still hoping to grow back what I loss. That is my biggest issue for me right now. My hair used to be thick, healthy and full 2 years ago. Now it’s much thinner, have breakage and is dull. I even stopped coloring it too. I started on your Thyroid Hair Regrowth Complex- so am hoping this will help regrow hair back that I loss. I know though that stress has also been a huge factor in all of this too. still on my journey- have improved many symptoms but still dealing with a few. Your articles are very informative. Thank you for helping me along with a few other online doctors.

  20. Your health and your life is the most important thing. More valuable then money itself. Make sure you get the best advice and information from somebody who knows what they are talking about. Dr. Child’s is a very good source. Never give up for second best. You deserve the best period.

  21. Hi Dr Childs
    After many long years of Trying to find answers to my weight increase after thyroid cancer and getting nowhere finding your page online gave me hope so thank you for being so invested in helping those with thyroid issues.

  22. I so appreciate all of your teaching! Hashimotos for 40 years, finally getting some relief through my functional doctor and the meds he prescribes after actually listening to me! Thank you for your excellent articles and YouTube broadcasts.

  23. My eyebrows were thinning on the sides. I was having both low energy in the mornings and then was unable to sleep through the night with the dreaded 3:00 A.M. wake up. After researching for months I discovered Dr. Child’s site. My thyroid medication has stayed consistent, but I added T3 Booster, Thyroid Adrenal Support and Omega. I am now happy to say I am sleeping much better (a game changer) and my eyebrows are filling out. I am grateful and with all that it going on in the world, it is wonderful to have some nutritional support. Thank you

  24. I am so thankful for what you are doing! Making this information public is life changing! I often share your articles with my doctor! She has gained so much trust in me following your advice, it has truly improved my well being. I feel normal after following your advice. We keep monitoring my recovering with your research.

  25. I take both your Thyroid Adrenal Reset Complex and the T3 Conversion Booster plus 1000IU D3 daily. Do I need to add any of these supplements you talk about in this blog in addition to what I’m already doing? (I also take 90 mg of NP Thyroid daily and 30mg 2xweek). I have found I feel better with more energy now that I’m taking your supplements.

  26. I have had thyroid disease since 2yrs. old. Half of my thyroid was removed when I was 17 and what was left was not functioning. The remainder was removed when I was 42. I had not been advised about using supplements to help me. I thank you very much for this information. By the way I’m now 72 and sometimes don’t know how I made it this far.Thank you again.

  27. Your blogs are always very informative. Thank you for your time in explaining things so clearly. Your articles are the ones I keep coming back to. Love your work.

  28. I’ve had a thyroidectomy and also have MTHFR issues. I have found that T4 is useless and need NDT + T3 to feel halfway decent. I take a liquid methyl B supplement but I still feel bad and am losing hair. I probably need supplementation in some of the other things too. Saving up for some lab tests – always a struggle w/ o insurance.

  29. I have Hashimoto and on 120 Mg of Armour. My numbers are not optimal and my ferritin is very high 150. I am on a lot of supplements, but don’t know what to take for the high ferritin.. Your input would be much appreciated ..

    • Hi Angie,

      Ferritin at high levels is usually an indicator of inflammation or iron overload. You’ll have to figure out which one with additional labs.

  30. Once I start taking the above supplements how long before it starts to have a positive impact and would I notice a difference in myself?


    • Hi Janice,

      It depends on the supplements you use. Some work very quickly and others take several weeks to months to work.

  31. I wish I would have known about these when my thyroid was removed! I still need to find a good B, Iodine and Iron supplement!

  32. T3 Conversion Booster, has helped me immensly.
    I have taken it for some time now and am getting great results from it.
    It stablized my weight, and for that I am forever greatful.
    It also gives me a tremendous amount of energy.
    I am very happy with this product.

  33. Thyroidectomy/hysterectomy in the past. I have a hard time keeping both hormones and thyroid balanced at same time. Will these help?

    • Hi Andrea,

      They will certainly help but the degree to which they help is unclear based on the info you’ve provided.

  34. Do you have information for someone that has had the thyroid and para thyroids completely removed and relies on medication only to function?

  35. I enjoy reading your blog and watching your videos. The information is always well researched and often we are provided links to share with our doctors. I just started this hypothyroidism battle and I agree that the necessary supplements are important. But without guidance, I might’ve not discussed this at a follow up doctor appointment. Thanks for your guidance, it is appreciated.

  36. Thank you again for this informative article. I was pleased to discover that I actually take all the supplements mentioned. I have a MTHFR mutation and know that iron, B12 and (methyl)folate are all co-factors and if one is low in one area, all are likely to suffer.

    I’m adding some additional comments (for your giveaway!) that even though not officially recognized as important for thyroid, curcumin can be a potent anti-inflammatory/antioxidant. So is glutathione but like turmeric (the source of curcumin), it isn’t very bioavailable. I have heard of liposomal versions of glutathione, and also of glutathione transdermal patches, but personally do not know which are better. Can you help with that?

    Another helpful adjunct is the micro-nutrients found in a wide variety of healthy fresh fruits and vegetables–and they are good for more than the thyroid function! So eat your veggies everyone!

    Another question/comment; I saw a small study that taking black seed oil which contains thymoquinone can also help with thyroid function. Is that true?

    On the supplements I purchased from you; I am noticing my energy is inching slowly upward. Am still enjoying vivid dreams too. Unfortunately, while being cooped up with Covid-19 shelter in place restrictions, I am not getting the usual amount of exercise and am noticing my joints hurt more than usual. I suppose there is really no excuse to not exercise indoors, but it just isn’t as enjoyable and living in a tiny house, I find it difficult to walk long distances which is my favored form of exercise.

    So I am glad that you continue to send out thyroid PSAs. Stay well and stay safe!

  37. Thank you so much for you time and sharing your knowledge! Most doctors I’ve seen so far have said there’s no further treatment for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. I’m going on 4 years of pain in my neck, ears and throat; I’m at a lose. Have been trying gluten free (as I was told By a friend this could lower my TPO levels?). Going on 2 months now so, we will see. Definitely need to brush up on your articles! Thanks again!


  38. Dear Dr. Childs,
    I have had hypothyroidism for about 24 years and recently been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis. I never ever was explained anything about my condition other than just getting a prescription! Only since I found you, have I finally understood what is going on with me!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the knowledge you bestow on us!! I recently heard about the goodness of black seed oil for Hashimoto and hypothyroidism and wondered what are your views about it?
    Loved your April fools joke!!!
    Sincerely, Bhavna

  39. Magnesium is vital for thyroid and SO many other organs and processes. I work with an amazing psychiatrist who recommends up to 900 mg high-quality magnesium per day for sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, and relaxation among many other things. (Of course, you need to titrate if you need that high level.)

    Thanks for all your writing, Dr. Childs.

  40. I am so grateful for your blogs! The information you offer is priceless. It’s very difficult to find a doctor knowledgeable in this area. I was able to find a doctor to prescribe 25mcg Liothyronine and I felt great. Last blood work showed a high T3, very low TSH and very low T4-so the doctor freaked and says the Liothyronine is causing hyperthyroid but I say I am still 220 lbs how can I be hyperthyroid. Help! This is so unfair to fight with the doctor for the right lab work interpretation!
    Anyway! I will keep educating myself by reading your blogs and maybe one day I can afford to find a more knowledgeable doctor!

    Thank you so much Dr Westin!!

  41. I wish I could find your clone to be my doc. I’m so tired all the time, get every cold and bug known to man, eczema and am normally obese. I have dieted and tried everything. The only thing that ever worked is hcg drops. As soon as I finished each “round” I gained again which kept me taking the drops over and over.
    Is my hashimoto the cause? I’m on levothyroxine and have been since 2000.

    • Hi Heidi,

      I would guess that metabolic damage is probably the cause of at least some of your issues from the use of hcg drops.

  42. I am intrigued by the info you provide here. My experience: In my teens, I suddenly became exhausted. I had been very active and involved in many sports. All I could do was sleep. The doctor tested me said my thyroid was in the basement and put me on hmmm…Thyrolar?? 3 something? He said it was the max dose (a long time ago). He told me I’d be on it for life. I took it at least ten years. (also thyroxine?) Another doctor took me off of it. I do not know why. I said I was told it was a life long condition. He said not true. At one point another doc put me on Synthroid. He agreed if you have low thyroid, it is a life long condition. Then after a few years later another doctor said I absolutely should not take it. For several decades I suffered myriad of issues but depression was the constant, and fatigue. I had many doctors test my thyroid. I was told it was normal. An endocrinologist found nodules–several–on my thyroid and ultrasound (I may have had a needle biopsy on one) the conclusion benign. I begged her to do a comprehensive thyroid panel and she begrudgingly added one extra thing said it was normal and dismissed my concerns. When I have told her and others that I was once on thyroid meds they act skeptical. Now, I am in my 50’s, 40 pounds overweight, exhausted, depressed, etc. I take metforim on and off to help lose weight (basically metabolic syndrome which is frustrating I actually do NOT eat that much and live in NYC and walk 2-6 miles a day–everybody says menopause…yeah but…) and have been vegetarian on and off, eat pretty healthy, take a lot of supplements, except iron I was extremely anemic (I even had pica then–craved the smell of gasoline) until menopause–not anymore I suspect B12 shots would help a lot but again cannot find a doc to prescribe (I rather take the methyl kind anyway), and a bunch of health stuff going on (heart stuff, hypertension, stomach issues). Oh I have the mther mutation, I found out recently, make sure I only take folate. Can you help me or refer me to someone who can?

  43. Hi! I want to say thanks for all the free info you put out! It has helped me immensely. I don’t have everything figured out with my thyroid but your website has been extremely helpful and encouraging! And I’ve really enjoyed some of your supplements! Thanks again!

  44. Hello Dr Childs,

    I have cut out red meat and eat limited chicken. I do enjoy shrimp though. Would you consider that a good source of iodine, or is it better in a supplement?

    I so appreciate your emails and info. I have Hashimotos and was just in the middle of finally getting to see an endocrinologist before everything went crazy and now it’s delayed until May or so. I take Armour but my body is reeling from the effects of this stress.

    Your videos and tips are invaluable! Thank you!

    • Hi Darla,

      I personally use a supplement because I’m not a huge fan of sea vegetables. If you can get iodine from sea sources then that would be ideal but supplementing is more more consistent and easy, at least that’s how my thought process currently goes right now.

  45. I had Hashimotos and Vitamin D was super low for me and I began supplementing with a liquid mycellized vitamin d- it really improved my thyroid levels and overall immune system! Selenium also helped to lower my antibodies as well. Currently my Hashimotos is in remission although I still really struggle with an inability to lose weight. I have spent SO MUCH money over the years trying to resolve this issue to no avail . I have considered getting your weightloss bundle but just not sure if it would help me.

    • Hi Anne,

      It’s hard to say without knowing what is causing your weight. It could be a number of hormonal issues and you’d want to have some idea to help target your therapies.

  46. I‘be recently purchased your liquid D3 and it’s made quite a difference. The pigmentation on my forearms has returned to normal with just 3 drops a day for 4 weeks. I’m also on your T3 Conversion Booster and Thyroid Adrenal Reset. I use Thyroid Chill in my protein drink for supper and find it relaxes me in plenty of time for bed. I’ve also purchased the Berberine but want to use it without interruption and with Coronavirus disrupting our income, have put that on hold.

  47. Thank you for your constant energy and service for us thyroid sufferers. Your list of nutrients matches so closely with my supplements and dietetic nutrients. It is hard to stay motivated year after year finding what one is needing in the time. Your YouTube a nd blog series provide welcome consistant motivation, information, and tools. Thank you for your service.

  48. Thanks to Dr. Westin, I was able to convince my naturopath to rx T3, but I know it that medication wasn’t going to address nutrient deficiencies or my adrenals/HPA-axis dysfunction. I’m thankful to have access to evidence-based information to support myself beyond what my MDs and other practitioners can do. I so appreciate you empowering me. It’s a process, but I’m finding my way to more optimal health steadily. Thank you!

  49. Wow very informative, I really appreciate this article! Thank you so much. Most def wish I can have all your knowledge on the thyroid and everything that helps it function. Almost 4 years later and I am still trying to find what works for me. Done feeling symptoms of brain fog and fatigue until 3pm! But thank you for this article 🙂

  50. I currently take vitamin B12, iodine and vitamin D. I noticed the biggest change when i added the iodine to my daily regime of meds.

  51. I so appreciate everything I am learning from you. I feel like I have to take the reins on my own health but it is a formidable task. It is like pulling teeth getting my doctor to run tests. I finally got the doctor to run MOST of “the labs all thyroid patients need” but still refuses to run a full thyroid panel as “it is outdated.” So often I must do tests out of my own pocket through independent labs.

    I am hypo, and MTHFR but no Hashimotos. I AM deficient in B12 (13) and D (35) and borderline in zinc (42), (no longer deficient in Selenium as I eat 3 brazil nuts / day). I paint iodine every day. My iron level is normal / Ferratin extremely high (245). I am also borderline in others you didn’t mention in this article: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Calcium, Carnitine, Manganese, B5, Vit C, E, and K2.

    Currently supplementing with bioglycozene, & B12 shot. Also trying to detox Mercury, Lead, and Cadmium. I eat whole, fresh, organic foods. I’m a mess and full of inflammation.

    I am alarmed at my TSH level: 0.01 It has been getting lowered lower for a long time but it doesn’t seem to bother the doctor, which alarms me even more.
    Free T3: 3.7
    T3: 36.1
    T4: 6.1
    Free T4: 9
    Rev T3 17.9
    TPO Ab 11
    FSH 64.9
    CA 125 8.5
    Glucose 106 (high) but no diabetes
    Insulin 6.6 (high)
    HgA1C 5.6
    SHBG 109
    Progesterone 6.3
    Testosterone 123 (always high)
    leptin 20.3
    SED rate 6
    Ferratin 245 (high)
    CRP 15.92 (high)
    Magnesium 5.8

    Could you point me in the right direction? I am very, very confused. Trying so hard to be healthy.

  52. Thank you so much for
    Your valuable articles over the years. I found you three years ago when my health worsened significantly and the doctors kept saying my thyroid was normal. I am almost optimal on T3 only and many supplements including the ones you mentioned in this article. My lingering issues are adrenal fatigue though I have been treating for years, and weight loss resistance. I put on 15 lbs when my thyroid tanked. Any suggestions on getting the weight off? I am 40 years old. The only thing that works is intermittent fasting but that tanks my adrenals more after a few weeks of IF:(

  53. I have Hashimotos and I take HCL with every meal which helps a ton! And Iron since my lab results said I was low. I started to take Selenium awhile ago but noticed more hair was falling out than normal. I also have fibromyalgia so it is sometimes hard to decipher if my symptoms are fibro or hashi? I also take Vitamin C and Vit D (also low).

  54. I have most of the deficiencies that you mention. The frustrating thing is that all of my other docs insist it is not related to having a TT (also havr Hashimoto’s). It is frustrating

  55. Yes, I tested low in iron, vitamin D, B9 and B12 and progesterone. You need all of them for thyroid medication to work. I stopped taking iron for about 1 month and my FT3 plummeted. FT4 stayed the same – about 80% thru the range. All my hypo symptoms came back. It looks like we need iron for conversion of t4 to t3. Also clearly it doesn’t matter where your FT4 is. If you have low FT3 you hypo.

  56. I wish I could find a Dr. like you! In the meantime, I’ll keep reading, researching and learning from you. Thank you for all you do! Stay well!

  57. I had my thyroidectomy New Years Eve. I’m about 2 weeks into your T3 supplement. I need more D and am trying to decide which format is bet-the liquid gels I see most of, or the liquid.

  58. Took me years to work w my endo to figure these deficiencies out. This is one of the best articles I have read to date. I want an optimal life— don’t settle for anything less. I would love to try your supplements.
    Thanks for your info and will certainly be reading some of your other posts.

  59. Thanks for the informative article.
    Very good to see the references listed as not all online articles do that thoroughly.
    One question. In the article you recommend testing for various nutrient levels. But in the answers to some comments you say that testing is inaccurate. Could you possibly clarify?

    • Hi Ben,

      Only a handful of nutrient tests are actually accurate such as D and methylmalonic acid as a proxy for B12 so those were the ones I was referring to.

  60. Before i came across your pinterest posts. I thought it was just take your eltroxin and you’ll be okay. But with all the info you email me, i feel like i can change so much to become the happy go lucky pwrson I used to be, i even started studying again. Thank you 🙂

  61. Dr. Childs, your insights and suggestions for improving one’s sense of well being with thyroid problems are interesting. I have exercised, eaten well, supplemented with over the counter vitamens but still cannot lose weight. I hope your T3 conversion remedy works for me.

  62. First thank you for the extensive educational resources. I just discovered them. I have had chronic issues absorbing vitamin d. I’ve been on some extremely high doses without changes in laboratory values. Do you have any experience with other ways of absorbing the vitamin? Injectable vitamin d? Do the lamps work? I was diagnosed with sibo and unaware that the bacteria can use the vitamin also. To my way of thinking bypassing the gut is the way to go.
    I was shocked to find that taking too much selenium produces many hypothyroid symptoms. Is there any reliable way to find out if you are getting too much? Thank you very much.

  63. Your information is incredibly helpful. I wish more physicians would look at a person as a whole, not just one small aspect of their life & body function.

    I’ve used B50 complex and D vitamin to help with anxiety and depression (which may be due, in part, to poor thyroid function). I’ve tried really hard to focus on nutrition lately, but still feel I’m lacking. It’s a work in progress and your information definitely provides great detail for me! Thank you!

  64. Thank you so much for the flow of information! There is such an information void in the mainstream endocrinology world…. My endocrinologist told me recently she wouldn’t be concerned until my TSH went over 10….!

  65. Dr. Childs,

    Thanks so much for all you have done for us Thyroid folks! You provide such a valuable and much needed service for anyone trying to navigate through doctors, symptoms, dosages etc. in the vast area of Thyroid issues. I am grateful for all the knowledge you share and I have had great success with your Hair Regrowth Complex. Thanks again.

  66. Thank you for this list and information. Have had all these levels check. I use the two products you are giving away next week and I love them. Even put in an extra order so I would not run out during this Covid 19 virus.

  67. Good morning coming from NY , I am good feeling well , I just wanted to say I have been reading your help posts for many months and its been a great help , I even have a special file for you so I can refer back to your information .Again this is just a thank you for making us all feel better with our thyroid issues .All the best .
    Police officer from Ny .

  68. I have been suffering with All of hypothyroid symptoms since 1986. No Dr. has given me much relief. I am currently taking Synthroid with hair loss, weight gain, or all attempts to lose weight failure, depression though I have a good life, good family. I developed granuloma angular several years ago,( I had a biopsy taken), which is a terrible skin rash that is non contagious, and it is running rampant on my arms, upper legs and trunk. It never breaks shin, just horrible looking. One of the possible causes is thyroid issues. Are you familiar with this disease , and do you have any suggestions for help to cure. It’s supposed to go away on its own after two years..mine is intensifying after several years. I have tried several supplements, maybe not in the right doses.

  69. I have learned so much about from these newsletters. I had my thyroid removed 1 year ago and feel like I’m still struggling to feel normal. Dr. Westins knowledge have helped me gain some understanding of why I feel the way I do.

  70. Hello from Georgia
    I am not really writing this post to win anything.I just have a question. I have a nodular goiter My TSH,FTs,FT4 or antibodies are normal,but I suffer from swollen face,fatigue,hairloss.Does this fact that all the analyses are in norm mean I don’t have thyroid problem?What kind of treatment ise better,ot maybe I need extra analyses?
    Thank you in advance

  71. I have had hypothyroidism and hashimotos for 21 years;I am now 35. I hope to be able to invest in my health with your products after the pandemic. I hope to somehow find work,soon. Thank you for your blog post, youtube videos, research and time and effort you do.

  72. Thank you Dr. Childs,
    I have been taking the Thyroid Reset in a rotational schedule to help keep my adrenal response healthy in an effort to self regulate the swing between Hashimoto’s and Graves that I was diagnosed with three years ago. I have found your advice on Vit.D, Zinc (in short supply now) and Selenium very helpful to gaining an even better response and balance. I am grateful to hear that Hashimoto’s patients can still, and should, have Iodine, I was sternly warned off of this nutrient by the Endocrinologist I have been seeing. I really appreciate your consistent approach to whole health strategies. Thank you.

  73. Educating myself on my body and how my thyroid function is impacted has been so important to me. My doctor said I was fine, that my bloodwork showed I had Hashimoto’s but treatment wasn’t indicated and usually caused more problems. With the addition of supplements named here, many of which I now get through Dr. Childs’ products, I have energy again, my body doesn’t look swollen, by bloodwork normalized, and nodules on my thyroid shrunk. My doctor didn’t ask if I was doing anything differently. He said that just happens sometimes. I prefer to be empowered to participate in diet and supplement changes that improve my health, and am so excited about the improvements I’ve experienced in the last few months with Dr Childs’ help!

  74. Dr. Child’s…I have been following your blogs for years and am grateful for your knowledge. I have been searching for a doctor knowledgeable in thyroid function for several years. I recently visited a functional medicine doctor that ordered extensive bloodwork and urine adrenal testing. I have a telemedicine call on April 15th…hopeful!

  75. So very interesting. I am 3 months post thyroidectomy and learning a lot about life after thyroid removal. Still trying to figure everything out and what normal means for me now.

  76. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid at the age of 18.
    I am now 76. I am concerned with the prescriptions coming from China and what will happen if they won’t ship them.

  77. Thank you for sharing info re these critical nutrients. I am supplementing all of the nutrients except iodine, plan to have my iodine levels checked.

    • Hi Mary,

      Feel free to check but just remember that iodine levels are not always accurate (depending on which test you use).

  78. Thanks for a very informative article. I especially appreciate the specific dose recommendations. I wish your supplements weren’t so expensive though!

  79. Thank you for your insight to thyroid issues many of us have. It has been a year and a half since my thyroidectomy and have struggled with regulating my Levothyroxine. Just recently switched to Synthroid to see if that helps. Also developed insulin resistance during this suppression of my thyroid for over 3 years. From information I read on you web page, I have added a thyroid support supplement, zinc, D3, alpha lipoic acid, berberine, just to name a few. I’m hoping this will give me a new lease on life. Tired of feeling miserable. Thanks for all the info and God bless you!

  80. Thanks for always providing valuable information to us. I have tried several of your products but the Thyroid Chill is the one that I can always rely on to help me get some much needed rest.

  81. I’m in a multi-year struggle to get my vitamin D levels up above 30. It’s a slow process and, despite being prescribed a 50,000IU gel tablet by my doctor per week, the levels never moved. The only thing I have found which has helped me increase the level (slowly) is daily Vitamin D3\K2 droplets with a fatty meal. My dose is 5,000 IU per day. I suspect it’s the K that is helping ingestion of the D.

    Dr. Childs, I also just want to thank you for all that you share. You have changed my, my sister’s and my mother’s lives!

  82. I have supplemented with all of the items above and retested after some time. I found that not too much changed. I have Hashimotos. Do you think that it is stemming from something else? Any suggestions
    on where to start?

  83. Yes, thanks for the helpful information! My daughter was diagnosed at age 3 with Hypothyroidism, to later find out a age 10 she has Hashimotos. Would LOVE to have some combined supplements for her rather than all the individual vitamins/supplements I give her!! She’s been at an upward climb again regarding weight gain and acne, even though her med. numbers check out normal (she’s on Synthroid and Liothyronine, along with LDN for Hashimoto.) Think it’s time we try, once again, to rid her body of the synthetic meds and slowly introduce a naturally desiccated bovine supplement. Would love your thoughts.

  84. Thank you for sharing this information. I have had hypothyroid since the age of 6 and have spent most of my adult life looking at ways to reduce my synthetic supplementation (I react very poorly to all the natural forms of supplementation). I take selenium, zinc, magnesium and have recently added D3, B12 and magnesium. I eat foods rich in iron and iodine but will look into supplementation. I usually only test low in B12 but question the lab values relevance to optimal functioning!

  85. Thank You for all the information you have shared. I try to step through each suggestion one at a time. For myself I found changing my diet to exclude sugar & processed flour products made a huge difference in how I felt. My goal was to lose weight, which did not happen, but the improvement in inflammation, headaches, pain was so dramatic I have maintained this way of eating for 5-6 yrs. Taking amour, exercise, water, progestrone, B-6, other B-vitamins. Tested positive for some iron overload issues but dr was unable to help me understand then office lost lab results and acted like I must be crazy to think I ever had those test. Clinic never gets the labs I request for thyroid right. Ask for explicit test, they acknowledge they exist but when results come back somewhere along the line, someone decided there must of been an error in requesting those test and they were dropped.
    I want to be in control of my own decisions regarding my thyroid. I have had the best results in learning and experimenting on myself. I hate to admit it but I have lied to doctors about what meds I take or dosage in order to get access to what I want to try. I have ordered meds from pharmacy overseas to be able to try. I spend hours/weeks/months worth of time researching, digging through data both new and old, looking for answers. I have fought with insurance companies to get access to meds. It should not be this way. With the internet and home testing I hope the day will come where our society will allow us more access to helping ourselves . I feel this way about healthcare as well as a food supply chain , kicking us out of our homes while ppl from another part of the county fight forest fires nearby( who knows the climate, terrain best and neighbors can disperse supplies and info. Sending us to church basements and living out of cars for weeks, waiting, helplessly while other fight your battle does mental damage). The recent panic of the COVID-19 virus has again showed us that allowing only a few to control knowledge and supplies leaves everyone in a panic. Part of battle to solve a problem is being able to own it, understand it and work towards solving it . Of course that requires the sharing of good, accurate, trustworthy knowledge like your blogs and emails. And for anyone who reads my rant… good, trustworthy info is the challenge of the internet, though there is a lot to be said for grey areas that are just developing, you just have to be aware everything is someones opinion and even crazies have opinions. My soapbox for the day! Please enter me in your supplement giveaway contest!

  86. I find your articles very interesting.
    I was considering seeing a holistic doctor in the UK but if i got the supplements they suggest to support my adrenals and thyroid would i still have to take levothyroxine as i have been on it since i was 10 (5 years)?

  87. Very informative! My conventional doctors always said my thyroid levels, vitamin B12, magnesium were always fine! When I started working with my naturopath, she noted that they were in normal ranges, but not optimal levels and has been working with me to improve them, and I’ve been feeling so much better as a result! She also pushed for vitamin D testing which showed I was very deficient as well. Interesting post with things to keep in mind with thyroid function!

    • Hi Jessica,

      Serum tests for B12 and magnesium are notoriously inaccurate and can’t be relied upon, unfortunately! So even if you are “in range” it doesn’t mean that you have enough of those nutrients in your body.

  88. Thank you for this thorough information! My blood tests say I’m healthy but my gut says my thyroid could use a boost due to symptoms. When I supplement with kelp/ iodine, the symptoms subside… tada!

  89. Every day is a challenge of wondering if I’m making the best choices. I’d of never had a total thyroidectomy knowing what I learned after the fact. I’ve been on this journey a long time and the information can be overwhelming. I’m vegetarian, always aspiring to be as close to raw vegan as possible, take supplements that I think are necessary, fast, and workout body, mind and soul. I’d love to feel the energy that some manage to capture. In all the reading I’ve done, I’d never heard “Your thyroid controls and regulates your intestinal tract…”
    Thank you for all the info that you provide!

    • Hi Julia,

      Yep! It does this by controlling peristalsis and is one of the reasons that hypothyroidism leads to SIBO/SIFO.

  90. Hi. I have been on Arrmor for about 2 years switching over from Synthroid. I have not really felt a difference in the two. I did this because a friend who is a nurse suggested it because it is more “natural” and also contains T4. I have also added some of the supplements you have suggested in other articles. The one that I have tried and maybe it is because it is not a good product due to the maker is B12. It seems to make be feel warm or hot. So I don’t take it often.

    When I was a teenager, I had to have B12 shots for about 2 weeks for being totally run down and sick from numerous viruses at the time. It helped some, but I think the viruses got me more than anything.

    Anyway, I don’t know if I should continue the B12 that I purchase over the counter or not since it doesn’t seem to help that much.

  91. Reading your blogs has provided me with the first ray of hope in my long hypothyroid journey. I’ve spent many hours reading them and taking notes. Got my first full lab panel and RT3 is quite high. My doctor is allowing me to change from T4 only to T3. He’s being extremely cautious, so it’s going to be months before I’ll be anywhere near a dose that will make a difference.

    Your blogs allow me to give him the info I’m learning in a easy to understand way, so thanks for that. Will be receiving Stop The Thyroid Madness (2019) in a few days.

    Have added some of the recommended supplements; already taking some of them.

    Anyway, I feel encouraged and hopeful, so thanks again.

  92. Thank you so much for all your info and time but more so kindly sharing it with us. Will you please do me a *huge* favor? Will you discover how to clone yourself so every neighborhood across this planet can have access to their own Dr. Childs? Thank you in advance. 😉

  93. Thanks so much for the help that you provide. I really appreciate the useful information that you provide.

  94. My TSH was 2.54 and doctors said I was fine but I didn’t feel right and knew something was wrong. Your articles and videos helped me understand so much about my thyroid so I basically told them to do the antibodies test. Side note: my sister has had Hashimotos for years. It came back positive and now they are finally treating me with Armour Thyroid. I go for 6-week labs next week. I still feel like it needs to be tweaked but I’m so glad I found your materials, educated myself, and am now on the road of treatment.

  95. I am hypo and am low on D3 and supplement daily. I have not noticed any changes, though. Can I get B12, zinc, Selenium, iodine, Magnesium and iron from a multivitamin? I am nervous about taking iodine.

  96. Hi Dr Westin!

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 11 years ago. My synthroid dosage has barely changed. I’m anemic and on iron supplements. I’m always so tired no matter what.

    Also, my thyroid bounces between hypo and hyper without any changes in medications. What causes my thyroid to do that?

  97. This is really good information and I have appreciated your site, it has helped me tremendously. My question is, I’m allergic to iodine and my iodine is low. I’m not sure what to do about this. Thank you.

  98. I have told other people about you and your website. It’s a blessing to get real answers to the thyroid problems we deal with. Thank you for all the time you put forth in helping us.

  99. I would love to have improvement with my Hashimoto’s and don’t live in an area with an functional medical practitioners. I will go through this again and review my lab work to figure where to begin. So frustrated that with the combination of T1 Diabetes to not see improvement. Thank you for sharing all of this information.

  100. I have hypothyroid symptoms with low free T4, but my doctor won’t prescribe any medication because my TSH isn’t high enough. My mother was diagnosed hypothyroidism once she reached menopause. Could these supplements improve the symptoms I am struggling with since my doctor will only look at the TSH?

  101. I have been researching your supplements for a while now. I’m trying to find the right combination to keep my hormones and thyroid at a healthy level. I had a hysterectomy at 38 and I have had so many issues since then. I’m taking hormones and synthetic T4. After months and months of research and spending lots of money I have finally gotten my Candida overgrowth and UTI issues under control but I’m still working on keeping my thyroid and hormones on track in order to have a great quality of life. I would love to try your T3 Conversion and also the ARC to help maintain my stress hormones. Thanks for all the wonderful information and the chance to try your product for free!

  102. Dear Dr Child’s
    I am so grateful to you and your info you give freely. You have saved my life and given me hope. I am frustrated and sad that no Dr in the last 10 years did nothing about my low iron. As I was not anemic it was bypassed. Now I have Hashimotos which possibly could have been prevented from what I just read. I have shared your site to many friends who are in this cycle of Drs not knowing and you have given us light and hope. Thank you. Learning even more now in lockdown!!

  103. Thank you so much for your videos and blogs! I am just beginning to battle with balancing my bloodwork and symptoms! It’s so incredibly frustrating. My very basic bloodwork was all “normal”, my TSH was the lowest number in the “normal” range, however, my symptoms are ALL hypo. I do have “suspicious” nodules via ultrasound and am currently awaiting biopsy, until then I am forced to try to solve my symptom all on my own because my labs are all “normal”. That’s where you come in! I am so very grateful for your knowledge and am working on figuring out which product combo is going to work the best for me. Starting with T3 conversion and Adrenal Reset for now.

  104. Thank you for your many articles and videos. I wish we could get better healthcare to 1. avoid thyroidectomy and 2. help stabilize everything after thyroidectomy. Living without a thyroid is no picnic.
    God bless you.

  105. Hi Dr. Childs,
    Thank you so much for all the valuable information on your web-site. I have had low B12 anemia that led to Hashimotos or hypothyroidism. I have had low B12, low Vitamin D, low Iron, and now have macrocytic red blood cells. My doctor wants to increase my Levothyroxin Sodium 75 mg to 88 mg because of various new symptoms (dry skin, weight gain, etc) and I would really like to find a more “natural”/nutrient solution. My doctor refuses to believe this even exists. What kind of a doctor should I look for to follow up and try to reverse my thyroid deficiency? Thank you for your help.

  106. I can’t find a good endo where I live. So I am taking vitamin ADK together. I also have a thyroid cysts and debilitating symptoms..

  107. I would like to Thank You for all the information you offer!! With the crazy time we are going through right now. I decided to buy your weight loss program and supplements recommended. I hope to figure out how to get this weight off. Thank You again and Stay Safe!

  108. Dr Childs
    Really appreciate all the articles to educate. I just ordered my first bottle of T3 Conversion Booster. I have always been on low dosage of T4 and T3 hormones but my hair loss has been getting worse for the past 10 years.

  109. Dr. Child’s, thank you for the all the supporting information on Thyroid. I can’t wait to start your supplements. Thank you

  110. Thanks Dr Childs for your dedication to those of us who have thyroid issues. I would love to win this drawing and get a chance to start taking these fine supplements. Stay healthy everyone!!

  111. Thank you for this and all you do! Starting your restart today but still need to order the supplements described in #2. I’m feeling hopeful but also nervous because nothing has been working for me for over 2 years no matter what I do.

    • Hi Marilyn,

      No problem! There’s always a solution! It just takes some digging, especially in complicated cases.

  112. What is your take on Intermittent Fasting 18:6 and the Keto diet for someone who has no thyroid due to cancer and on full replacement Levothyroxine? I am having great success losing weight and reduced A1C, but have read conflicting information on whether it is good for thyroid.


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