Tag: Vitamin B12 | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
nutrient deficiencies that thyroid patients face

6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Thyroid Patients Face

Nutrients can and do impact your thyroid! As a thyroid patient, you should be aware that certain nutrient deficiencies can and do impact your thyroid.  What does this mean for you? It means that these nutrient deficiencies are a way that YOU can both naturally treat AND improve your thyroid.  And this is great news …

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Vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms (4)

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms – Warning Signs You Need B12

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Think you don’t have to worry about Vitamin B12 deficiency because you are living in a place like the United States? Think again.  It’s been estimated (by various medical research journals) that the rate of Vitamin B12 deficiency approaches 40% (depending on the study you look at (1)).  And this number is catching only those with …

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Vitamin B12 deficiency in hypothyroid patients

Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Hypothyroid Patients: Symptoms + Treatment

Whenever I think about things that thyroid patients can do to potentially improve their health, supplementing with vitamin B12 immediately comes to mind.  Why? Because there are not very many easy “wins” for thyroid patients.  Many of the therapies required to improve your overall thyroid status may require a prescription from your doctor.  And, as …

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B12 Injection sites + How to use B12 Shots Safely

B12 Injection sites + How to use B12 Shots Safely

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B12 shots can help improve energy levels, and sleeping patterns, help with weight loss, and even improve hair growth.  In order to get these benefits you need to be using the right type of B12 and using it correctly, which means in the right injection sites and the correct depth. Use this guide to help …

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