How Hashimoto’s Antibodies Progress & Fluctuate Over Time

How Hashimoto’s Antibodies Progress & Fluctuate Over Time

What Thyroid Antibodies Mean for your Body and your Thyroid

YouTube video

Thyroid antibodies have become somewhat of the hallmark of the autoimmune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

While you can certainly have Hashimoto’s even without having thyroid antibodies, most people still associate Hashimoto’s with thyroid antibodies. 

What antibodies am I talking about?

I’m talking about thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies

If you are reading this then there is a good chance that you probably already understand at least the basics of Hashimoto’s and understand the important role that these antibodies play in the progression of your disease.

Today I want to take a little bit of a deeper dive into Hashimoto’s and discuss more about these thyroid antibodies and how they fluctuate over time. 

To do that, I will be referring to an image of a whiteboard that I created for the video above. 

If you prefer to watch the video then please check it out. If you prefer to read then you will get a slightly more in-depth overview than what is presented in the video. 

hashimoto's antibodies over time

If the image looks a bit confusing, don’t worry!

I will walk you through the graphs so you understand exactly what is being illustrated (rather poorly) on the whiteboard. 

Buckle up because today you will learn…

  • What happens to your thyroid antibodies if you do NOTHING
  • What you should expect your thyroid antibodies to do if you are trying to treat them
  •  What it looks like when you undergo a “flare” or an antibody “spike”
  • Why you should be as aggressive as possible to lower your antibodies

Let’s jump in! 


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


Thyroid Antibodies Fluctuate Over Time (This is NORMAL!)

The first thing you should understand is that it is perfectly normal for thyroid antibodies to fluctuate and change over time. 

I’ve had the advantage of testing for these antibodies hundreds of times over the last several years and I’ve been able to follow the results on countless patients. 

And I can tell you for sure that your antibody levels WILL fluctuate even with the most rigorous treatments. 

If you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis then it is a really good idea for you to keep track of these antibody levels over time and throughout the course of your disease. 

Do your best to ask your doctor to check your antibody levels every time that you get your other thyroid lab tests drawn

If you do this, you should have at least 2-4 results that you can plot each and every year. 

Why would you want to do this?

Because the information that it provides you is invaluable! 

Tracking your antibodies over time can help you understand IF your therapies are working, what sort of things may be exacerbating your thyroid condition, and much more. 

You might be thinking to yourself:

“I don’t need to track my antibody levels because I know what therapies and treatments I’ve done”. 

If you are thinking something like this allow me to ask you a question: 

What did you have for breakfast 5 days ago?

Most people have no idea what they ate for breakfast 5 days ago so don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answer. 

Let’s relate this scenario to the thyroid for a second.

Do you remember what happened to you 5 years ago when your antibodies first spiked?

Do you remember what stressor you were under which caused you to feel worse for a period of 6 months?

Do you remember what you did to get out of that flare-up?

By keeping track of your antibodies over time you will have a much better picture of what works and what doesn’t. 

Thyroid Antibody Levels if you do Nothing (No therapies or treatments)

As we talk about thyroid antibody levels I want you to remember one thing:

The graphs and instances we are going to be using are purely hypothetical and do not represent what will actually happen in your situation. 

They are used to illustrate the likely course of thyroid antibody progression but they will not map exactly with your experience. 

With that out of the way, I want to first start with the progression of thyroid antibodies over time for people who plan to do NOTHING in treating their Hashimoto’s. 

The reason we care so much about this is that there are many people who fit into this category. 

In fact, if you are following the advice of your endocrinologist or primary care provider then there’s a good chance you fit into this category. 


Because the therapies that actually work to prevent and reverse Hashimoto’s include just about everything except the use of levothyroxine. 

In other words, levothyroxine does NOT treat the underlying cause of Hashimoto’s

The way to see improvement in your thyroid antibody levels is to address your immune system

As you address your immune system you will see a decline in thyroid antibodies and a reduction in thyroid gland damage

hashimoto's antibodies without treatment

This image represents what you should expect to happen over time if you do nothing in terms of treatments (remember: levothyroxine doesn’t count). 

The x-axis is a representation of time and the y-axis is a representation of the level of your thyroid antibodies. 

The blue line walks you through the various ups and downs that you may expect from your thyroid antibodies as you progress over the course of your disease. 

The time length in this image is roughly 20-30 years. 

I’ve stopped it at around that point for one very important reason:

If you do nothing for that length of time then you will enter what is known as end-stage Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and at that point, it is too late to salvage your thyroid. 

Let’s walk through the progression of these antibodies:

In the beginning, your antibody levels will be virtually zero. 

This makes sense because they really shouldn’t elevate until something triggers them to do so. 

In the beginning, your thyroid antibodies will rise rather rapidly. 

While you technically have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, you will most likely not be diagnosed for several years for reasons that I’ve explained in this blog post

After this initial rise, you can expect that your antibodies will hang out in this elevated state for some period of time (different for each person) and until you hit some trigger that causes what I refer to as a flare-up or a spike in your antibody levels. 

This flare-up or spike causes a rapid rise in antibodies which is higher than your regular elevated antibody levels and can be triggered by many different things. 

In my experience, most of these flare-ups are triggered by stressors to the body (1) and can occur due to the death of a loved one, not getting enough sleep, extra stress at work, stress from your kids or family life, and so on. 

But flare-ups and spikes can also be caused by a variety of other issues including new gut issues (2), new infections or recurring infections (3), exposure to heavy metals (4) or environmental toxins (5), the diagnosis of other chronic medical conditions, and so on. 

Remember, we are talking about a timescale in the years here so the likelihood that something stressful will happen to you is VERY high. 

When you hit these flare-ups you will notice that you feel considerably worse. 

In addition, these flare-ups are likely to cause increased thyroid gland damage and rapidly bring you closer and closer to end-stage Hashimoto’s. 

How many flare-ups or spikes you have depends on your disease and your individual situation but you can expect to have 1 to 5 or more of these. 

Unfortunately, many people with Hashimoto’s will have no idea that they are in a flare-up because it’s not common for doctors to check or recheck thyroid antibodies!

This is obviously less than ideal because if you have no idea what is happening in your body then you will miss the opportunity to address the problem which spiked your antibodies. 

The good news is that this scenario does NOT have to be what happens to you. 

It is possible to have a MUCH better disease course, one that doesn’t necessarily guarantee complete thyroid gland destruction and end-stage Hashimoto’s. 

What Your Thyroid Antibodies Look Like if you Use Natural Therapies

Let’s talk about a completely different disease course. 

One that occurs if you are aggressive in the sort of natural treatments and therapies that are available to you and one that occurs if you have a knowledgeable doctor working with you. 

I know it may be hard to believe but when I refer to a knowledgeable thyroid doctor I am NOT referring to your endocrinologist. 

You can expect something similar to this course if you are aggressive with the therapies that I will be discussing below: 

hashimoto's antibodies with therapies

The x and y-axis in this image are the same as in the previous image. 

The main difference here is the blue line which represents your antibody levels over time. 

You will notice that the beginning looks much the same. 

There will always be a rise in your antibody levels initially (this is unavoidable for most people) but where things differ from the first image is in what happens next. 

Once you officially have a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s it is time for you to get aggressive with your therapies. 

If you start with these therapies EARLY (meaning as soon as possible) then you can actually help to drive your antibody levels DOWN from the level that they initially rose to. 

To put this into perspective, let’s imagine this hypothetical scenario:

Imagine you were just diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and your thyroid antibody levels are at 1,000. 

In the first situation, they will stay at that 1,000 level until you hit a flare at which point they may spike up to 2,000 for a short period of time before falling back to 1,000. 

In this scenario, it may be possible (and likely) that your antibody levels will FALL down to a lower base level of something like 200-300. 

This sort of response is definitely possible and happens to many people but it requires you to use certain therapies. 

Therapies that can help you do this include things like:

By targeting THESE areas you can help drive down inflammation and immune function which will be represented as a decline in your antibody level. 

What’s interesting is that even though you can drive down your antibody level to a new low level you will STILL experience flares. 

But instead of your flares spiking up your antibody level to the 2,000 range, they will be a much more mild rise to something around the 1,000 level. 

In this scenario, your body spends less time with the extremely high antibody levels which reduces thyroid gland damage and preserves the function of your thyroid gland. 

Even if you aren’t able to bring your antibodies down to 0 (which is ideal) you will still feel so much better by reducing them to a manageable level. 

Is Hashimoto’s Completely Reversible? 

The answer is that it depends. 

When someone talks about reversing Hashimoto’s what they are really asking is if they can completely eliminate or reduce their thyroid antibodies down to zero. 

If you can bring down your thyroid antibodies and reduce thyroid gland damage or destruction then you are said to be in remission. 

I wish I could tell you that ALL cases of Hashimoto’s are reversible but that just isn’t true

But I can give you some insight that will help you understand whether or not your specific case is more likely or less likely to respond to natural therapies. 

The first thing you need to know is how long you’ve had your disease

In general, the longer you’ve had Hashimoto’s the more difficult it will be to treat it. 

The next thing you need to think about is the severity of your symptoms and illness

Are your antibodies clear over 2,000 or are there only slightly elevated at around 300 or 400? 

Are your symptoms crippling so that they prevent you from getting up and going to work or are they minor in that they impair your day-to-day life but do not prevent you from living? 

In general, the higher your antibodies and the more severe your symptoms the more difficult it will be to treat your disease. 

Another important factor has to do with what triggered your Hashimoto’s. 

Was your Hashimoto’s triggered due to a serious disease or illness or was it triggered by something reversible or treatable such as H. pylori?

In my experience, cases of Hashimoto’s triggered by extreme stress tend to be more difficult to treat compared to cases caused by infections or viral illness. 

But remember:

This information merely reflected my own personal experience and should not be taken as gospel truth. 

I’m constantly surprised at how each person with thyroid disease reacts to different therapies/medications/supplements/hormones, etc.

You should not let someone tell you what you are or are not capable of. 

The goal for every patient with Hashimoto’s should be to put it into remission and you should aim for that. 

If you miss you will still have done plenty of good along the way. 

Final Thoughts

You now have 2 different options and scenarios that can play out as it relates to thyroid antibody levels and their progression over time. 

In one scenario, you have the typical course which results in complete thyroid gland destruction and life-altering symptoms. 

On the other, you have the potential to restore thyroid function and delay the destruction of your gland with the use of natural therapies. 

I strongly suggest that you do everything in your power to make sure you fit into the latter!

Now I want to hear from you:

How long have you had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and which category do you think you fit into?

Have you been able to reduce your thyroid antibodies with natural therapies? 

Are you keeping track of your antibodies over time? If so, how often are you testing them?

What level do your antibodies usually stay at when you are healthy?

Share your questions or comments below! 






hashimoto's antibodies change and fluctuate over time

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

55 thoughts on “How Hashimoto’s Antibodies Progress & Fluctuate Over Time”

  1. I don’t know how long I’ve had it, but after having COVID 19 in June/July, I have been having constant inflammation/pain, so in November when I get my usual annual bloodwork done, my dr asked if I wanted to include “inflammation” tests. Of course I said yes, and she informed me of my Hashimoto’s. I just had my blood work done again at 3 months. In Nov, my Thyroid Perox was 438, now in Mar its 491. My doctor is not giving me any treatment towards it, and its frustrating. I just came upon your video so looking forward to seeing what I can do for myself to lower them! Thank you!

  2. I was told I have hashimotos but have never tested positive for antibodies. Mine was pregnancy/stress triggered and I had TSH of 11 when I was diagnosed. I’ve been told by my endo dr that I don’t have antibodies because I’m in end stage hashimotos (I was diagnosed in 2018). I remain symptomatic despite treatment with Levo (50mcg). Heavy hair loss, sluggishness, cold intolerance, and joint pain. How can I tell how I’m managing my disease if I don’t have antibodies as a marker?

  3. I’ve been on Levo for about 17 years and was just diagnosed with Hashimotos early 2020. My antibodies are only slightly elevated 70-80’s, but I’ve had fatigue, hair loss, and very difficult to lose weight. I have researched and researched over the years and came across your site last night! THANK YOU for your work, I believe this is going to help change my life!

    • Hi Angela,

      I’m glad you found it and thanks for sharing! I have tons of resources that should help you on your journey.

  4. Dr Childs,
    I’m 33 and I’ve had anti-tpo thyroid antibodies for the past 6 years, most recent number 450. What’s confusing is that, currently, I have low TSH, (.13) and I am not taking any thyroid medication. I’ve been on LDN (many thanks to your site) for the past 2 years. Anytime I take a break from the LDN (2 or more days), I can’t get out of bed because my body radiates pain. I’m always, ALWAYS tired. I have body/skin/muscle sensitivity to the point I can’t even rub or lean up against anything without pain. Exercise, even my daily walk, leaves me exhausted. I’m always exhausted. A few years ago, after I had lost 30 lbs and while still dieting, I suddenly gained 50 lbs in 6 months and while I’ve technically lost a little bit of it, I am still in the same size and I can’t seem to get the weight nor size to budge. For what it’s worth, my vitamin D levels are always on the bottom of “normal” 30-34, even with lots of sunshine and taking vitamin D, iron fluctuates between just under range to bottom normal range (recent iron 49, UTIBC 344). My doctor (PCP, DO) is baffled and wants to help but doesn’t know what to do and all the endocrinologists I’ve seen just want to do nothing and wait until the antibodies destroy my thyroid and then remove it. I don’t even know what to do anymore and I feel hopeless about the situation.
    Sincerely, tired, exhausted,

    • Hi Sarah, I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. I’ve there and it’s exhausting dealing with doctors never mind when they try to help and their approach is all wrong. Where are you located? Try searching for a good naturopath who handles autoimmunity. I drive over an hour to see one. Not ideal but we do what we can to survive.

  5. I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s in 1998. I was 25. I was falling asleep at crosswalks in my car on the one hour drive to work. Fast forward. Now I am 48 and take 2hour naps each day after work. I just had my NP to check my Thyroid levels and she said all was good. I asked for a copy of report and the levels are as follows:
    TSH 2.740 0.450-4.500
    T4 5.9 4.5-12.0
    T3 uptake 24 24-39
    Free Thyroxine index 1.4 1.2-4.9
    Reverse T3 12.4 9.2-24.1
    Thyroid Peroxidase 123 0-34
    Thyroglobulin Antibody 268.0 0.0-0.9
    I’m just not sure everything is so good like she is saying. Can you please help? I currently take both Tirosint with Cytomel. I have put on over 15lbs since August. I can not lose this weight….. My voice is constantly hoarse, I just chalk it up to GERD???? It can all feel pretty hopeless.



  6. Thanks for the videos & blogs! How is Hashimoto’s late stage determined if antibodies are low as you mentioned in the video? Does it matter if a provider determines it to be Hashimoto’s?

    First thyroid tests ever last few years b/c years of symptoms & TPO & thyroglobulin Ab present repeatedly (once above the “normal” range) plus low normal range free T3/T4 & a higher “normal” RT3 now. This year no Ab show on the labwork, but T3 is sluggish and sudden weight gain & very difficult to lose. Just started 15 mg Armour.

  7. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and had a partial thyroidectomy 27 years ago. I had been taking levo for most of that time and did pretty much OK. Fast forward to now, retired early, moved from the UK to Turkey and for the last 3 years my symptoms have been unbearable…..tingling, numbness, muscle weakness recurring UTI’s, no energy. The year before I moved to Turkey I had my gall bladder removed. I was pretty clueless in regards to Hashimotos until very recently when I started researching. I was really ill and admitted to hospital..kidney stones and an severe infection which went into my lungs. On discharge they sent me to an endocrinologist. By this time I was convinced the root cause of my symptoms were thyroid related. The endocrinologist did my bloods, sent me away as he didn’t believe I only had a partial thyroidectomy. He wanted me to try and obtain my medical records from the UK. I got confirmation that I had a partial thyroidectomy and on my return visit they only tested my TSH and glucose and did a blood count. They argued with me that T3, RT3, RT4 etc were not needed, advised me to reduce my Levo to 75mch from 5 days and 50mcg for 2 days. I knew nothing about thyroid atrophy until this time, again my own research led me to your site, (which is amazing). I just wish I was armed with the information I have now 20 years ago. I can only assume that my thyroid is completely destroyed. I’m currently trying to find a good doctor. The endo wants me to return in 6 weeks to check my TSH in the meantime I’m still symptomatic and researching. Any advice you have is much appreciated. Thank you so much for all your videos. I now have a good understanding of what has happened to me. I am struggling with these symptoms daily and it certainly impacts on my quality of life. I just don’t know what to expect in the future.

  8. hello,
    can you please indicate what antibodyies to test for ets tpo and what others.
    also do you sell any nutrients to help fight against hasimotos.

    thank you

  9. Hello
    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2017 following the birth of my daughter. There is a broad history of Graves and Hashimotos in my family. Not sure what triggered the Hashimotos for me.
    I then had my second daughter and things were fine. In 2020 my antibodies were greater than 1000, TSH and other levels stable. I got pregnant with my third baby and my endocrinologist never checked my antibodies again. I then went into preterm labour at 21 weeks and lost the baby. My blood work was checked and my levels antibody levels were just as high, TSH was .13 when they had been 1.5 just three weeks prior to this loss/blood work.
    I have been on synthroid since 2017 and the doses have been adjusted based on my TSH level every few months.
    My symptoms are extreme fatigue, inability to lose weight, night sweats, puffy face and eyes, achey neck, dry cracked heels, bruise very easily, anxiety and depression.
    Any guidance would be so appreciated.

    I have been on

  10. Hi Dr. Childs,
    Thank you for your excellent articles. I had an acute thyroiditis episode almost a year ago. It happened 2 weeks after my second Covid vaccination just a year ago. It took 2 weeks of being sick before they diagnosed it. I have not had any thyroid issues prior to this and it is thought that it might have been brought on by the Covid shot. I quickly went from being hyperthyroid to being hypothyroid. I belong to a very respected HMO but they will not do antibody testing. How can I get this done independently? I’m on Levothyroxine but still playing with dosage. My endocrinologist thinks my numbers are okay but I still have symptoms. I would like to add some supplements but not sure what. Thanks for any advice.

  11. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with Hashimotos. TPO-91 and Thyroglobulin Antibody 12.6. TSH was 3.020. I was sent to and Endocronologist put on 50mcg of levothyroxine. The same day I was diagnosed with that I was also diagnosed with an Interstitial Lung disease (infection in my lungs).
    5 years later. I am on 75mcg of levothyroxine. Since my endo would not test my antibodies again, I paid to have them done again. TPO is currently 364 and Thyroglobulin Antibody is 252. TSH is 4.270.

    I have had hair loss and weight gain. I left a high stress job for something less stressful but can’t seem to get this under control.

  12. Hi. I was diagnosed in 2015 with Hashimoto’s. My antibodies level was 4000 when first diagnosed and 7 yrs later they are still sitting at 4000. Unfortunately in Australia the only thing they will do for you is prescribe T4 medication. Our medical system is killing me !
    I was getting T3 and LDN prescribed to me through a American doctor but the cost involved for the consult, the meds, the blood work and the shipping was costing me $500 every 3 mths which is not viable long term. There has to be a better way

    • Hi Kelda,

      The only other option I am personally aware of is to become an expert by reading and researching on your own. From there you can guide and direct your own treatment. Unfortunately, the standard insurance-based doctors are of little help to those with Hashimoto’s and thyroid disease, and the ones that are good are usually very expensive.

  13. I have been on Levo for about 10 years now with diagnosed under active thyroid. I did a private thyroid test which showed high antibodies about 5 years ago. Mentioned it to doctor but they treat it no different.
    I’ve been eating a ketogenic diet for the last 6 years and think this has helped. As they won’t test for antibodies at practice i think i will do another private test.
    Any advice on my case would be much appreciated
    Thank you

  14. I have read so much from your blog and have learned so much, but this is the first time I have found something about the antibodies. I had my thyroid removed in 2010 because of a goiter. But since I had my parathyroid removed 5 years earlier, there was scar tissue so a small part of my thyroid couldn’t be removed. Now, for the last 5-6 years, my antibodies continue to elevate and we don’t know why. My last test did show a decrease, but it’s still very elevated for the Thyroid Peroxidase AB:
    1/31/18: 4594
    5/10/18: 2494
    6/12/19: 4387
    10/2/19: 5613
    8/4/20: 5516
    8/3/21: 3802
    My Thyroglobulin Antibody on 8/3/21 was 42.
    I’ve been to an endocronologist and she wasn’t worried about it since all my other numbers are normal. I’m taking 112mcg Synthroid which seems to keep me feeling good and my numbers in the right range except for the TPO. Last year I had a sonogram to confirm no tumor. I’m just concerned about how high these numbers are. Should I be concerned???

  15. My tpo-ab is nearly 2,000, but my other labs are within “normal” range. Do I have hashimoto’s? Or can I have that level and be “healthy,” which is what the endo is saying.

  16. I have been taking Levo for 28 years. I was not tested for Hashi’s until about 6 years ago. My antibodies were at 5,000. The endo dr. was super old school and didn’t like any of the questions I was asking about diet and straight up told me it didn’t matter. I kept trying different diets with no success on weight loss. Weight loss seems to really be my only issue. I am a life long fitness coach so this disease has been very distressing for me as nothing seems to work. A year ago I tried to get in with a functional medicine Dr. who ran my antibodies again and they were again at 5,000 but I couldn’t afford her $12,000 price tag. because I have prior eating disorder issues it’s hard for me to follow some of the protocols. after being so strict with myself my whole life I just really struggle with staying away from foods when the only symptom I have is weight gain. I eat salads, I gain weight so why not have a cookie? Oh because I gain even more weight!! I do take your supplements and my doctor started me on lilothyronine so I am hopeful, but really I feel mostly hopeless 🙁

    • Hi Crystal,

      It sounds like you are on the right track! From here it’s just a matter of iteration and trial and error to find your dose and get your antibodies under control (if possible).

  17. Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2017 and confirmed with ultrasound. Initial TPO antibodies >1500. No actual number given. Started an antiinflammatory diet. Took years to get my temp anywhere near 96.8 F, let alone higher than that. In the winter it was often 93.2 F and I always had cold hands and feet. When my TPO antibodies hit 8000 I was dejected. Then I read an article that said to eliminate aluminium, plastics and fluoride. Finally, my numbers started to fall. The pain in my severely arthritic thumbs finally resolved. Antibody levels sort of settled around the 1800 mark, declined slightly when I increased my LDN dose to 6 mg per night. Then I went to a TCM practitioner for acupunture and my levels dropped to 95. I was ecstatic.

  18. Hi there
    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in Sept 2021, and my twin sister diagnosed with Graves’ disease. I am not sure how long I have had it, but have been battling fatigue for years. I am now on treatment but no one told me that I could get my antibodies lower – currently they are at 1000. Thank you for sharing this information as I had felt that just taking the medication was all I could do. I feel a bit disappointed to not be told that there is more I can do to manage this.

  19. I was diagnosed in 2019 with Hashimoto’s because I had elevated levels of everything that my NP tested related to my thyroid, but my antibodies were Greater than 16,000!! She said she had never seen anything that high so ran it again and it was right. She put me on Levo which I’ve been on for 2 years but since I’ve been on this medicine, I seem to get sick about every 3months. Like a flu where my whole body just aches horribly and my glands swell everywhere. I never got sick before, but now it’s like my immune system just doesn’t work (except when I got Covid I had ZERO symptoms except I lost my taste and smell. weird…anyways). I have never noticed a change in any of my symptoms (extreme fatigue, extreme sensitivity to cold, mood swings- always at the end of my cycle about 10 days before my period I have seemingly uncontrollable irritability, constipation, swelling, acne. No hair loss but I have always had super thick hair praise the Lord.) Since last October (2021) when I start my period it feels like I was run over by a garbage truck, no strength, sore everywhere, even my skin is sore to the touch, and usually some kind of stomach bug. The only way I have been able to lose weight is because I asked my dr to prescribe me phentermine and I’ve been taking that off & on for about 2 years. When I don’t take it, I could literally go into a coma-like sleep anywhere and have almost like an outer body experience where I am so tired but I can’t open my eyes or move but I can sometimes hear what’s going on around me lol In Jan this year my antibodies were still greater than 1,000 but I was surprised that they were still that high. Every other test on my thyroid was within normal range but my dr said I still needed to stay on the Levo. I don’t want to take any of these medications anymore though. With antibodies that high for this long am I destined to be on synthetic thyroid meds for life? My dr told me I am. I am worried about coming off them and trying some of the things you’ve recommended bc of the “horror” stories people tell me, but it can’t be any worse than it is now!

    • Hi Megan,

      Not necessarily. The question you need to answer is how long do you think you suffered from high antibodies before getting tested? If it took you a long time to get tested/diagnosed then that may impact your ability to get off of thyroid medication in the long run.

  20. Hello, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto, SIBO and Leaky Gut in 01/22. My antibodies were 2 and 439 then. Now tested at 1 and 250. Thyroid Peroxidase is the latter. My TSH in 01/22 was 2.27 now it’s gone up to 4.47. Why? How do I know what stage I am in with Hashimoto?
    I’ve been working only treating the SIBO and leaky gut since my doctor said that would help my Hashimoto. Is this correct? Apologizes if this have been answered already. Any suggestions? Thank you!

  21. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2015. Antibodies were a 1047. I have been gluten free, taking a compounded thyroid med. My antibodies were 967 two years ago, now 952.
    I did have mycotoxin blood tests done and have moderate and moderately high levels of some. Could this be why I developed Hashimoto’s and why I’m not healing?

  22. I have not been diagnosed with Hashimotos but have been feeling like I’m not taking sufficient Armour for my symptoms. I’m on 60 mg. and last June my TSH was .1 something. Recently my labs showed my TSH to be 10.25. My doctor increased my Armour to 90 mg. but I’m wondering what would cause this huge increase. Thanks, Nancy

    • Hi Nancy,

      Could be a lot of different things including issues with absorption, lab inaccuracies from something like biotin, or just plain old lab error. If your lab tests do not match your symptoms then you’d want to look into lab errors or lab inconsistencies first.

  23. Hi Dr. Westin Childs,
    DX . Hashimoto hypothyroidism. Surgical thyroidectomy 30 years ago. Levn thyroid 20 years, finally switch Armour Thyroid 90mg. 10 years later.
    Abnormal labs:
    > OR = 1:1280
    titer See Note 1
    Nuclear, Speckled

    Speckled pattern is associated with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome, dermatomyositis, and systemic sclerosis/polymyositis overlap.

    AC-2,4,5,29: Speckled

    International Consensus on ANA Patterns ( Show Less
    > OR = 1:1280
    titer See Note 1
    Nuclear, Homogeneous

    Homogeneous pattern is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), drug-induced lupus and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

    AC-1: Homogeneous

    International Consensus on ANA Patterns ( Show Less

    Not sure how to read these ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODIES TITER AND PATTERN results.

    Currently tale your Hashimoto bundles and numerous thyroid weight loss, supplements, which I love how they make me fee,l yet no weight loss.

    Thank you, your friend in thyroid health.

  24. Hi – I just had a TPO AB test done at a hospital on February 15 – result was 65 (down from 121 two months earlier) and a TPO AB test done at Labcorp ONE DAY LATER on February 16, and the result there was 121 (exact same score as the prior TPO AB test on December 20).

    Can my TPO AB fluctuate that dramatically in one day? I was in the hospital for an inner ear/vertigo problem, and all my other blood work was normal. My TPO has been on a downward trend since starting treatment for Lyme Disease and I have been able to halve my dose, but I am suspicious that LabCorp didnt actually run the test, and just plonked in the same result as in December 2023. Can the TPO double (or halve) in one day? Thank you!

    • Hi Vanessa,

      Yes, it’s possible that they could fluctuate that much in one day. It’s also possible that something else interfered with the accuracy with the result or different testing methods were used for each test. You’d want to account for each of these if you think the results are inaccurate.

  25. Hi! Very interestning!
    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos August -23, 6 months after the birth of my first child. I got really sick. I have experienced symptoms since 2015. My doctor told med it was triggered by pregnancy/birth but something has been going on with my body way longer. Always thought i had depression but i could never understand why. But now i know!
    Now i am recovering very slowly, but still experience some brain fog, eye problems, palpitation. I take levothyroxine. I understand medicine wont help the autoimmune attack, and I want to learn more.
    I changed my diet in september (autoimmune diet) and try to hold my stress levels down.

    My TPO was 3078 in january -24.
    How often should I track them to get familiar with the pattern?

    • Hi Evelin,

      It depends on how aggressively you are trying to lower them and what treatments/therapies you are actively using but something like 3-6 months is reasonable.

      • Thank you for the answer. Took another blood test after 6 months. My TPO-levels now are down to 940! Really happy with that. But i will continue to track them to see the fluctuations over time..but i really hope they will not reach as high again.
        A concern i have is that i dont know how far the disease has progressed. I mean, does this reflect a result of my diet changes/ better stress management/medication or could it be that i am in end-stage hashimotos?


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