3 Reasons Thyroid Patients Need Vitamin K2

3 Reasons Thyroid Patients Need Vitamin K2

If there’s one vitamin you aren’t paying enough attention to, it’s vitamin K2. 

Vitamin k2, what is it?

It’s a fat-soluble vitamin in the vitamin K family but it’s much different than the more well-known vitamin K1. 

And unlike vitamin K1, vitamin K2 has a more broad-reaching effect on multiple systems in the body including calcium regulation, cancer prevention, hormone balance, and more. 

When you combine this with the fact that there’s a very high chance that you aren’t getting enough vitamin K2, it’s clear that getting more of this vitamin should be a priority. 

The reality is that everyone should be concerned about their vitamin K2 status but I want to focus specifically on why thyroid patients need more of it. 

Here’s why: 


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#1. Vitamin K2 is Involved in Calcium Regulation and Homeostasis

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Put simply: 

Vitamin K2 is the vitamin responsible for ensuring that the calcium in your body goes to all of the right places instead of the wrong ones. 

You might not think this is a problem, but it is. 

For various reasons, your body has a hard time putting calcium where it needs to go without the right inputs. 

And when these inputs are not around, calcium ends up in places like…

  • Your coronary arteries where it can cause heart disease
  • And your kidneys where it can cause kidney stones

Instead of the places that you want it like…

  • Your bones where it prevents osteoporosis
  • And your teeth where it prevents cavities

Let’s focus on heart disease for a minute to really help drive this point home. 

There is a known connection between thyroid function and the heart, including cholesterol levels. 

When thyroid function is low, cholesterol levels increase

This is completely reversible, by the way, but most thyroid patients never reach a state of euthyroidism so they end up with the consequences of low thyroid levels despite taking thyroid medication

But back on topic…

These high cholesterol levels are obviously problematic and lead to an increase in the risk of heart disease for patients with hypothyroidism. 

This connection is so strong that even small changes in thyroid function can lead to big changes in regard to the risk of heart disease. 

This effect is obvious when studying patients with subclinical hypothyroidism which is known as early thyroid failure. 

People with this condition have abnormal thyroid lab tests but do not experience full-blown symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

But even in this state, the slight change in thyroid function is enough to increase the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure (1). 

Most of you listening to this are far beyond the state of subclinical hypothyroidism which means the impact of the thyroid on the heart and cholesterol are much more pronounced. 

This means that doing what you can to mitigate your risk of heart disease is incredibly important for someone with a thyroid problem. 

And one way to do this may be with the use of vitamin K2. 

Vitamin K2 has been shown to reduce arterial stiffness and slow the effect of vascular calcification. 

In simple terms, it helps to prevent calcium buildup in your artery walls making your arteries healthier and more pliable. 

We will talk more about how to get vitamin K2 in a minute so sit tight but, for now, let’s move on to the next big reason to take it…

#2. It Helps Strengthen Your Bones and Prevents Pre-Mature Bone Loss 

It may not sound sexy to prevent bone loss, but it’s actually far more important than you might realize. 

And this is for one big reason: 

Having stronger bones protects against fractures (or breaking your bones). 

One of the most serious consequences of falling for someone that is older is the risk of breaking a bone and the subsequent consequences. 

A simple fracture of a single bone can severely reduce your quality of life, increase your risk of death, and lead to problems like chronic pain. 

The best way to approach bone health, at least in my opinion, is to ensure that your bones stay healthy so you don’t have to worry about osteopenia, osteoporosis, or bone fractures in the future. 

Doing this is easier said than done, especially for those with thyroid disease. 

Your thyroid hormones help to regulate the cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, involved in both the production and the breakdown of your bones. 

If you have hyperthyroidism, your bones will turn over more quickly and become brittle because of the overstimulation of osteoclasts. 

If you have hypothyroidism, your bones will be mineralized however the quality of the bone is poor which means you still are at increased risk for fractures (2). 

So pretty much no matter what type of thyroid condition you have, there’s a good chance your bone health will suffer. 

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And what makes this more complicated is the impact that thyroid medications have on bone health as well. 

The more thyroid medication you take to help you feel better, the lower your TSH will go, and the more likely you are to develop bone problems later in life. 

So, in essence, you may be trading the resolution of low thyroid symptoms right now for bone problems later. 

The bottom line is that maintaining healthy bones is both difficult and critical for patients with thyroid disease. 

As I mentioned previously, one way to help ensure that your bones remain healthy and strong is with the use of vitamin K2. 

Vitamin K2 helps to push calcium into your bones to ensure that they have the minerals they need for quality and strength (3).

#3. Vitamin K2 Has Anti-Cancer Properties

Beyond the impact that vitamin K2 has on the heart and bones, which is definitely important, it also has an impact on cancer risk. 

Why is this important for thyroid patients?

Because, unfortunately, there appears to be some connection between thyroid function and the risk of multiple types of cancers. 

And this connection can be seen from two different angles: 

The first is related to the use of thyroid medications like levothyroxine. 

Studies have shown that there is some correlation between the use of levothyroxine and the risk of multiple types of cancer

And the second is related to the dysfunction that hypothyroidism causes in the body. 

So putting aside the use of levothyroxine or other thyroid medications, it appears that thyroid function itself is important for preventing cancer (4). 

Notice I said there’s a correlation here because that one word is very important in this context. 

There’s not enough evidence to prove that thyroid dysfunction or levothyroxine CAUSE cancer directly, but there’s a growing body of evidence connecting the two together in some way. 

Regardless of the exact connection, I think we can all agree that reducing cancer risk is still important and, if possible, is worth doing. 

Vitamin K2 has been shown to have anti-cancer effects on a number of different cell lines. 

And it may be worth exploring if you have thyroid disease and if you are worried about your own personal risk of cancer. 

I’m not saying that vitamin K2 will prevent or treat cancer, 

but if taking it happens to have a positive effect on cancer risk then that’s just an added bonus on top of its positive effects on bone health and heart disease. 

How to Get More Vitamin K2

When all is said and done, it’s my belief that taking vitamin K2 is a no-brainer for patients with thyroid disease. 

The question is, how can you get more of this important vitamin? 

And here you have two options:

You can get it naturally from very specific foods and/or you can also get it in supplement form. 

The foods highest in vitamin K2 include (5): 

  • Fermented foods like natto
  • Dark chicken meat
  • hard cheeses
  • Butter
  • egg yolk
  • And liver

If you aren’t eating these foods on a regular basis then you can also get vitamin K2 from supplements. 

If you want to go that route you’ll want to get vitamin K2 as MK4 and MK7.

MK4 and MK7 have slightly different benefits based on the tissues where they exert their action. 

MK7, for instance, appears to make it to the bones more readily than MK4 making it the better option for supporting bone health more generally (6). 

It’s also the preferred form for supporting metabolic health and improving exercise performance. 

MK4, on the other hand, tends to concentrate in other tissues beyond the bones (7) which makes it the better option for its anti-cancer effects and for supporting sex hormones. 


Do not confuse vitamin K1 with vitamin K2 as their benefits and effects are completely different. 

Because vitamin K2 is less well-known compared to vitamin K1, most supplements do not contain it. 

If you look on the back of your supplement bottle and you see vitamin K listed just as vitamin K, it’s almost guaranteed that you are getting vitamin K1 and not vitamin K2. 

If vitamin K2 is present, you should specifically see the name “Vitamin K2” along with the form as either MK4 or MK7. 

Ideally, you’ll want to aim to get around 100 to 200 mcg per day of vitamin K2 for general health and wellness. 

Some people take and recommend much higher doses for people who are trying to treat specific problems such as bone loss or heart disease. 

Because vitamin K2 is quite safe, taking higher doses doesn’t pose a problem but there’s one thing you should be aware of: 

Vitamin K2 (along with vitamin K1) can interfere with blood thinners. 

So if you are taking any medication that aims to thin your blood (or acts as an anti-coagulant) then you should discuss the use of vitamin K2 with your doctor.  

Final Thoughts

While I wouldn’t call vitamin K2 a miracle vitamin, there’s no question that thyroid patients are not getting enough of it and that taking it has the potential to provide a number of benefits. 

I would go as far as to say that you can consider it a standard necessary supplement for thyroid patients, especially if you are suffering from bone loss or heart disease. 

My recommendation would be to take vitamin K2 as part of a vitamin ADK complex. 

Vitamin A provides benefits to thyroid cellular sensitivity, vitamin D provides general health, and vitamin K2 provides the benefits we’ve just discussed. 

You can see an example of how this looks here

And, by the way, if you have thyroid problems and you are trying to find ways to naturally improve your thyroid then make sure to check out this article

There are plenty of things you can do right away to manage your symptoms and improve how you feel. 

Now I want to hear from you:

Were you aware of the importance of vitamin K2?

Are you currently taking vitamin K2?

If so, which form are you taking and how much?

Are you planning on taking an ADK2 supplement after reading this? Why or why not?

Leave your questions or comments below! 

Scientific References

#1. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4595347/

#2. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3169869/

#3. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36033779/

#4. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32045361/

#5. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9105333/

#6. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7230802/

#7. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8483258/

why thyroid patients need to take vitamin k2

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

19 thoughts on “3 Reasons Thyroid Patients Need Vitamin K2”

  1. Hi! I appreciate all your articles and the knowledge shared.
    In regards to this particular article on vitamin K2, please explain to me why the vitamin isn’t included in any of the hypothyroid supplements if you feel so strongly that it is essential to overall wellbeing?
    Thank you.

  2. Great article! My question is: What is your thoughts on fermented natto (mk7) for hashimoto’s hypothyroidism diagnostic? Is fermented natto soy and soy triggers thyroid function?

  3. I love all of your products, videos, writings, etc. God bless you and your family real good! I started out slow with Hashimotos Ab Rx, which I love and which helped me immediately. Slow start because of past experience with doctors and products, and frustration for 74 years, trying to figure it out. Next I started Thyroid Adk. Loved it. Added hashimotos bundle, essential T2, then Daily Essentials. Today starting Hair Regrowth Complex. I feel great and want to keep it that way. My doctor loves the products and I’m getting off armor thyroid medicine soon. Read your story today Dr. and went through the same adventure with our gut. ❤️.

    • Hi Dianne,

      Glad to hear they are helping! It’s gear to hear success stories like yours. I hope you are able to get off Armour thyroid and stay off.

  4. You had mentioned Magnesium Oxides to be bad for thyroid patients in a previous article (if I’m remembering correctly). I attempted to look it up but could not find the article/comment that you had mentioned this in.
    Wondering if you could further explain. I have been taking magO7 which is magnesium 1,035 mg & below it reads (MOXiO3) (As Ozonated Magnesium Oxides). It also contains Potassium 99mg.

  5. So glad to see a video on K2.

    If you’re curious, my son and I take 5mg every day or two of Vitamin K2 – MK4 (I don’t know that MK4 vs. MK7 matters, but it’s the only supplement I’ve found with this amount).

    It has made a HUGE difference in how easy it is to clean my teeth, and the hygenist now tells me my teeth are quite clean instead of berating me for how badly I’ve failed to clean the backs. After taking K2 plus Vitamin D (5000 IU), my teeth feel more smooth – as if I’ve come out of the dentists office, and my son has said the same thing.

    I’ve also read anecdotes where others have had that experience with one person experimenting with the levels. Going back down to 100-200mcg reversed the benefits for one particular person, so higher levels ongoing may be necessary.

    • Hi Terri,

      Thanks for sharing your experience and glad to hear it’s helping. The type of K2 definitely matters as the different formulations act on different tissues. In general, higher doses of MK4 are needed compared to MK7 which is why I dosed MK4 at 3mg and MK7 at 100mcg in Thyro ADK.

  6. Yes, Dr Childs, i am taking vit K2 as MK4 and MK7, so it appears that MK4 is the K2 to protect our coronary vessels–that is important to me also as I currently have HBP, but am working on it. Thank you for this article! Am I correct about MK4? no one seems to have made that clear!

    thank you, bernadette

  7. Many thank dr for this nice article on k2
    I have been taking with my wife this mk7
    Type twice a week ..
    How often can we take this vitamin for and should we use mk4 as well .
    I read some articles mentioning benefits of mk7 on kidney function. Please shed some light on this as it was not mentioned in your article or I couldn’t see it .
    Many thanks again and God bless you for your kind excellent support
    Babikir malik osman

  8. Hello Dr Childs,
    Thank you very much for your excellent articel on Vitamin K2.
    I am wondering what is the source of Vitamin K2 MK-4.

    I purchased K2 prior to reading your article and I was concerned because it is from a synthetic form.

    Your thoughts please.

    • Hi Joyce,

      MK4 in supplements is typically derived from a synthetic source and that’s what the studies have used. To date, I’ve never seen any data to suggest synthetically derived MK4 is harmful in any way nor less effective. You can learn more here if you’d like: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3502319/

      Some people will try to suggest that one form is better than the other but each plays an important yet different role which is why I included both in Thyro ADK.

  9. Thank you Dr. child’s for all your wonderful thyroid supplements! I take 60mg of Armour plus I recently started taking your T3, T2, Leptin, Adrenal Reset Complex and Daily Essentials. I also take a desiccated bovine in the afternoon. I just had my lab work done and my TSH was 6.01 (high) and I am wondering if perhaps I should take half (30 mg) of the Armor each day or stop the bovine in the afternoon. I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment trying to find the right balance, as my general practitioner is of no help! I also noticed a little weight gain in the past 2 months.

  10. I’m so tired of these natural medicine articles almost always talking about hypothyroidism all the time as if it’s the only damn thyroid issue to exist. Hardly anyone talks enough about hyperthyroidism. I am trying to learn more about how to heal my hyperthyroidism naturally but hardly anyone talks about it. It’s pretty annoying.

    • Hi Yasmine,

      The reason for that is two fold:

      #1. Most people with hyperthyroidism will ultimately end up hypothyroid over time, they just don’t realize it. Every single hyperthyroid treatment (methimazole, thyroidectomy, RAI) results in hypothyroidism. That means all of this hypothyroid information is actually relevant.

      #2. Hypothyroidism is about 10x more common than hyperthyroidism and patients with hyperthyroidism don’t seek natural treatments as often as those with hypothyroidism.

      I have tons to say about natural treatments for hyperthyroidism, but since the posts aren’t as sought after, I write about hypothyroid topics.


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