How & When to Use Progesterone Pills (Prometrium)

How & When to Use Progesterone Pills (Prometrium)

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Are you suffering from the symptoms of progesterone deficiency?

Have you recently been prescribed progesterone pills?

Are you wondering if you should use progesterone cream or progesterone pills?

Learn everything you need to know about progesterone pills in this guide, including how and when to use progesterone, the differences between progesterone cream and progesterone pills, side effects associated with progesterone use, and more

What are Progesterone Pills?

Progesterone pills are simply a way to deliver the steroid hormone progesterone into your body. 

But before we talk about why progesterone pills may be beneficial, you need to have a basic understanding of how progesterone works. 

If you understand how progesterone works then you’ll better understand why taking oral progesterone (progesterone pills) may be beneficial and necessary in your body. 

So what is progesterone?

Progesterone is one of the two major female sex hormones in women, the other being estrogen. 

Progesterone is so named because in the 1930’s it was found to be necessary for pregnancy (1).

The term “pro” means it is required for and the term “gesterone” is short for “gestation” which means pregnancy. 

So when you break down the word progesterone it literally means a hormone that is required for pregnancy. 

And it is definitely required for pregnancy! But it has so many other benefits as well. 

Progesterone helps to balance out the powerful effects of estrogens in your body. 

In scientific terms, progesterone helps to balance fluid levels in your body (reduces bloating), triggers catabolism (the breakdown of molecules such as fat cells), relaxes smooth muscles (helps calm down the body), raises your body temperature, has sedative and analgesic effects (helps relax the body and provide tolerance to pain) and improves your memory (2).

These benefits are important to understand because understanding what progesterone does in your body will help you know if you have a deficiency of this important hormone. 

Progesterone is absolutely required in optimal amounts to help balance the effects of estrogen which tend to cause the exact opposite effects on the body. 

You can think of estrogen as a hormone that helps to build and grow tissues (such as menstrual lining, breast cells, fat cells, etc.) (3) while progesterone helps to counteract these effects by helping to shed the menstrual lining (during menses), calm down the stimulating effects of estrogen on breast tissue and help maintain body weight. 

There are many conditions and disease states which may alter the concentration and ratio of progesterone to estrogen in the female body. 

When this ratio is altered women may present with symptoms such as depression, weight gain, menstrual irregularity, infertility, and so on. 

Progesterone pills are often used as a way to help treat this imbalance, especially in states which result in progesterone DEFICIENCY or low progesterone. 

Low progesterone is a very common condition which is occurring more frequently, especially among women who are older than 35 years old

Progesterone Pills vs Progesterone Cream

It turns out that there are actually several ways to put progesterone into your body. 


Progesterone is simply a hormone and how we put the hormone into our body may impact how our body metabolizes and uses it. 

Hormones tend to be more difficult to get into the body when compared to other more water-soluble medications (meaning medications that dissolve in water). 

The reason for this is that they are not as readily absorbed in the intestinal tract. 

Because of this, doses of hormones taken by mouth tend to be very high (much higher than what your body would produce normally) (4).

This is required because only a small percentage of the hormone is actually absorbed.

Hormones taken by mouth also have to pass through the liver, before they reach arterial circulation, which may further break them down and inactive them. 

These problems lead to the development of micronized progesterone pills which help to dramatically increase absorption. 

Taking micronized progesterone, such as Prometrium, can bypass the problem associated with absorption issues in the GI tract. (5).

But is taking progesterone by mouth preferred to taking progesterone through the transdermal route (through the skin)?

This question is more difficult to answer. 

In general, when we are using hormones, we want to make sure that we follow 3 very important rules:

#1. Always try to emulate or copy the way that the body produces the hormones. 

#2. Always use identical copies of the hormone we are supplementing with. 

#3. Never take more than is necessary (don’t use too much).

Following these rules will help reduce unwanted side effects and help improve the efficacy of the hormone that you are supplementing with. 

These rules apply to progesterone as well. 

The first rule mentions that we should always try to copy the way that the body produces hormones naturally. 

In the case of progesterone, it is produced directly from ovarian follicles (in your ovaries) and in the cortical area of your adrenal glands. 

From there it is then secreted into the blood where it is taken to all of the necessary tissues that need it (brain cells, breast tissue, uterine lining, etc.). 

Does taking progesterone by mouth (progesterone pills) mimic this pathway?

Not really. 

Progesterone which is taken by mouth is first absorbed directly into the venous portal system where it is FIRST taken to the liver. 

In the liver, it is broken down into many different metabolites such as pregnandiol, pregnanolone, pregnandione, and 17-OH-progesterone (6).

It is well known that taking oral progesterone results in a large increase in progesterone metabolites, especially pregnandiol, which is not how it would normally occur in your body. 

Does this mean that oral progesterone should not be taken?

No, but it does mean that you should take caution when using progesterone pills and be sure to consider the alternatives such as progesterone cream. 

The good news is that progesterone cream offers an alternative way to take the medication and can be used if you do not see the desired beneficial effects of oral progesterone. 

You can learn more about using progesterone cream including dosing and pros and cons in this guide

I’ve also outlined some of the basic pros and cons of using progesterone pills when compared to progesterone cream below: 


  • May be better for women suffering from insomnia
  • May be more potent compared to progesterone cream
  • Ideal for women who don’t respond to progesterone creams
  • Better safety profile when compared to progestins


  • Require a prescription from a Doctor
  • Cause an increase in progesterone metabolites compared to progesterone cream
  • More difficult to dose (fewer dosing options)

You can use these as a rough outline to help you determine if progesterone pills would be better for you over progesterone cream. 

Bio-Identical Progesterone vs Progestins & Progestagins

When we talk about progesterone it’s important to focus on the different types of progesterone formulations available. 

The best type of progesterone to use is the bio-identical version which is the EXACT same as the hormone that your body produces naturally (assuming normal function). 

Believe it or not, there are actually many other synthetic forms of progesterone available as well. 

These different forms can be difficult to distinguish (some of this is probably on purpose) so it’s important that you understand the basics. 

Use this information as a quick guide to help you:

Progesterone = the hormone that your body produces naturally from the ovaries and your adrenal glands. 

Progesterone USP (7) = the bio-identical form of progesterone created and used in progesterone creams and progesterone. The best example of this is Prometrium which is a bio-identical progesterone pill. 

Progestin (8) & Progestogens (9) = Synthetic versions of progesterone but these are NOT the same as what your body produces naturally. These are commonly found in birth control pills and other “progesterone” medications. 

Why is this important?

It’s important because studies have shown that the use of progesterone (bio-identical) results in a reduced risk of breast cancer when compared to progestins (10).

In addition, synthetic progesterone may also cause depression, weight gain, and other side effects (11) which are not seen with bio-identical progesterone use. 

And this makes sense if you think about it. 

Would you rather put an identical and exact replica of a hormone into your body (bio-identical hormones) or would rather put a synthetic not-quite-the-same version that acts similarly but is not the same as the real hormone?

The answer should be obvious, you should be seeking out the identical version. 

Your body already knows what to do with the identical version and it knows how to get rid of it and how to balance it. 

Your body doesn’t necessarily know how to eliminate the new synthetic hormone. 

And it may be that the unintended byproducts created when your body tries to eliminate these hormones may be the reason for the higher risk of breast cancer and other symptoms seen with synthetic progesterone use

Because of these very important differences, it’s necessary that you understand what type of progesterone you are taking. 

Bottom Line: Whenever possible try to use bio-identical progesterone (such as Prometrium) and avoid synthetic versions of progesterone such as progestins and progestogens. Synthetic progesterone may carry an increased risk of negative side effects compared to bio-identical progesterone. 

Do you need to use Progesterone Pills? 

So how do you know if you need to use progesterone pills?

The first step is to identify that you have some condition in which you are either progesterone deficient or in which you have an abnormally high amount of estrogen in your body.

Conditions that meet these criteria include:

  • Infertility (12)
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Progesterone deficiency
  • Estrogen dominance
  • Primary or secondary amenorrhea
  • Menopause
  • Supporting IVF
  • PMS/PMDD (13)
  • Age relate-decline in progesterone
  • Women with low serum progesterone

These are documented medical conditions in which the use of progesterone (pills or creams) may be indicated and in which progesterone would be considered a treatment or therapy. 

If you notice these are all conditions which cause one of two problems:

#1. Progesterone deficiency (meaning you don’t naturally produce enough progesterone for your age).

Conditions that meet these criteria include menopause, age-related decline in progesterone, primary amenorrhea, and infertility.  

#2. Excess estrogen (meaning you have excess estrogen production related to progesterone production)

Conditions that meet these criteria include PCOS, endometriosis, and estrogen dominance

Progesterone is ideal for conditions such as these. 

But remember:

Progesterone is a powerful hormone and one that may cause side effects if not used correctly. 

Side Effects of using Progesterone (Including Weight Gain)

The good news about progesterone is that, as long as it is used correctly, negative side effects should be minimal. 

The idea with progesterone supplementation is to provide your body with only the exact amount of hormone that you are deficient in. 

What do I mean?

Each woman who needs progesterone (based on her condition) will require a DIFFERENT amount when compared to other women. 

This is completely normal and to be expected. 

If we lined up 100 HEALTHY women and we checked their progesterone, do you think they would all be the same?

The answer is definitely no. 

Your sex hormones help to define your physiology, body mass index, size of your breasts, muscle mass, and so on. 

What is considered “normal” for you may not be considered “normal” for another woman. 

So how do we approach treatment?

The idea is to use the smallest possible amount of progesterone (and by the way, this applies to all hormone replacement therapies) necessary to reduce your symptoms and treat the condition you are aiming for

Following this advice will help reduce the number of negative symptoms that you experience. 

Most of the time the symptoms related to progesterone pill use are secondary to either using too much hormone or using the wrong type of progesterone (for instance using cream instead of pills). 

But how do you know if your dosing is insufficient?

The best way is to monitor your symptoms when taking progesterone. 

I’ve provided a list of symptoms below which may indicate that your dosing is “off” if you are using progesterone pills:

  • Weight gain (you should never experience weight gain when using progesterone)
  • Increase in fluid retention or bloating (progesterone use should normalize fluid levels in your body)
  • Depression or anxiety (14) (progesterone should help balance your mood)
  • Menstrual irregularities (progesterone should help regulate your cycle)
  • Dizziness or loss of balance (may be an indication that your dose is too high)
  • Memory problems (may be a dosing problem)
  • Not feeling like yourself (many women will experience symptoms that are hard to pinpoint but they know they don’t feel “normal”)

If you experience any of these symptoms be sure to evaluate your serum progesterone level in addition to your serum estradiol level. 

Evaluating these labs will help determine if you are responding appropriately to the progesterone you are taking. 

Final Thoughts

Progesterone is a necessary and important hormone for optimal health in women. 

Progesterone can be replaced using progesterone creams or progesterone pills, but it should be used cautiously and only in the necessary amount. 

If you opt to use progesterone pills make sure that you follow your symptoms and your serum progesterone levels. 

By taking this approach you should be able to reduce any negative side effects while experiencing balance in your hormones. 

Whenever possible stick to bio-identical progesterone (known as progesterone-USP) and avoid synthetic versions of progesterone. 

Bio-identical progesterone (such as Prometrium) is preferred as a replacement medication to other forms of progesterone and may cause fewer side effects

Now I want to hear from you:

Are you suffering from progesterone deficiency?

Are you supplementing with progesterone pills or Prometrium?

Is it working for you? Why or why not?

Have you experienced weight gain while taking progesterone?

Leave your comments below! 















how to use progesterone pills to replace low progesterone

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

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#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

54 thoughts on “How & When to Use Progesterone Pills (Prometrium)”

  1. Hello Dr Childs,

    First time writing you, and begin with a compliment and gratitude for what you do and how you explain information. I read a post saying the reader was glued to your site/page. This is perhaps my 4th return and realize that applies to me as well.

    Was beginning to think I am losing a battle of sorts but maybe not after reading through your advice and thoughts about Nature Throid and Progesterone.

    I will continue to visit/read and hoping you are in the US and if lucky enough in Dallas. I am 55, look 47-50 – has always been the case. Good genes. I know myself well. Physical appearance has always been the case of looking younger than. My father is 83, looks early 70s. My life has always been stressful. I’ve been mindful since my mid/late 30s the effects of stress would come to haunt me later in life. I can and need to better manage that.

    At 50 I had a hysterectomy (was necessary/uterine fibroids / nearly made the record book for size). The growth was sudden for the size and there was no cancer. I insisted on keeping my ovaries. I read that post-menopause they continue to produce hormones that are heart healthy. I believe I take more from my father’s side of the family. He had a sextuple by-pass w aorta heart valve replacement 8 years ago. Felt keeping my ovaries would be beneficial to me long term.

    For the past 3 years, I’ve been getting my blood work done to monitor hormones because w/o the ability to menstruate have no idea where I am in the menopause scale…. my mother experienced menopause around 52. She passed last Feb from ovarian cancer. (Yes, I know… ) I now get a CA125 test 1-2x year and ultrasound them 1x year to keep an eye on them.

    With my blood work, I get BioT pelleting through my gynecologist.

    As a result of my blood work, I asked for Nature Throid Rx taken 2x 65mg mornings + 3rd 2hrs or more after lunch. I also take 1x 200MG Progesterone (TV A19) before bed.

    I’m shocked to read it can cause weight gain! I feel like I need it in that while I do not have, never have experienced hot flashes, never had signs of menopause side effects, I swear I feel I still ovulate unless it’s in my mind.

    A reason beyond fact my Thyroid was producing near 0 traces (crashed T3 T4) was that I noticed my mind was foggy and was increasing in weight w/o justification.

    Stress affects my blood pressure and my doctor prescribed a statin that caused my heart to slow to 36bpm/ felt like I was going to die at night – weird/spooky feeling I did not like, cause me anxiety. Took a month to wean off of it yet in the time I took it gained 12lbs. Haven’t been able to lose it either.

    Was hoping the weight was water retention, would go with a few months off the Rx. Not so.

    While I don’t know/proof wise, I am certain my cortisol levels must be high due to my stress. My jaw it often clenched, sleep with a clenched jaw and when I notice that, open jaw to relax it. So, for this reason, I think the progesterone should be beneficial!

    If I’m stuck w the weight gain, well I guess I’m getting my menopausal body yet it simply isn’t fair given the work and time/care I put into myself, blood work, pelleting (not inexpensive), and taking the Nature Throid + Progesterone.

    I am confident my blood pressure would be back to normal sans stress and of course weight loss. I should be 25-30 lighter as my normal feeling my best weight. The last 12 lbs gain came in 6-8 weeks thanks to the statin.

    In this past 6-8 months, there are times I don’t recognize myself in the mirror. I wake with puffy eyes/bags, look and feel tired.

    I don’t believe I should take more Nature Throid as I sometimes have palpitations.

    A problem I think I encounter/feeling it is the Nature Throid is sometimes out of stock in Dallas, all pharmacies are sometimes out and I can go 5-7+ days w/o.

    I’ve been switched to Armor. I swear I it feels like a placebo. I prefer Nature Throid.

    I hate the way I feel: tired, stressed, worried, displeased w my appearance and being mindful of all of the above, in my mind coach myself to help counter effects all this will cause me regardless. Hence the feeling of losing a battle.

    You gave me a reason to wonder about the Progesterone yet I still feel the benefits outweigh the potential weight gain because I know for sure 12 lbs piled on in under 8 wks while I too the statin I felt was about to stop my heart.

    The Nature Throid irregularity and dosage matter could be it as well. Yet I can’t control pharma, or my body simply aging.

    More than anything, I want water and fat weight to come off.

    When I’m happy, life going my way, I can eat, drink, be merry and weight is off, look and feel great.

    When I’m stressed (work related), battling an upstream swim to keep steady, doesn’t matter how much I exercise, how little I eat, take water or diet pills, I gain weight/ bloat. My weight can fluctuate 2-3 lbs morning to night to next day. I weigh myself every morning.

    I used to not weigh myself. I do not for the feeling I have to. I’m shocked every few weeks for the daily weigh-ins aren’t showing any progress and the mirror doesn’t lie either.

    Any insights you can offer I’d be forever grateful. Will read your links and learn. Thank you again.

  2. Hello,

    I have low progesterone from past adrenal fatigue and Hashimoto’s. A year and a half ago I was prescribed bio-identical progesterone and it almost immediately started giving me anxiety and panic attacks. They continued to get worse, so I stopped, and after a year of not taking it I finally stopped feeling anxious during my luteal phase.

    I take vitex, and that is actually working well to get my progesterone levels up, however, I’m concerned about pregnancy. If my body doesn’t make adequate levels of progesterone I’m worried I’ll get anxiety again if I have to do something like a progesterone cream. That is NOT how I want to do pregnancy and post-partum, although I absolutely will if it’s my only option. Any advice? Are you familiar with those symptoms? I have yet to get a good explanation from any doctor/naturopath.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi Dr. Childs. Thank you for your wonderful blogs. I know a doctor who will increase Nature Throid as high as 9 or 10 grains. Would that cause too much t4 and cause too much rt3?? I realize the medication loses effectiveness after a while and you have to keep increasing. How high do you go before you lower Nature Throid and add t3 medication? Also I have been on 225 mg of oral progesterone instead of cream due to my insomnia,an am on 20 mg testosterone for 3 months. It is like taking a placebo. Still have insomnia, still have 55 lb weight gain. Have not lost anything. How long does it take for progesterone to work? Btw…been on Nature throid for 6 months. Symptoms went away but also no weight loss. I am vegan, no grains but eat avocado and olive oil daily. I do not know what else to do.

    • Hi Demarie,

      Increasing naturethroid up to 9-10 grains would cause much more harm than good and probably not lead to weight loss. It’s better to try and find the ideal amount of T3 and T4 that your body needs and to use that.

  4. Hi, I have swallowing issues and the Akorn Progesterone (generic Prometrium) pill is hard and round and isn’t feasible. I’ve been inserting vaginally since I started the Rx a few nights ago. My question: is there any reason why this wouldn’t be ok? I am 47 and was prescribed Prometrium for severe endometriosis pain. I am hoping it will stop my periods, halt the growth of small-ish cysts and most of all alleviate the endo pain and symptoms.

    I understand the progesterone may be MORE absorbable if used vaginally vs orally/digestive and I probably won’t increase to 200mg at least until some time has passed and I can see how things are. I have severe chronic fatigue and my usual fatigue+dizziness seems to have increased but I’m willing to give it some time to even out. However, anything that increases fatigue long term is a no-go for me.

    • Hi Jen,

      It would be better absorbed to use a cream/gel as opposed to a pill. The way you take it (through the skin or via your mouth) alters the dose you would need so it probably isn’t a good idea to use a pill transdermally.

  5. I don’t know if my progesterone is bioidentical or not. the prescription says progesterone. The pill is small pink and has SV on it. How do I know if that is prometrium or synthetic progesterone? I take 100 mg every other day and that has eliminated the migraines that I was getting when I was taking 100 mg daily. That has stop the bleeding with very few breakthroughs and reduced hot flashes to almost nothing. But I do have weight gain and no amount of exercise or changing of eating seems to change it. I still get migraines a day or two before my. Starts but that has happened the last 10 years. My blood work confirms I am in perimenopause. I’m considering switching to a cream if I can get one that Is bioidentical because The dosage I need seems to be a very small o fix everything and I would prefer it not going through my liver.


    Thank you for this article!! I am 35 and after a tubal ligation at 31 I started having changes in my cycle but last year at 34 I started to experience irregularities starting 10 days early spotting and cramping during ovulation then having 15 day cycles to 24 day cycles, much heavier and longer, So I had a hysteroscopy and ultrasound everything looked ok a couple of small fibroids hormone level looked “normal” then we tried a Mirena for 6 weeks was all I could stand now I’m 3 cycles out and PMS seems to start about a week after my cycle ends so I was prescribed progesterone pill at 400mg at night on day 12-25 of my cycle I’m just a little concerned that maybe a bit much to start and am concerned about side effects…. do you have any suggestions I feel like that is a high dose to start I do have them in 200 mg pills. I would appreciate any insight. Thank you!!

  7. Hello, I’m 51 years old (turning 52 in October) and have very high muscle tone. I started taking 100 mg of Prometrium about 1.5 years ago. It was to help me with my sleep (no hot flashes), I noticed that my body was changing – clothing tight around my rib cage (no fat but bigger) so I went off it late March 2018 since I thought it would help with my tight clothing. I got even more bloated (the same dress I wore last summer looked like I was pregnant). I have just got back on 100 mg again starting 2.5 weeks ago (when I went off it, I started getting acne), still, my clothing still feels tight like I’m bloated. Is this normal?

    Also, strange question but I read how muscle mass gets lost at this age; however, does it ever get bigger? If I do quick workouts 3 x a week, my thighs get larger, my bum larger, it just seems I get bigger. I’m not sure what to do but it’s so frustrating. The last few times I have checked my blood, my estriol was 672 while my progesterone was 71 – all in “normal range”. My doctor has told me I’m perimenopause. Any advice would be so appreciated. Sharon.

  8. I am taking progesterone pills am still experiencing night sweats and some hot flashes also have weight gain bloating headaches and depression.

    • Hi Michelle,

      To relieve some of those symptoms you may need to consider using estrogen replacement therapy. Progesterone is really only half of the equation.

  9. I feel like the 100 mg of Prometrium pill is too much (my hot flashes seem worse), and there’s no smaller dose. Can I squeeze the liquid out and take half orally? (I’m also on EstroGel). TY.

    • Hi Kerry,

      You should be able to get a smaller dose compounded by a compounding pharmacy which is probably safer and more efficacious than breaking the capsule.

      • Thank you very much Dr Childs! I was finally able to get a dr to prescribe sublingual progesterone. I’m also on an Estrogen & Testosterone cream. I understand I’ll want to get the best results on as little progesterone as possible (so I don’t take too much). If I start at say 20 mg, how long do I wait to see if it’s the right dose or I need to go up? Thank you!

    • I also take estro-gel and 100mgs of progesterone. At first I was taking 200mgs every 12th day. But now I take the above. I noticed when I forget to take the progesterone for a few days, I feel nervous. I also take antidepressants.

  10. Hi Dr. Childs,

    I’m in perimenopause and have been prescribed bioidentical progesterone as my level was very low. I’ve been told to take it at night (as it can cause you to feel sleepy/help you sleep better), yet on various websites, I’ve heard that in terms of the rhythm of the body and when it naturally produces progesterone, it should be taken in the morning.

    Could you please provide your thoughts on when it should be taken.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Julia,

      It can be taken at night or in the morning, it just depends on the person. I’ve had many patients take it at night without any issues at all.

  11. Hi Dr Childs,
    Appreciated the information. Recently I had blood work done, due to being irregular and wanting to get pregnant. I have an appointment with my Dr to discuss.
    I am 46, and we still want to have a baby. I’ve been taking Vitex, zinc, magnesium, vitamin c, and maca, after doing some research online. Do you have any other suggestions of what can help naturally with balancing hormones and fertility?

  12. I’m 33. Had a partial thyroidectomy 2.5 years ago. Take levothyroxine and liothyronine and thyroid levels are okay.

    Have slowly gained about 10 lbs with no change in lifestyle, diet or activity. I am active.

    I struggle with B12, Iron and Vitamin D and become deficient without supplements.

    I haven’t been in a great mood in about 2 years, ha. I never thought of myself as an anxious person, but became anxious. While I wouldn’t say I suffer from depression, my mood is generally low. I have lost hair and also started breakthrough bleeding on my pill, seasonale, that I’ve been taking with little issue for 10 years. My libido disappeared at some point and there are other symptoms.

    I see an endocrinologist and my pcp. I finally mentioned my mood issues to my pcp who probed a bit. In the end, his PA suggested it sounded like I was describing low progesterone. I was tested and have extremely low progesterone. No one can tell me why. It seems odd for 33. I’ve never had children and I’ve never been pregnant.

    While I generally love my doctors, I felt like everyone was kind like ::shrug:: which…I’m not super comfortable with. And it turns out that it’s actually really tough to find info on progesterone that doesn’t relate to pregnancy or menopause….

    I was sent to a compounding pharmacy for oral progesterone and I feel a huge improvement in my mood and seen my anxiety go away.

    I haven’t checked my weight yet, but I’m also hoping to shed a few of these excess pounds I’ve gained.

    I’m just still so confused about how or why this happened to me. No one suggested an estrogen test (although when I read about estrogen dominance, that sounds like me except the cystic breasts). Fibroids run in my family, but no suggested to look for those, so I don’t know if I have them or endometriosis.

    I’m glad and grateful that I feel better, but also curious as to what’s happening that caused this issue. And maybe a bit concerned if my progesterone will drop again when I stop taking the pills.

    Any suggestions ir advice on which, if any, additional tests I should request at my follow up in 6 weeks?

  13. I am extremely interested in your response to Rise Marie from 4/14/18. I have many of her symptoms. I am 62 and postmenopausal. Have been on Estradiol for 6 years. I have just started progesterone. Like her, I am not the typical 62 years old. Very good genes. Weight is suddenly coming out of nowhere. Your thoughts for both of us would be so helpful. What are the normal levels estrogen and progesterone. I have uterus, ovaries, and tubes.

  14. Please help, I went on Prometrium 100mg to help reduce acne day 14-28 but since then my estrogen has skyrocketed it went from 300 to 600 and my progesterone went from 40 to 60 on day 21. the thing is I am getting allergy symptoms like rashes, feeling out of it and extreme water retention and even weight gain, should I lower my dose? to 50 mg? I’m not sure what to do but I hate this feeling.

    • Hi Andrea,

      Unfortunately, I can’t give you advice on how to alter your dose but I would make sure that you find a knowledgeable doctor to help you so you don’t have to make adjustments on your own.

  15. How do you dose Prometrium if you have POF along with non hasimoto’s hypothyroidism? I never stopped bleeding when I converted from medroxyprogesteron to Prometrium but at 300mg I stopped after 8 months of continuous cycle. I’ve since increased it to 400mg because I dropped it to 200 for 2 weeks and started bleeding again. 400mg stopped it after 3 weeks. My readings are not like that of a normal 40 year old because I have POF so I don’t fluctuate at different points. I do know that my progesterone levels usually measure below 2.0 and now at 3.5 with 300 mg. It seems that is equivalent to a true 50+ something old women which I’m not. I’ve got a host of issues and I truly believe everything is connected, I’ve done the elimination diet, I’ve tried ever supplement, and various doctors. I’ve lost alot of hair and my scalp has been in immense pain for the last 4 years, no doctor has been able to help me. That is the most distressing for me. I also recently started finisteride at 2.5 mg which has lowered some of the pain.

  16. I am 67 post menopausal and the doctor started me on bioidentical hormones estriol, progesterone 50mg, testosterone. Nothing seems to be helping me. I have been on it for 3 weeks. I can’t fall asleep even now that I am taking 50mg progesterone. It doesn’t make me drowsy or anything. I stay up almost all nite and not get sleepy. This is crazy and I tried everything and nothing works. Had sleep study and they found nothing wrong with me. No apnea nothing. What do you think Dr. Westin? Please reply. I am MISERABLE!!!!!!!!

  17. Thank you for all of your posts. I’ve been told that if you have a uterus and are on bioidentical estrogen, then you must take Prometrium rather than a bio cream in order to prevent uterine lining build-up. I’m perimenopausal with very low estrogen and am about to get on the patch plus start Prometrium. I’d appreciate your thoughts on this.

    • Hi Melody,

      That’s a rule of thumb but it’s not a hard and fast rule. The idea behind the rule is to protect the uterus from excess estrogen stimulation but if you have sufficient progesterone, to begin with then it doesn’t matter.

      • Dr. W, I am in menopause and when I had my blood tested I had very low estrogen and progesterone. I am on the estradiol patch, but the 100 mg progesterone pill made me practically catatonic and hardly able to hold my head up. I am not taking it (talked to my doc) but I was unable to sleep or lose weight. I started an OTC cream and it’s worked great, I am sleeping and even lost a couple of pounds the first 2 weeks of using. My body seems to be responding well. Should I be concerned about my uterus still? Why is the pill supposedly better for preventing uterine cancer?

  18. Im on an estrogen/ progesterone cream on 1-14 days of my cycle then on a progesterone pill 14-23 days. Still experiencing extreme anxiety. I asked if they were natural form and the dr said they were but it’s not labeled specifically as you say it should be. They are from a compounding pharmacy. Ive been paranoid the dr is lying to me or just misunderstood something in my asking. My search was originally to see what I should do if I missed my dose of the cream but found more interesting off my own topic information lol. Are you able to help with either question of mine? What to do if I miss a dose of the est/prog cream, I apply at night but it’s now early morning. And how do I know if it’s bioidentical, either the cream or the pills if it’s not labeled how you say but it’s promised it is and came from a compounding pharmacy?

    • Hi Alison,

      Progesterone is bio-identical if the active ingredient is progesterone USP. Estrogen will be bio-identical if it’s labeled as estradiol.

  19. Hi 39 years old and have had 4 losses in 2 years and was prescribed progesterone in pill form but not till my 3rd one. I started using the progesterone cream after my 2nd then they gave me pills. I recently started trying again and the progesterone pills gave me low temps. Should I be use cream or the pills?

  20. Dr. Westin,
    I’m two and a half years post-menopausal and still have pms type symptoms along with bowel symptoms that I believe may be related to hormones. I did have pelvic/abdominal ultrasound which was fine except my ovaries were not visible. Is it safe to take 200 mg oral Prometrium daily, every day of the month in post menopause without estrogen added?

  21. Hi I am 54 just turn in Dec and I try the BioTE they said they start out low I am very tiny weight 94 pounds I have not had a period in I think the last 2 years , I was getting hot at nights and THE MAIN reason I was not having sex cause it hurt to bad and dryness , so they talk me in to getting this I been on since November 30 I feel okay ,but then she told me I had to take a pill of progesterone’s 200mg it was too strong then she lower to 100mr I was not feeling great I woke up feeling like I had a hangover and not hungry and getting HEADACHES AND nausea plus anxiety I stop taking and let the office know they never return my call , so my question is, is there something else I can take to prevent the bad in not taking it I worry about cancer and stuff it suppose to help you with IT. Can I use the cream instead ? I don’t take much meds due to my stomach I have lots of issue heartburn IBS and lots of issue with my digestion tract too. any advice ?


  23. hello, i am a 56yr old very active and also hard worker running an insurance agency for the last 20 plus years…finally stopped my period for one year…now having the hot flashes…seem to coincide with adrenaline as well as when i go to bed at night. have had a few episodes w night sweats–awful…can get terribly tired around 4pm and take a nap but usually get a rapid heart beat…also annoying… have been prescribed estradiol patch to cHANGE every four days and progesterone 100mg one per day..kinda scared to start this as i dont want to have side effects…

  24. Hello,
    When I use progesterone cream, after about a month I start having symptoms of too much estrogen, I gained 10 pounds in one month and got super crabby and started having periods again. Have read that some people convert the progesterone into estrogen. How can I get more progesterone without this happening, would the pills be better or what can I do? I was using the cream the entire month to to prevent migraines and it first it worked marvelously but then I started having more migraines than usual.

    • Hi Lisa,

      You will need to adjust your dosing and change up how you are taking it. You can also try changing the location that you place the cream as that can impact absorption as well. Adjusting these variables should allow you to find a dose that works for you 🙂

  25. Post-menopausal at 51: Just started T pellets and my doctor also prescribed prometrium. I have no uterus so do I need it? Years ago I had a history of PCOS and endometriosis.

    • Hi Lynn,

      Yes, there are still many other tissues that benefit from progesterone aside from the uterus (including breast tissue).

  26. Hi Dr. Childs,
    How long does it take for oral progesterone to leave your system once you have gone off? I just haven’t felt well being on it. Thanks for your answer.

  27. You say bio-identical progesterone. My doctor special orders a natural one from her pharmacy. She told me it is made from wild yam and she recommended I eat more yams to help my progesterone levels. Why is it you haven’t mentioned this in your blog? There is another functional medicine doctor I go to for information on social media and he too recommends wild yam combined with chaste tree and DIM to help with progesterone. I am also trying to figure out, my Dr assures me that with my uterus gone my ovaries should still be producing these two hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Do you agree with her that the ovaries don’t need the uterus to help produce those hormones?

  28. Thank you again for everything you do. I’m trying progesterone cream that is labeled as progesterone USP derived from wild yam. You said wild yam may not be the same. Is progesterone USP derived from wild yam effective?

    • Hi Robin,

      Progesterone USP is progesterone USP so that is fine. I believe you are referring to another comment from someone who was just using wild yams as a source of progesterone. That can be problematic because the progesterone may be different but if you are isolating out the right type of progesterone and then concentrating it into a supplement, that should be fine.

  29. Prometrium can be a nightmare. For me it’s like anxiety in pill form. The cream doesn’t do that. And the pill only comes as a 100mg or 200mg dosage. We’re always told everyone is unique but some docs will only prescribe the pill and not cream. I wish there was more science and better information about hormone replacement. We’re just all Guinea pigs at this point.

    • Hi Mary,

      I would have to agree with your assessment. We have some general guidelines for hormone replacement, but each person is so different that it can feel like a guessing game. There’s almost always some combination that can provide relief, though, as long as you are able to keep on trying.

  30. I am 52 and still Peri menopausal. I take progesterone 100 mg to help with sleep and anxiety and PCOS symptoms. I take it at night. I’m not sure if I should take it every day of the month or should be taking it only partial months and how to determine that. My doctor did prescribe that I could take it every day, but I feel it would be more natural to take a break as in someone’s regular cycle.

  31. Can I take Progesterone Usp with food? I would like to take it in the morning away from thyroid medication. This would mean that food is in my stomach. Also, thanks for article! The progesterone has improved my cycle length, memory, and lowered my histamine response!

  32. Hi Dr. Childs,

    I’m on estrodot 75 patch with the Mirena IUD. I don’t think I’m getting enough progesterone. Can I take Prometrium with my IUD? How much and what frequency?


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