Updated Hypothyroid Treatment Guidelines to Take to Your Doctor

Updated Hypothyroid Treatment Guidelines to Take to Your Doctor

If you’ve been a thyroid patient for any length of time then I’m sure you’ve run into the frustrating problem of trying to convince your doctor that your symptoms are, in fact, related to your thyroid. 

Over the years, thyroid patients have repeatedly asked me why is it that their doctor seems so reluctant to even entertain the idea that their thyroid may be the cause of their symptoms when their TSH is normal. 

My answer is always the same:

It has to do with the current thyroid treatment paradigm (1). 

And explaining the paradigm is this easy:

If your doctor believes that you have a thyroid problem then he or she will check your TSH. 

If your TSH is anywhere within the normal range then your thyroid is considered ‘normal’ and whatever you are experiencing must be caused by something else. 

Everything that your doctor says and recommends should be evaluated through this lens. 

The problem?

There’s really no scenario in which we can distill the complexities of thyroid function down to such a simple algorithm. 

Thyroid function is regulated at so many different levels (2), is impacted by so many different systems (3), and requires the optimal function of other organ tissues (4) to operate smoothly. 

Dysfunction in any of these areas can cause problems and symptoms that simply won’t be detected by standard TSH testing. 

And guess what? Even the most die-hard conventional medicine advocates know that this is true. 

They may disagree with what the integrative community says should be the proper way to manage thyroid disease but they at least recognize that there is a problem (5). 

why are so many hypothyroid patients unhappy

This has led us to our current situation: 

A Tale of Two Models: Alternative Thyroid Treatment vs Conventional Thyroid Treatment

On one hand, we have conventionally trained doctors (primarily endocrinologists and primary care physicians) that advocate for the simplistic TSH model of managing thyroid disease. 

On the other, we have the alternative (integrative and functional) thyroid approach to managing thyroid disease which includes factors beyond TSH testing. 

Both approaches have their merits but each side can take it too far. 

On the conventional side, doctors can appear obstinate and unwilling to budge or entertain ideas and recommendations that stem from alternative blogs found on the internet (like mine). 

On the alternative side, doctors and patients can tread into uncharted and untested territory including recommending treatments that have never been proven to be effective or, worse, may be dangerous. 

In a strange cycle, as the conventional side digs in its heels it pushes the alternative side down a path that leads to more aggressive and untested treatments. 

And this is really where we find ourselves right now. 

You can pretty much guarantee that your endocrinologist is unlikely to look beyond the TSH and you now have a huge number of alternative thyroid experts that are recommending therapies and treatments that probably shouldn’t be recommended. 

So what can we do to bring more balance to this tug of war and bring us closer to the center?

One approach would be to provide conventional doctors with a set of sound and thoughtful treatment recommendations that are based on science to replace the current treatment guidelines. 

This paper does just that and it was brought to my attention by Paul Robinson.

study with new hypothyroid treatment recommendations

It outlines some common sense treatment recommendations that allow a more comprehensive evaluation of the thyroid without stepping into the untested and potentially dangerous territory that may be recommended by online blogs and thyroid groups. 

Below you will find these recommendations (which are also found in the paper link above) with some commentary. 

Let’s jump in: 


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


#1. Diagnosis must always include a patient’s full medical history. 

Getting a full medical history and doing a comprehensive physical exam have been staples of good medicine (6) since their inception. 

A good comprehensive medical history is especially important for thyroid patients. 


Because by providing a detailed history, doctors have the potential to identify the cause of thyroid disease, ascertain which thyroid medications may be ideal for you, whether or not your thyroid disease is your primary issue, and what type of thyroid problem they know to look for. 

Due to the nature of the non-specific symptoms that hypothyroidism can cause, it’s not uncommon for people to believe that they have a thyroid problem when they really don’t. 

I’ve lost count of the number of people who are confusing conditions such as menopause, for instance, with hyperthyroidism

Or the number of patients who have caused hypothyroid-like symptoms from extreme diets and caloric restriction

These conditions can result in symptoms that mimic those of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism but their treatments are not the same. 

As a patient, it’s also important for you to be able to provide a detailed history with pertinent information that is helpful for your doctor. 

It’s the doctor’s job to make sense of it, but it’s always easier to make sense of something that is coherent!

And in the current healthcare environment where time is a novelty, providing succinct and structured information to your doctor can be very beneficial to you!

More meaningful information means a faster diagnosis and better management of your condition. 

#2. Diagnosis must include an evaluation of symptoms, which reflect tissue thyroid responses, and the patient’s well-being. 

This is an important point that is often missed by the conventional TSH approach to managing thyroid disease. 

In the TSH paradigm, if the TSH is normal then thyroid function is normal throughout the body. 

For whatever reason, the assumption is made that if the TSH is normal then all tissues in the body must have an equal and sufficient amount of thyroid stimulation. 

But we know that this isn’t the case. 

Different tissues in the body have different sensitivities to thyroid hormones based solely on the presence or absence of thyroid-activating and thyroid-deactivating enzymes (7). 

We also know that tissues such as the heart (8), interact with thyroid hormone differently than other tissues. 

This section is basically suggesting that if hypothyroid symptoms persist after normalization of the TSH then, perhaps, something else is being missed. 

This opens the door to individual management of free thyroid hormones and their impact on thyroid symptoms. 

Here’s why this is important:

If you take any thyroid medication (even T4-only thyroid medications like levothyroxine), it will bring down your TSH on a dose-adjusted basis. 

But lowering the TSH isn’t necessarily helpful if your body is not taking the T4 thyroid medication that you are giving it and activating it

This is why the presence or absence of these thyroid-activating enzymes (known as deiodinases) needs to have some place in the management of hypothyroidism. 

This section allows for just that. 

#3. Where symptoms indicative of thyroid disease are present, an ultrasound of the thyroid is advisable. 

Thyroid patients are usually accustomed to thinking about the importance of blood thyroid levels but there is some benefit to physically looking at the thyroid gland. 

An ultrasound is a cheap and effective way to do just that

It allows the visualization of the thyroid gland which has the potential to identify physical abnormalities in the form of nodules, goiter, and inflammation. 

This is important because conditions such as early-stage Hashimoto’s can cause low thyroid symptoms without abnormalities in serum levels of thyroid hormone. 

Identifying this problem early allows you to get a headstart on treatments which typically means better long-term outcomes. 

#4. Symptomatic testing and case finding should include TSH, FT4, and FT3, arguable Reverse T3, TPO ab, and TG ab (only if TPO is negative and TSH is high). 

This is pretty standard and something that everyone reading this should be familiar with. 

TSH testing by itself does not provide a complete picture of thyroid function but adding in some basic tests such as free thyroid hormones in the form of free T3 and free T4 will provide a better picture. 

Testing for free thyroid hormones should be standard because it’s standard for just about every other pituitary-controlled hormone in the body. 

For instance, when your doctor wants to check your estrogen level, he/she doesn’t order your FSH or LH, they check your estradiol. 

The FSH and LH would be equivalent to TSH in this analogy. 

If your doctor wants to check your testosterone level, he/she doesn’t order your FSH/LH but, instead, orders your free and total testosterone. 

If your doctor wants to check your cortisol, he/she doesn’t check your ACTH level, they check your serum cortisol. 

For reference, testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, growth hormone, and thyroid hormone, are all regulated in a similar mechanism by both the pituitary and hypothalamus. 

For reasons unknown to me (and believe me, I’ve looked), the thyroid is the only hormone that we check the pituitary releasing hormone instead of the actual free thyroid hormone level. 

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For this reason, free thyroid hormones in the form of free T4 and free T3 should be assessed in conjunction with TSH

Whether or not to test reverse T3 is another issue which is why I think the recommendation here to possibly include it makes sense. 

There’s a lot of pushback from the conventional side when it comes to reverse T3 and there’s not a huge amount of evidence to suggest that it’s helpful. 

I can even tell you from personal experience in testing it on hundreds of thyroid patients that it’s not as helpful as many people believe. 

So in this sense, it’s probably not worth the fight if your doctor is already willing to order both free T3 and free T4. 

The inclusion of thyroid peroxidase antibodies with the exclusion of thyroglobulin antibodies also makes sense here. 

TPO antibodies track much more closely with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism (9) compared to thyroglobulin antibodies and getting extra antibody tests that are unnecessary may just cause confusion. 

Thyroglobulin antibodies can be elevated in cases of Hashimoto’s but it’s much less common compared to TPO antibodies. 

Overall, these are sound recommendations that definitely meet in the middle between where the conventional side sits and the alternative side when it comes to thyroid lab tests. 

#5. To avoid false test results (4), thyroid hormone medication should not be taken until after blood is drawn. 

Many thyroid patients don’t realize that you can basically force your thyroid lab tests to show whatever you want depending on when you take your thyroid medication. 

If you wanted your free T4 to be high, for instance, then all you have to do is take your dose of levothyroxine a few hours before you plan to get your thyroid labs tested. 

This high level doesn’t give you any meaningful information, though, which is why you need to take this into account when you get your labs checked. 

The advice given here is what alternative doctors have been practicing when it comes to testosterone replacement therapy and HRT for years. 

The idea is to check your thyroid lab tests at their lowest point prior to when you get your next dose. 

Here’s how it works:

When you take a dose of levothyroxine it will immediately surge in your blood until it reaches an apex. 

Once it reaches its apex it will then slowly decline until you take your next dose. 

If you didn’t take your next dose then the impact of that medication would eventually fade down to zero. 

But your goal is to take your next dose before that happens. 

By doing this, you are allowing a sustained level of thyroid hormone to remain in your body to help manage your symptoms. 

This dosing schedule is completely different from the normal release of thyroid hormones from a healthy thyroid gland, though, which should be taken into account when evaluating thyroid function. 

One easy way to do this is by checking your thyroid lab tests right before you are scheduled to get your next dose (roughly 24 hours). 

This will help you avoid inaccurate thyroid lab tests which will only serve to confuse both you and the doctor. 

#6. Multiple symptoms typical of hypothyroidism, accompanied by low FT4 and FT3 levels, are strongly indicative of hypothyroidism (5). Both FT4 and FT3 levels should be individually monitored and increased as needed to relieve symptoms of hypothyroidism, without creating symptoms of hyperthyroidism. 

This section seeks to solve the problem that many thyroid patients face where they continue to experience low thyroid symptoms despite having a normal TSH

This exact situation is often caused because even though the TSH level is normal, one or both of the free thyroid hormones are low. 

This recommendation suggests that the presence of low free T3 and/or low free T4, in combination with hypothyroid symptoms, is strongly suggestive of hypothyroidism regardless of what the TSH shows. 

This is where conventional doctors will have to step out of their TSH mindset if they want to solve the persistent hypothyroid symptoms that plague many thyroid patients. 

The language here subtly suggests that the free thyroid hormones play more of a role in regulating thyroid status in the body than the TSH without overtly stating it. 

This very problem is where the alternative side can take it too far, though, so caution must be exercised. 

If you focus solely on the free thyroid hormones and exclude the TSH entirely, it’s very easy to take too much thyroid hormone in an attempt to ‘optimize’ your free thyroid hormone levels

This can be problematic and may absolutely lead to problems for some patients down the road. 

A nice compromise would be to continue to use TSH testing in concert with free thyroid hormone levels, and hypothyroid symptoms, while also recognizing that other factors may be contributing if optimizing your thyroid hormone levels fail to resolve all of your symptoms. 

Based on this recommendation, you can use the symptoms of hyperthyroidism as an upper threshold for when you’ve taken this concept too far. 

If you continually increase your dose of thyroid medication to try and push your free thyroid hormone levels higher, to the point that you experience hyperthyroid symptoms, then you know you’ve gone too far. 

If you still remain symptomatic at that point, then you can be fairly sure that whatever symptoms you are experiencing are probably related to some other problem and not your thyroid. 

Be careful not to get what I call thyroid tunnel vision when thinking about your dose of thyroid medication. 

Thyroid tunnel vision is the idea that all of your ailments stem from your thyroid and in order to resolve them you must continually push your thyroid medication dose higher and higher. 

It’s typically rarely ever the case that your symptoms are caused solely by your thyroid which brings us to the last point:

#7. Cortisol, Vitamin D, B12, and ferritin should be considered and also optimized for symptom relief. 

This is another deviation from the standard and conventional advice but a welcome one. 

Pretty much every alternative thyroid doctor out there knows just how important these other factors are because of how they indirectly influence thyroid function. 

The function of cortisol and thyroid hormone, for instance, shows a strong correlation (10) with one another. 

As TSH rises, cortisol tends to fall. 

Testing for vitamin B12 is also another thoughtful recommendation due to how hypothyroidism impacts the absorption of B12 in the intestinal tract. 

As a result, many patients with hypothyroidism end up with sub-optimal or grossly deficient vitamin B12 levels (11). 

And, lastly, ferritin, as a marker of iron levels, is important for the production of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. 

We also know that thyroid dysfunction leads to alterations in ferritin levels (12) which appears to be bidirectional in that low ferritin can lead to hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism can lead to low ferritin. 

Testing for these deficiencies is important because their presence may be a sign of early thyroid dysfunction or, worse, contribute their own set of symptoms which can cloud your diagnostic picture. 

Final Thoughts

I’m a big fan of promoting information that stands to help improve the outcome of thyroid patients. 

I believe this set of recommendations does just that. 

It provides you with a great tool that you can use the next time you go and see your doctor. 

It’s easy for your doctor to dismiss a random blog article but it’s more difficult to dismiss a set of structured guidelines produced by knowledgeable experts and backed by scientific literature. 

Hopefully, the commentary above also provided you with a better understanding of how conventional doctors think about thyroid disease. 

Once you can better understand how they think about this disease state, you can then start to formulate meaningful questions and counters to their objections. 

If you can do that in a nonadversarial way then you are well on your way to managing your thyroid condition! 

And lastly, if you find yourself in a situation where your current doctor isn’t willing to entertain these recommendations or guidelines then your next step would be to seek out a second opinion or to find someone who is more open-minded. 

Now I want to hear from you:

What do you think about these treatment recommendations?

Are you planning on bringing them up with your doctor the next time you go in for a visit?

Do any of the recommendations not make sense to you? Why or why not?

Where do you get most of your thyroid information from? The internet, your doctor, or some other source? 

Leave your questions or comments below! 

#1. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4267409/

#2. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK500006/

#3. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7353203/

#4. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24287748/

#5. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3169863/

#6. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534249/

#7. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2654746/

#8. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12165105/

#9. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5422478/

#10. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32291738/

#11. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18655403/

printable hypothyroid treatment recommendations to take to your doctor

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

52 thoughts on “Updated Hypothyroid Treatment Guidelines to Take to Your Doctor”

  1. I’ve just discovered your YouTube channel (thank you).

    I suspect I have a thyroid condition that isn’t eligible for treatment under the NHS in the UK because it’s classed as ‘subclinical’.

    Trying to deduce if my symptoms belong to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is tricky because symptoms of both often overlap each other.

    I wonder if there are any subclinical thyroid symptoms that definitely belong to hypo or hyper, and nothing else. This would help to eliminate an incorrect self-diagnosis and guide natural treatments investigations in the right direction.

    Thank you for reading

    • Hi Ella,

      It’s usually obvious to figure out the thyroid condition based on symptoms but not always. For this reason, the single most helpful thing you can do is just get your thyroid labs tested. That will easily tell you whether it’s more on the hypothyroid or hyperthyroid spectrum.

  2. As a Naturopath specializing in Thyroid and a Hypothyroid person myself, you have hit the nail on the head Dr Chris! This is the same argument I have used with my patients time and time again about how doctors are following a guideline with testing and medicating that make no logical sense when compared to how we address sex hormone testing and treating. Thanks for a great blog I will share to my patients

    • Hi Otto,

      It’s just like any other doctor visit except it’s done remotely. Lab request forms can be sent via email and prescriptions can be sent to local pharmacies regardless of where the doctor lives. Other recommendations for diet, fasting, lifestyle changes, etc., can all be relayed over the phone and via email. Are you from another country by chance? DO’s in the United States are equivalent to MDs in terms of licensing and scope of practice. That isn’t true in other countries which is why you may be confused.

      • Hi Westin,
        I live in Denmark, have Hashimoto’s and I’m in treatment.
        In Denmark SR T3 is not prescribed by endocrinologists, and I was wondering if you could help me with prescription?

        My therapy at the moment is Tirosint & T3, and I feel much better than on Euthyrox – dough I feel drops during the day since I take T3 3x daily. That is the reason I would like to try SR T3.

        In case you cannot treat me – could you kindly recommend a doctor of integral medicine, who can prescribe SR T3 in Europe?

        Thank you Westin for your kindness, and for sharing your knowledge & experience with all of us in ‘no mans land’

        Love from Copenhagen

        • Hi Dida,

          I’m not practicing so I will not be able to provide you with a prescription. You might be able to get it imported from another country, though. I know that works for some other countries out there.

          I don’t have anyone in Europe or the UK to recommend or I would happily do so. You might want to reach out to Paul Robinson, though, as he may have some contacts. I left a link to Paul’s website in this article.

  3. My question is how long after you get off thyroid medicine dose it take to leave your system and once out how can you produce natural thyroid harome thank you and is gerd a common symptom of thyroid patients thanks

  4. Thank you Dr Childs. These guidelines are a good middle ground to try and move forward with current thinking on thyroid testing and treatment. My teen daughter has many hypothyroid symptoms including hyporeflexia in her arms and legs and high cholesterol among others like weight gain, fatigue etc. Her TSH has always been around 1 but she’s had bottom normal range free t4 9.8 (8.8- 17.7) and free t3 3.8 (3.1-6.4). Doctors have all said her thyroid is fine. Where should we go from here? Maybe request a thyroid US? Her antibodies have been in range both times they have been tested. She’s been sick for 2 years now and despite lots of testing for many things she has not had any treatment for anything. Thank you for your work. Your blogs are very interesting and make a lot of sense.

    • Hi Nicole,

      It’s hard to say for sure without a lot more information. The single best thing you can do is find a thyroid-literate doctor (and hormone-literate doctor) to help navigate the symptoms to determine if they really are thyroid-related or if they are related to some other issue. There are many conditions that go masquerading around as thyroid disease and they need to be teased out sometimes. You can use this resource to help you find the type of doctor I am referring to: https://www.restartmed.com/how-to-find-a-doctor-to-treat-your-thyroid/

  5. Hi Dr. Childs, I love your articles, & find them very helpful. I’m having a hard time talking to my Dr. about my thyroid issues. I’ve been on Armour & Cytomel for several years for Hypothyroidism. In the last couple years, my TSH has been VERY low (0.010) but my t3 & t4 are still low. Everyone has a different opinion, & I’m still not feeling well. I still feel hypo, but my Dr is very worried about my low TSH & suggested stopping my meds. I was wondering your thoughts? Thank you! -Jamie

    • Hi Jamie,

      I would recommend checking out this article which outlines how to think about a low vs suppressed TSH and whether or not it’s worthwhile to accept the potential risks. At the end of the day, it’s all about the pros vs the cons and the potential benefits you are receiving (or not) from your thyroid medication: https://www.restartmed.com/suppressed-tsh/

    • Hi Liv,

      I’ve never heard of a connection between thyroid medication and tonsil stones so I would say they are likely unrelated.

  6. I wish you still saw patients yourself, but I wanted to thank you for all the information you put out. I used your thyroid program (along with a lot of prayer) and a lot of your supplements almost 2 years ago now, and I have been feeling so much better since then. Even the recipes are great! Thyroid levels are regulated, I have more energy and am able to workout 5-6 days a week, and my weight is back down.

  7. My GP said at my last visit, that NDT can stop working after a couple of years? Can this happen? She said this, as I went to her with what I feel is Adrenal dysfunction/ fatigue (as I’ve had a lot of stress in the last two years) I’ve been taking NDT since 2013. (My Hashis developed in 2003)
    It’s always seems an uphill struggle finding a suitable practitioner..

    • Hi Julia,

      There’s no scientific evidence to back the statement that NDT will stop working after a couple of years. Roughly 80% of NDT is made up of the same ingredient as levothyroxine.

      If you’re feeling up to it you can ask them why is it that levothyroxine continues to work and yet NDT doesn’t if they contain the same active ingredient (thyroxine). This is a somewhat confrontational question, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend you do it but it would clearly prove your point that this person doesn’t know what he/she is talking about.

  8. I have been on Synthroid for many years. I am 74 and recently cut my Rx to 50 from 75. I want to reduce it to 25. A ferritin test indicated I have very high iron levels and I do not take any iron supplements. Should I be taking less Synthroid? I have always been told to take my Synthroid before my fasting blood test. Can you make a suggestion? I am not losing hair. I seem to have neuropathy in my feet but I have seen a podiatrist, a cardiologist and my gp with no substantial explanation. Thanks.

    • Hi Linda,

      I can’t provide you with medical advice or recommendations regarding what you should do with your dose of thyroid medication. I would consider trying some basic things for your neuropathy such as vibration therapy and basic B vitamin supplementation, though. The ferritin issue will need to be addressed more thoroughly because high ferritin can be a marker of inflammation at high levels.

  9. I have severe RLS and have tried several different medications that didn’t work or made it worse, tried every supplement (they didn’t touch it), and short of taking opiates, the only medication that manages the constant involuntary leg movement is Xanax. I was getting <2 hours of sleep a night and I can’t live on that. I take .25mg at 5 pm and 1mg at bedtime. Supposedly it’s a sleep med as well, but I still only get around five hours of sleep due to insomnia, not RLS. The leg movements are controlled now. I usually get up between 3-4 am to use the bathroom and that’s when I take my Armour thyroid pill (30mg)
    My question concerns how benzos affect the thyroid because it seems my TSH shot up from 1.9 to 6 within just a few months. My endocrinologist upped the Armour thyroid and now wants my morning cortisol tested. Do benzos do that? Should I risk being labeled a "drug seeker" and ask for something else? I heard that benzos are extremely addictive as well. I’m puzzled about this cortisol-adrenal thing.

    • Hi Karen,

      Benzodiazepines are extremely addictive and trigger the same receptors as alcohol which is why they are so dangerous. Alcohol withdrawal is the only substance that withdrawal can result in death. Benzodiazepines can also impact thyroid function and, while they may help you fall asleep, they do not result in a restful or deep sleep. With this in mind, it’s best to avoid them as much as possible. If you are looking for suggestions on how to improve your sleep without them, please see this article: https://www.restartmed.com/how-to-sleep-for-better-thyroid-health-immune-function-weight-loss/

  10. Does the above testing also apply to those who have had a full thyroidectomy, (or should any additional tests be added), and how often should people without a thyroid be tested? I had mine removed 6yrs ago and since then my levels, (TSH only – I’m in the UK!), have never really stabilsed and alternates from high to low every time I go. If my TSH is ever within ‘normal’, I’m just sent away regardless, and in most cases, the Doctor won’t even see you to discuss the result or a next course of action! The Receptionist just says ‘no further action required’! It’s a constant battle to keep going back every few months to demand yet another TSH test (that’s all we get here), as I always feel ill!

    I’m so grateful for your website and wish we had you in the UK!

    • Hi M,

      Yes, this information applies to all hypothyroid states including Hashimoto’s, RAI, thyroidectomy, and plain old hypothyroidism. Repeat testing is based on the need of the patient but should never be done more frequently than 6-8 weeks. Routine testing can be as infrequent as 1-2x per year if you are stable on your current medication.

  11. Can desiccated thyroid medication cause T4, T3 and TSH to be in the low range? It seems contradictory to have all of these be low. Does the medication cause all of these to be low or could it be a pituitary dysfunction?

    • Hi Lisa,

      Yes, that can definitely happen. It could also be a pituitary issue but that’s less likely if they were fine prior to starting NDT. Some people are so sensitive to the T3 dosing in NDT that it suppresses TSH and T4 production which leaves lowers both values even with low doses.

  12. I have been asking my doctor to check my thyroid levels for years now, sensing that something may be wrong. Her response was always that there was nothing wrong with my thyroid. Needless to say, I now have a new doctor who recently tested my TSH and T4 as a standard practice and didn’t like the results that she saw. I go in tomorrow for more blood work to look at the “rest of the picture” because I was able to speak up and ask the right questions. Dr. Childs, you gave me a voice to advocate for my care through your informative blogs. I can’t thank you enough!

  13. This article is basically my medical history. For literally decades I was plagued with hypothyroid symptoms, but despite family history with BOTH parents having thyroid issues only the TSH was tested and pronounced normal. I finally saw a functional doctor in 2016 who ran a full thyroid panel which showed low T3. A year later my GP ran the full panel and T4 was low so I was put on Levothorixine, which made my labs looks normal but I was still symptomatic. Frustrated, I saw an endocrinologist who agreed to try me on an NDT. Within a month I was feeling rested on 8 hours of sleep and going to they gym after work. I was able to lose over 70 pounds although the last 10-15 seems to evade me. Overall I’m doing very well but I still struggle with anger over all the years I lost to this missed diagnosis.

    • Hi Lisa,

      I’m sorry to hear about your situation but I’m glad you shared it. My message to thyroid patients is to never sit around and wait for a doctor to “help” them. You’ll just end up losing years of your life in the process. It’s far better to take your health into your own hands and put in the work to find someone willing to help you.

  14. Nowadays in the UK, we cannot see a doctor. They are just not available. All routine checks are carried out by a nurse, pharmacist or nurse practitioner who do not have the authority or would not understand the complexity of a thyroid problem..so the real problem now is we are further ignored and we take what is available as GPs are no longer there to talk to .

    • Hi Maggie,

      As I understand it, the best option for thyroid patients in the UK is to see a private doctor. I’m not saying that’s the ideal situation but I’ve been told that you can get better care going down that route.

  15. I just got out of the hospital and I was told that my hyperthyroidism was out of wack and my potassium level was low what can I do to improve my potassium levels and get in tune with hyperthyroidism

    • Hi Kelsey,

      That will involve optimizing your thyroid function with the use of thyroid medications and natural treatments. Once your thyroid function gets back to normal your appetite will soon follow as well.

    • Hi Kelsey,

      It’s an accurate test but it doesn’t give you much information which is why the other tests are necessary.

  16. Hello Dr. Childs. I have been on thyroid meds since 2000. Started out on T4 only for the first 10 years, was always cold and started having trouble breathing sometimes, like I couldn’t get air past my throat unless I yawned. I asked my doctor at the time if I could try NDT and he prescribed it and I have been on it ever since. I will say that it is important to test the FT3 and FT4 along with the TSH as NDT will make the TSH show more hyper, when your really not. So having the FT3 to reference will show that I am very low on the FT3 when my TSH is in the “normal” mid range or higher, and when the FT3 is low I usually know it. Thank you for your excellent article.

    • Hi Debora,

      Glad you enjoyed it! And, yes, I agree that you should always test for free T4 and free T4 levels regardless of which thyroid medication you are taking. Whether or not to test for reverse T3 is up for debate but I would still tend to lean toward getting it for more information.

    • Hi Kelsey,

      Tirosint is not bad for metabolism. It may not necessarily improve your metabolism, but it’s unlikely to make it worse though it is theoretically possible.


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