9 Of The Best Thyroid Supplements (These Work)

9 Of The Best Thyroid Supplements (These Work)

Would it surprise you to know that it takes at least 13 different nutrients to properly create and convert thyroid hormone to its active form?

Or that by replacing these nutrient deficiencies with thyroid supplements you may be able to reduce your symptoms of hypothyroidism?

You’re not alone…

If you are considering taking supplements to boost your thyroid function to help you feel better there are some things you need to know first.

​Not all supplements are created equal and everyone out there claims to have the “best product”. 

Which is why I created this guide.

​I‘ve been helping hypothyroid patients for years and I’ve found certain supplements help thyroid patients feel better and I want to share these with you. 

In this article, I’m going to go over the top 9 thyroid supplements that you should consider using if you want your help your thyroid function the way it was designed to function… ​


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


Do Supplements Actually Help Thyroid Function?

​Let’s get this out of the way:

Yes, supplements can definitely help boost your thyroid function, but not how you think…

Many run-of-the-mill thyroid supplements contain all of the nutrients that MIGHT help thyroid function, but that’s the wrong approach.

A better one is to find what your body is deficient in and then give back what it needs.

And it just makes sense, right?

If your body lacks zinc, for instance, then your immune system will function less optimally (1) until you restore that nutrient back to normal levels. 

​And, this isn’t made up guys, there are many studies showing how common nutrient deficiencies are and what kind of symptoms to expect with those deficiencies. 

But, unfortunately, you have articles like these floating around sowing confusion: ​

highlighted text from another article which outlines 5 reasons that thyroid supplements should never be used.

​These articles would have you believe that taking supplements isn’t helpful and, in fact, might be harmful. 

And I would probably agree with that, assuming you don’t know how to use supplements correctly.

But that isn’t going to be a problem for you because I’m going to discuss how to tell which supplements to use and how to use them safely starting right now:

9 Thyroid Supplements to Help Improve Your Thyroid

Remember when I said it takes at least 13 different nutrients for proper thyroid hormone production and conversion?

I wasn’t kidding:​

a diagram of thyroid function with arrows pointing toward various areas of thyroid function showing how different factors can influence them.

The following nutrients are required for proper thyroid hormone production:

  • Iron -> Needed for thyroid hormone production.
  • Iodine -> Required for creating thyroid hormone.
  • Tyrosine -> Also needed for creating thyroid hormone.
  • Zinc -> Needed for thyroid hormone cellular binding.
  • Selenium -> Needed to convert T4 into T3 and to protect the thyroid gland from damage.
  • Vitamin E (2) -> Protects the thyroid from cellular damage.
  • Vitamin A -> Needed for thyroid hormone cellular signaling.
  • Vitamin B2 (3)
  • Vitamin B3 (4)
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D -> Protects against thyroid cancer and thyroid autoimmune disease.

Does that mean you should just blindly take these nutrients? 

The answer to that is obviously no, and taking that approach may lead to problems…

Instead, my goal here is to walk you through how to properly and safely use targeted supplements to help naturally improve your thyroid. 

The 9 nutrients below have been hand-picked by me because I think they are the most beneficial for thyroid patients.

This is based on my own personal experience helping thousands of thyroid patients over the last 7 years and providing over 80,000+ thyroid patients with thyroid support supplements over a similar time period.

#1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is the first vitamin we are going to talk about today and for good reason:

Based on studies as many as 40% of patients with hypothyroidism are ALSO vitamin B12 deficient (5).

a highlighted study which shows that vitamin b12 deficiency is common in primary hypothyroidism.

And that’s very concerning when you consider the symptoms of B12 deficiency:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Anemia
  • Neurological changes which can mimic dementia (6)
  • Difficulty with concentration or brain fog

​Do you see the problem here?

Many of these symptoms are also symptoms of hypothyroidism so you may be walking around with both issues.

This means that you may be taking the right type and dose of thyroid medication but your symptoms may persist if you don’t also replace your low vitamin B12. 

How do you know if you should supplement with B12?

How to Tell If You Need B12

You might be tempted to just order some lab tests to figure out if you need to supplement, but it’s not quite that straightforward.

One major problem with B12 testing is most tests are not accurate.

Without getting too much into the weeds here, you should know that there are 3 basic ways to test for B12 and each one has faults.

The most accurate test is also the most expensive and it really doesn’t make sense to order it because it’s cheaper to just purchase a B12 supplement than it is to pay for the test.

Given the fact that so many thyroid patients don’t have enough B12 in their system and that testing is inaccurate and that supplementing is cheap and safe, I think shotgun supplementing makes the most sense.

The question is, what type and form of B12 should you use?

For thyroid patients, the answer is usually pretty straightforward:

The Best Form of B12 For Thyroid Patients

Due to the impact that low thyroid has on stomach acid and the absorption of vitamin B12, getting your B12 from shots is usually the best source.

If you don’t like the idea of getting shots, or if you can’t find someone to provide them to you then oral B12 in capsule form or sublingual B12 will do the job as well.

No matter what way you choose to get your B12, you should make sure that you are getting a pre-methylated and pre-activated form of B12.

Cheap forms of vitamin B12 like cyanocobalamin require extra steps to become activated by the body and even result in the creation of goitrogenic compounds.

For this reason, you will want to look for methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, or hydroxycobalamin.

These forms are ready to be used, will not result in the creation of toxic byproducts, and are safe for those with MTHFR genetic mutations.

You can see an example of the type, form, and dose of vitamin B12 you should be looking for as a thyroid patient in this supplement.

#2. Adrenal Support

Many hypothyroid patients suffer from both thyroid and adrenal problems. 

Adrenal support refers to the use of nutrients and vitamins which help your adrenal glands produce powerful and important hormones such as cortisol. 

Cortisol is a hormone released in times of stress which helps thyroid hormone (and other hormones) function. 

By repeatedly taxing your adrenals (through stress or through thyroid dysfunction) you can cause adrenal-related issues which create a cascade of very specific symptoms. 

This is important for your thyroid because we know that thyroid hormone is intricately linked to adrenal function. 

As your TSH increases (hypothyroidism) your cortisol levels will rise as well (7) leading to the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. 

This connection explains why so many thyroid patients also suffer from the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. 

But perhaps even more important is the fact that treating yourself with thyroid hormone may not be sufficient to “heal” your adrenal glands. 

I mentioned that the symptoms of adrenal fatigue are very specific, and that’s true. You can find a list of the symptoms associated with adrenal dysfunction below: 

  • Constant fatigue despite sleeping 8 hours at night
  • Feeling “wired but tired”
  • Experiencing a crash around 2-3 pm each day
  • Getting your “second wind” at night around 10 pm
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Racing mind and thoughts
  • Inability to tolerate stressful events
  • Cravings for salty/sugary foods
  • Always getting sick or having a weakened immune system

The presence of these symptoms indicates a disruption in cortisol. This disruption can either be at the cellular level or it can be in the absolute concentration of cortisol in your serum. 

Adrenal Glandulars vs Adrenal Adaptogens for Thyroid Support

There are two ways to approach fixing adrenal problems with supplements and vitamins. You can use adrenal glandulars (#1) or adrenal adaptogens (#2) or a combination of both. 

Even though we are going to primarily focus on the supplements today (that’s the purpose of this article, after all) you should be aware that other lifestyle therapies should also be employed if you have adrenal issues.

Dietary changes, meditation, stress reduction techniques, improving your sleep, and so on should all be considered mandatory elements of your treatment plan if you have adrenal issues. 

Once you have determined you have cortisol-related issues you can determine how to proceed with treatment. 

For instance:

Low cortisol can be addressed with adrenal glandulars and adrenal adaptogens, while high cortisol can be addressed with phosphatidylserine (8) and adrenal adaptogens. 

Note: It isn’t always necessary to check for your cortisol prior to using adrenal supplements as sometimes your cortisol level may not “match” your symptoms.

Adrenal adaptogens are plant-based compounds that help you increase your stress tolerance by “nourishing” the adrenals. 

They are often combined with vitamins and nutrients which form the building blocks for hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. 

Of the adaptogens, Rhodiola Rosea may be the most stimulating for the body which peaks around 30 minutes after ingestion (9). 

Adaptogens can also be used in combination with adrenal glandulars which is one of my preferred methods for treatment.

Adrenal glandulars, or desiccated adrenal glands, contain portions of animal adrenal glands that contain hormone precursors and vitamins specific to the adrenal gland. 

Don’t let this information confuse you, though, because you can’t go wrong in using either adrenal adaptogens or adrenal glandulars. 

I’ve found, based on my experience, that most people do exceptionally well when combining both together.

I’ve had great success using this supplement which includes both adrenal adaptogens and adrenal glandular in the optimal ratio.

Treating your adrenals has a compounding effect in which it can potentially improve both your thyroid function and your adrenal function simultaneously. 

#3. Zinc

Zinc is perhaps one of the most important and often missed, nutrient deficiencies found among hypothyroid patients. 

In fact, there is a good chance that you have sub-optimal levels of zinc present in your body as you are reading this. 

And this doesn’t bode well for your thyroid, given how many thyroid processes zinc is involved in. 

One of the most important of these functions is the role that zinc plays in the conversion of T4 to T3.

Because zinc is required for thyroid conversion (T4 to T3 conversion), low levels of zinc may predispose you to develop high levels of reverse T3 and which may limit thyroid function (10).

These changes can also be identified through lab tests as low free T3 and low total T3

But that’s not all zinc does…

The other benefits of zinc, as it relates to your thyroid, include:

  • Enhanced immune function (11) – This is particularly important if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or other autoimmune diseases. 
  • Increases T4 to T3 conversion – This helps normalize your free thyroid hormone levels (required for weight loss and symptom management)
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent – Helpful in those with Hashimoto’s or other causes of thyroiditis. 
  • Plays a role in reducing oxidative stress.

A severe deficiency in zinc may result in hypothyroid symptoms which can be reversed with supplementation (12). 

Zinc deficiency is also associated with hair loss and alopecia, a troubling symptom that many hypothyroid patients face despite taking thyroid medication. 

The real benefit to using zinc is that supplementing may help to improve thyroid function (if you are deficient) and help to reduce hair loss and improve hair quality. 

Testing for zinc in the serum or plasma is generally not recommended as many people with “normal” values still present with the symptoms of zinc deficiency. 

This idea was highlighted in this study which showed that the best way to confirm and treat zinc deficiency is with a trial of zinc supplementation, in fact, this is considered to be the “gold standard” (13). 

If you suspect that sub-optimal zinc levels may be contributing to your hypothyroid symptoms then a trial of zinc may be appropriate

Combining Zinc with Selenium

Zinc is an incredibly important mineral if you have hypothyroidism, but I’ve found that most thyroid patients experience superior results when they combine zinc with other nutrients. 

This benefit is most likely related to the synergistic effect that multiple nutrients have on thyroid function. 

It’s probably also due to the fact that many people with zinc deficiency probably also have other nutrient deficiencies. 

If you combine zinc with selenium (and other nutrients) the total dose necessary for either will decrease and you will obtain the same benefit at a smaller dose. 

Dosing Zinc

The dosage of zinc necessary to improve thyroid function is usually somewhere between 5 and 15mg of zinc per dose.

If you are severely zinc deficient then you may benefit from using a higher dose for 1-2 months. This will allow you to build up your zinc ‘storage’. 

Once you have repleted zinc stores in your body, you can safely back down to a smaller daily dose which is just as effective in helping to improve thyroid function. 

The most effective forms of zinc to use for thyroid support include zinc chelate, zinc monomethionine, zinc gluconate, zinc acetate, and zinc citrate.

If you are not using one of these forms then you will want to switch to one!

These formulations of zinc tend to be better absorbed compared to other formulations. 

If you want to get the correct form of zinc in the right dose, then check out this supplement.

#4. Iron

I know I sound like a broken record here but Iron is another huge player when it comes to your thyroid.

But it is also unique among the nutrients that I am going to discuss in this article because it’s not something that you want to take unless you are sure you are deficient. 

Other nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, etc. are considered to be incredibly safe nutrients that you should be able to take and tolerate without issue. 

Iron, on the other hand, can potentially be harmful to your body if you use it without a documented deficiency. 

It’s certainly safe to use, but it should only be used if you know you are deficient. 

Now, with that warning out of the way, let’s go back to how iron impacts your thyroid. 

It’s so important I’ve dedicated an entire post to it that you can read here, which outlines how hypothyroidism is worse in the presence of iron deficiency.

In a nutshell:

Iron is involved in the production of thyroid hormone from your thyroid gland. 

Low levels of iron, therefore, worsen existing thyroid function (make your symptoms worse) (14). 

In addition, as thyroid levels fall (even slightly) your body will have a difficult time absorbing iron in the intestinal tract. 

This sets you up for further iron deficiency and worsening thyroid function

Do you see the vicious cycle here?

What makes matters worse is that most physicians don’t treat iron deficiency unless it also is causing anemia (low red blood cells). 

It’s certainly possible to have an iron deficiency that doesn’t cause anemia but which still impairs thyroid function in your body (15). 

Identifying iron deficiency is actually quite easy and can be tested with routine blood work (more on that below) and combined with your symptoms. 

To identify this problem all you need to do is ask for basic “iron studies” with your next set of blood work. 

Once you have these labs you will want to focus on your ferritin level which tells you how much iron you have stored in your body. 

Low levels of ferritin are associated with iron deficiency and impaired thyroid function. 

You can also identify the presence of iron deficiency by assessing your clinical symptoms.

List of symptoms associated with Iron deficiency:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Shortness of breath (worse with exertion or exercise)
  • Pale skin (especially in the creases of the hands)
  • Dizziness or a sensation of lightheadedness
  • Intolerance to exercise
  • Cold hands and cold feet
  • Brittle nails and hair loss (Iron deficiency is a VERY common cause of hair loss)

Again, notice the similarities between iron deficiency symptoms and the symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

Often times it’s difficult to differentiate between these nutrient deficiency syndromes and hypothyroid symptoms unless you know to CHECK and understand your labs. 

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your doctor will understand this information, you may need to be an advocate for your own health, especially when it comes to using vitamins and supplements. 

Once you have identified the presence of low iron you can begin treatment with over-the-counter iron supplements (but just be sure to do this with physician supervision as too much iron can be harmful). 

Diagnosing Iron Deficiency

Testing for iron deficiency is quite easy and can be done by ordering the following tests and ensuring that they match with the “optimal” range provided below: 

  • Serum Iron – Middle of the reference range
  • Ferritin – 70-80 is the “optimal” range (low ferritin is associated with hair loss)
  • Percent Saturation – 35-38%
  • TIBC – Middle of the reference range

You may find that your labs are considered “normal” but they may not be optimal. As a thyroid patient, you really need these results in the “optimal” range otherwise you may not feel improvement. 

You can see an example of iron studies in a patient with thyroid disease below: 

lab tests from a patient with hypothyroidism showing abnormal iron studies and an abnormal ferritin level.

You can see that while these lab tests are within the “normal” range, they are not in the new “optimal” range that I’ve listed above. 

For instance:

This patient has a normal iron of 80, but you can see that this iron level is certainly on the low end of the normal range. 

In addition, her ferritin of 46, while normal, is not optimal for thyroid function or hair growth. 

Ensuring that your ferritin is in the 50-60 ng/mL range will help with hair growth and symptom management. 

Liquid Iron vs Iron Capsules/Tablets

One downside to using iron supplements is that they often cause constipation and/or abdominal pain. 

This is a well-known and documented side effect but it is usually only seen when using prescription iron tablets and capsules. 

Because hypothyroidism already causes constipation it’s not ideal to worsen existing gut motility if at all possible. 

The good news is that you can take iron without experiencing constipation if you use liquid iron instead of iron tablets. 

Liquid iron also contains certain cofactors required for the absorption of iron in the intestinal tract (16) which can make it more effective than just taking iron by itself. 

Iron is also notorious for disrupting the absorption of nutrients and even medications if you take them both at the same time. 

And this extends to those who take iron for iron deficiency and thyroid medication for hypothyroidism. 

Taking iron at the same time as your thyroid medication can inactivate your thyroid hormone and reduce how much makes it into your body!

You can avoid this issue by ensuring that you take your thyroid medication at least 2-4 hours AWAY from your iron supplement. 

Because of this interaction, I usually recommend that patients take iron at the opposite time of the day as their thyroid medication. 

If you take your thyroid medication at night then take your iron in the morning or vice versa. 

You can also ensure better iron absorption by consuming Vitamin C or a glass of lemon water when you take your iron supplement. 

If you are deficient, taking 1-2 teaspoons of liquid iron should be sufficient to help improve your iron levels. 

You can see an example of liquid iron here and an example of iron capsules that you might want to consider if you can’t get down the liquid version due to taste or some other issue.

#5. Magnesium

Magnesium is another big player for hypothyroid patients because hypothyroidism causes dysregulation of magnesium metabolism. 

Hypothyroid patients may actually have normal serum and RBC magnesium levels but studies have shown decreased intracellular amounts of magnesium (17) in these patients.

​That means you can’t always trust our limited laboratory tests when evaluating if you are deficient! (The same can be true of other serum ‘nutrient’ tests, which is why I don’t always rely on them). 

These studies also show that both magnesium and zinc appear to be lower in hypothyroid patients due to increased clearance of both nutrients in the kidneys (18).

​One thing is for sure: 

You really don’t want to be deficient in this nutrient because a deficiency can cause a number of symptoms ranging from heart problems (19) (arrhythmia) to nervous system disorders.

What’s more concerning is that many patients in the USA, even those without thyroid issues, have suboptimal levels of this nutrient (20):

underlined text from a study which describes the importance of magnesium and how it compares to other nutrients.

​So how do you know if you should supplement with Magnesium or if you are deficient?

Follow the signs…

Symptoms of Magnesium deficiency include:

  • Muscle cramps or eye twitches
  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Sleep disorders ranging from insomnia to REM disturbances
  • Poor nail growth
  • See the full list here
Testing for Magnesium

I’m not a huge fan of magnesium testing simply because it is highly inaccurate, but if you prefer this route you are welcome to test for it. 

The two most basic ways to test magnesium include:

  • Serum magnesium – if using this test, you’ll want your results somewhere between 2.0 and 2.2 mg/dL. 
  • RBC magnesium – if using this test, you’ll want to ensure your results are somewhere between 6.0 and 6.8 mg/dL.

Both give you a general idea as to how much magnesium is floating around in your bloodstream but they don’t necessarily tell you if that magnesium is entering your cells (which is where you want it). 

Because magnesium is so safe to use, it’s probably better to assume deficiency if you are symptomatic and to treat based on that knowledge. 

Dosing Magnesium

Dosing magnesium is actually quite easy. 

Most people do well and can sustain normal serum magnesium levels with a dose somewhere between 100mg and 200mg per day. 

Some individuals may need less and some more, but somewhere in that range will work for 95+% of people reading this. 

Reasons to increase your dose may include persistent symptoms of magnesium deficiency or chronic constipation. 

Types of Magnesium Available

There are many different types of magnesium supplements available for over-the-counter use. 

The formulation that you want to stick to if you have thyroid disease is magnesium glycinate (a runner-up would be magnesium citrate). 

Magnesium glycinate is highly absorbed and is ideal for getting enough magnesium into your body in a short period of time. 

Glycinate should also not cause loose stools (like other forms of magnesium). 

If you suffer from chronic constipation, however, you may want to consider using magnesium citrate. 

This formulation leaves more magnesium in your GI tract which stimulates your bowels. 

That means less magnesium will make it into your body, but it may help treat constipation.

When in doubt, start with 100 to 200mg of magnesium glycinate per day!

table showing the various formulations of magnesium with magnesium citrate highlighted.

I would recommend getting your daily magnesium dose with your other thyroid support nutrients in something like this but you can also take a dedicated magnesium supplement if you feel you need even higher doses.

#6. Selenium

I’m sure you’ve heard about selenium if you have hypothyroidism and especially if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. 


Because not only is selenium involved in the T4 to T3 conversion process (21), but there are also some studies that show that supplementing with selenium can help reduce TPO antibodies (22).

How does selenium help improve these processes?

Selenium is a trace mineral that forms the backbone of a specific set of proteins known as selenoproteins. 

These proteins catalyze important functions such as the creation of thyroid hormones and the creation of anti-oxidants in the thyroid gland (23). 

Insufficient selenium levels may impair the function of these proteins and predispose you to develop low thyroid hormone and thyrocyte damage (damage to your thyroid cells). 

Studies have shown that supplementing with selenium may help improve thyroid function and reduce thyroid antibodies by providing your body with this important mineral. 

boxed in text from a research study showing evidence that selenium can help thyroid patients.

​Sound pretty good right?

And, that’s not all…

Selenium is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent (24) and using this nutrient may potentially help reduce inflammation (and autoimmunity) in certain patients. 

You can find more information about symptoms of selenium deficiency and in-depth analysis here and how selenium helps improve your thyroid here

Dosing Selenium

All patients with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should be evaluated for selenium deficiency and treated if necessary.

Like zinc, a trial of selenium may be the best way to determine if you will benefit from using it. 

Doses of at least 100 mcg per day have been shown to be effective (25). 

But what about your dose?

Most of the nutrients we have discussed up until this point are fairly safe, even if used in large amounts. 

But selenium is not one that you want to take more than necessary.

Doing so may cause negative symptoms such as hair loss, diarrhea, fatigue, and nail issues. 

You can avoid these symptoms by keeping your daily dose between 70 mcg to 150 mcg per day.

As a thyroid patient, you will probably get better results by combining selenium with other minerals such as zinc and iodine. 

For ease, combining your zinc, iodine, and selenium into one supplement makes a lot of sense.

You can always take them individually but just be sure you are getting the right doses and the right formulations of each.

#7. Probiotics

I think probiotics are a potentially easy and great way to boost your thyroid naturally. 

But what do Probiotics and Thyroid function have in common?

A lot, it turns out.

For starters, about 20% of T4 to T3 conversion occurs in the gut (26).

What this means for you is that intestinal issues (more on those below) can negatively impact this percentage. 

This may mean less free T3 and total T3 for your body. 

In addition, inflammatory conditions in the gut (27) predispose the body to develop autoimmune diseases and worsening thyroid function. 

​So how do thyroid function and the gut play together?

It turns out that thyroid hormone helps the body produce stomach acid (which helps with digestion) and stimulates peristalsis, the slow movement of the GI tract.

Low thyroid hormone promotes low stomach acid which promotes intestinal issues, nutrient deficiencies, and the overgrowth of certain bacteria and fungi. 

Low thyroid hormone also promotes a sluggish GI tract which predisposes the body to develop constipation, SIBO, and yeast overgrowth syndromes (like Candida). 

Both syndromes cause inflammation which can promote autoimmunity and thus either directly damage the thyroid or lead to decreased T4 to T3 conversion. 

Do you see the cycle here?

boxed in text from a study which outlines the relationship between the thyroid and the gut.

This is exactly why it’s so critical to evaluate and treat any GI-related issues that you may have because they are either caused by hypothyroidism and/or they are making your thyroid function WORSE.

Gut Issues that May Impact Thyroid Conversion

It’s easy to assume that your gut health is fine and is not dragging down your thyroid, but is that really the case?

You might assume that you have no intestinal issues, but it would be a good idea to really define what a healthy “gut” actually looks like. 

If you have any of these symptoms (or conditions) then you may have gut issues limiting thyroid conversion:

  • Gas or bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Acid reflux
  • SIBO/SIFO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, small intestinal fungal overgrowth) 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Increased intestinal permeability (Leaky gut)
  • Multiple food sensitivities
  • Celiac disease
Dosing & Frequency of Probiotics

I’d be lying if I said that taking probiotics will cure your GI problems, but they are certainly a good place to start.

Ultimately, you will probably need to alter your diet, change how frequently you are eating your food, and take additional supplements to fix your gut. 

Probiotics play an important role in helping to regulate your intestinal bacterial concentrations, restoring gut lining integrity, and promoting appetite and hormone balance. 

The use of specific probiotics can help improve or resolve many of these issues if you have them. 

The key to using probiotics effectively is to use probiotics that contain the right species of probiotics at the right concentration (dose). 

I’ve found the best success in thyroid patients by combining soil-based organisms, lacto and bifido species, and beneficial yeast.

You can see a perfect example of one that contains all 3 here.

This strategy is ideal for those with weight issues, multiple hormone imbalances, immune issues, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and other thyroid issues. 

​Ensure that your probiotic has several species of bifidobacteria (28) and lactobacilli species (29) as these species are the most well-studied. 

#8. Proteolytic Enzymes

Enzymes make their way into the list because of how important they can be in helping your body break down nutrients but also medications. 

As you already know, low thyroid = low stomach acid (30) = poor digestion.

But what you might not be aware of is how difficult it can be to break down certain medications (even thyroid hormone) when you have low stomach acid.

For this reason, in patients who have BOTH hypothyroidism (or Hashimoto’s) plus GI-related issues, I recommend that they also take enzymes to help with digestion.

In fact, I have seen some patients with Hashimoto’s who start taking NDT cause a temporary spike in antibodies as a result of this poor digestion. 


The inability to break down food products completely results in abnormal absorption of particles that your body isn’t used to seeing which may influence autoimmunity (31).

How to tell if you need it

I generally recommend a trial of enzymes with every meal (and in between meals) if you have Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s PLUS gut issues (GERD, IBS, IBD, chronic constipation, SIBO, or yeast overgrowth). 

It’s also worth mentioning that taking enzymes in between meals can help promote the breakdown of immune complexes (30) in the bloodstream. 

So take enzymes WITH food and WITHOUT. 

You can get a comprehensive set of enzymes in this supplement.

#9. Iodine

Iodine is another nutrient that deserves a lot more attention than we can give it here (for more info please see this article) but I should at least mention its importance.

Stating that iodine is involved in thyroid hormone production is an understatement.

The iodine moiety on the thyroid hormone backbone is what makes it active.

In fact, 4 iodine molecules help create T4 and the removal of 1 iodine moiety by deiodinase enzymes can either activate or inactive thyroid hormone. 

These deiodinases help regulate the conversion of T4 to T3 and help maintain cellular T3 activation (or inhibition). 

text from google search which outlines the function of the thyroid gland.

It should come as no surprise then that if you are deficient in iodine you will have problems creating thyroid hormone. 

If you can’t produce enough thyroid hormone then you will experience the symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

Iodine is an essential nutrient that humans MUST get from their diet (or supplements). We can not create it ourselves and we need it to function. 

Insufficient iodine is associated with hypothyroidism and low IQ in newborns if the mother is deficient. 

This is why the government places iodine in certain foods (such as salt). 

The problem doesn’t come with knowing its importance but with understanding how to supplement it correctly. 

Taking excessive iodine can be harmful to your thyroid gland while taking an insufficient amount can be damaging as well. 

Iodine, like iron, is another nutrient you don’t want to have too much of, just like you don’t want to have too little.

Finding that balance can be difficult.

Another problem with Iodine supplementation is that it can displace other halides (31) which stick to thyroid hormone molecules but inactivate the thyroid hormone. 

I’m talking about fluoride, bromide, and chloride.

the periodic table of elements with the halides boxed in.

You can see from the image above that iodine, fluoride, chloride, and bromide all share a similar structure in terms of their electron outer shell. 

What that means to you is that these other chemicals can displace iodine on thyroid hormone and cause cellular hypothyroidism with “normal” thyroid labs.

And, when you give a patient who has this issue iodine, it may displace the other chemicals and cause a detox reaction. 

The detox reaction shares the symptoms of bromoderma and bromism (but usually not as severe).

​The detox reaction can present as worsening thyroid symptoms, acne, pustules in the face, nausea/vomiting, irritability, etc. 

These symptoms are often confused with a negative reaction to the iodine itself when in fact the symptoms are due to the detoxification of the other halides in the body. ​

Dosing Iodine & Safety for Thyroid Patients

Some people are hesitant to use iodine because they believe it is dangerous and that it may make their thyroid function worse. 

This fear is largely unfounded, provided you use the appropriate dose of iodine. 

There are several stories, even some on this blog, of patients reporting that taking high doses of iodine triggered Hashimoto’s in their bodies. 

Some clinical studies also confirm that there is a relationship between the development of Hashimoto’s and iodine use (32). 

My personal opinion is that iodine is not necessarily causing Hashimoto’s in these individuals but accelerating the disease which probably would have eventually established itself at some point in the future. 

This potential outcome, while rare, can be avoided by taking iodine with other thyroid-protective nutrients such as selenium. 

You can also protect against negative outcomes by taking a low to moderate dose of iodine and by avoiding excessively high doses. 

Some people are able to take 25 to 50mg (milligrams) per day without any issues. These people often recommend that everyone takes doses in this range. 

To put this into perspective, 1mg is equal to 1,000 mcg. So 25 mg of iodine is equal to 25,000 mcg or roughly 125x the dose that I recommend. 

You may be able to titrate up to that dose without harm, but the potential negative effects outweigh the small potential benefit in my opinion. 

Stick to doses of 75 mcg to 300 mcg per day and take your iodine with selenium and zinc and you shouldn’t have any issues. 

Negative Iodine Reactions in Hashimoto’s Patients

Based on my experience, when iodine is dosed correctly, abnormal reactions are very rare.

While this is anecdotal evidence, it may calm your mind to know that out of thousands of people who have taken iodine very few reacted negatively to it. 

If you start with a low dose (100-300 mcg per day) then you can easily reduce or stop taking iodine quite easily. 

If you experience the side effects of bromism or bromoderma, then cut your dose and try again after several days. 

Experiencing acne or a rash after taking iodine does not mean you don’t need iodine, but it may mean your dose is too high. 

Thyroid Supplements are only Part of Treating your Thyroid

As I’ve mentioned above, these supplements can definitely offer therapeutic benefits to many patients…

But they shouldn’t be used alone.

Thyroid supplements should be used as part of a treatment plan that attempts to remove all negative stressors from life and put back in the things which your body lacks.

That means proper diet, stress reduction techniques, the right amount of sleep, and exercise are all JUST as (if not more important) than replacing these lost nutrients. ​

For more info on where to start adding in these other areas please see my post here.

To wrap it up:

These 9 Thyroid supplements, if used in the right scenario, can help boost thyroid function and help reduce your symptoms:

  • Vitamin B12 (Remember you need either sublingual or injections)
  • Adrenal support (Thyroid function and adrenal function are linked)
  • Zinc
  • Iron (You need just the right amount – not too much and not too little)
  • Magnesium (Magnesium citrate for constipation, glycinate for hypothyroidism, and threonate for anxiety/depression)
  • Selenium (Very helpful in patients with Hashimoto’s)
  • Probiotics (Put preference on soil-based organisms, bifido and lacto strains, and beneficial yeast)
  • Proteolytic enzymes (Helpful in digesting food and breaking down immune complexes)
  • Iodine

Now it’s your turn:

Have you tried the supplements on this list?

If so, have they helped improve your thyroid? Why or why not?

Are you planning on using any of the supplements listed here? Why or why not?

Leave your questions or comments below!

Scientific References

#1. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/68/2/447S.abstract

#2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1395247/

#3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5015041/

#4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7776715

#5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18655403

#6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15681626

#7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3520819/

#8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503954/

#9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16261511

#10. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8834378

#11. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9701160

#12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746228/

#13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746228/

#14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29033409

#15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28634965

#16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6940487

#17. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC292768/pdf/jcinvest00264-0105.pdf

#18. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3336286

#19. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4455825/

#20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22364157

#21. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8834378

#22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11932302

#23. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22009156

#24. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2721352/

#25. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16837619?dopt=Abstract

#26. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3049061

#27. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4036413/

#28. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4908950/

#29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28866243

#30. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20351569

#31. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3266166/

#32. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11751062/

9 thyroid supplements you should be taking pinterest image.

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

152 thoughts on “9 Of The Best Thyroid Supplements (These Work)”

  1. Hello Dr.Child’s. I have been reading your articles the one I just got done reading regarding the thyroid and weight loss. I had thyroid cancer a couple years ago but I am all good cancer free now. I am having major issues with my weight now. I am doing everything I can to try to get the weight off butt it’s not working. I’m eating steamed veggies, fruit and salads every day and going to the gym and nothing’s working. I’m still gaining weight. My bones are very weak so my doctor said the weight is why I’m in horrible pain all the time. I’m taking pain meds every day now and they said I’m doing everything right and they are telling me that nothing else can be done to help me.
    Dr. Child’s I’m 42 and in such bad shape I can’t work and I’m on disability. I need my help. I need my life back. I honestly don’t know what to do! Can you please help me. Please Dr. Child’s I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m really trying to get my health back on track.
    I appreciate you taking the time to read this and any help you offer me I would appreciate it.
    Rhonda Robison

    Below is my contact info:

    **(Edited out personal contact info)**

    • Hey Rhonda,

      Thanks for the comment and I’m sorry to hear about your situation! If you haven’t already I would check out this video which explains in detail the hormone imbalances that lead to weight loss resistance and many of the symptoms you are experiencing: https://youtu.be/Cy5ep4BhT5Q

    • What an informative article. My homeopath diagnosed leaky gut,adrenal fatigue & hypothyroid. He put me on a Mediterranean diet & a host of herbs. I’m grateful for this article. I realise that the hypothyroid & leaky gut greatly caused my out of control fibromyalgia & asthma. I have never felt so empowered. Thank you. I’m hoping to go to work longer than two weeks,which is something I have not been able to do for the past 4 years,unfortunately.Very frustrating & discouraging I should say…

  2. Hi,
    I stumbled upon u on Facebook and luv how u explain things. Can 1 multi vit take care of most symptoms? Within range for thyroid w small normal thyroid nodules and horrible weight issues.

    • Hey G,

      I generally don’t recommend taking multivitamins because it’s a spray and pray approach. I’ve found that a more targeted approach based off of documented deficiencies to be more effective.

  3. should I take valentus slimroast coffee with nature-throi 65 mg?

    I love the coffee, want to lose weight as naturally as possible but don’t want to mess up my thryroid or body.


    • Hey Joyce,

      I generally wouldn’t recommend taking anything near your thyroid dose as you don’t want it to impede absorption. Coffee can be ok depending on adrenal status.

      • I have had to take my own thyroid health into my own hands. I could not get the doctor go beyond the TSH test. He would not do a full panel workup. I started taking all the supplements that you suggests. I did this on my own 6 years ago, I now have energy, am sleeping better, my immune system is great( have not been sick in years without vaccines), no longer have fibromyalgia. The proof is in the pudding. This regimen works.

  4. Dr. Westin Childs,
    I see you recommend taking probiotics– which is something I’ve read quite a bit about. But I’ve also read that most probiotics are destroyed by stomach acid, and so they’re completely useless. How can I know that the probiotic is actually making it to my intestines, and isn’t being destroyed in my stomach?
    Thanks so much!

    • Hey Jennifer,

      Soil based organisms are more hearty than lactose based probiotics and are not only heat stable but can withstand gastric acid as well which is what I recommend above.

  5. Dr.Childs I was diagosised with hashimoto and for about a month I felt better. I was exercising eating better loosing weight and taking mist of the recommendation of vitimins except zinc and selenium. I had not got those yet. When suddenly I started not to be ablessed to sleep at night. I was not even sleepy during the day. This thru me off and I had to try taking sleeping aid. Which u cud then imagine I became completely exhausted regaining g weight and not having enough energy to move. I thought it was the supplements so I stop everything. What cud or should I have done, or ideas how to get back up again???

    • Hey Tonya,

      I couldn’t say for sure with that limited history, it could be adrenal related, thyroid related or some other imbalance.

    • Hey Ashley,

      I generally don’t recommend taking calcium, most people with calcium issues have vitamin K2 and vitamin D issues – not calcium issues.

  6. Dr. Westin, I have been debating back and forth over buying your consult program. I have been let down by so many doctors. My main question for you is, do you walk your patients through the process. Do you give steps and exact instructions (exp dosing for adrenal fatigue)

    • Hey Emily,

      I don’t recommend purchasing the program unless you are 100% sure that I can help you. I would keep reading my resources and videos and sign up if you feel that way in the future. I expect a lot out of my patients and that’s part of the reason why they get great results.

  7. Hi Dr. I was dx with Hashimotos a number of years ago which I have concurrently been supplementing with levothyroxine 137 mg… with no improvement of sx. I take it appropriately at roughly the same time daily on an empty stomach so on and so on. I also take selenium which made c a world of difference initially. I am curious about these other nutrients u have mentioned but am not great at taking pills. Is there any options for combined items? I tend to say forget it if I have to take 15 pills lol. But I’m tired of being tired… I have issues with my bowels… difficulty sleeping… restless leg… nails are crap… can’t lose weight… brain fog… irritation… anger… depression.. and prob more.

    • Hey Amy,

      I’ve found that if patients are ready to feel better they are willing to take the time to take the supplements.

      I generally recommend against taking multivitamins due to dosage issues and quality issues.

  8. I am starting treatment for adrenal fatigue. Hydrocortisone. I also have hashimotos. I have been doing the HIIT workouts 2-3x/wk but now am wondering if I should stop those until my adrenals are healed. Could you give some insight on that?
    Also how long does it normally take to heal adrenals if I am following the protocal to the t?

    • Hey Emily,

      Those are questions I would take to your current physician, I can’t answer because I don’t know your history.

  9. Dr. Childs, I took the iodine 3 years ago because I was diagnosed with Graves disease. I did OK until 1 year ago when I went hypo all at once. Unfortunately I didn’t have the best endocrinologist .. I’m now suffering from many different problems, overweight (can’t lose a pound) constipation, horrible bloating, swelling depression and now the newest diabetes. Although it’s borderline I can see this becoming an issue if I don’t lose the weight! Please help!

  10. In Feb. 2016 my TPO Ab was 179, TSH was 0.057, free T4 was 1.38, free T3 was 2.5. I take 600 of selenium a day but I wonder if probiotics will do me any good. I take Natural Calm (magnesium) for constipation too. I take 100mcg. of synthroid a day along with vitamin D3, selenium, magnesium, multivitamin. Should I be concerned with a 179 TPO Ab?

    • Hey Mary,

      I would be concerned if you were coming to see me, but I guess it depends on your outlook 🙂 It’s something I wouldn’t leave untreated…

  11. Thankyou so much for your information that was so easy and informative. There is so much out there to read but is was all beginning to look and sound the same. I am a hypothyroid which was finally diagnosed after years off illness and operations to find my symptoms would not go away. Even though I am taking Orixine (9 months) I have not noticed much of an improvement , feel worse at times, and am still putting on weight even though I follow diet and exercise regularly. What can you suggest that I can or could do

    • Hey Kim,

      The biggest secret, if there was a secret, to treating hypothyroidism is that every patient is different and requires their own treatment plan. You can spend hundreds of hours reading everything there is to know and still not feel better – the best advice I can give you is to find someone to help. I can’t give you any advice here because there could be 100 things preventing you from feeling better and it takes a while to figure out the primary case.

  12. I have Hashimoto’s and plan to try the following supplements- B-12, D, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium. Based on my symptoms, I may also need an adrenal supplement. Shortly after I was diagnosed, I became gluten free. Eliminating gluten helped me a lot for a while (so much so that I went off my levothyroxine twice, but then discovered that it was the combination of the two that was working for me). I am now beginning to have symptoms again and feel that maybe the supplements may help. My question – is there an optimal way or time of day to take these supplements? I know not to take iron with my levothyroxine. I also take Atorvastatin for my cholesterol which is recommended to be taken at night.

  13. What a wonderful way to openly share you knowledge with, thank you so much for this incredible information, I was diagnose with hypothyroidism last month and I was prescribe with Synthroid my colon, I feel so sick every time I eat and very disturb in my colon, its any chance that this med is creating this condition, knowing that has lots of chemicals, what it will be the best natural hormone if there is any best that you suggest ? perhaps Armour Thyroid. Thanks again!!!

    • Hey Zully,

      Thank you, I hope you find it helpful!

      If you are experiencing side effects with levothyroxine you could try the 50mcg tablet which has less fillers or dyes or switch to armour/naturethroid/wp thyroid. It’s worth pointing out that WP thyroid has the fewest inactive ingredients.

  14. Hi,

    I’ve been taking a multi vitamin along with a thyroid complex, biotin, omega 3,and a probiotic. From the looks of it, I should take out the multi but are the others ok? And what times do I take them seeing that some of them interfere with the levothyroxin absorbsion.

    • Hey Patty,

      It really just depends on what your labs look like, you might actually need the multivitamin – I just don’t typically recommend them. When in doubt take supplements at the opposite time of day as you take your thyroid medication.

  15. Can a thyroid patient T.T. have sea salt ? And if yes how far apart from dosing with thyroid meds ? Also how can one raise basal body temperature and what is the optimum temperature to have ? One always hears and reads different variations .

    • Hey Hadassah,

      Yes, you can have sea salt. When in doubt take it as far away from your thyroid medication as possible 🙂

      Raising body temp is not as simple as doing 1 or 2 things, you need to find the reason for your low body temperature and then treat that.

  16. I am taking many of the nutrients you list except iodine, adaptogens, enzymes, and iron. I will buy enzymes since I’ve had digestive/gut issues, though I am nervous to order iodine and iron without proper testing. My osteopath does not discuss any nutrients except vitamin D and B’s. I’ve learned on my own through you and others what I need to take.
    It’s confusing as I hear we should not take zinc for an extended period (I’m currently taking 30mg/day with C. My immune system is down since I just caught a cold virus from someone. What else can I do at this point? Keep taking the zinc, or supplement with copper as well as I’ve read that if one takes zinc they should also take copper. Since I have Hashimoto’s, this is a key nutrient, correct?

  17. Dr.

    As a doctor would you find it offensive for a patient to come in and request the labs you’ve outlined to test levels for supplementation? I have had so many test done but I have a hard time figuring out if they are looking at the right indicators.

    Do they have to indicate each item for the lab or is there a “Thyroid” specific one I can mention that will cover all the right ones that need to be tested?


    • Hey Emily,

      I wouldn’t find it offensive but I know there are other Doctors who would. If you wanted all of these tests you would have to specifically ask for them which is why most Doctors might decline (it would add probably 20-30 minutes to their day).

  18. Hi Dr. Childs! You invited me to your page via Fb. I am so glad you did! After watching a couple of your videos, I couldn’t help but to comment and put a little of my background out. I’ve had hypothyroidism for almost 15 years now and I have not felt better since I’ve been getting treated. I was hyper and had the RAI treatment. Since then I’ve been on a level dose of Levothyroxine 100mcg. After no improvement of symptoms, I’ve basically been demanding my GP to try another treatment plan by switching to a natural dessicated hormone replacement but he refused. After 13 years of horrible treatment, terrible symptoms and “normal” labs, I decided to try a Naturopathic approach with a ND. She ordered a full thyroid panel test, tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and a couple more panel test. This is what stood out to her. I was in the normal range at a 4.8 tsh, fT3 was 2.3, vitamin d was at a “9.3” b12 was at the lower normal range, and my testosterone was abnormal. She started treating me with natural supplements then out of the blue she started canceling all of my follow up appointments. I was so lost because I was paying out of pocket to get disappointed. Since then I’ve been taking my T4 every so often because of the terrible symptoms. I don’t know where I stand as of now. I’m always fatigued regardless of whether or not I take my meds, depressed, anxious, and at sometimes feel depersonalized. I’m so sorry to get on here ranting but I’m 29 and I know there’s more to life than this. I’d just like to feel normal and do things that I see others do. Please, help! Any kind of guidance or comments will greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

    • Hey Debby,

      It depends on the patient, some do well and some do not. I have a system for evaluating who will do well on it and who won’t that I use, but even then it isn’t always 100% accurate.

  19. Hi…..I am tired all the time,can’t lose weight no matter how hard I try and when I had my TSH drawn it was 4.08. What can I take over the counter to make myself feel better since a doctor will not treat me for hypothyroid because my number is considered to be ‘normal’???

    • Hey Misty,

      This post is all about taking supplements to help improve thyroid function but realize there’s only so much you can do to improve thyroid function without the use of medication (depending on the cause of hypothyroidism).

    • Please find another doctor to treat your thyroid. It makes me sick when I hear that some doctors won’t treat it. Maybe you could look for an integrated medicine doctor or an endocrinologist in your area. I have found that you must be your own advocate. If you think you need the medication please pursue it. I have been dealing with Hoshimoto’s since I was 14. Best of luck.

  20. Hi, I’m wondering about using these nutrients if someone is already on Thyroid hormones? Specifically Iodine and tyrosine. Are they contraindicated?
    Thanks! 🙂

    • Hey Mazzie,

      Not necessarily but it depends on the situation, I would seek out further recommendations from your integrative physician prior to using them.

      • Thanks! Its for a friend, he is on a high dose of levothyroxine and has normal and stable labs. I was going to suggest for him to start on a very low dose to see if it might help. You mention in your blog to start low and watch for any changes or symptoms?

        • Starting those supplements can occasionally make some patients worse, so I don’t recommend doing it without some understanding of how to dose/titrate supplements.

  21. Hello Dr, I’m in the uk, had a total thyroidectomy in 2001 and have been on levo since then, after an awful battle and some private blood tests my endo has agreed that I can trial NDT at my own cost. I had low Vit d, low ferate, low iron so I started supplementing these before I changed to NDT. I purchased Thyroid-s recently and changed over 3 days ago. I am trying to manage this myself, however the NHS will not test for T3 so I am struggling.

    • Hey Claire,

      I think many patients (even some providers) think that it’s as easy as just switching medications and then you get significant improvement. For some patients it takes some time to figure out the correct dose of T3 necessary for optimal results. In doing this you need to take into account absorption of the thyroid medication, T4 to T3 conversion (means you need to check both free T3 & reverse T3) and reactions to inactive ingredients, etc. I will say that most of my patients need more T3 relative to the static dose of T3 that comes in NDT.

      That process of managing the T3 is what takes time and some degree of trial and error.

      • Hello Dr Childs, well they wont issue NDT or T3 in the uk, and I wish there was someone like you in the Uk as I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle all of the time, for the last 3 years I’ve been told I’m depressed and pre menopausal and its all in my mind, I kept saying I wasn’t getting on with Levothyroxine, but they think that cures all thyroid problems, but do not stop to look at those who do not have a thyroid. I will have to privately test for T3 to try and keep an eye on this, Just want to start to feel normal again!

        • I know you can get NDT in the UK because I have a few patients who are there currently getting it. I don’t think it’s easy to get, but somehow it is available.

        • Hello Claire, I get NDT in the UK. I am sure I can get T3 too. To get T3 I think you need to see an endocrinologist. Have you tried to speak to a private Dr? I did that and then in time I asked my NHS Dr to prescribe the same.

  22. Dr. Childs,
    I recently relocated to the Las Vegas area and I am at a loss as to how to connect with a Dr. willing to work
    with me. Asking around doesn’t help due to the many nuances of my condition. My thyroid was radiated in 2003 after years of struggling with Hashimotos. I’m 58, basically healthy but I feel my health and life quality is subpar due to many horomone imbalances. My Dr. (located in another state) won’t consider looking at T3 supplementation. Is there a network or organization to assist in locating a qualified physician? Thanks.

  23. Hi Dr

    I’m writing to you from Italy where I have been to over 10 Endocrinologists in the last year to help me but still I am not happy. Since starting on Levo in 2012, I have put on 50 kgs and when I tell the specialists that they think I am just lazy. T3 is out of the question over here and when I did mention them to the Drs they said that here in Italy ‘we don’t advise using them’!!! I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto and I am Hypo.
    My question is, can I take the supplements while on Levo or must I wean off them while taking the supplements?

    Please can you help me. I am desperate to get my energy levels up and weight down.

    Many thanks for the interesting articles you write.


  24. Dr. Childs, I was diagnosed in 2002 with auto immune hypothyroidism. I have been on various doses of L-throxine since then. My previous doctor left the practice so I was forced to find a new physician. While discussing consistent increasing THS numbers, my doctor indicated that Armour thyroid might be a better fit for me. I have only been on it for two weeks so far. I was looking for info about conversion from one medicine to another when I found your blog. I did watch the video about this. I also watched the video about 9 Supplements for thyroid. I would like to share this with my doctor, but could not find where I could actually print off a copy of your blog. Is this possible?

  25. Hi Dr. Childs,
    Can you take all 9 supplements + berberine + alpha lipoic acid all at the same time (all the “with meals” ones together 2-3x/day and “without meals” ones in between meals) ? Thanks!

    • Hey Jenny,

      I probably wouldn’t recommend taking all of them like that, instead I would space them out and rotate through them to avoid reactions/binding/absorption issues, etc.

  26. Hi Dr. Childs
    I had tremendous success with the selenium supplement, SelenoPrecise. It really helped with my selenium deficiency, inflammation, hair and immune system.
    My mom has used J Crow’s Lugol’s Iodine Solution with really good results to bring her out of her iodine deficiency.
    What is your experience with those supplements?

  27. Dr. Childs,
    I had my thyroid removed 5 months ago and have been on 150 mg. Levothyroxine ever since. Two weeks ago I had a severe breakout of cystic acne on my hairline, jaw, in front of and behind my ears and on my back. Could this be related to the Levothyroxine use? My T3,T4 and TSH levels are normal.

    • Hi Judith,

      It’s possible but unlikely, it’s more likely related to some other incident. There would be little for a steady dose of thyroid hormone to suddenly cause this issue if you’ve been tolerating it just fine.

  28. My vitamin d was low my doctor recommended me taking calcium 600 with vitamin d 800 I have hypothyroidism. But I read where you don’t recommend calcium can I just take vitamin d and how much.my level was 22. Thank,you

    • Hi Jamie,

      Vitamin D should be taken with Vitamin K2 to help regulate calcium in the body. You can take Vitamin D without the calcium though, if you’d like.

  29. I came across this while researching the interaction of thyroid function in menopause, as well as its function in metabolism in aging men and women. Thank you for writing an intelligent piece that went into greater detail than the multitude of generalized info that most websites carry. For example, I hadn’t considered how fluoride could be a problem, as it could fill in as an elemental substitute for iodine, as can the other halides – common sense and great point! It also reminds me of how research is investigating why perhaps post-menopausal women do better in absorbing strontium instead of calcium. I tried discussing that concept with a physician once, mentioning how the two elemental metals are similar enough that it could make sense because both have two valence electrons. That physician looked at me like I had two heads and changed the topic. Wow. One reason that I do my own research now in trying to understand issues affecting wellness. Need more folks like you in the system. Badly.

    • Hi Loretta,

      Thanks for the comments and I hope you enjoyed the article. Standard and conventional medicine has become somewhat “cookie cutter” as of late, where algorithms have replaced careful though and consideration.

      In regards to strontium, I have read studies showing that it can improve skeletal microarchitecture – but would have to dig into the science further to make any educated recommendations regarding for or against its use. This was the article I remember reading: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898000/

  30. Hi Dr. Childs!
    I have had hypothyroidism since I was 10 and now I am 29 years old. I was on levothyroxine but my thyroid levels were very low so I was changed to Novotiral. I was on multivitamins but the doctor said I don’t need them. Eventhough, I had more energy when I was taking them. Should I go back to drinking multivitamins?

    • Hi Lucia,

      If you felt better taking the vitamins, and they weren’t causing harm, I would see no reason why you shouldn’t continue taking them.

  31. Dear Dr Childs

    I have had an overactive thyroid for two years now and have been told that my thyroid must come out which I feel will be a relief at this stage as I can no longer deal with the symptoms such as being extremely hot, shaky hands, lack of sleep, agitation and so on. I have been taking Carbimazole and Propylthiouracil with little success.

    I am very prone to weight gain at the best of times and do take Zoloft 100mg too so am extremely anxious about gaining weight when my thyroid comes out and I then become underactive.

    Can you please advise me on how to avoid this weight loss as I am beside myself with worry about this.

    Thank you


    • Hi Jacqui,

      The best way to prevent weight gain post thyroidectomy is to make sure everything is in order prior to the procedure, that means take care of existing hormone imbalances (aside from the thyroid), nutrient deficiencies, dietary habits, etc.

  32. Hello Dr, what would say is a normal tsh range for pregnancy? I had my thyroid removed two years ago due to thyroid cancer and have pretty much been hypothyroid since then. My tsh and synthyroid dosages have been all over the place. At the beginning of the year it seems i finally hit a slightly better place. I am taking synthroid 137mcg and had a tsh of 0.52 which seems high to me. Normal range is 2-4 for tsh. But i was told in pregnancy it is O.50-2.5 so muy endo will not change prescription. I am 20 weeks and have been. Extremely tired and nauseous. This is my 2nd pregnancy and my first there was no nausea and minimal fatigue. I was told my symptoms( which i have been Extremely tired since TT) are related to pregnancy and not thyroid. What do u think?

    Thank you.

  33. Why does my insurance not cover additional blood tests for T3 or T4 levels? They will only cover the TSH test which always comes back as low normal. ?what is low normal. I have 90% of the list of symtoms for a long period of time (years).

    • Hi Katherine,

      I’ve never had issues with insurance covering basic thyroid lab tests for my patients so I can’t really speak to that specific problem.

  34. Why won’t doctors use Natural Thyroid Meds anymore? I took them since I was 2 yrs old but when I was expecting my first child 41 yrs ago the doctor put me on Synthroid. He said that what I was taking wasn’t doing the job. Why couldn’t he just increase my dosage? Now the doctors will not switch me back. They try to tell me that Synthroid is just as good as Natural Thyroid which I do NOT believe. Because now that I’m on Synthroid I’m having trouble with my weight which I never had when I was on the Natural Thyroid. Also, I wouldn’t have to take as much. Now I take 200mcgs on Saturday & Sunday & the rest of the week I take 212mcgs. Do you know what that equals to in Natural Thyroid? I’m sure that it’s not that high of a dosage.

  35. Can I substitute these supplements for levothyroxine? I stopped taking the medication after significant weight gain and worsening of fatigue. I was diagnosed with hashimotos. I just felt generalized by my physician. No explanation as to why. I don’t like pain medication or pharmaceutical drugs so if I can use this supplement method could I manage my symptoms but also will it help produce tsh?

  36. Hello from Aussie Land,

    thanks for the information, I am fed up with Hashimotos, its been a long haul for me and I am now in my late 50’s and menopause is playing just as much havoc. Re the supplements. do you recommend long haul with them or is there a “blended” boost that can get you started? I am concerned about the number of supplements and the amounts. thanks Angie

    • Hi Angie,

      You don’t have to take all of the supplements all at the same time but I don’t recommend using blended supplements as they just don’t work.

  37. I just need some guidance. My ND is great but not as well versed as I’d like when it comes to T3 challenges. My t3 is low (normal range but the lowest it could be) tsh is 1.35 and t4 was optimal. I have had hypo symptoms for a while and all became way worse after my son was born 18 months ago. I have a ferritin of 13… was 6 while I wasn’t eating meat or taking supplements, after birth I found out how serious that was and began to eat red meat and take supplements. (Vegetarian for 20 years and raw foodist off and on). My ferritin then was 10, 12, 15 each after two months of regiment and then started intravenous shots and it went up to 19 after 4 weeks, 4 shots. Then 6 weeks of supplements and back down to 13! I don’t know where to start. How do I heal? WhAt are the steps to take? I am gluten free and I only eat goat dairy on occasion. I go back and forth w higher protein consumption because I just get confused w all the controversy. I cannot lose weight or tone. My hair is dry and was falling out and seems to be slowing thankfully. My nails are bumpy and my skin is the opposite of glowing. I take forever to heal from colds and I bruise super easy too. Plus I have insomnia, I fall asleep great but struggle staying asleep. I am having my adrenals checked and a stool test for candida. I just did a but permiabity test last week. Results not in. Insights? Thank you!!!!

  38. My aunt was just recently diagnosed with low thyroid and it came as a shock. Actually, it shouldn’t have been so much of a shock as she had many of the typical signs of low performing thyroid. I am anxiously awaiting the day when we use more of the tests at our disposal to diagnose this condition. I appreciate the focus on natural supplements and will pass this article on to her. Thanks for sharing!

  39. hi Doc, I cant buy your Vitamin-B12 as in Australia, do you have a recommendation or I can buy your B12 elsewhere who will export it to Australia?

    So many synthetic etc here and almost impossible to find the right stuff.

    May thanks and fantastic article + video 🙂

  40. Can NAC be taken with your suggested vitamins? I have Hashimoto with a TPO of 1219 / ThrogublulinAB 254 / TSH 21.3 / and Vit D of 23.1. My T4 (total, free) and T3 (free, total and reverse) are all within normal ranges.
    Thank you.

  41. I was operated on for papillary thyroid carcinoma 8yrs ago cancer. I was fine however now I have severe weakness and wt. gain, I’m taking a multivitamin, multimineral tablets but nothing seems to help, kindly advise.

    • Hi Dr. Jadhav,

      I would make sure to evaluate your total T3 and free T3 which tend to be the most important marker when it comes to weight loss. If your T3 is low then you should focus on supplements to help promote T4 to T3 conversion.

  42. Hello Dr. Childs,

    I am super impressed with your article about the 9 supplements which boost thyroid function. You seem to know more than the average M.D. and endocrinologist. I hope a lot of them read your literature. I have good long-term friends from Russia, and they would be impressed by you, also I believe. They often feel American M.D.s just skim the surface in knowledge and depth.

    Anyhow, I am 57 & without health insurance. My hospital, the Cleveland Clinic, has approved me for care a few times at a per gratis rate. They have been wonderful to me in this. I have symptoms of hypothyroid and been told by a few M.Ds that my “thyroid level was borderline low”. So, my TSH is 1.1 now on the replacement. It was 3.0. I feel better, but still with sx of hypothyroidism. I’ll remember this article fondly and use it!

  43. Hello Dr. Childs,

    I had a complete thyroid removal 5 years ago, and have just now found your website & blog. Should I be supplementing Iodine, since I do not have a thyroid? I already supplement most of the other items on your list, iodine is the only one I do not supplement currently.

  44. Have you heard about people developing antibidies to Armour thyroid? I was feeling great on it and suddenly developed antibodies and my thyroid started dropping. Could I just have gotten a bad batch? I tried synthroid and liothyronine and felt worse. First hypo the hyperthyroid. Now NP thyroid that stinks like a dead animal. I loved this info in your article. I may stop the medication and just try supplementation for awhile.

    • Hi Robin,

      Yes, armour thyroid is typically porcine-derived which means your body can recognize it as foreign which may spark autoimmunity.

  45. Hello there
    Thankyou so so much for taking the time to write such a detailed blog post.
    I underwent a lobectomy in 2014 of the right side of my thyroid following inconclusive biopsy results. During surgery it was determined to be benign. I began on levothyroxine and symptoms I’d been struggling with for years (genuinely believing myself to be crazy) disappeared. I also removed grains, gluten, cow dairy, caffeine and processed sugar from my diet and felt amazing. A year ago when teaching yoga I was aware of a lump in my throat… And symptoms had begun to return… Aching legs. Weight gain. Exhaustion… A lump on the other side.. Considerable size. I had a total thyroidectomy three weeks ago and have had levothyroxine increased from 100 to 150 mg… I’m a pt, nutritionist and yoga teacher… I am currently exhausted. I’ve gained a stone in weight and severe muscle wastage in the 3 weeks… I developed restless legs about 6 months ago…
    I don’t recognise my body and will try these supplements…. Can most be taken together?

    • Hi Katie,

      Yes, most of these supplements can be taken together without any issue, but you will want to start slow and add them in as you tolerate them.

  46. Hello, Do you recommend taking all of these supplements? There are a ton of thyroid support meds on the market that have some of the supplements you have recommended. Can you suggest a brand that includes some of the supplements you suggest. Should they be taken a certain amount of time after thyroid meds?
    I had a throidectomy a few years back and recently have struggled with hypothyroidism and have all the symptoms. I take levoxy and nature’s thyroid.
    Thank for the help.

  47. Hello Dr. Childs, I’m taking time to post to the blog because I found your visual of the thyroid & the 9 potential factors when I knew my thyroid had declined, but all traditional doctors kept telling me I was “fine”. The image comes up in many Google keyword searches, and since so many people may see it, I thought 1 additional variable may be worth considering. I used your blog & the photo for my own self-tests over the last 9 months. I finally just learned that none of the 9 resolved my low T4, high RT3, high antibodies, & average FT3. What did finally turn it around was progesterone. After a period of getting it in balance, my symptoms shifted. So, I thought it was worth mentioning a possible #10. Thank you for the picture; I think it makes absorbing the lesson much easier!

    • Hi Danielle,

      Thanks for sharing your story! I’m set to update some blog posts in 2019 so I will add it to my list.

    • Hi Carlina,

      Thanks for letting me know! I am going to update this list for 2019 in about a week, so I will make sure to update those recommendations. I will be adding some and taking away some based on new information.

  48. I loved the info. I had thyroid removed due to cancer 15 yrs ago. I take both levoxyll and Armour Thyroid. I feel awful. Looking for help.

  49. Dr. Childs
    I have what they call Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. I’ve had a real tough time losing weight. Just about the time I lose some, the Drs put me on a lower dose of Synthroid & I gain the weight back again. Are there any suggestions you can give me? Thank you.

  50. Great presentation, my doctor has checked all of these levels. Was taking additional B12 because I had read how important it was for hypothyroidism and it came out above the high range. My doctor asked me to stop all B12 for 3 months and I am very concerned about doing this. I can see lowering the amount but not stopping. Also, can you tell a good supplement for high cortisol? Mine has been above the normal range for the last 3 years, due to taking care of two sick elderly parents. Thank you, I truly enjoy your articles and podcast.

  51. Are you and Dr. Gundry friends (plant paradox)?
    I like what you write about and pretty much parallel Gundry.
    I’m Ana positive tpoab@37
    Starting my journey on healing myself.

    • Hi Steve,

      Nope! I have never met Dr. Gundry but I have heard of him. I’m not familiar with what he says but if its anything like what I say then I bet we would get along 🙂

  52. Hello! I am SO beyond grateful to have found this website after my thyroid seemed to take a turn for the worse (and of course, because my TSH levels were normal, my doctor wasn’t concerned. UGH) Anywaaay, I started taking your adrenal support complex this week, and noticed my urine has been bright yellow/green. My only concern is…is it all for naught; am I just peeing out all the vitamins/nutrients?

    • Hi HL,

      No 🙂 It contains high doses of B6 which is what you are seeing and that’s not abnormal. I can assure you that the majority of it is being absorbed.

  53. I’m on synthroid 112. I don’t have a thyroid. Would taking these supplements still help me. I have small red blood cells,my lymphocytes absolute is low 716.

    • I had my thyroid taken out do to cancer. I have terrible hair loss brittle splitting nails hard time losing weight and I don’t know what sleep,is.

  54. I had my thyroid taken out do to cancer. I have terrible hair loss, brittle, splitting nails, and can not losing weight and I am tired even if I get 8 hours of sleep. Would these supplement help

  55. I have hypothyroidism my Dr prescribed Levothyroxine 25mg my B12 is normal. After 6 weeks my blood test result show normal, I had to stopped taking it because I am having side effects headaches and nervousness. Since I was on a low dose Levothyroxine do I need to take all the supplements you recommended? Thanks

  56. I have Hashimotos and tried an iodine supplement of only 100% RDA. It completely stopped my digestion and I had indigestion for about two or three weeks before it subsided. I felt good on it otherwise, but the digestive side effect was horrible. I then tried it again in a topical version and had the exact same reaction. I just can’t handle it even though it feels otherwise really good when I take it. (Less brain fog). I read recently that the digestive is a rare side effect but when you get it it’s extreme. Probably some genetic reason for it. Can’t wait for personalized medicine.

  57. I have not read any comments here experiencing pressure urticaria (hives). I’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto years ago and am currently on 137 dose of levotheroxine. I’ve developed the urticaria Oct 2019 and as you can imagine am quite frustrated at living with itching skin. I’ve always had sensitive skin and so only use soap products for that and recommended by my derm Dr. I’ve been on a gluten free diet for about 4 weeks now but not feeling a difference in the degree of urticaria. Have any of your patients experienced this skin issue and any suggestions as to how to sesolve?
    Thank you.

  58. Hi Dr. Childs, first of all I want to thank you so much for educating me on hypothyroidism. I’ve had it for 12 years and it’s only this year that I’ve decided to look more into supplements and see what I can do to help myself given that my levo dosages keeps increasing every year or so.

    Do you have a recommendation of what supplements are best to take together, or in the morning vs evening? Thank You!

  59. I love this article. If you don’t mind I have a question. I had half of my thyroid removed due to precancerous. After that surgery I did fine. Approximately 2 yrs later the same happened to the other side so I now have no thyroid. I 19 yrs later and I take synthroid 200. My weight jumped very rapidly and size jump 7 times. I have many health issues and was wondering would all of this help me without a thyroid? Thank you, Julia Newkirk

    • Hi Julia,

      Yep! Much of the information here applies to those without a thyroid. I also have a specific article on my blog directed at those without a thyroid which outlines which supplements are beneficial in that case.

  60. hi im veronica i have a thyriod promblem in my thruoght if taking this med all 5 of them that you talking about really gonna help me with my thyriod problem im been sufering anixcity depression and ear infection taking antibiotics i think all this cause me the thyriod infection can u pltheease tell if i take all 5 of these u say will help me get ride of thyriod promble that i have if its safe for me i dont want to get sick i want to get cured

  61. You may want to have your editor revisit this sentence:

    “You can avoid this issue by ensuring that you take your thyroid medication at least 2-4 hours AWAY from your thyroid medication.”

    No need to post. Thank you.

  62. My Nurse Practitioner asked me if the endocrinologist who diagnosed me with hypothyroidism in 2012 had run an autoimmune test. I didn’t remember and she said that she could run the tests but now years afterward the test might not be high yield as the thyroid tends to settle down and there might not be a good way to tell if it started out as Hashimoto’s but now looked like regular hypothyroidism. Does this sound correct to you?

  63. Hi Doctor,
    Thank you so much for this amazing resource!!

    Have you ever heard of zinc intolerance? If I take it, I become nauseous and then vomit it all back up. Same thing happens with one of my daughters as well. We can both handle multivitamins with zinc just fine but zinc by itself is a no-go. Only thing I have been able to find online is that it can be hard to tolerate on an empty stomach but we get sick no matter when we take it.

    Also, how does pregnancy affect thyroid? I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and high cholesterol 3 months post-partum. My blood results during the pregnancy were great. But my sugar cravings were off the charts during pregnancy. I have since weaned back my sugar and am getting back into exercise (broke my foot during pregnancy so I was on bed rest way too long). And (in case it helps) I have been vegan for 7 yrs (with very low soy intake) and recently GF. My Dr doesn’t even believe the cholesterol and thyroid are connected, so I am obviously looking for help to become my own advocate!

    Thank you for your time and any guidance!!

  64. I’m a Graves + Hoshimotos patient since 2003 now including RA. I eat super clean and do yoga. I have had good improvement with your Essential T2 as far as my fatigue. I have a tight budget but am ready to get a try adding a few more of your supplements. Are there a couple you suggest to get these other needed basics listed in this article that you can suggest I consider? Thank you in advance for your time!

  65. Hello,

    For your webmaster, I found a non-working link in the above article. It’s under the following section:

    #5. Magnesium

    Under the list of “Symptoms of Magnesium,” it’s the link in the last bullet point:

    * See the full list here

    Obviously, this is bound to happen, from time-to-time, since you don’t control other websites and your blog is so packed full of information.

    Best wishes,

  66. The supplements you listed Bugleweed, motherwort,lemon balm, etc can I take a couple at a time, and how long do you take them to know if they are working, I’m still figuring out what I have and how to help myself, I went just to Dr, once since 6/2022 and there so many meds, supplements, that you Dr, say to take don’t know what to take, which ones to take, what to eat what to drink, I could use some help, and I have 1 cup of coffe with some milk in the morning hope that will not hurt me.

    • Hi Barb,

      Yes, Thyroid Daily Essentials contains all of the nutrients listed here with the exception of iron but you never want to just blindly take iron. Iron is something you only want to use if you test your labs first to determine you are low.

      Please also note that while Thyroid Daily Essentials contains all of the primary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the thyroid needs, you still may benefit from additional botanical (plant) based ingredients like guggulsterone, adrenal adaptogens, glandulars, and so on. These can be added on top of Thyroid Daily Essentials which is why I have more than 15+ thyroid supplements in addition to this multivitamin.

  67. Hi Dr Childs! I like you a lot and have a lot of respect for what you do to help us Hashi people. This is a very expensive disease in many ways. I am surprised that you are recommending people experiment with IODINE! I listened to the other side, from your numerous competitors and it seems some of us have a broad window for iodine, while others have a very small window for it, and you don’t know which you are. Urine iodine testing is available, but playing with it ourselves is not the way to go. Thanks for the vit and minerals piece–thankfully I’ve been on all that you noted.
    Sincerely, Bernadette

    • Hi Bernadette,

      Every human being needs iodine, including those with Hashimoto’s. It isn’t something you can get away from so it’s necessary to figure out how much you do best on. Whether you realize it or not, you’re getting iodine either from the food that you eat, the thyroid medication you are taking, or the cosmetics you put on your body/face.


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