16 Foods Naturally High in Iodine - Boost your Thyroid with Foods

16 Foods Naturally High in Iodine – Boost your Thyroid with Foods

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Yes, You Need Iodine

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Iodine is actually fairly controversial as far as minerals go. 

On one hand, you have a group of people who will tell you that iodine is dangerous and should never be used for your thyroid, and on the other, you have a group of people who want you to consume incredibly high amounts of iodine each day

But which side is right?

Well… both sides have some points but the truth lies somewhere in the middle. 

But let’s get this straight:

Humans REQUIRE iodine for optimal function (1) and they CAN NOT create it on their own. 

If you do not have enough iodine in your diet you will feel it in a very real way. 

And that real way will come from depressed thyroid function

If you are new to the thyroid game and what it does for your body then I would recommend checking out this article. 

But suffice it to say that your thyroid is probably one of the most important hormone-secreting glands in the entire body

Just because iodine is essential and necessary doesn’t mean that you can or should consume it willy-nilly. 

There is such a thing as too much. Just because your body needs iodine to survive doesn’t mean you should consume insanely high doses each and every day. 

We will go into more detail about how much iodine you should be consuming later in this article but for now, let’s talk about NATURAL sources of iodine. 

And I am of course talking about food: 


Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems:

I’ve found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Learn which foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease of any type.


The Complete List of Thyroid Lab tests:

The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly!


16 Foods High in Iodine

Because the human body cannot create iodine on its own it MUST get iodine from other sources. 

The most natural way to get iodine is by consuming foods that are naturally high in iodine. 

Natural sources of iodine are found all over but it tends to be most concentrated in certain areas of the ocean (2). 

So if you are consuming a food that comes from the ocean or spent some of its life there (such as fish or seaweed) then there’s a good chance that that food has a high iodine content. 

But there are other foods on the list that may surprise you. 

Below you will find a list of foods with rich iodine content. You will see that the dose of iodine found in each food varies fairly dramatically depending on the type of food, how it was processed, how big the portion is, and so on. 

It can be difficult to know exactly how much iodine you are consuming with each food group but the information below should act as a pretty good guide. 

To put the amount of iodine into perspective please see the section below which talks about dosing and how much iodine your body actually needs day to day. 

#1. Seaweed (1 gram contains between 16 and 1984mcg of iodine)

Seaweed is probably the single best source of naturally occurring iodine. 

And when it comes to different types of seaweed, you will get more bang for your buck by consuming dried seaweed (which is more concentrated). 

The concentration of iodine in seaweed can vary wildly, though, which makes the exact dose you are getting with each serving unknown. 

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you eat it sparingly, but if you have certain types of thyroid problems (more on that below) it can be a problem. 

#2. Milk (one cup = 94 mcg of iodine)

Milk is a great source of iodine but the problem here is that MANY people suffer from intolerance to dairy proteins and sugars. 

Lactose intolerance stems from an intolerance to milk sugar which as many as 70% of adults may acquire at some point in their lives. 

In addition, many people are also intolerant to the milk proteins such as casein. 

If you have thyroid problems, especially Hashimoto’s, then you may want to avoid dairy for this reason

#3. Organ Meats (2.5 ounce = 32 mcg of iodine)

Organ meats have a surprisingly high amount of iodine in each serving but may not be appetizing to everyone. 

If you can handle consuming organ meats then you will also get the benefit of other vitamins and minerals in highly concentrated doses. 

#4. Cod (a 3oz serving = 99mcg of iodine)

Cod is probably my favorite way to get iodine. 

It’s a light healthy fish that contains healthy omega 3’s as well as high protein content. 

#5. Iodized Salt (1.5 gram = 71 mcg of iodine)

This is very important!

Not all salts are iodized which means that not all salts contain iodine. 

In fact, most of the ‘professional’ or ‘healthy’ salts that people use do NOT contain iodine. 

And by ‘healthy’ salts I am referring to Himalayan pink salt and Celtic sea salt. 

These salts can contain additional minerals but they typically do not contain extra iodine. 

You should be aware of that if you are trying to calculate your daily dose of iodine!

Check to see if your salt is “iodized”. If it doesn’t say that it is then it does NOT contain iodine. 

#6. Shrimp (3 oz = 35 mcg of iodine)

#7. Tuna (3 oz = 17 mcg of iodine)

Tuna is packed with protein, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and is a great source of iodine. 

The only problem with tuna is that it can contain higher concentrations of mercury compared to other fish. 

#8. Eggs (1 large egg = 24 mcg of iodine)

Most of the iodine found in eggs comes from the yolk. 

If you are eating egg whites then you are probably not getting iodine or these other beneficial ingredients. 

#9. Turkey Breast (2.5 ounces = 30 mcg of iodine)

#10. Dried Prunes (5 prunes = 13 mcg of iodine)

#11. Lima Beans (1/2 cup = 8 mcg of iodine)

#12. Fish Sticks (2 fish sticks = 54 mcg of iodine)

While fish sticks do contain a relatively high dose of iodine they aren’t necessarily a great food to consume because they are often fried. 

Fried foods, especially when fried in vegetable oils, can cause inflammation in the body and lead to chronic health problems. 

If you do decide to eat fish sticks look for fish sticks that are fried in healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. 

#13. Yogurt (1 cup = 74 mcg of iodine)

If you opt to eat yogurt then choose plain Greek yogurt. 

Plain Greek yogurt is healthier than other types of yogurts and often contains much less sugar. 

#14. Bananas (1 medium banana = 3 mcg of iodine)

While bananas do provide your body with some iodine the amount in each banana is very minimal. 

If you wanted to get your daily dose of iodine from just bananas you’d have to eat some 50 to 100 bananas each and every day. 

#15. Strawberries (1 cup = 13 mcg of iodine) 

The same is true of strawberries. They are incredibly healthy but just don’t contain much iodine compared to other sources. 

#16. Canned Corn (1/2 cup = 14 mcg of iodine)

How Much Iodine is Enough?

Now that you know which foods provide your body with iodine we need to take a little bit of time to talk about how much iodine you should be consuming each day. 

This will put the concentration of iodine into perspective. 

And when we talk about daily iodine intake we need to talk about the RDA. 

The RDA is the daily recommended amount of any given nutrient provided by the Food and Nutrition Board. 

While the RDA is helpful as a guide, it’s important to understand that it’s not a perfect recommendation nor is it something that you should live or die by. 

The RDA doesn’t account for individual variability in terms of nutrient requirement nor does it account for declining nutrient concentration in foods due to modern farming techniques. 

These two big issues make it so the RDA is inadequate for a large number of the population. 

The RDA for iodine in healthy adults is around 150mcg (3). 

That means you will need to consume 150mcg of iodine each and every day to provide your body (and thyroid) with enough. 

Put into perspective, to get this dose you would need to eat…

  • 1-3 grams of seaweed each day OR
  • 1.5 cups of milk each day OR
  • 12.5 ounces of organ meat each day OR
  • 4.5 ounces of cod each day OR
  • 3 grams of iodized salt each day OR
  • 15 ounces of shrimp each day OR
  • 27 ounces of tuna each day OR
  • 6 large eggs each day OR
  • 50 bananas each day OR
  • 11.5 cups of strawberries each day

But these recommendations only account for healthy adult men and women. 

The recommended iodine dose is much higher if you are pregnant or lactating. 

If you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding then your iodine requirement shoots up to between 220 and 290 mcg each day. 

This is almost double what your body needs on the high end (290mcg pregnant vs 150mcg non-pregnant). 

And remember, this is just the RDA which is NOT a perfect guide. 

I find that most people, especially women, need more iodine than this recommended amount. 

I find the best results when having people supplement with around 300-400mcg each day. 

Don’t be scared to go over the RDA because your body can store and hold a significant amount of iodine (4). 

Your body can draw from this storage as necessary if you do not consume enough on any given day. 

Do You Need To Supplement with Iodine?

Even though the ideal way to get iodine is through your diet, it may not be possible to do this. 


Because of the sheer amount of food that you would be required to consume on a daily basis just to keep your levels normal. 

But that’s not all…

You also have to account for preferences in taste, allergies or sensitivities to food, special diets, and so on. 

When you add all of this together it’s actually quite difficult to reach even the low end of the RDA for some people. 

And, in case you forgot, the RDA only represents the SMALLEST amount that is recommended for day-to-day needs. 

It does NOT account for increasing your dietary consumption to help build up a reservoir of iodine for later use. 

So how are you supposed to make up the difference?

With dietary supplements that contain iodine

If you feel that you are consuming a diet high in iodine then it may not be necessary for you to use an iodine supplement but if you don’t think that you can OR if you are pregnant or lactating then looking at an iodine supplement is a great option. 

When supplementing with iodine you should look for supplements that contain anywhere from 150 to 300mcg of iodine per serving. 

You also want to make sure you are consuming a product that contains both iodide and iodine. 

foods naturally high in iodine

Iodine is predominately used in the thyroid gland but there are other tissues, such as breast tissue, which also require iodine. 

Consuming both forms of iodine will ensure that ALL of the tissues that need iodine are going to get it and can use it. 

I recommend iodine dosing in the 150 to 300mcg range because it allows you to still consume some iodine with food which will help build up your stores of iodine as well as provide your body with what it needs day to day. 

Even though the dosing of iodine is typically sufficient in the 150 to 300mcg range there are some people who take considerably more than that on a daily basis. 

In fact, some products have doses as high as 12.5mg per SERVING

Each milligram contains 1,000mcg so a dose of 12.5mg is like taking 12,500mcg per serving. 

This dose of iodine is sometimes recommended to help with the detoxification of halides from the body which can displace iodine from thyroid hormone (5). 

In addition, it is also felt to be necessary for some people with thyroid dysfunction who want to force the product of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland. 

In terms of safety, it’s usually best to start out with a lower dose of iodine (in the 150 mcg to 300mcg range) and then work yourself up over time. 

I personally take iodine every day and have given my own children doses of iodine in the 12.5mg range, so it’s quite safe for most people. 

Should Some People Avoid Iodine?

There are some people who definitely do not react well to iodine

But it’s important to figure out if you are truly reacting negatively to iodine or if you are just experiencing a detox reaction or a reaction from changes to your thyroid function. 

It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between a side effect and a true allergy. 

I have heard many reports from patients that I have personally treated that they are allergic to iodine. 

It doesn’t make sense that the body would be allergic to a nutrient that is REQUIRED to sustain thyroid function but it does appear to happen to some people. 

There are a large number of people who are avoiding iodine because they think it’s bad for them when it may not be. 

These people may experience something called bromoderma when they take iodine. 

Bromoderma is what happens when the body eliminates bromides which typically come up through the skin and resemble acne or whiteheads. 

Taking iodine can actually cause bromoderma as the body attempts to eliminate this halide. 

Even though it may seem bad, it’s actually not an allergy and is a good thing. 

Final Thoughts

Iodine is incredibly important as far as nutrients go because it is required for your thyroid to function! 

Whenever possible you should try to get iodine from food sources. 

You can do this by consuming healthy foods that are naturally high in iodine. 

Unfortunately, the iodine content can vary from serving to serving even among the same food groups which can make tracking iodine intake from food sources somewhat difficult!

In addition, sometimes it can be difficult to actually get as much iodine as you need from your diet given circumstances such as dietary needs, taste preferences, availability of food, and so on. 

In this situation, it may be a good idea to consider supplementing your iodine intake with dietary supplements. 

If you opt for this route then taking supplements that contain 150 to 300mcg of iodine per serving is probably the best place to start. 

There may also be some value in using even higher doses of iodine. 

When in doubt, start low and go slow!

Now I want to hear from you:

Do you think you are getting enough iodine from your diet?

Do you think your thyroid is suffering because you are iodine deficient?

Did you know that you should be taking MORE iodine if you are pregnant or lactating?

Are you taking any dietary supplements that contain iodine?

Leave your questions or comments below! 

#1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18590348/

#2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924166/

#3. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iodine-HealthProfessional/ 

#4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3063534/

#5. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1090031-overview 

the best foods to get iodine from

picture of westin childs D.O. standing

About Dr. Westin Childs

Hey! I'm Westin Childs D.O. (former Osteopathic Physician). I don't practice medicine anymore and instead specialize in helping people like YOU who have thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and weight loss resistance. I love to write and share what I've learned over the years. I also happen to formulate the best supplements on the market (well, at least in my opinion!) and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 7 years. You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do.

P.S. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now:

#1. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here.

#2. Need better symptom control? Check out my thyroid supplements.

#3. Sign up to receive 20% off your first order.

#4. Follow me on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for up-to-date thyroid tips, tricks, videos, and more.

35 thoughts on “16 Foods Naturally High in Iodine – Boost your Thyroid with Foods”

  1. Hey I have been on the “Thyroid glandular + ” supplement for 4 days now and i have a headache, feeling somewhat dizzy, muscle and joint tenderness/pain. Could this be a detox symptoms from the iodine? I have more energy which is good but im not sure if my body is disagreeing with the supplement or if this is some type of herx reaction?

    • Hi Lenette,

      Great question! And yes, most likely a detox reaction. Low-grade headaches are almost always related to detox reactions after starting supplements. The side effects should fade probably within 7-10 days or sooner and you will be good to go. You can cut down on your dose during this time to 1 capsule per day to allow your body to ease into it.

  2. Hi! So I am consistently very low in iodine, and have low thyroid function (I had Hashimotos, but lowered my antibodies to 0 thought diet and supplements), but I cannot seem to tolerate even one drop of Detoxidine? I gain weight rapidly, my face gets so puffy I don’t recognize myself, and get joint pain all over. Is this the detox? I just don’t know when to push through, and when to stop. Thanks so much!!!

  3. I was diagnosed with elevated LPa years ago. The geriatric doctor said this is a precursor to heart disease. Research I’ve found says to be careful and not take in too much iodine, copper and iron. My PCP now has little info to give on my questions about this. Where can I turn for correct info and do you have any regarding patients who also have hypothyroidism?

  4. I have Grave’s , nodules, goiters. I was told not to eat to much Iodine.
    What is your take on Grav’es. Thank you

    • Hi Henriette,

      Small doses of iodine are fine to take if you have Graves’ but should be avoided if you have toxic multinodular goiter. Iodine can’t be created by humans and yet it is required for life, regardless of thyroid status/condition. In addition, several other tissues aside from your thyroid need iodine to function. Avoiding iodine for any reason is just not a good idea for those reasons.

  5. About a month ago my doctor said to “Stop taking vitamin pills”
    Then a week later gave me a prescription for “Magnesium”. I did not take it and told the pharmacy to return it.
    the doctor has never given me an Iodine test!

    • Hi Joan,

      Unfortunately, doctors know very little about dietary supplements, botanicals, herbs, and so on! What’s strange is that magnesium is available over the counter so there is no need for a prescription. I have no idea why he/she would write a prescription for it when better alternatives exist over the counter. Often the pharmaceutical version of vitamins are filled with dyes/fillers/binders are not ideal for supplementation.

  6. I have had thyroid issues for 23 years. For over 15 years it was perfectly controlled- then came menopause and I have gained tremendous amounts of weight, have hair loss etc. one thing I have also noticed in the last 9 months is receding gums and sore gums. I am meticulous with my oral hygiene and so both the dentist and I have been perplexed. He said there was nothing I could do and sometimes these things are genetic. I was not satisfied with that answer and started researching. I found some small article somewhere that mentioned that sore & receding gums might be due to a lack of iodine so I figured it was worth a try. And within a few days my sore gums were sore no longer. I continued taking the iodine for a month or so and had no issues. However I began to get concerned that I might be taking too much iodine and so stopped for a week and lo and behold my sore gums returned within 6 or 7 days so I started taking it again. As long as I am consistent in taking 300mcg a day, my mouth issues are fine. I do worry that I might taking too much however, but I have no way of knowing, especially as my doctor does not think there is any correlation between the two and has advised me not to take the iodine…… are there any obvious symptoms of having too
    much iodine?

  7. Hi Dr. Child’s,
    I would like to first thank you for your incredibly informative and thorough information re thyroid disorder. There is one other but you are by far my “go to”. Your continuous emails always seem to hit at the right time.

    I have been healthy all my life, not a sickly person and with no medical issues in the slightest. Very fortunate. Type A, amazing energy, fast thinker, good memory etc. One exception was 35 years ago when I started having headaches. In my middle 30’s. . Nothing going on to support why they were happening but became a daily occurrence. Didn’t know what to do. Asked gyno to run hormones even thou I was too young for hrt.
    Calls to tell me I was right. Red flag! Started hrt and it did help a little but still had to take my Excedrin daily. I’m the girl who takes (2) Excedrin a Year an some vitamins. Working out 3-4x a week.
    Headaches continue, just not right. Internist can find nothing wrong.
    Sent home to take prescription pain pills at this point. Not happy about this. No one helping me so I said to myself, I’m going to figure this out myself. I have no medical background. Started reading medical daily, grateful I understood what I was reading, complex an voluminous. I enjoy reading medical and go for hours. Go figure. In the interim went to Scripts which is a hospital here in CA that figures out medical problems that other doctors are not able. Went to see (4). Came up with nothing. Had to decide which medical specialty and physician to go an see. Talk about a needle in a hay stack and it’s dark outside! Chose Endocrinology. Of all the doctors to chose from, the one I want is not accepting new patients. I decide to write her a letter and she calls me direct and tells me to come an see her! Yay…….. 🙂
    Long story short, of all that I could have chosen, I could not have chosen better!!!! She knew out the gate what the issues were after running lab. Amazing! Lost my serotonin etc. An 1 1/2 hours away from my home.
    The list of side effects when you lose your serotonin are not fun. The most excruciating headaches on the top of my head. To move my head an inch in the morning or ability to get up to go to the bathroom required Vicodin 750. Eventually got better but level of headaches still around requiring lower strength pain pill. Not right and went to various Endo’s year after year. All said I was fine. I knew they were missing it. I knew it could only be one of two things. But what am I suppose to do? Tell the doctor they’re missing it. Take their head out of there antiquated ways from what they learned 30 years ago? To them, what would a patient know? All I knew was one day this issue is going to show itself and it’s not going to be good.

    May 2019, 66 years old. All of a sudden forgetting a piece of information I had just been told, burning up like in a continuous hot flash daily, feeling beat up more an more everyday. Gyno tells me I have no T4/T3, (your 2nd Brain), is not converting and is why I feel so horrendous. Actually had to quit work. Unheard of for me.
    After the 1st appt. w Endo., my gut told me I’m going to have to save myself, literally! Note, I went to see all these doctors just to hear what they would say was the cause of no thyroid hormones and many side effects happening at the same time, 24/7. The responses I got were ridiculous, as I already knew allot from reading medical, AGAIN, now with thyroid. So full of drek! Patients fall for whatever the doctor says. They don’t know any better.
    The next 8 doctors, Endo’s, 2 naturopathic, tell me I am doing great and all was good. All they follow is doing the TSH/T4 test an that’s it. Regardless of your lab results, side effects an how you’re feeling. After 9 months of being dysfunctional an “40” side effects at that point, literally, an no help. Feeling trashed was an understatement. Your cognition is seriously affected yet somehow suppose to find the wherewith-all to read and understand the Endocrine System, complex. Started lab testing. Everything I tested showed totally deficient, less than bottom of the range. One of them was “Iodine”. The reason I lost my T4/T3!! Bingo…..
    It is inexcusable that I have been out of thyroid hormones for over 2 Years. INSANE an UNHEARD OF.
    The negative impact this will do to you internally is major. Allot of pain an suffering as more an more issues will turn up internally. Bet my last dime there is not one Endocrinologist with a patient for which this has happened. Had I not replenished all the areas that were deficient, I would be in the hospital or being cared for by someone. I look forward to writing about each doctor, on their website, to let others considering to make an appt., and what will happen if they have a thyroid problem.

    Completely understandable why T4 thyroid medication is the #1 prescribed medication in the U.S.
    Abominable. How this problem had been ignored is mind boggling. Doctors are only interested in pushing that monthly claim thru an prescribing a drug to then refill over and over.

    Having your IODINE IS CRITICAL as you have stated.

    To date, I have finally met an Endo. who actually understands T4/T3 loss. Put me on Synthroid but said not doable bec of colitis, gut disorder due to thyroid and drug resistant. Won’t process to full extent. Taking Tirosint.

    Same issue with Cytomel in my opinion so have requested “SR T3”. Something tells me he doesn’t do much compounding so I plead my case with supporting information and reasoning behind appropriate dosing. There is no reason for him to say no in my opinion. Not only am I trying to save myself but get my thyroid back. No reason to have to be on thyroid meds when all has been producing for 66 years an no prior medical issues.

    There’s more to it than taking T4/T3 meds. Only doctors aren’t telling their patients the rest of what needs to be checked and rectified in order for it to happen. How sad is this? But if it were them in this situation and I as their doctor, they would be begging me to help them.

    The only supplement I take that has iodine is your Thyroid Glandular. I am not sure what or if it is doing anything for me due to my nitemare. I am taking other supplements to help rebuild myself internally since it has been thrown upside down for 2 years. Gawd only knows what damage it has caused. I would know better of this supplement and its benefits with me if I wasn’t in the is mess. I hope these thyroid meds kick in sooner than later. I am so tired of being fatigued everyday, 24/7, for so long, it’s crazy. I just want Cindy and my life back.

    Kind regards,
    Cindy Lee

  8. Dear dr Childs,
    Thank you for this blog.
    I still have one question:
    Why would Hashimoto’s patients on a full substition dose (LT-4 and LT-3) still need at least 150 mcg of iodine. The iodine the thyroid uses to produce thyroid hormones is in the medication…. I read a healthy thyroid needs about 70 to 80 mcg per day to make enough TH …..

    Regards and TIA,

    • Hi Elma,

      Most patients are not taking a full substitution dose of thyroid medication unless their TSH is non-existent. In addition, other tissues beyond the thyroid still have a demand for iodine.

      • Dear dr. Childs,
        thanks for your quick reply.
        I am actually asking this because my real question is: could a long term (20 years) iodine intake below 150 mcg (f/i 100 mcg or less) due to a gluten free diet (if you don’t eat bread enriched with iodine that makes a huge difference for your iodine intake) contribute to osteopenia?
        In other words 🙂 : does non-hormonal iodine have a function in bone formation, either directly or indirectly?

        Kind regards from The Netherlands 🙂 and TIA!
        Also thank you very much for your excellent and very interesting blogs. I always read them.

  9. I have been on levothyroxine med. for a long time and dose is 25mcg. For all this time and my doctor refuses to increase my dose no matter what lab.result .I have lost all my hair and feel lousey and have brain fog and tired what should I do ?? FA.

  10. can you tell me whether taking your T3 booster supplement will affect my thyroid blood test? I have recently started taking half a grain of armour thyroid and I am due to have my first blood test after 5 weeks. I have heard that taking iodine can affect your blood results.

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Helen,

      It may impact your blood tests but it’s not something you will know about until you get them retested. I wouldn’t focus on lab tests as a measure of whether or not it’s working, though, as your symptoms are a better indicator.

  11. Can you suggest any good brand for iodized salt ? Some of the popular brands are highly processed and not recommended for daily use.

    • Hi Archana,

      I usually don’t recommend using iodized salt as a source of iodine intake so I don’t have any good brands to recommend, unfortunately.

  12. I developed a thyroid problem from eating too many goitrogenic foods. I adjusted my diet to exclude the offending foods and included a half cup of unsweetened cranberry juice, one or two brazil nuts and some pumpkin seeds each morning. The cranberry juice, eggs and milk comprise most of my iodine intake.

  13. Your emails are SO timely! I bet I am low in iodine. After info from your website earlier I began T3 at 2 1/2 mcg daily (low & slow) to add to my 45mg dose of NPT hoping for improvement in my energy level. Then I recently realized eggs were causing skin issues so eliminated them along with dairy products. Use to consume at least 6 organic eggs per week which would of helped my iodine level. After hearing this session I am beginning Ionic Iodine which has 225mcg in 3 drops. I use sea salt & will watch closer the foods that you listed to keep track but is there a way to check my iodine level?

    • Hi Diane,

      Yes, there are several ways to check iodine levels but they are not particularly accurate and only give you partial information on your iodine status. I will do a blog post on these in the future.

  14. Your article has been so helpful for me. I had a thyroidectomy at in 2006, I am now on Levo T4 and T3, I started using more iodine salt (because of your article I never knew!) and already feel better. Is it ok to supplement iodine if I have no thyroid? I think it should be ok because I have had low thyroid/energy/weight/joint pain since having thyroid removed and have never supplemented it before. I think the iodine will help as it already seems to. Just wanted your thoughts, also I started taking Irish Sea Moss (which has some iodine) and my energy has been better, I just don’t want to throw my levels off. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you Kristy

  15. Thank you for the informative article. I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and I have a goiter. I have spoken to many medical professionals from both sides (traditional western medicine and holistic) as well as other patients with years of experience. About 50% are screaming at me not to take any iodine and the other 50% are screaming that I must take iodine. I’ve always eaten a lot of eggs and fish, and eat almost everything else you listed. I seriously don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.


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