Tag: thyroid medications | Dr. Westin Childs: Thyroid Supplements & Thyroid Resources
will taking thyroid medication cause a heart attack

Will Taking Thyroid Medication Cause A Heart Attack?

I can’t think of a more scary headline for a thyroid patient than to hear that the very thyroid medication they are taking may be associated with a heart attack.  This is especially important when you consider that heart attacks tend to impact older generations and that up to 25% of people over the age of …

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the best thyroid medication for weight loss

The Best Thyroid Medication for Weight Loss

It’s no secret that thyroid patients often struggle with their weight.  If you are reading this, and you have low thyroid function or hypothyroidism, then you probably know what I am talking about.  Your thyroid is one of the primary regulators of your metabolism.  This is why people who have low thyroid function end up …

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sustained release T3: should you use this thyroid medication_

Sustained Release T3 (SR T3): When to Compound Your T3

What is Sustained Release T3? You probably already know that T3 is the single most important thyroid hormone in your body.  If you’ve spent any time researching, then you probably ALSO know that you can take T3 as a medication and that most thyroid medications contain only T4.  But what you may not be aware …

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Synthroid isn't working

Synthroid: 5 Reasons it isn’t working for you

Synthroid Can Work (But not always) Look.  Many people are quick to jump on the bandwagon and make statements like Synthroid or levothyroxine simply don’t work.  But is that actually true? Not entirely. In fact, Synthroid CAN work for a lot of people.  But it is true that there are other options that may be …

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thyroid medication dosage chart

Thyroid Medication Dosage & Conversion Chart (For All Thyroid Medications)

Are you taking one type of thyroid medication but considering switching to another? If so, then this is the article for you.  The truth is that while many thyroid medications contain similar ingredients the switching process is not as straightforward as you might think.  We are going to talk about switching from T4-only medications (levothyroxine …

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why your thyroid dose changes over time

You Can’t Stay on the Same Thyroid Medication Dose Forever

It might come as a surprise to hear that your dose of thyroid medication will probably need to be changed constantly throughout your life.  In other words, it’s very unlikely that you will be on a “stable” or “constant” dose of thyroid medication for the rest of your life.  In this article, we are going …

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10 things to know about armour thyroid

10 Things Thyroid Patients Should Know About Armour Thyroid

I’m a big fan of Armour thyroid (and other formulations of NDT) and have used it on many, many patients.  But, like any prescription medication, Armour thyroid has some important aspects that you should be aware of as a patient.  If you are someone who is considering using Armour thyroid, if you are someone who …

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How Coffee Causes Problems For Thyroid Medication

How Coffee Causes Problems For Thyroid Medication (All Types)

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Recent studies show that up to 64% of Americans drink about a cup of coffee each and every day (1).  This isn’t a problem by itself (although it could be as we will soon see) but it can be a major problem if you are consuming your coffee with your prescription medications.  In particular, I’m talking …

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Armour thyroid dosage guide

Armour Thyroid Dosage Guide: Are you Taking Enough?

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Are you currently taking Armour Thyroid but not sure that your dose is where it should be? Are you still struggling with fatigue, weight gain, or hair loss even after transitioning from levothyroxine to Armour? Are you thinking about switching medications but not sure if Armour is right for you?  If so, this article is …

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can you stop taking your thyroid medication once you start_ (1)

Can you Stop Taking Thyroid Medication Once You Start?

Thyroid medication (Synthroid) is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States.  But do all of those people who take Synthroid (or any other type of thyroid medication) have to do it forever? Not necessarily, and that’s something I want to explore in this article.  Article highlights: Why People Start Taking Thyroid …

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